
Job Satisfaction Quotes

There are 3457 quotes

"The ability to have a job where you follow your own curiosity every day, there's nothing like that. So few people in the world get to live that way."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Job satisfaction and friendship over marriage and Parenthood."
"There are little things, little challenges that you can add to whatever job you're doing to just make it more fun by default, which makes it feel good, which makes you more productive, which makes you more energized, which is good for everything in life."
"There's so much we can do before we get to that point of like, 'Okay, I must quit my job.'"
"We have a lot of power over our own experience of our work."
"If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life."
"The people who are happiest are the ones that enjoy their work because they're not thinking about it as work."
"The relationships at work are important. What do you think is the most miserable time, on average, for a person during the day? It's time spent with the boss."
"You don't find a job you love; you find a place where you share the values, you fit, they care about you as a human being, you fall in love with your job and you work tirelessly every day to take care of the people around you to remain fulfilled."
"I'd rather make 500 bucks doing something I love than make 5,000 doing something I hate."
"The majority of people are broke, living paycheck to paycheck, drowning in debt, have zero to no investments, are unhappy, miserable, and do not like their jobs."
"This is such a perspective to us. We have cool jobs, that we can all agree on that."
"There's been a lack of raises or promotion, but you still want to stick in there."
"Now I'm sitting in an office five days a week making far less money than I ever made before, but it makes me far happier."
"If your job has an appreciation week, you don't get paid enough."
"Loving what you do is certainly a part of it, and I think seeing value in what you do...those are all very encouraging to me."
"Personal fit is really important because if you don't fundamentally enjoy working in the area, you're not going to be that effective."
"The job is not worth doing for what they pay; it's not worth doing for the grief. But it is worth doing for the principle."
"Think about the worst boss you've ever had and the best boss...would you take a 10% cut in your pay to trade the worst boss in the world for the best boss in the world?"
"I love teaching. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction."
"The reality of my job: I don't find it fulfilling, but I can't make this money elsewhere."
"The best job I ever had was at the Statue of Liberty."
"You could fail at a job that you hate, so you might as well at least try the one that you're going to love."
"Everything you want, instant gratification, except job satisfaction and strength of relationships, there ain't no app for that."
"It's always exciting. I've got the most fortunate job. I really love it. Someday, there will be a sunset for me."
"YouTube is a privilege of a job to have but can also breed an attitude that creates relentless unhappiness."
"If you're genuinely enjoying it and everything's going well and you're happy comparing your other jobs, that's the right thing for you."
"I can't believe I get paid for what I do because it's making people happy and inspiring people."
"The biggest predictor of job satisfaction is autonomy and control over your work."
"Taking an interest in your work, enjoying what you are doing, opens the secret door to success."
"I love this company; I want to be here; I don't want to go anywhere else."
"If you have the awareness of what your needs are, you can say, 'Okay, maybe I don't really enjoy my job because I'm not meeting any of my needs.'"
"Most people don't have careers, they have jobs... and they quite like spending time with their kids as well."
"Terrible jobs make the rest of our lives terrible too."
"We have to prioritize our joy and what makes us the happiest because that is what makes our job the best."
"I'm actually very happy with my work life. I do what I love and I'm financially stable."
"What leads people to actually feel sort of motivation towards their job... has more to do with things like impact, mastery, connection with people, doing something worthwhile, getting better at a skill that's valued."
"I love my job. I would work as long as I can."
"People who love their jobs say you will not land the perfect job; you will perfect the good job you have."
"Treat people like people, and they're going to treat your job like a job."
"Choose a job where you will be happy and excited to go every day. It's more meaningful to do what you love."
"Most people want to feel like their work has real impact on other people."
"I can't tell you how meaningful it was to get paid with donuts."
"Find your perfect job and get paid what you're worth."
"No amount of money, or purpose, or even free food can compensate for a poisonous relationship at work."
"It's important to be profitable, but at the end of the day, you got to be happy and you got to enjoy what you're doing; otherwise, what's the point?"
"Volunteer work was superior in all the other jobs that I did. My satisfaction was seeing people removed out of places that you don't want to be in life."
"One of those things that significantly contribute to job satisfaction is going to be a sense of meaning, and by that, I mean how much is the job that you're doing positively impacting the rest of the world."
"If you're going to spend 40 hours or more of your time every single week doing something, at the very least you would hope that it would be satisfying."
