
It's Not Summer Without You Quotes

It's Not Summer Without You by Jenny Han

It's Not Summer Without You Quotes
"When a person you love dies, it doesn’t feel real. It’s like it’s happening to someone else."
"It’s scary how easy promises were broken. Just like that."
"You think you know love, you think you know real pain, but you don’t. You don’t know anything."
"I used to believe. I used to think that if I wanted it bad enough, wished hard enough, everything would work out the way it was supposed to."
"If I forgot Conrad, if I evicted him from my heart, pretended like he was never there, it would be like doing those things to Susannah."
"The summer house was the only place I wanted to be. It was the only place I ever wanted to be."
"I’ve never been good with the abstract. What does it mean when someone is really and truly gone?"
"I wished for Conrad on every birthday, every shooting star, every lost eyelash, every penny in a fountain."
"I can do this. I can go to the movies with Taylor and Davis, I can swim in Marcy’s pool, maybe I can even go out with Cory Wheeler."
"Seeing your dad cry really messes with your mind."
"He’s not a crier, and he for sure never encouraged us to cry either."
"I thought I’d be in Cousins every summer of my life."
"I’m glad we had that night. Because by May, it was all over."
"I knew the right thing to do was to walk away. I knew that was what I was supposed to do."
"I hoped Conrad listened to me. I hoped I never saw him again."
"I wanted to scream at her, to tell her how insensitive, how cruel she was, and couldn’t she see my heart was literally breaking?"
"Don’t worry about Beck," my mother told me, her voice gentle. "I’ll tell her. You want me to fix you something to eat?"
"Later, in my room, alone again, I told myself it was better this way."
"If he’d called and asked for me back, if he’d showed up at the house with flowers or a stereo on his shoulders playing our song—I’d have taken him back, gladly."
"When I found out Susannah was worse, that she wasn’t going to get any better, I called, once. He didn’t pick up."
"We ate in the TV room, on the couch, something we never did before she got sick."
"I knew Conrad didn’t want me around. Was I making things worse?"
"My problems were so petty and juvenile, so high school compared to what Conrad was going through."
"But I guess my mother didn’t remember, because she said, 'Oh, that sounds so nice. I wish I could’ve been at Laurel’s house to help Belly get ready.'"
"I didn’t remember him ever looking that young."
"I wanted to memorize it all in case I didn’t get to come back again."
"He was listening intently. I wished he wasn’t. 'Conrad,' I said, lowering my voice."
"She probably just didn’t want to get my hopes up."
"It was just like always, it was Conrad who dictated the mood of the house, how everyone else felt."
"You never know the last time you’ll see a place. A person."
"I turned the lights off and waited by the window, watching for the taillights."
"It felt like nothing else existed outside of that word, that moment. There was just us."
"I loved to sit on that counter with my legs dangling, listening in on everything like one of the girls."
"You can’t tell me anything. You don’t have the right."
"That’s absurd," he’d say. Or "numbskull," his favorite insult—he said that a lot too.
"Happiness is a Slurpee and a hot pink straw."
"I guess he didn’t have time to shave this morning, and then—I was kissing him back, my fingers winding through his soft yellow hair and my eyes closed."
"I never should have come. None of us were speaking to one another. I’d lost them both."
"It wasn’t like how it was with Conrad and Aubrey. He’d loved her. Once upon a time, he’d been crazy about her."
"We all love her, and nobody can talk about her."
"The rain was loud, but we were so quiet that when my stomach growled, I was pretty sure they both heard."
"Are you scared that you’ll get in trouble with Mara?"