
The Final Gambit Quotes

The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The Final Gambit Quotes
"Sometimes, I feel like Tobias Hawthorne made a mistake. Like he should have chosen someone else."
"There's no such thing as fighting dirty if you win."
"The world is the board, Heiress. We just have to keep rolling the dice."
"I'm going to remember this. I'm going to remember it all."
"We weren’t following a trail or playing one of the old man’s games. We were feeling around in the dark."
"I was never going to be good enough because they didn’t want me to be perfect or extraordinary. They wanted me to be invisible."
"A wasteful youth, wandering the world—ungrateful. A benevolent father, ready to welcome him home."
"No Hawthorne has ever just wanted to talk."
"I advised against calling you. This was a security issue, not a legal one."
"The prodigal son demanded his inheritance early. He abandoned his family and squandered the fortune he’d been given."
"The Hawthorne gift has always been seeing all seven."
"Everything hurts. It hurts all the time, Avery, but I know the man I was raised to be."
"I want to win. I want to get Toby back. I want to take the bastard who had kidnapped him—the bastard who had just done this to Jameson and Grayson and Eve—down."
"Some things don’t clean easy. You’ll think you’ve finally got it all. Everything’s fine. And then five years later…"
"He was in pretty rough shape. Maybe she saved me."
"Whether that IP was created on the clock or not."
"You didn’t love the great and terrible Tobias Hawthorne. You loved the old man."
"By the time this is over, you’ll know what kind of man I was—and what kind of man you want to be."
"Eve said she was a PhD who got fired from a Hawthorne lab."
"I told you once before, Avery: I’m broken. I won’t break you, too."
"All great lives should have at least one grand mystery, Avery. I won’t apologize for being yours."
"You can spend your whole life trying not to hurt, but making people hurt for you? That’s real power."
"You’re young. You’re female. You’re nobody—use that."
"I have watched you. I have come to know you. As you draw fire away from those that I hold most dear, know that I believe there is at least a sliver of a chance that you will survive the hits you take."
"Sometimes, you have an idea of a person—about who they are, about what you’d be like together. But sometimes that’s all it is: an idea."
"You’re the one playing the piano now, girl. Men like Vincent Blake—they’ll break every one of those fingers of yours if you let them."
"You may be tested by the flames, but you need not burn."
"You’re not a player, kid. You’re the glass ballerina—or the knife."
"You can't protect the four of us forever."
"That's my woman! In a completely not possessive and absolutely unpatriarchal kind of way!"
"I guess that's what happens when you take a very risky gamble."