
Self-care Quotes

There are 56174 quotes

"I think self-care is absolutely one of them. I mean, how much is talked about, how to take care of oneself that just skips over the basics that are necessary as a building block for all else."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Self-care is about being more ready to do better for the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I want to emphasize that self-diagnosis can be both a terrific, but also a very precarious thing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Telling yourself that exercise or fasting or studying or listening better or any kind of behavior is good for you will actually reinforce the extent to which it is good for you at a chemical level."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"As long as you're not masturbating to excess and avoiding your obligations or your family or your partners or your friends, masturbation is a healthy way of self-exploration."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The vagina is a self-cleaning oven. You don't need to do anything; your body will take care of it itself."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"True self-care is also about constructing a life narrative in which we frame our past, our present and future in a way that allows us to see what's gone wrong, what's gone right, and the best path to navigate forward."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our ability to... enhance emotional resilience and effective responses during triggering situations is really the consequence of practices of taking good care outside of those situations."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's okay to ask for help. It didn't mean I was weak; it didn't mean that I wasn't capable."
"Don't forget to take care of yourself as you care for someone else."
"Calm activities are the ones that tend to recharge our energy, so C for competence, A for autonomy, L for Liberty, and M for Mellow...those are the things that tend to feel creatively recharging."
"Do something amazing, do something incredible, do something for yourselves because you guys deserve it."
"Prioritizing your happiness and your health is always the best thing you can do."
"It looks like you're focusing more on self-care, possibly changing your diet or your fitness routine in order to become more healthy and more balanced."
"If you want others to be happy, show them compassion. If you want yourself to be happy, show others compassion."
"Your health is an investment, not an expense. But it will become an expense if you don't take care of it."
"You can't take care of yourself if you're relying on others to take care of you."
"I made a conscious decision to prioritize self-care by working less, improving my diet, hitting the weights, and truly focusing on my health."
"Sometimes you have to give yourself what you wish you could get from somebody else."
"Be kind, be kind, be kind to yourself, to others."
"Motivation needs to be cultivated like a garden."
"Sunlight, food, water, air, sleep, exercise, and meditation are the seven things you should do to take care of yourself."
"Take your MEDS: meditation, exercise, diet, sleep."
"Transformation doesn't always mean crunches, faster, harder, louder... stronger. It's also the tender things."
"Put your head on a diet. You have to limit how much social media you let into your life."
"Being kind to yourself does not mean not being accountable."
"I need to focus on figuring out a way to live in myself, live in my body, that is sustainable and pleasurable enough that there is a point to my existence beyond service to others."
"Brain envy. Love your brain. Don't believe every stupid thing you think. Know what you want."
"Never let grief be your excuse to hurt yourself."
"You are the master of what happens in your brain. So, look after it, treat it right, and you will strike the right chemical notes for a life well lived."
"Self-love is doing things for your future self."
"If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete."
"Make a habit out of putting yourself first and working on you."
"Let go of any stress or worries... so you can have a good relaxing cleanse."
"Enjoy yourself, have a little bit of fun. Give yourself a little break."
"Stop drinking the poison. Grab the cup that's filled with water and only begin to fill your cup with beautiful water... Stop filling it with toxicity."
"No one's going to love you more than you love yourself. No one's going to take care of you more than you can take care of yourself."
"If you put a product on your skin and it burns or is irritating, back off. It's about becoming in tune with your body and understanding what it needs."
"Embracing loneliness is a radical act of self-care. It is an act of reclaiming your own time, space, and thoughts. It is an act of self-love and self-compassion."
"Keep your cool, take a break, take a breather, gather your thoughts."
"Lead by example. You need to be eating a proper human diet and fixing yourself."
"If you start by meditating, doing gratitude journaling, by thinking positively, by having hope, by exercising, by getting out into nature, you will feel better."
"Self-care has become so prominent but that in itself is a task."
"You gotta put the oxygen mask on yourself first and be a role model to get well."
"Honor your heart for a second. Give it some gratitude for keeping you alive, for sustaining you."
"Your body is your greatest investment. So treat it right, and it will treat you back."
"First, we basically have to take responsibility for our own health. The fact is that nobody cares about your health as much as you do."
