
Psycho Fae Quotes

Psycho Fae by Jasmine Mas

"Far below, frothy white-capped waves slammed against the ancient ice."
"This home was a two-hour horse ride from portal three, where I had just been reassigned to work with a new alpha."
"All children in the realm were required to attend boarding school from twelve to eighteen years old."
"Having a sister to dote on filled the hole in my heart."
"Rare electric-blue frost flowers covered the brick facade of our home, a testament to my mother’s long career as a florist."
"‘Little’ is subjective. It all depends on comparison, and frankly, it’s quite rude that you would identify us as such."
"The shifter realm was a cold, brutal place, and orphans were not common."
"The only home I’d ever known was built on the edge of a jagged white glacier and overlooked the raging sea."
"The pain in my eyes was nostalgic as I trekked up the steps carved into the glacier."
"I exhaled loudly into the icy wind as I approached the house and reminded myself that it was not productive to obsess over my fellow alpha."
"After being alone for so many years, having a sister to dote on filled the hole in my heart."
"The salt burned my eyes as I trekked up the steps carved into the glacier. The perilous path led to the only home I’d ever known."
"I squinted my eyes at the creepy blackness and asserted what I wanted out of life. ‘It’s a no from me. I’m not going down there.’"
"I saved my body, but the throbbing in my head told me that my last functioning brain cell had bitten the dust."
"‘Go squeak yourself!’ I yelled at the rat as it scurried away."
"So I did what I did best. I ignored my lack of mental health and relied on inappropriate humor and unhealthy coping mechanisms to survive."
"‘Everything about you is mine to know about,’ Cobra scoffed, like the idea that I had bodily autonomy was laughable."
"I was 99 percent sure the principles that applied to mean prepubescent shifter teens applied to bloodthirsty adult fae with insane powers."
"In the howling den of violence that was the fae prison, we held each other in comfortable silence."
"Holy tits, if the entire realm was like this, I wanted to live outside. Who needed buildings?"
"Instead of sobbing like a little bitch, I breathed in deeply through my nose and focused on the positives."
"‘I can do it myself.’ Like a strong, independent woman, I jumped over the edge of the chariot and entered with no help. Just kidding."
"I gently banged my head against the wall of the chariot and prayed for a swift, violent death. Please, moon goddess, just pop my head off and save me from all this suffering."
"Whoever was in charge of the universe was a piece of shit."
"I fought the urge to stick my tongue out at him."
"They better at least pay me first. It was called knowing your worth and having class."
"Sun god forbid one male with mental health issues not target me."
"I was calm and measured, unfazed by any situation. I didn’t feel a single emotion, just blessed numbness."
"There were stories of fae with abilities that weren’t always weaponizable in every situation: fire fae who could see into flames far into the future, air fae who could speak to the wind, water fae who could communicate with monstrous sea creatures, and earth fae who could plant docile forests."
"My intuition told me it wasn’t a coincidence they were secrets. That they were unique powers they kept hidden for a reason."
"The warm air was rich. It inflated my lungs and muscles with vibrating energy; every cell in my body burned with the need, the energy, to destroy my opponent."
"For the longest moments, we leaped from section to section. We fought for our lives. There was nothing but air beneath my feet as I flew, kicking midair and balancing precariously on the small platforms."
"Something magical. My muscles warmed, my heartbeat steadied, and adrenaline coursed through me like a cold flame."
"It’s me, Aran! I can help her, so move before we lose her!"
"Not dead yet, bitch." I made a duck face and held up two peace signs.
"You are not wondering about a sex clinic after you almost died? Do you know how stressed I’ve been?"
"I definitely would not be telling her about the time I’d broken a statue in school because I’d run into it."
"Hopefully, the fae would learn to respect sentient life as much as they respected art."
"At this point, the thought of sitting all day and not moving was downright erotic."
"Nope, I’m good." Turned out I was also a coward."
"Hell, the way he held himself ramrod straight with his biceps tensed radiated, 'stay the fuck away.'"
"You could just tell when some people were toxic. He was some people."
"Somewhere between me riding his face in the closet, being naked in front of the entire realm, and swan diving onto hard sand in the arena, something had shifted in Cobra."
"The schedule was depressing as hell, mostly because it said breakfast ended at eight in the morning and the kitchen closed at nine at night. So much for sleeping in and late-night snacks."
