
Grit: The Power Of Passion And Perseverance Quotes

Grit: The Power Of Passion And Perseverance by Angela Duckworth

Grit: The Power Of Passion And Perseverance Quotes
"By the time you set foot on the campus of the United States Military Academy at West Point, you’ve earned it."
"Beast is described in the West Point handbook for new cadets as 'the most physically and emotionally demanding part of your four years at West Point.'"
"Who spends two years trying to get into a place and then drops out in the first two months?"
"What struck Mike was that rising to the occasion had almost nothing to do with talent."
"Our potential is one thing. What we do with it is quite another."
"Grit is about working on something you care about so much that you’re willing to stay loyal to it."
"Talent is how quickly your skills improve when you invest effort. Achievement is what happens when you take your acquired skills and use them."
"Eighty percent of success in life is showing up."
"Grit isn’t just working incredibly hard. That’s only part of it."
"Great things are accomplished by those people whose thinking is active in one direction, who employ everything as material, who always zealously observe their own inner life and that of others, who perceive everywhere models and incentives, who never tire of combining together the means available to them."
"Passion as a compass—that thing that takes you some time to build, tinker with, and finally get right, and that then guides you on your long and winding road to where, ultimately, you want to be."
"Do things better than they have ever been done before."
"A clear, well-defined philosophy gives you the guidelines and boundaries that keep you on track."
"The top-level goal is not a means to any other end. It is, instead, an end in itself."
"Pitching is what makes me happy. I’ve devoted my life to it."
"Each day, you wake up thinking of the questions you fell asleep thinking about."
"Grit is about holding the same top-level goal for a very long time."
"You need one internal compass—not two, three, four, or five."
"The more unified, aligned, and coordinated our goal hierarchies, the better."
"Any successful person has to decide what to do in part by deciding what not to do."
"Interest without purpose is nearly impossible to sustain for a lifetime."
"We grow up. Or at least, most of us do."
"Passion for your work is a little bit of discovery, followed by a lot of development, and then a lifetime of deepening."
"Nobody works doggedly on something they don’t find intrinsically interesting."
"It takes about ten years to make a mature dancer."
"The hope that gritty people have has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with getting up again."
"If you’re a pessimist, you might say, I screw up everything. Or: I’m a loser."
"The really crucial insight of Ericsson’s research, though, is not that experts log more hours of practice. Rather, it’s that experts practice differently."
"There’s an old Japanese saying: Fall seven, rise eight."
"Gritty people aren’t monks, nor are they hedonists. In terms of pleasure-seeking, they’re just like anyone else."
"The despair of spending the majority of our waking hours doing something that lacks purpose is vividly embodied in the story of Nora Watson."
"Optimists, Marty soon discovered, are just as likely to encounter bad events as pessimists."
"In other words, a genuinely positive, altruistic purpose is not an absolute requirement of grit."
"I tend to think that everything that happens is something I can learn from."
"Cognitive behavioral therapy... has shown that, whatever our childhood sufferings, we can generally learn to observe our negative self-talk and change our maladaptive behaviors."
"When you keep searching for ways to change your situation for the better, you stand a chance of finding them."
"Whether you think you can, or think you can't—you're right."
"You can learn new things, but you can't really change how intelligent you are."
"You can always substantially change how intelligent you are."
"What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger."
"My teacher accepts nothing less than our best effort."
"You have to learn those things. They don’t just happen."
"Stay positive. Go past those negative beliefs in what’s possible and impossible and just give it a try."
"Teachers who had demonstrated productive follow-through in a few extracurricular commitments were more likely to stay in teaching and were more effective in producing academic gains in their students."
"My best guess is that following through on our commitments while we grow up both requires grit and, at the same time, builds it."
"The situations to which people gravitate tend to enhance the very characteristics that brought us there in the first place."
"Personality researchers have found that a key process in personality development involves situations and personality traits reciprocally 'calling' each other."
"More agreeable adolescents entered a virtuous cycle of psychological development."
"The very traits that steer us toward certain life situations are the very same traits that those situations encourage, reinforce, and amplify."
"The Hard Thing Rule states that you get to pick your hard thing. Nobody picks it for you because, after all, it would make no sense to do a hard thing you’re not even vaguely interested in."
"If you want to be grittier, find a gritty culture and join it."
"The real way to become a great swimmer is to join a great team."
"Grit is not the only thing I want my children to develop as they round the corner from childhood to maturity. Do I want them to be great at whatever they do? Absolutely. But greatness and goodness are different, and if forced to choose, I’d put goodness first."
"The logic of anticipated costs and benefits doesn’t explain their choices very well. The logic of identity does."
"If you define genius as working toward excellence, ceaselessly, with every element of your being—then, in fact, my dad is a genius, and so am I, and so is Coates, and, if you’re willing, so are you."