
Toxicity Quotes

There are 1819 quotes

"Hormesis... effectively means that there is a dosage or toxicity response to almost everything."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Love isn't toxic; it's how we behave in love and how we behave when vulnerable that creates toxicity."
"No one talks about how toxic the father-son relationship can be because it's sort of viewed as this flawless, perfect relationship."
"We know a lot about the things that make the brain healthy... yet most of us are poisoning our brains."
"The way we judge success in society at least in the western world today is really toxic."
"The more healed you become or when you have become healed, your willingness or ability to tolerate toxic energy is diminished."
"It's the frequency and dose that defines the poison."
"The diet industry is a toxic, predatory industry, and influencers certainly do play into that."
"Narcissism has a low critical mass for toxicity; just one person can cause a lot of havoc."
"Politics is the most toxic fandom of all time."
"Toxicity is a measurement that matters if you'd like to make it to retirement."
"Misinformation is the number one most toxic aspect of all the conversations that happen online today."
"The difference between a medicine and a poison is the dose."
"Is there merit to the idea that some gamers can be too toxic? Well, yeah, absolutely."
"Criticism, even if strongly conveyed, as long as it's constructive, it's fair, but it's a whole other thing to resort to insult and threats that add nothing to the conversation."
"Bioavailable aluminum is toxic to root systems... it not only kills soil microbiome but root systems for example in trees and forests sense the toxin, they shut down nutrient uptake, they start to die a slow, protracted death."
"We have to teach our men healthy boundaries and to recognize what is toxic."
"To associate masculinity with violence is frankly toxic."
"Racism combined with power is a lot more dangerous than racism combined with non-power, but racism itself is a toxic brew."
"The concept of toxicity is not well understood."
"What do we call it, where when you take in a compound that's foreign to your body, and only the liver can metabolize it, and in the process, generates various problems? We call that a... Poison."
"It's so toxic and it's so bad for your mental state."
"Hate and harassment and toxic behavior have no place in gaming."
"There are no sides, no MLM vs anti MLM. There are no women hating other women. All there are, are vulnerable women in a toxic business structure and concerned women and men who are trying to help them."
"Friendships can be wonderful sources of support and connection, but if they aren't helpful and instead, are hurtful, there is no reason we have to stay in them."
"If you're trying to get your emotional care from relationships, you're likely to end up in very toxic relationships."
"The original characters were toxic and terrible, but at least they weren't lecturing each other and the audience about their ethical and moral superiority."
"Most of the voices in the world today are... spewing toxicity over a whole generation."
"Multiple prescription drugs taken in combination are toxic to the liver, kidneys, and other organs, especially if they are taken on a regular basis."
"Holding a grudge traps toxicity in, exaggerating the original act over time and hindering healing."
"Oil is never food; it's a pharmaceutical, a toxic substance that will make you ill."
"If it's continuously going down a bad route and you can't pull yourself out, then maybe someone's not right for you."
"If you're losing all your friends, that might say something about your relationship being toxic."
"I think she has exposed herself as being toxic, and people don't like being around poison."
"We're toxic but we love each other, you know?"
"Sugar hits the body the same way that rat poison does."
"I just wish things were different, and I wish social media didn't have to be this toxic place."
"Everything is poison, nothing is poisoned. Use something in a positive way and it's good for you; use it in a negative way and it will kill you." - Expert
"They idealize and devalue on repeat, creating a toxic cycle."
"The atmosphere has become so toxic in politics, why so many ad hominem attacks? There I think there is a clear answer: it has a lot to do with something that dominates the lives of young people—social media."
"Recognizing and disconnecting from toxic connections is pivotal."
"Toxic attracts toxic. If you're in a toxic relationship right now, you're probably toxic."
"As long as the relationship itself is not toxic I believe that you should keep it around."
"Cancel culture used to be positive, now it's toxic."
"Anything can kill you if you ingest too much, and even the most toxic substances in the world have a threshold below which they will do no harm."
"The difference between medicine and poison is the dosage."
"You're walking away from this toxicity, you're cutting loose, you're moving on from any sort of abusive situation that was holding you back."
