
The 50th Law Quotes

The 50th Law by 50 Cent

The 50th Law Quotes
"Reality can be rather harsh. Your days are numbered."
"This is life, new and strange; strange, because we fear it; new, because we have kept our eyes turned from it."
"Real reality is my drug. The more I have of it, the more power I get and the higher I feel."
"When you work for others, you are at their mercy. They own your work; they own you."
"Human nature is so constituted, that it cannot honor a helpless man, although it can pity him."
"Every negative situation contains the possibility for something positive, an opportunity."
"If one is continually surviving the worst that life can bring, one eventually ceases to be controlled by a fear of what life can bring."
"In the present there is constant change and so much we cannot control."
"The old musicians stay where they are and become like museum pieces under glass, safe, easy to understand, playing that tired old shit over and over again."
"50 Cent is a person I created. Soon it will be time to destroy him and become somebody else."
"We wanted the world around us to be more familiar. What was not so predictable became associated in our minds with darkness and chaos, something to dread."
"Every individual we come across in life is unique, with his or her own energy, desires, and history."
"This hunger for control, common to all of us, is the root of so many problems in life."
"Life has a particular pace and rhythm, an endless stream of changes that can move slowly or quickly."
"Often what seems like chaos to us is merely a series of events that are new and hard to figure out."
"Water can adapt to whatever comes its way, moving around or over any obstacle."
"With so many physical limitations, hustlers have learned to develop mental freedom."
"In a world full of people who are too conventional in their thinking, who respect the past far too much, such flow will inevitably translate into power and more room to move."
"The fearless types in history all reveal a greater capacity to handle chaos and to use it for their purposes."
"Strategy is the essence of human action—the bridge between an idea and its realization in the world."
"If you force them to unite under your leadership, stamping out their factions, you may take control but it will come with great resentment—they will naturally suspect you are increasing your power at their expense."
"A group needs a centripetal force to give it unity and cohesion but it is not enough to have that be you and the force of your personality. Instead it should be a cause that you fearlessly embody."
"You cannot control a large group on your own. You will turn into a micromanager or dictator, making yourself exhausted and hated."
"The idea behind it is that those who are fighting on the ground often have a better sense of what needs to be done in the here and now; they have more information at their fingertips than the leader."
"Operating with a mission statement is an effective way of softening your image and disguising the extent of your power."
"Every group has a kind of collective energy, and on its own this will tend towards inertia."
"The paradox is that this defensive, passive posture has a depressing effect on morale, much like sitting in one place for too long will lower your spirits."
"Reversal of Perspective: We live in times of great mistrust of any form of authority."
"The word 'authority' comes from the Latin root autore, meaning author—a person who creates something new."
"As a leader this is how you must view yourself as well. You are an author creating a new order, writing a new act in some drama."
"You must maintain as close a relationship to your environment as possible, getting an inside 'feel' for what is happening around you."
"THE PUBLIC IS NEVER WRONG. When people don’t respond to what you do, they’re telling you something loud and clear. You’re just not listening."
"THE FOOLS IN LIFE WANT THINGS FAST AND EASY—money, success, attention."
"Your opinion of yourself becomes your reality. If you have all these doubts, then no one will believe in you and everything will go wrong. If you think the opposite, the opposite will happen. It’s that simple." - 50 Cent
"You are in fact a mystery to yourself. You began life as someone completely unique—a mix of qualities that will never be repeated in the history of the universe."
"Understand: you are in fact a mystery to yourself. You are full of untapped potential and possibility."
"Moving towards such self-belief does not mean you cut yourself off from others and their opinions of your actions. You must take constant measure of how people receive your work, and use to maximum effect their feedback."
"In impoverished environments like the hood, people’s sense of who they are and what they deserve is continually under attack."
"What man needs is only his own independent wishing, whatever that independence may cost and wherever it may lead." - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
"You are essentially free to move beyond any limits others have set for you, to re-create yourself as thoroughly as you wish."
"Your decision to alter a career path, for instance, is based on careful consideration of your strengths and deepest desires and the future you want."
"When you move ahead on some new venture or direction, your mind will snap to attention; your energy will be focused and intense."
"We are free when our acts proceed from our entire personality, when they express it, when they exhibit that indefinable resemblance to it which we find occasionally between the artist and his work." - Henri Bergson
"In the face of our inevitable mortality we can do one of two things. We can attempt to avoid the thought at all costs, clinging to the illusion that we have all the time in the world. Or we can confront this reality, accept and even embrace it, converting our consciousness of death into something positive and active."
"People talk about my getting shot like it represented something special. They act like they’re not facing the same thing. But some day everybody has to face a bullet with his or her name on it." - 50 Cent
"When the fear of death is gone, then nothing can bother you and nobody can stop you." - 50 Cent