"One of the reasons this one has such high job satisfaction and meaning is because you are very directly helping people."
"Job satisfaction: what would you rather, really think about it, would you rather like a 10% pay increase, or would you rather have the satisfaction of proving your boss wrong on a regular basis?"
"Meaning is kind of linked with job satisfaction, but in my opinion, in the long run, meaning is actually more important than passion or job satisfaction."
"Our ability to be satisfied with our work is something that is well within our grasp."
"There's a feeling of genuine job satisfaction which I think a lot of people would quite like in their daily careers."
"Happiness in one's work correlates with having a job that's difficult and complex enough to not be monotonous."
"Find a job that makes you happy. It makes the world of a difference."
"If you're making money from doing a thing that you love, then you never have to work a day in your life."
"The misery index is completely defeated because you are your boss. You say what you want."
"Job title doesn't matter so much. If he loves what he's doing and he shows up every day on time, that's what matters."
"It's an optimistic and a hopeful job which is about creating more choices for people."
"Look for the job that you would take if you didn't need a job."
"I enjoy my job at Classic American because it's like a big family here."
"Most jobs aren't terrible; some are good jobs, some are great jobs, some are mid jobs. It really just depends on the people."
"I think everyone can sort of relate to that, to not wanting your job to consume your life."
"Part of what I get paid is in dollars, part of it is in fulfillment. I enjoy what I do; it brings me happiness."
"It's important to know what you need from a job."
"There's going to be enough work to go around of a satisfying nature."
"If you hate what you're doing, you'll never be successful."
"People want to be able to get paid to do their jobs."
"I used to have nothing. And then I got this. This job. This family. And I was better because of it."
"If you're doing something in your day that you don't love, you either do what you love, or you learn to love what you do."
"When you feel that way, you feel like you've never worked a day in your life. It's the most fun thing in the world."
"If you wake up in the morning and you're dreading going to work, dude, do something else. Do something else."
"Wanting to have a job to which you relate, in which you feel you are present and from which you feel you can learn is a very healthy, normative thing."
"I literally think I have one of the best jobs on the Earth."
"The data from the State of DevOps report is clear: trunk-based development predicts higher throughput, better stability, and even higher job satisfaction and lower rates of burnout."
"It's hard to appreciate it while it's happening, but that's the rarest of rare in the world of occupations because you do a thing that is really fun to do, you love doing it, and other people get a great joy out of it."
"Heavy equipment mechanic... it's hard to find, but if you have some mechanic experience and some tools, it's so rewarding."
"How can one even begin to speak of the dignity of labor when one secretly feels one's job should not exist?"
"Emotional feedback for their job so that's not just, you know, a grind. Mixing things up is ultimately the best way to do that."
"This is a very good job, and if this is something that you're thinking about doing, I highly recommend it."
"There's nothing like that feeling, right? It's very rare at Lexar when you get that 'Wow, you did a great job' and they pat you back. But when you get that money shot, there's a feeling you get that you can't get in the corporate world."
"The number one leading cause of burnout is actually someone trying to do a good job in a system that prevents them from doing so."
"I'm enjoying having money enabled and just working like this. It's so fun."
"Quiet quitting refers to the trend of quitting doing anything 'above and beyond' at work, and only doing what's actually in your job description and then clocking out at the end of each day."
"The majority of people who are working jobs aren't even happy with their job."
"Computer scientists are second in terms of job satisfaction in this country."
"I do have some conflicts of interest...but you know what, I have no trouble looking at myself in the mirror every morning. I love my work and feel very good about what I do, and your feedback, of course, reaffirms for me that what I do is the right thing."
"If you really have passion for it, you're going to do it well, and those are the jobs that tend to lead you to bigger and better things."
"Two in five Gen Zers and millennials said they would take a lower paying salary if it meant that they were purposefully contributing to society."
"56 percent of Gen Z and 55 percent of millennials said they would quit a job if it interfered with their personal lives."
"Our average postie's take-home £25,700 a year, between eighteen and forty percent more than the market norm."
"You need to find a job that you enjoy doing because you spend a good chunk of your life doing that job."
"There is a simple solution to choosing work that you are going to love for the rest of your career, but it requires knowing something about yourself that most people don't know."
"But what makes those jobs not only tolerable but even desirable is that you can develop a tremendous amount of camaraderie around them."