"Why are toxic guys always so manipulative? Warning bells are literally ringing all over this guy."
"There is some toxicity in the gaming community."
"You do it, but obviously between the naruto run between the fact that it was used by the worst ttv in name people of all time wraith mains have a huge stigma of being toxic as [ __ ] and it is entirely not like not that false."
"Hate, harassment, and toxic behavior have no place in games... except they do."
"Imagine like your hypothetical child coming up to you and telling you that they're in a relationship like this, and then you said, 'Oh, you need to stay with him, you can't break up with him,' blah blah blah. That's absolutely horrific."
"We become toxic when we don't deal with our pain."
"When it gets to the point that you are nitpicking other people and content creators who are just trying to spread a message and warn people about MLMs, you are being toxic."
"Anything toxic in your life... will cause pain when you're working with your guides."
"It's disrespectful to call drama channels toxic."
"Honestly, like things had gotten so toxic towards the end that I feel like it was for the best of all of our mental health."
"It's better to have nothing than to have toxic friendships."
"I love an alpha male as much as like a lot of them are very toxic but they're really good."
"That's not loyalty, that's a toxic relationship if I've ever heard of one."
"Holding grudges breeds toxicity and dysfunction."
"Fans being passionate about their favorite character or their favorite media figure is therefore not inherently toxic but instead quite the opposite."
"It's time for you to cut folks off, negative connections, it's time for you to cut off negative connections."
"With the amount of cyanide in these pills, anyone who had taken them would be dead within minutes of consuming them."
"2018 to 2019 was probably the most toxic year that the beauty community has ever had."
"This chick is a psycho. This is like that vindictive, you know, fatal attraction type. She'll boil your rabbit."
"Dad discovered the reason Keemstar is a toxic offender is because he turned radioactive after years of nuclear power plant leaks."
"The people who genuinely love you won't want you in this taxing system."
"We are toxic to each other, and we have to let each other go."
"It's really toxic because you have this sort of negative feedback loop emerging."
"He allowed this toxic culture to consume his creation."
"It's a toxic and destructive idea that there's going to be someone who will come along and you'll just have an effortlessly good relationship."
"We're ignoring the fact that we've created a toxic culture around little league sports and all of sports that's unhealthy."
"Talking trash about a watch you've never tried on... it's just toxic."
"It's like a dumpster fire you pack up in a backpack and take with you."
"Many people now use the word toxic when they talk about the negative parts of their life, specifically people or environments."
"Difficult, toxic people are equal opportunity offenders."
"I'm so done being toxic myself like I said I'm putting this like all on me like being toxic to myself it doesn't feel good it doesn't look good."
"The difference between a pill and a poison is the dosage."
"This game has an incredibly toxic community; there are a lot of disgustingly toxic, brutally elitist people in this game who now, through deliberate game mechanics, control the fate of every war and every invasion that has ever and will ever occur."
"What are we creating? Fire starter, are we creating more chaos in the world? Are we creating more hatred in the world? Are we creating more toxic energy in the world?"
"Low level chronic toxicity is something that's just off the medical radar."
"You're being told here to let go, you're being told here to release the toxicity."
"Karma, surprisingly toxic. They take a lot of credit for pressing one button."
"Their fruits are poisonous. Whatever goes on in there, what comes out is not good."
"Ultimately, it's better to be alone than to be surrounded by inherently toxic situations."
"Some really toxic, really detrimental views that do rub off on these other cultures and they are dangerous."
"True divine love is toxic to a toxic person. They will leave."
"The worse it was, the more toxic it is to cling to."
"Dopamine is neurotoxic. So, over time, excitatory neurotransmitters can cause cell death."
"I openly encourage discussion, not toxicity and canceling."
"It's a poison. So subtle, so insidious, so irreversible. It won't even kill you unless you stop taking it."
"Ultimately I think that's what drives the toxicity in humans altogether is comparison."
"It's time to move on... push away toxicity, move forward."
"The descent into vitriol and conspiracy theories seems to me as a sign that the conversation's become dysfunctional."
