
Always And Forever, Lara Jean Quotes

Always And Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han

Always And Forever, Lara Jean Quotes
"I like to admire the straight line of his jaw, the curve of his cheekbone."
"Bangs are a very big commitment and not to be decided on a whim."
"I can’t concentrate on my cards when you stare at me like that, Covey."
"It’s because Jefferson believed in the separation between school and church."
"Never say no when you really want to say yes."
"The hum of a memory, blurry around the edges, soft and nothing particularly special."
"The whole point of wearing a costume is taking it too far."
"The handsomest boy of all the handsome boys is mine, all mine."
"The best way to deal with Stormy when she’s like this is to charm and cajole her."
"I’ll take pleasure in the knowledge that I am in possession of the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe."
"You’re lucky you didn’t knock over my juice!"
"They barely know each other, and their story is over before it even truly begins."
"Why bother doing something if you’re only going to do it halfway?"
"I’m only doing what you told me, Stormy."
"I’m nothing like my dad. And you’re nothing like my mom."
"You’re the only boy I’ve ever kissed kissed."
"She’s very excited about her Marie Antoinette egg."
"You must be completely moonstruck over your young man."
"My perfect cookie is a combination of the two."
"I’ll never forget how after a bath, I would sit cross-legged in front of her."
"I’m not planning on being the one to break the news to him that I’m actually not that quirky."
"I’m going to miss you so much I’ll cry every night!"
"I’m sure I will. I like everyone Margot likes."
"I’m not clumsy. You’re the one who tripped over his own feet."
"I’ve always known where my place is, where I belong."
"I just don’t know why mine aren’t like his."
"I know I’m going to miss out on not going to a college just around the corner from home."
"I dread change, and Kitty steps right into it."
"I'm not the one who has to carry it. It's your body, not mine."
"People have been doing promposals, so I have lots of inspiration."
"I should be happy about it, because UNC is so competitive and the wait list is better than nothing."
"I once thought she and Josh were meant for each other, but now I’m not so sure."
"I’m pretty sure Chris hasn’t told any of them she still lives at home and pays exactly no bills."
"The beauty of it is the set. All of us matching, very ethereal, like angels."
"Just give William and Mary a chance. Don’t dismiss it before you even get there. Okay?"
"I’ve got it in one." Then he points at me. "Hufflepuff?"
"This is the South; we have to have a groom’s cake."
"I’ve always been scared of change, but right now I don’t feel that way. I feel excited."
"Leave with the one you came with, unless he’s a drunk—then find your own way home."
"This cookie is worth all this and more."
"In the baking world, it is a truth universally acknowledged that Jacques Torres has perfected the chocolate chip cookie."
"The perfect chocolate chip cookie should have three rings."
"Is there anything more intoxicating than making a boy bend to your will?"
"I’m so determined, I start grabbing ingredients from the pantry."
"I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry. I should’ve called."
"What an unexpected thrill to say those words out loud. I’ve always been scared of change, but right now I don’t feel that way. I feel excited."
"This is going to be very good for you, Lara Jean."
"It’s not over yet. We still have the whole summer ahead."
"I’m happy that the day has gone well, that we’ve sent Stormy off in style."
"We’re only going to be a couple of hours apart, and then you’re transferring. That’s one year tops."
"Stormy was always saying that she still felt like she was in her twenties."
"What if Peter and I could be like these two trees, far apart but still touching?"
"That’s the plan," I say. My phone buzzes, and my heart jumps, thinking it’s Peter, but it’s not.
"The truth is, there are fewer and fewer people that I know at Belleview."
"Your dad’s freaking awesome. He’d do anything for you guys."
"That’s when I put my arms around him and hug him tight to me, tight enough that he knows I’m here; I won’t let go."
"It’s not like you guys are going to a strip club or something—wait, did you change your mind? Are you going to a strip club?"
"You’re a sweet girl, Lara Jean. I know you’ll do the right thing."
"You have to promise to still come to Wine Down Wednesdays."
"It’s like I came back and there was a whole new family here that I wasn’t a part of."
"What he doesn’t know won’t hurt a living soul."
"What about UNC? Are you even planning on transferring to UVA anymore?"
"I don’t want to watch a movie or a show. What if we do something else instead."
"It just seems like you’re leaving and you don’t really care."
"I don’t care what you say as long as it’s from the heart. Just be sweet. Be you."
"High school will be a time we remember the whole rest of our lives."
"I think that you need to do all the things you need to do at UVA, like play lacrosse, and study, and I need to do what I need to do at UNC, and if we try to stay together, everything will just fall apart."
"I want you to do what you’re supposed to do. I don’t want you to do something for me."
"I can feel my face flush as he looks at me with a challenge in his eyes."
"I swallow. 'Maybe you’re right. Maybe I did want my first time to be with you so I could close a chapter on high school. On us.'"
"I start to cry in the car. Big sobs that make my shoulders shake."
"I WAKE UP IN THE middle of the night crying, and my first thought is, I want to take it back."
"I thought we’d have more time, me and Chris in my bedroom, sharing secrets late into the night, eating chips in bed."
"This is Chris, the stray cat, who comes and goes as she pleases."
"Things are ending, but they are beginning, too."
"Families shrink and expand. All you can really do is be glad for it, glad for each other, for as long as you have each other."
"I can’t sleep, so I go downstairs to make a cup of Night-Night tea."
"Being vulnerable, letting people in, getting hurt... it’s all a part of being in love."
"I don’t want to forget any of this. The way he’s looking at me at this very moment."
"Sometimes I wish we’d met when we were twenty-seven."
"My first kiss, my first fake boyfriend, my first real boyfriend."
"I don’t want to forget any of this... I want to hold on to everything so tight."
"Kitty’s always saying how origin stories are important."
"I suppose I’ll say it all started with a love letter."