"It's a weird situation because I liked my job and was good at it, but I hated the company I worked for."
"Focus on something you really enjoy, and that way, you're not really going to work; you're going to play, and you make money whilst you're doing it."
"If you could ask a seven-year-old me how he fancies this as a job, climbing trees, jumping off stuff, shooting the rapids, chasing the crocodile, I would have thought, amazing, come on."
"It's an adrenaline rush. I like doing a job properly."
"Besides me almost getting murdered, I had a good time in that job."
"Specialists win almost all of the time. Specialists make more money, they get treated better, they have better job satisfaction."
"My job today is to make people feel great. That's my job. I'm just gonna make people feel great all day."
"There's no fucking better job than helping a lot of people along the way."
"Everything you want you can have instantaneously. Everything you want, instant gratification, except job satisfaction and strength of relationships."
"Pick something you would do for free, and make that your career, and you'll never live a sad day in your life."
"Our jobs are important to us; we feel like we can truly make a difference out here."
"What a super satisfying story. New boss comes in, knows nothing about how anything works aside from numbers, ends up losing great employees over his idiocy, screws up everything beyond belief, and gets canned for it."
"I think I need a break from school leadership. I need to love my work again, like I used to as a teacher."
"Best job in the world, working with some of the most talented ICU respiratory therapists and nurses in service to our beautiful country."
"I'm very very impressed with people who actually turn down the promotion."
"I would rather look at my job and be like, 'Oh my gosh, how good was that day? How good of a job was that?' and I would rather look at the positives."
"You may start a whole new job at some point, and I get that doing good."
"If economists were right, like most people with jobs would be delighted, you know, 'I'm getting paid to do nothing, this is great.' But they're not."
"Many of us work jobs that feel completely devoid of meaning, that seem to help no one, and we still can't spend our time in more meaningful ways because we too need a steady wage to keep a roof over our head and food on our table."
"I love what I do, but I just haven't been loving it because of how overwhelming it's been."
"Whatever you're doing in life, try to learn the most that you can at the job you're at and make it enjoyable. When I'm learning, I'm happy, I'm excited."
"I'm not anti-job, but I am very pro happiness."
"Most people will spend the majority of their life working a nine-to-five job... but I'm pro-happiness."
"Confidence, walk your talk, bold action, happy at work, meaningful reach."
"Pick something you would do for free and make it your career, and you'll never have to work a day in your life."
"What I love about my job is the fact that I can make people happy."
"I love my job... I get to come in and ask questions about the evolution of biodiversity on the planet, and that is so exciting."
"I didn't care, it wasn't about the money, it was about the job, it was about the passion."
"You're going to love what you're doing and stay sweet and gentle and tender in what you're doing."
"This is probably the first time that we're pretty blessed to be able to come in here twice a week and kick it with our friends about [expletive], but sometimes this job calls for much more than you could imagine."
"Good work is done by talented people having fun together."
"Comedy, so they're always making people laugh, and I love that. I like going to set and not having to be like, 'Oh, today's gonna be dull.'"
"I don't like working for other people. I don't like having a boss, and I get a great sense of purpose and reward from building something from nothing which I 100% own."
"People who work from home are eighty-seven percent more likely to love their job."
"There's so much evidence out there that long commutes are linked with unhappiness, depression, dissatisfaction with the job."
"Focus on yourself. Let you be your karma. Let you be your focus. You can come first."
"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work."
"I like being able to be creative to solve problems, and if I can't do that, it's not as interesting for me."
"I do what I do because I love what I do, and I'm glad that it makes a difference and has an impact on people's life."
"An office is where you spend 90 percent of your time...you're here all the time. You should love being here."
"There are a million ways to make a million but probably a few as gratifying as blowing the whistle on corporate corruption."
"I think if we had a society that normalized changing jobs and trying new things, we would all be so much happier."
"Earning more is subjective, but over time, anyone can make a good income doing what they enjoy."
"One of the blessings you can have in life is when you have meaningful work."
"It's better to find a job that matches your personality than it is to match yourself to the job."
"I have gained so much life satisfaction for making a living doing something that I love and it's seriously my dream and my vision to make this a reality for other people as well."
"Being the miner was a proper job. It's all right, you got a house with a job. It's all right."
"I think the agency is the best place to work in the world."
"A UBI would give people more cushion to leave bad jobs."