"It's not toxic to express a negative opinion on a character, but making it personal is toxic."
"It wasn't cool, it was kind of nerdy and kind of just weird and very toxic."
"This devilish little figure here means that there was a sample in closing certain toxicity."
"I'm all about removing toxicity from my life, and if you want to be toxic, I will happily take the two seconds to permanently ban you."
"The rhetoric around here has gotten so harsh and so toxic that you can't agree to disagree anymore."
"Diet culture diet losing 5 pounds before summer that is toxic."
"Toxic and possessive, two words you never want to hear in connection to a relationship."
"Plant compounds especially in high doses can be toxic, irritating, or may cause allergic reactions or drug interactions."
"When there's toxicity around you, it affects you, but also that you can look at another person's joy and be so affected by it, which is beautiful."
"Opie's in a better place without toxic people like Sam in her life."
"There is no such thing as toxic masculinity you're either masculine or you're toxic."
"This is not healthy, this is not a good dynamic at all."
"Your space matters to you, and if you're with people that don't respect your space then they're toxic."
"Toxic friendships and relationships can deeply impact our vibrational energy, leaving us immersed in feelings of anxiety, stress, and negativity."
"The next step is crucial, removing the toxicity in the football club."
"Don't be fooled, this isn't advice on love, this is actually advice on how to be toxic and controlling."
"It was just so toxic and I'm not saying older YA at that time was not toxic, it definitely was."
"Remember enabling is as toxic as narcissism."
"The thing is that among all the toxicity from his response, he actually made a pretty certain point."
"So, deception, jealousy, betrayal, backstab, toxic sexuality, seduction, silent treatment in reverse."
"It is unhealthy to hold this level of resentment towards someone like Anita Sarkeesian or Zoe Quinn for gamergate-related stuff."
"This really is a good reminder of how toxic the media and the tabloid me and sort of the media has been, especially in the UK in relationship to the royal family."
"Drake is the real toxic king, and y'all let him get this [ __ ] off."
"If you can trade off something more toxic for something less toxic it's worth it."
"Good people build you up while toxic people tear you down."
"I'd rather be rude and alive, rude and emotionally healthy, rude and protected than be seen as a pushover by toxic people."
"Repeatedly spamming that game sucks and being toxic in the comments only discourages potential players from playing anything."
"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison, hoping that the other person is going to die."
"Blood ain't worth it if they're not making you happy and they're toxic."
"The pressure to succeed turned me into a toxic person."
"Politics currently in the world are very very toxic."
"Communication is key when you're in a relationship. If it's toxic, just leave it alone."
"The important concept is that dose makes the poison."
"I was the toxic one... I need to address this."
"I'm not saying I've never made like a snarky comment before or said like anything mean, we all have. But the toxicity on this app has gone to extremes lately."
"Facebook, Instagram: toxic garbage for both men and women."
"Your person is leaving someone for you, cutting ties with something toxic."
"We're gonna put something way more toxic in a CT's place and that's Twitch chat."
"Oftentimes, our thoughts are what are really toxic to us and to those around us."
"If there's someone that gives you that pit in your stomach maybe that's a toxic person that you need to cut out of your life."
"Large Twitter accounts that always talk about how toxic Twitter is ruin it for the smaller accounts."
"Even though there'll be exits, vipers will still be slithering around that dressing room."
"I think social media today is very, very toxic."
"End it for good. No matter how long it takes, if someone is toxic to you, just move on."
"Toxic is toxic, and these are the things that we have to avoid."
"It's night and day to the two Arsenal sides, it's night and day to the fanbase, the fanbase was a toxic place at that time, there were fights in the away end, there were fights at home, it was very toxic, blood, you understand?"
"Toxicity is literally a product of your environment."
"You definitely just have to have thick skin as far as the toxicity. I obviously wish it wasn't there."
"We don't have to allow toxic celebrities to influence our lives."
"Cringe culture can completely die out altogether because it's so much more dark and twisted and toxic than people realize."
"You are literally the biggest toxic bullies ever, masquerading as the good guys."
"All those negligent energies could put you in a very toxic place."