"It's time that we as a population in the middle of a worldwide health epidemic take our power back."
"Toxic relationships... will slowly drain you as if under the effect of poison and hold you back from living up to your full potential."
"Your health is in your control, and don't rely on the medical profession to diagnose you with these diseases when they're already very advanced."
"Our adult selves have to care for those little babies [our inner child]."
"If you do it from a place of self-care and self-love, exercise becomes self-care, and diet becomes nourishment."
"Treat yourself like somebody you care about."
"You are stewarding your spiritual soul and your body."
"What matters most is you love yourself. Can you make that deal for me?"
"Spend a half hour a day to nurture your soul, your spirit, your inner self because that's what's going to change your life."
"I'm a big advocate for self-care. It's not all pedicures and treat yourself... Those are not actually forms of self-love."
"Be kind to yourself, have grace for yourself, and just be honest."
"It's time to put yourself first, to put your own needs first, and to put your own happiness first."
"Taking care of yourself and asking for help, and time management is key."
"It's totally okay to leave breathing room in your life."
"It's okay to do nice things for yourself. It's okay, and you deserve it."
"Stand guard at the door of your mind and protect it."
"It's so important, self-care is huge. Unless you know how you feel, then you're not able to set a boundary."
"Meditation... is definitely helpful for calming myself down; life's crazy at the moment."
"You can't trash the body you've been given and not be punished by the universe, God, or whatever you want to say."
"There is nothing more valuable than your own mental health."
"Don't let nobody trick you out of your body's natural capability of healing itself."
"The best antidote to gaslighting is to hold firmly onto your reality."
"Boundaries are crucial for those who have suffered from narcissistic abuse to learn and implement."
"You do you. It's the best way to put it. Do what brings that calmness and that serenity."
"You're worthy of self-love, and I hope that you can love yourself."
"You have to put your own oxygen mask on first."
"Loving yourself also includes taking care of your body."
"Your own cup has to be full, and your priority in life should always be to make sure that you're okay."
"Body positivity doesn't mean that you no longer care about your body. It means that you care so much about your body that you're gonna do the things that are good for you, mind, body, and spirit."
"Having a better relationship with food has allowed me to care less about those things and live from inside out rather than outside in."
"I think the only person that you can ever do it for is yourself."
"Body positivity is not about giving up on yourself; it is about valuing yourself and loving yourself as you are."
"My body is my home and I will treat it with kindness."
"If you're not learning new stuff, if you're not really using your brain every day, it's like not cleaning your house."
"Love yourself first, and then you can show true love to somebody else."
"If you pour into someone, you should always be maintaining yourself. I've never dealt with a partner who has poured something into me and felt like they were losing themselves because it was mutual."
"Nobody's entitled to make you happy; if something is breaking your heart, walk away."
"Optimism and a kind of future-oriented utopian vision is much more effective and positive on the ground."
"When I stopped caring about what people were saying about me, questioning me, criticizing me... that's when I started succeeding and believing in myself more than anyone on Earth would believe in me."
"If you don't like it you can't change it, but you can create your own boundaries and set yourself apart from it and protect your energy from it."
"Protecting your peace as an individual should be your priority."
"You find it very difficult to forgive yourself and give yourself the love and kindness that you so willingly extend to others."
"It's okay to keep things to yourself and protect your energy."
"I keep sacred the daily habits that make me feel good and allow my cells to vibrate at their highest potential."
"I honor my time and energy by making smart choices that leave me feeling good about myself."
"You shouldn't actively subject yourself to negative relationships in order to become a better person."
"If you are mentally tired, you can't go for dinner. You are tired, you can't smile. So, you see, mind is very, very important."
"Boundaries. I had to learn boundaries for myself."
"Givers have to put limits on takers because takers never put limits on what they'll take."
"It's very important to take moments for yourself."
"Self-care is about allowing ourselves the right to recognize when we've been abused and to give ourselves permission to feel what we feel."
"I'm expected to take care of my mental health, grow, look inward, fix my traumas, heal from my past."
"Self-care is imperative for Black people to heal. Don't let anybody shame you out of that. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself and stay here and fulfill your purpose."
"Forgiveness is a gift to yourself. It allows you to release the past."
"I hope this inspired you to pick up a new little self-care item or treat yourself."
