
Be My Brayshaw Quotes

Be My Brayshaw by Meagan Brandy

"Every little thing from me stirs a reaction inside her."
"Secrets are what make worlds like these go round."
"Nothing is more dangerous to a single person than what’s hidden inside them."
"For every burning king, there’s a boy who rises from the ash."
"My truths will hurt some, break many, and might just lead one Brayshaw to the grave, but greed is a cunning bastard, and I’m its newest victim."
"Trust me, Brayshaw, you’ll be more than she ever could have."
"We can't even pretend to know how she got 'em."
"Trust is normally a two-way street, Cap, but in our case it's a four-lane, one-way highway."
"I will love you with all I am and protect you with all my might, my little Zoey."
"You think I give a shit about anything that could possibly come from your mouth? You're nothing but an added figurine."
"I'm hollow, Cap. Torn apart, depleted, and re-stitched with a whole lot of nothing."
"Because I know a scorned Brayshaw when I see one."
"You could try to deny me with your words, Cap, but your body knows the truth, and your mind will never allow such a lie."
"We Brayshaws... we're wolves. When we decide we want something, that makes it ours. There is no going back, no changing our minds. It's sealed in the heavens and etched along the walls of hell."
"You might not have made a decision, but that girl has."
"I'm not saying it's easy, I'm saying the second it clicks, it's over, instant and eternal. Endless."
"Moving her ass in is how we keep an eye on her. She's gotta be here."
"It's past keeping an eye on her and we all know it."
"You don’t need a Brayshaw to become one. All you have to do is earn it."
"I’ll earn their trust, prove my loyalty, and earn my token of acceptance as they all have theirs."
"Anyone who gets between me and what I want will be dealt with in true Bray fashion, because that’s who I am supposed to be."
"My knuckles are brass, beauty. I’ve got no use for anything golden."
"And that, my boy, is why you both sit starved."
"A week of hate for them burns like a lifetime."
"For the very first time since I learned I was a dad... I believe it."
"So she does sleep in the bed, but not under the covers..."
"Hope and horror. Such a deadly combination on you, Beauty."
"You ruined everything," I tell her, sliding my mouth to her ear, and down her neck in a torturously slow manner. "And I hate you for it."
"What’s worse is the way the knowledge makes me ache."
"Hate me today, Cap," she speaks to herself. "But careful. You might just love me tomorrow."
"We just… forever keep trying to survive and hope we don’t fuck up everything along the way."
"This isn’t the first time I’ve caught you staring their way. I’m starting to wonder if you’re looking to party like Royce," he says, face blank.
"Breathe," Captain whispers in my ear, leaving his mouth there to tickle against my skin.
"Time ticks by in weighted silence, but finally, five shots and fifty-four minutes in, a low chuckle makes its way past Victoria’s lips."
"Anger cuts through me, but like a shard of glass dipped in poison, it stings of betrayal when I wish it would burn with hate."
"I know he spent weeks searching so he could bring me back home, where I belonged, with my family, and instead of killing her like he easily could have, he let her live."
"Because all my life I listened to the filth people had inside them. I was the shadow behind their ugly, an unseen threat, felt and feared."
"I sought out every secret I could find and did what was needed to right the wrongs."
"Rich people see no threat in those who have nothing."
"He’s giving himself to me in small pieces, and I don’t want him to take any back."
"I was bored more than anything, so I would go out into the little yard attached, and daydream about climbing the wall, until one day I heard a couple kids playing somewhere near, and said, ‘fuck it’ and tried."
"Getting those, planting those, that’s when my life actually began. With a purple flower."
"All eyes are on us the remainder of the day."
"You don’t have to do what others think is right, what the world, what our world, said is right? In the end, Cap. You’re the one that has to choose, to decide, if you want this life or not, the decision is yours. It has to be one you can be proud of, not one you wish you could change."
"We decided a long time ago who we want to be, and that’s not changing. It’s time the town catches up."
"I can’t," she admits. "I’ve tried and I just... can’t."
"Your tears won’t work with me, Mallory, but if it gets you away, fine."
"I said your tears won’t work, so turn them off."
"You don’t have to tell her who I am!" she shouts.
"I’m aware." I shove the door to The Wolves Den the rest of the way open, but I’m not seeing her or my brother anywhere.
"I’ve been trying to get you alone for days. I’m not going anywhere."
"You shouldn’t be afraid of seeing her. She’s… god, Mallory." A shuddered cry steals my breath. "She’s perfect. Beautiful."
"No, you didn’t. You should have stayed away. You should walk away now."
"He’s letting me see her," she shares, gauging me.
"I knew you’d be at that festival," she admits.
"Tell him I can’t come, that I don’t want to see her."
"Hope is a dangerous beast, it sinks you and... When you drown, your hope floats, but it’s not strong enough to pull you up with it. So, like a body chained to a brick, down you go."
"The way I see it, that’s where the anchor broke from the chain, crashed to the deepest part of the sea where only one person will be brave enough to go. This person will dive headfirst into the dark waters, not caring to make it back to the surface, because to fix what’s broken in you is worth the risk of losing everything, even life."
"If there are two bleeding souls, and only enough thread to mend one. Who do you heal?"
"It’s proof of your heart, Captain Brayshaw. It’s what makes you, you."
"It is my hope that this will ease your soul."
"You’re so annoying, do you have to do this every day?"
"Like someone is playing soccer in my stomach."
"No, you shouldn’t have, and I didn’t stop you. I offered another way, and yes you can, just… breathe."
"Why haven’t you left, Vee? I’m awful to you."
"You’re alone, fifteen, and having a baby. I might be awful too if I was in your shoes."
"Not for reasons you probably think. Only of the pain."
"Only you know if you’re not ready to be a mom. That’s your decision, and if you’re not and you know it, then... I think admitting that makes you stronger than anyone I know."
"But it’s weak, and wrong, that the father is out there, someone who would want and love her in a heartbeat, and you don’t want to give him the chance."
"And your life is more important than your child’s?"
"I don’t want to be a mother, and I don’t want the reminder that I am anywhere near me."
"This person will dive headfirst into dark waters, not caring to make it back to the surface, because to fix what’s broken in you is worth the risk of losing everything..."
"That’s your daddy and look at this one. There’s your mom."
"Every single muscle in her body locks as her eyes flutter, flying between mine."
"Please no. Please. Let me get there in time."
"Everyone has a place in the world, and you’ve just found yours."
"I want all your past and every minute of your future."
"So what do you say, baby, will you be my Brayshaw?"
"Today, I want you to look around and find what you love. What speaks to you, and I want you to have it."
"All your life you had what others gave you, did what others told you, and then you came here, and every move you made was for someone else. Never you."
"I guess I didn’t want to find out if she’d end up the same way. It was one of those situations where it was better to assume than know for sure."
"I’m the wave, he’s the anchor, and this life is our ocean."
"Because this place is as safe as safe can be."
"It’s good to finally meet one of you, in the flesh."