
Menace Quotes

Menace by J.M. Darhower

"Wake up, sunshine," a voice called out in a frantic whisper as the little girl was shaken, roused from a deep, dreamless sleep. "Please, wake up for me."
"It’s time to play a game," her mother said, voice shaky as tears fell from her deep brown eyes. "We talked about this. Remember? Hide & Seek. You and me."
"I know, baby," she said, "and it’s okay to be scared, but remember what we talked about? Remember what Mommy said about what to do when something scares you?"
"If you give the monster a name, it takes away its power, because we’re really just afraid of what we don’t know. If you name it, if you know what it is, you can be stronger than it. So face your fears and wipe your tears, remember? Face your fears and wipe your tears."
"You’d be better off just drinking paint thinner," a voice says. It’s playful and feminine with a tone that makes me think of home.
"Because if you wanted to scream, you would’ve just done it," I say, patting down her flimsy coat, feeling for some pockets. "Now give it to me."
"You do not need her," he said, not a hint of emotion in his words. "I am all you need."
"I’m not allergic to feelings. I’ve got them."
"Rumor and gossip... it matters. Because while you might be proud of your character, while you might be the kind of person who doesn’t yield, it doesn’t mean a damn thing if the jackass coming up behind you believes you’re getting out of his way, because he’s just going to run you over."
"You can’t just be all one thing. If you’ve gotta be a monster, you be a fucking shapeshifter."
"There’s nothing more powerful than holding someone’s life in your hands, knowing they’re not strong enough to overpower you."
"Good luck finding... whoever she is. Don’t kill yourself! Or anybody else..."
"You see, while women like bad boys, they don’t really like them. They want a bad boy in reputation, not one in execution."
"You shoot one scumbag in front of a pretty little blonde and suddenly you go from being James Dean to Charlie Manson."
"I’m starting to understand what everyone says about you."
"You burn a little witch at the stake and she’ll laugh in your face."
"They say Disney World is the happiest place on earth. I can’t attest to that, since I’ve never been, but I’m pretty sure I do know where the most miserable place is: the 60th precinct in Brooklyn."
"Life stopped playing nice with me when I was just a kid, and I grew up fast after that... faster than a kid should ever grow up."
"You’ve never seen it? They come to the city to make it on Broadway, and I figured, you know, what was stopping me from doing that?"
"I was just a normal guy… normal family, normal life. But I was at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and saw something I shouldn’t have seen."
"There are only two kinds of people in this world, so if you’re not my friend, Georgie? I guess I’ll have to count you among my enemies."
"I prefer it with more of a bite. Maybe next time."
"People don’t get to me the way a look from this woman claws its way under my skin."
"If you don’t appreciate what you’ve got, someone like me will be more than happy to take it."
"Men like Amello get their panties in a twist when you steal from them."
"Mind your own business and you’ll live a hundred years."
"Scarlet’s cheeks flush, visible even through the thick layers of makeup, her eyes twinkling, every ounce of boredom gone in a blink."
"When the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away."
"I’m not sure I can say the same about you, though."
"I admire a man who takes what he wants, because I do the same."
"Locks won’t stop someone determined to get in."
"If people want to help themselves to it, so be it… they can have it all."
"I’ve yelled ‘fire’ so many times that nobody even looks my way anymore."
"I’m just grounded. Tagged and tracked. My wings got clipped."
"It’s like getting your dick wet but never getting off."
"You don’t need depth perception or pinpoint aim to throw a fucking grenade."
"Don’t go walking on eggshells around me over some perceived disability you’re thinking I’ve got."
"Ammunition is a no-no in my house. You see, bullets don’t come with names on them, which means anyone can catch one, if you pull the trigger, and I can’t get down with that. You got me?"
"Rules don’t apply to me, so don’t get any stupid ideas."
"Sometimes the stories are horrific, Scarlet. Just because you haven’t found some bullshit Prince Charming doesn’t mean fairy tales aren’t real. They’re just not always pretty pictures."
"Affection is the only thing that keeps Lassie from going all Cujo."
"If it doesn’t kill you..." He trails off with a laugh. "I might be an asshole, Scarlet, but that little game kept you from fading, didn’t it?"
"You zone out, I choke you. Whether or not I let go is anybody’s guess. You still okay with this?"
"They’re wild animals, Scarlet. I see to their needs and they stay loyal because of it. But sometimes, you know, something goes wrong, so you don’t let yourself get attached, in case you have to put one of them down. You get me?"
"You’re an asshole," I mutter, peeking at him. "Seriously, that’s your favorite fairy tale?" "At least it has a happy ending."
"Don’t act like you’ve never seen a dick before, Pretty Boy," Lorenzo says, skirting around me, brushing against me. "I know you’ve got one. I used to change your diapers, remember?"
"Falling doesn’t hurt... It’s living through it that sure as hell would."
"I’d rather be doused in gasoline and set on fire."
"I’m just saying, there are worse ways to go."
"Dying has nothing on the horrors of surviving."
"I’d rather be a breathing coward than a brave corpse."
"There doesn’t need to be any problems... Just give her up."
"You’re not too old for me to take over my knee, Pretty Boy," Lorenzo said, pointing the spatula. "You weren’t raised in a fucking barn."
"The table isn’t set," Lorenzo says. "What are we, animals?"
"You taste like oranges," he says, licking his lips. "Good oranges. Not that cheap watery shit from a box."
"We eat to live, kitten. We do not eat for fun. So eat your kasha. It is good for you."
"You think she is looking for you? That someday you will hear, ‘Knock-knock, kitten, Mommy is here’?"
"It’s going to take time. We can’t rush this. We’re not stopping, we’re not giving up... we’re just taking the time to get it right so what happened before doesn’t happen again."
"You just need to be patient for a little while longer. You want the case to stick, don’t you? When we take him down, you want him to stay down, right?"
"You have to be kidding me." I shove it all aside as I scan through files again. There has to be another one somewhere. There has to be more."
"I don’t know that I’d say anything’s wrong..."
"I kind of got myself into a bit of a pickle. Not sure how to get back out."
"You got a file on me, Scarlet?" he asks, his voice casual, nothing accusatory in his tone.
"No," I say, looking down at it. "Well, I guess I technically do now. It’s your police file."