"The more time that I spend on acts of actual self care, the less viscerally appealing shopping becomes."
"What self-care looks like is going to be different for everyone."
"Self-care for me is doing my laundry on Sundays and actually folding it and putting it away so that during the week I have clothes to wear and I know where to find them."
"Self-care is anything that maintains or improves our well-being, and we need to be well enough to be able to be there for ourselves and the people that we love."
"Self-care... also looks like learning when and how to say no."
"I needed time out and have like properly enjoyed it, just prioritized myself, family."
"Self-care takes time. You can't rush through it."
"My favorite form of self-care is, obviously, food. Like food is my self-care city. It's the capital of self-care country."
"Sometimes self-care can be knowing when to say no to people. It's also knowing when you need help."
"I used to really care about what other people thought of me... it took me a long time to figure out that you have to know when to just be selfish and take care of yourself."
"Self-care can be setting boundaries, healthy boundaries with maybe toxic family members, with toxic friends."
"Journaling, taking five minutes on your way to work maybe you're in public transportation...it's such underrated self-care."
"Showering is such self-care for me...getting me out of the same four walls of my bedroom every day, it just really helps."
"The relationship that you need to prioritize right now is the relationship with yourself."
"Make more time in your day for thankfulness, inspiration, meditation, and exercise."
"Practice self-compassion... treating yourself with care and kindness."
"Hydrate and care for yourself by drinking eight cups of water."
"It is so important for everyone to have a day where they can just take time to themselves, whether it's once a week, twice a month, once a month."
"Your self-care practice is really important, something that you do daily."
"Taking care of yourself is taking care of the future."
"You were really focused on doing a lot of self-care things, such as nurturing your health."
"Self-care is so much more than just doing a face mask and drinking enough water. It's effort. It's literally effort to care about yourself."
"Physical appearance and physical hygiene do really play a role in your mental health and make you feel so much better."
"Make a tiny promise to yourself every day... Keeping a promise to yourself will boost your mood and make you feel more in control."
"Give yourself time. Be patient with yourself."
"Be good to yourselves, baby. You deserve it."
"Anything that really improves the quality of your sleep is a really important self-care habit, in my opinion."
"Forgiveness isn't so much always about the other person, forgiveness can have a lot to do with yourself."
"You are not a bad person for setting boundaries and disengaging and creating distance from someone who harmed you."
"Value deep rest and give yourself permission to take breaks. This is the key tenant of slow productivity."
"Healing starts from within, never from without."
"May I be safe, may I be happy, may I be healthy, may I live with ease."
"After doing my body transformation a year and a half ago, I kind of decided that instead of putting so much effort into making myself look good, my happiness and actual health is what I'd much rather invest time into."
"We need to grant ourselves the opportunities to just chill."
"A shower can be life-changing when we're struggling with depression or anxiety. It can feel almost like it washes off some of the difficulties that we're struggling with."
"Taking care of our basic needs is self-care."
"That's what you're going to do for your body."
"Now, I've become a complete self-care junkie and I'm feeling so much better on a daily basis."
"I've had to find different self-care techniques... whether it's date night forming some form of a date night, or even if it's just let's just go sit down and have dinner or make dinner just together."
"As much as self-care is about doing things, like working out and drinking water and getting good sleep, I feel like it's being able to say no to things that you don't want to do."
"Growing up, especially in the Asian culture, they tell us to put our parents first, or put our siblings first, or like put family first. But if you're not okay yourself and if you don't take care of yourself first, you can't take care of people around you."
"Self-care, yes. I feel like this term became more popular over the years to kind of demonstrate our needs to take care of our overall well-being."
"Some of these self-care habits are things that I've been doing for years and years, and others are more relatively recent additions to my life, but they all truly do make me feel like a better person."
"Sometimes the most productive thing that you can do is rest."
"Through the practice of mindfulness, they are able to connect with an inner resource that allows them to take care of themselves in a way that touches greater moments of wholeness in their days."
"Actually, sometimes self-care is meeting that deadline that you're currently not on track to meet, but actually respecting your future self and your goals is getting the fuck up and doing the work that you need to do for that."
