
Once Upon A Broken Heart Quotes

Once Upon A Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber

Once Upon A Broken Heart Quotes
"I believe there are far more possibilities than happily ever after or tragedy. Every story has the potential for infinite endings."
"All stories are made of both truths and lies. What matters is the way that we believe in them."
"Doors didn’t simply disappear. But Evangeline believed that they could."
"If hope were a pair of wings, Evangeline’s were stretching out behind her, eager to take flight again."
"Always promise less than you can give, for Fates always take more."
"The Fates weren’t dangerous because they were evil; the Fates were dangerous because they couldn’t tell the difference between evil and good."
"Her heart was already broken. And she understood the risks she was taking."
"It’s not a real kiss if there isn’t any tongue."
"You’re looking at this the wrong way, pet."
"If you think that counts, maybe you haven’t been kissed."
"They say his kiss was fatal to all but her—his only weakness."
"Do not make bargains with more than one Fate."
"Sometimes, when she was feeling especially hopeful, Evangeline even thought that Jacks might come to her rescue."
"But as hopeful as Evangeline was, she knew the Prince of Hearts wasn’t a savior."
"She couldn’t even bring herself to pick up the goblet as she read the words etched onto its side."
"The story of how you took the place of that wedding party and turned yourself to stone inspired people all over during that difficult time."
"Her steps took her deeper inside the cathedral."
"Evangeline’s chest tightened with something like homesickness as she turned a corner onto the bricked street that Maximilian’s Curiosities called home."
"Every night during Nocte Neverending, he’d follow the same routine, watching and then asking ladies to dance until he found the perfect bride."
"Even when she and Marisol spoke of Nocte Neverending, it was never just about the prince. They talked of dancing and fashion and what sorts of people they might meet."
"Her parents had a fairytale romance that had taught Evangeline to believe in things like love at first."
"Love at first sound," her father would say.
"This is all so very exciting," Marisol squealed."
"You’re not in any danger from me, princess."
"Warmth coated her skin like afternoon sun."
"The Eternal Prince appeared to be a popular pub, though Evangeline was more curious about the serpentine line of people leading to Fortuna’s Fantastically Flavored Waters."
"The walls were papered in sepia-tinted pages covered in drawings of dazed sailors and wicked mer-girls."
"The only prince she’d see tonight would be Prince Apollo."
"Jacks walked straight toward the phoenix tree and was immediately given permission by the guards to climb the stairs winding around it."
"Evangeline only meant to look for a second."
"But if she left now, she’d also disappoint the empress and abandon her best chance at meeting Prince Apollo."
"Evangeline stifled a humorless laugh. Jacks didn’t look heartbroken to her."
"I’m not going to tell you to trust me, because that’s a terrible idea."
"Evangeline’s heart became a drum, beating harder and faster as he pressed in closer."
"Evangeline Fox has lived up to her reputation as a wild card!"
"I’m not sure if Evangeline heard the rumors that Apollo might not choose a bride and therefore set her sights on someone else."
"I’m still full from the goblin tarts we bought earlier," said Marisol.
"I want you to move into Wolf Hall with me, where you’ll be safe from any type of threat."
"Evangeline Fox and Prince Apollo Acadian have been engaged less than one week."
"The gown was white and gold, and it came with a pair of feathered wings that touched the ground."
"I’d give you the world if I could. The moon, the stars, and all the suns in the universe."
"If Jacks wanted her to marry the prince, that gave her leverage, and she planned to use it."
"But he also gave her absolute freedom to do as she wished, and she used that freedom to gain information about Wolf Hall’s secret passages."
"He lounged across one side of the carriage, one scuffed leather boot propped carelessly up on the cushions."
"Evangeline didn’t want him to stop loving her, but this waiting felt like torture as well."
"The way he touched her was soft and reverent and full of all the comfort she’d missed so much."
"She had to stop herself from turning around several times as Nicodemus guided her deeper into the library."
"Her skin was on fire, and so was the prince’s, as if they were bound together by more than just a gilded rope."
"She set the wine down and stepped boldly toward the bed."
"It was time to end this spell and find out how the prince she’d married really felt."
"Stop crying. You're not sad. You're calm and happy to see me."
"You should not be so reckless with your words."
"I didn’t murder Apollo, and I have no intention of harming you."
"There was never any magic in your kisses."
"Your tears aren’t normal. I think you’ve been poisoned."
"If you want to live, you need to stop fighting me."
"If you’re telling the truth—then use your magic on me."
"I’m not criticizing you for being emotional."
"You should have been searching for the truth, not for a wife."
"I didn’t kill him. There should be proof that someone else did."
"He’s a murderer, and he’s going to kill me next."
"I’m sorry Donatella wounded you so badly."
"You might not like me, but I bet you’d like it if I kissed you."
"Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to stay like this. I rather like these."
"I could probably live without the sun if I could trade it for other things."
"You’re the one who said I needed a distraction."
"If you wake up and I’m not here, do not fret."
"I don’t know how you can kill someone because of a story that’s twisted by a curse."
"She will be both peasant and princess, a fugitive wrongly accused, and only her willing blood will open the arch."