"Don't be no toxic ass [ __ ] at work right now."
"Caffeine can be toxic to birds, lucky elves don't fit that bill."
"A miserable life, swinging between toxic arguments and painful codependency." - Catherine Gordon
"The air here is poisonous... so we're afraid to go near the road."
"Stay the hell away from malicious fake people."
"This cancel culture is so unfortunately toxic."
"It's like you're drinking poison and hoping the other person dies."
"Minecraft has the least toxic community ever."
"Somebody is stuck in toxicity and they're heartbroken."
"I'm not proud of the toxic part what my dream is to have League be a place where people aren't only coming for the Pinnacle of competition where they're also coming for the community."
"There's a thin line between love and hate because there's some truth to that when it comes to these toxic, dysfunctional, domestically violent relationships."
"We might want to look up what's in biofuels because it's very toxic to kill plants, bugs, and drought an area out."
"The discourse around the last Jedi is so goddamn toxic that it's kind of hard to ignore."
"It's good that you walked away. That's what we want to hear more of—people walking away from toxic relationships."
"We shouldn't be pushing this agenda that toxic relationships are like funny or that they're cool."
"The love is not the issue, the issue is when there is toxicity or there's unrequited love or there's an imbalance in the connection. That's when it's an issue."
"I think social media is a breeding ground for toxicity."
"Pornography is not just going on a website, until you start seeing pornography for what it is, it is absolute poison."
"Disconnect from toxic energy for a massive change."
"You can't hold a grudge in your relationship, it ends up being toxic."
"Reconciliation... lack of authenticity... surrounded by toxic positivity... what are you struggling with, correct?"
"It's a difficult thing... but... it's toxic this stuff and how it has damaged you psychologically and it has and it has done this to many many men."
"Human beings run on patterns; steer clear of incorrigible toxic individuals."
"We can all be toxic in ways that we're totally unaware of, and it all comes down to perspective."
"You want somebody sweet to you, man, and this girl is not sweet. She's truly a foul person. I would not waste my time. You deserve better."
"Toxic behavior is the monster inside us that we obviously can't let take over completely."
"We're both toxic... but that's also what has made us strong."
"The welfare state is toxic to children... it is an environment that is toxic... it is extremely toxic to the development of children."
"Family dysfunction provoked by proximity to state power is unbelievably toxic to children."
"I have never in 20 years seen vitamin D toxicity. I do not think it exists."
"It's a real problem that this thing has become so politicized and sort of toxic."
"Everything's falling apart, their harvest is toxic."
"Toxicity's everywhere... doesn't matter where you play."
"Xerneas: the most toxic Pokemon in competitive Pokemon."
"Recognizing what partnerships were toxic or karmic."
"The universe is finally freeing you because you freed yourself from a limiting person or somebody who has been very toxic, very abusive, and very hurtful."
"You spend so much years in toxicity, when you feel peace, you'll be like, this [ __ ] don't feel right."
"The idea of a god who doles out punishment, he calls this unhealthy, cheap, and toxic."
"It's so toxic, totally free, and still one of the most popular."
"Let go of something toxic, and you'll see changes and transformations."
"You won't tell them they're gonna have toxic leadership."
"It's not your job to detox toxic people. It's your job to detox a part of you that resonates with their toxicity."
"Life is too short, rinse away the toxicity of people."
"Your family can be the most toxic people in your life."
"Do not be deceived...it destroys the spirit of the person who consumes it as surely as the most deadly poison kills the body and the mind."
"So you don't want someone to succeed because you think that it's gonna steal them away from you? Like are you serious? That's toxic."
"A friend that demands you look bad just to make themselves look good isn't a great friend."
"I feel like Project Zomboid MP has managed to somehow be more toxic than Rust PvP."
"I think black voters in the US are like the most strategic group of voters."
"The toxic people in the GD community are pretty few and far between compared to other communities."
"Football should be fun, but it's turning toxic."
"Social media sometimes can be really toxic and it can really get in your head and make you lose sight of the really important things."
"The berries of the belladonna are extremely poisonous, so much so that only two berries can kill a child."