"Self-care isn't always running a bath. If you're running a bath and you're about to miss three deadlines, and that's your paycheck for the week, self-care is not running a bath. I refuse to believe that self-care is running a bath."
"Don't take on so much that you overwhelm yourself."
"If you're comparing yourself to other people online and this is leading to you overworking yourself and even burning out, this is a big red flag."
"The pillars of recovery: sleep well, eat and hydrate well, move well, and think well. These are things you can fully control."
"When you're stressed, you're wasting your mental and physical energy, so you're not able to show up as the most amazing version of you."
"Measuring your blood pressure at home is gold."
"A simple mind exercise to have a clearer, more stable, more calm mind often starts with watching your breath."
"I am obsessed with this eucalyptus shower spray; it turns your shower into a literal spa."
"Comfort creates self-care but discomfort creates self-respect."
"Practice self-care, self-love, and body positivity... as your self-love increases, all those other insecurities start to diminish."
"When you practice self-care, you practice self-love, and body positivity."
"Hygiene is a part of that because if you don't care about your physical self and your well-being, then your other parts start to kind of diminish."
"Self-care is more of an encompassing term that involves not only your body but your mind, your spirit, releasing tension, stress, and all those kinds of things."
"Fill up your own cup before you can help somebody else."
"Spirit is asking you to remember to look after yourself."
"You deserve to be indulgent; you deserve to be taken care of."
"You deserve a break from time to time; you deserve to put yourself first."
"Beauty fades, and you got to protect your brain."
"Your guardian angels are reminding you how important it is to put yourself first."
"You're only given one body, so take care of it."
"Be good to yourselves. You deserve it. And we just keep going. It's the best we can do for us; it's the best we can do for others."
"We're human, we can't do everything and anything in one day."
"Self-love is doing all the hard stuff you don't want to do. That's like the real self-love."
"If you truly loved yourself, you would not want to put yourself in a situation where you are working 80-hour weeks, doing grunt labor, and just chugging stuff out, killing yourself, your body, and your emotions in the process."
"Do whatever makes you happy, no matter what anybody got to say."
"Self-love is going to save you every single time."
"I'm gonna hold my hand and walk myself through it because I am my own best friend."
"No contact is for you. It's to protect you, to help you heal, to help you grow."
"The universe isn't going to give you what you want until you give yourself what you need."
"You have to care about yourself. You have to have self-esteem. You have to believe in yourself even if others around you don't."
"The 40-year-old you is depending on you to do the things that you supposed to do. The 60-year-old you is depending on you to do right now what you supposed to do."
"Exercise every day, eat healthy, make time every day to do something that you love."
"Find the things about yourself that you love and really focus in on them. It's not selfish."
"Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and was given to you by God. You do not belong to yourself."
"Divine service. How can you serve yourself better?"
"After receiving some wise words from Isabelle at the Log Cabin hotel, I learned how to say no every now and then."
"You're shedding these old patterns and old behaviors and old identities that kept you not feeling your best. You're shedding those over this next year and really stepping into this new version of you that really just again, you have a lot of your ish together."
"We need to be very aware... that we don't also work ourselves up into too much anxiety and so much fear that we end up making ourselves sick in another way."
"It's good right now to be cautious and to be responsible... but at the same time we should try and stay as light as we can."
"Self-love is not selfish. I feel like the biggest challenge people have in life is this fear that they're not enough."
"Make sure you dedicate time every single day to self-care, and really spend the time to not only know yourself but give yourself permission to really be yourself."
"Whatever is not filling you up with life means it's depleting you."
"Protect your energy and honor how you feel. That's how you keep your cup full."
"Trust is a muscle; allow yourself to let go and know that what is meant for you is coming."
"Sometimes we need to take a break from forcing creativity so that we can replenish."
"What are you waiting for? If you're not breathing, breathe deep, take your vitamins. Make the most of this time for yourself."
"Radical self-care is the foundation of all true health and healing."
"You don't have to be a size 2 to be healthy, but health is very important."
"I think people are afraid to eat this type of food I'm eating because society has told them it's not okay. I would never punish myself and eat things that I don't like just to fit society's term of skinny."
"Do what's best for you. Forget what other people think."
"Prioritizing my well-being matters. I matter."
"It's just a reminder to me that like prioritizing my well-being matters. I matter."