"I didn’t need to date any of them, just have sex."
"Frankly, surviving was at the top of the list."
"Rationally, it didn’t matter, and I was a bad bitch who didn’t need a man."
"Unsurprisingly, because they had centuries to amass their fortunes, alphas ruled over all these sectors. Within the rules of the Mafia or outside them."
"Alphas would always be vicious creatures, and omegas were nothing more than their breeding toys and tickets to greater wealth and fame."
"It was silly in hindsight; all it took was a pile of a dozen pillows and three fuzzy blankets sprayed with chemically tailored alpha scents and I slept like a baby."
"The problem was, even though I was an omega and had subservient inclinations, I’d grown up training to be a warrior."
"But my body was still overcome with stress at the sound of an alpha’s distress, regardless of what I wanted."
"Everyone knew the angel and demon realm was full of overpowered psychopaths."
"The beast realm was a rainy concrete jungle that was perpetually overcast with artificial, glowing neon colors."
"For the first time in my entire life, an alpha scent that wasn’t manufactured comforted me."
"Instead of throwing off her blankets and pillows just to spite her, I turned over and shoved my nose into the pillow and tucked the blankets under my chin."
"I was a cool, collected cucumber with fantastic mental health and an unwavering core of strength."
"I just wanted a sun-god-damn bubble bath and a good book."
"Fighting was one thing, but a seduction contest?"
"It was empowering, and I was enjoying my newfound self-confidence."
"Who knew a color on your nails could be so life changing?"
"Denial was a very effective coping mechanism."
"You would think she’d never seen a woman who had been forced to fight for her life barefoot over hot sand."
"It was something I had wanted so badly that I’d been afraid to wish for it, or even think about it."
"If this were a story, I would have been sad that my scars were gone because they’d been a piece of me and shown my struggle. This was real life."
"Tears tracked down my face like a waterfall as I whispered about enchantments being enchanting."
"What would the realm’s first female gladiator do?"
"So do we think I can appease the vampyre by dancing sexy?"
"My entire life, I’d repressed my omega nature and ignored my instincts."
"For the first time in my life, I’d found someone who understood what it was like to survive abuse."
"I wanted to be lavished in sweet cranberries and sunshine."
""I’m saying yes to the dress," I wailed dramatically."
"As soon as it touched my lips, it fizzed and glided down my throat."
""You aren’t dying. We will come up with a plan," Jax growled."
"The tension in the room was slowly draining away, since both Aran and Cobra weren’t acting murderous."
"No one else was to touch, look, or talk to Sadie."
""We wait until Sadie is not with him, then we’ll drag him into the hall.""
"Noah had disobeyed our strict orders and was dancing with my kitten. This meant war."
""Focus on yourself. Don’t worry about me, little gladiator.""
"Bold of her. Once again, I loved her energy."
"It felt wrong to ruin the effects of the sparkle juice by going to bed early."
"We were practically submitting to the patriarchy by not embracing our sexuality and shoving our vaginas in everyone's faces."
"Since my death was imminent, it seemed like a good time to have some sexual experiences."
"I sent a small prayer to the moon goddess and asked her not to slut shame me."
"It wasn’t a big deal that they made the sex pact; they could do whatever they needed to mentally survive the Fae Games."
"How are we ever going to have a successful hot-girl ho phase if we still have it intact?"
"I knew my features were a little too fierce, my red eyes startling, and my cheekbones harsher than most fae’s, but I still didn’t think that warranted a bag."
"I was so frustrated that it was easy to make myself cry."
"I’m gonna strangle you with your intestines if you don’t finish me right now, you bastar—"
"I have a homicidal voice in my head that takes over, and I become a killing machine without emotions."
"Every time you were sad, or lonely, I tried to comfort you."
"Harbingers of fae death. Death to the queen."
"I controlled all my snakes, always. I am my shadow snakes."
"He tastes like violence and power. Unbridled strength."
"But he's too young and weak. Too caring. He doesn’t have the edge of brutality necessary for true power. His blood doesn’t burn."
"He slowly bent forward, fangs flashing menacingly as the anticipation wound around us like a noose."
"A girl met a monster underneath the twin suns of a brutal realm."
"If this was a poem, the stillness might have felt like fate."
"The more I concentrated on the snake, the more I could feel its presence."
"This one is different. I haven’t tasted blood like this in a long time. This one might be elite."