"If every job lets you live a comfortable life, wouldn't that free up jobs for the people who truly want to work in more advanced fields?"
"People rarely quit jobs, they quit managers."
"The fact that I can introduce people to new movies that become their favorite movies makes my job worth it."
"Once you find a job that you love, you never work a day in your life."
"Do what you love, motivated, not get burnt out."
"There's a strong work ethic in the Show Me State where people take pride in a job well done."
"You know, I get excited about what I do. I love what I do. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I swear to God I would still do this job."
"Professional fun haver - that's his job, he's a professional fun haver."
"What is so wrong with working an okay, normal job with some cool people that you like and then pursuing your passion in your free time on the side?"
"If you enjoy spending time with patients, psychiatry is hard to beat."
"I either quit, and I'm looking for another job, or, you know, my employer, if my employer is not going to give me more respect and more security, and the kind of treatment that I think I deserve. Well, that employer can shove it."
"At what point do you think influencers lose their happiness and passion for doing YouTube?"
"You've gotta love what you do, you've gotta enjoy what you do."
"Ten years of doing what I do, what exactly it is that I do, who knows exactly but I enjoy it."
"Bottom line is we love doing this and it's much better than wearing a tie to work."
"It's a full circle. I'm enjoying a lot what I do right now because I can creatively challenge myself."
"On getting paid to learn: 'Why not get paid to learn? Change your conditions if your current job doesn't teach you anything.'"
"Everyone was happy to help each other out and I think a very important part of a job is the people you work with."
"I love my job. This is the best job in the world."
"You have to like what you do. People that go to do any kind of job and they do it for money and they do it because they have to survive, but you can survive doing what you like."
"I just like let me do the job and then go home."
"The railroad retirement is incredible, but not so incredible that you should keep a job making the absolute ceiling on your ability to progress."
"If you wake up every day and you go to work and you're getting paid for something that you love doing then I think you're winning at life."
"The more we understand why people tend to not like their jobs, the more we can steel ourselves against falling into a lot of the same traps."
"But I was comfortable and confident and that sometimes is all you can ask for in a job."
"I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I get to work with animals all day."
"I have other things that I'm invested in right now that I find more rewarding than that position would probably be for me at this point in time."
"Family is... being able to work on projects that are interesting to you rather than just merely lucrative."
"We make video games for a living, we have the best jobs in the world."
"Staying active, finding hobbies, or passionate jobs can make a difference."
"To lead fulfilling lives, we need to make sure teachers are getting their needs met and fulfilled."
"I think most creators are just people working and doing what they like."
"If it feels like work, you're in the wrong field."
"You don't have to dread Monday... If you're unhappy, change it."
"Happiness in your job comes from being good at what you do, enjoying what you do, and doing something that the world needs."
"Remember that you are always free to keep looking around while you're in a position that may not be ideal."
"Most importantly, it makes work not feel like work."
"The number one question I get asked by people who just have general questions is, 'Do you like your job?' Dude, I fucking love my job."
"People who do what they have an aptitude to do are much happier."
"Happy hustling means loving what you do and enjoying the journey."
"Get a job doing something you hate is the fastest way to figure out what you love and where you want to be in life."
"I want to be a software engineer simply because it is a role that I am extremely passionate about and also one I get immense job satisfaction from."
"The money's nice, but I actually really enjoy the content and the camaraderie with the audience."
"I mean, what a great job you've got, isn't it?"
"Don't stay in jobs that make you miserable unless your life depends on it."
"It's been a pleasure, and I want to say that Richard is the best boss I've ever had by like a million miles."
"You guys are the best to work with, definitely the best job I've ever had."
"My life is running a small business that I'm very passionate about, but which I have ambitions for that I haven't reached and a lifestyle that I want to live that I am... I'm having the time of my life."
"Your job alone will never be enough to feed your soul. Which is an important takeaway for anyone."
"You still getting paid to do something that you love."
"Who cares? Who cares! I'm really happy with the job we're doing."
"Delighting your users will give your job satisfaction beyond your wildest dreams."
"It never feels like work and I feel really lucky to be doing what I'm doing."
"There is no greater job on the planet than being a mom."
"It's pulling our teams apart at the seams and making it so difficult to feel safe, let alone enjoy my job."
"I still love my project, I love my co-workers, but my love and respect for Blizzard is diminished."