
Gratitude Practice Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Having an effective gratitude practice can impact a huge number of health variables; both mental health and physical health in positive ways."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A regular gratitude practice can provide resilience to trauma, in two ways; it can provide a reframing and resilience to prior traumatic experiences."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Gratitude is a very, very potent way in which you can steer your mental and physical health in positive directions."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's clear that an effective gratitude practice has to be repeated from time to time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most potent protocol or tool for gratitude is going to be one that you repeat over and over again."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you have a good gratitude practice and you repeat it regularly, you reduce the fear, anxiety circuits, you increase the efficacy of the positive emotion, feel good circuits."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The entire practice involves reading off these bullet points as a cue to your nervous system of the sense of gratitude."
"We gave everybody a ring binder, it's a damn thing's about that thick, and on every page, every page the same at the top of the page you write 10 things you're grateful for. Wow!"
"Start speaking highly of yourself, highly of your future life, highly of your present life, and being more grateful for practicing gratitude."
"Express gratitude for what you have; open your heart to receive more."
"Practicing gratitude over being overwhelmed."
"Focus on what you do have. Wake up every morning, make a list of two or three things that you're grateful for."
"The key to peace and happiness is practicing gratitude."
"Simple practices like gratitude can elevate levels of happiness."
"Gratitude lists... keep focusing upon gratitude and you'll discover the amazing generosity of this universe."
"Gratitude is the antidote to everything - appreciation and gratitude."
"Gratitude that I carve this time... Gratitude that I have the practice to bring me back to all those things that are important and meaningful to me."
"Enjoy your blessings, count your blessings, protect your blessings and share the love."
"Expressing gratitude, especially when you're stressing, really works. It shifts your energy."
"Anytime I do a live stream, we must start the show off with gratitude and appreciation."
"Why did slavery end? What largely happened in the West was because of activist Christians taking the scripture seriously."
"Just because or doing a mental health or mood tracker, writing down the things that you are thankful for during these times can be so helpful and have such a positive impact."
"Gratitude becomes a bridge that connects us to the heart of God, enabling us to experience the fullness of his love and grace."
"Start where you are, appreciate what you've got, be grateful for what it is that you've."
"Gratitude. Mmm-hmm-hmm-hmm. The best medicine."
"I think that's the biggest tip I have for anyone who is questioning how to be happy or how not to constantly yearn for other things: it's just expressing gratitude in every moment."
"Every day is a blessing, you can't take any day for granted."
"Lift your hands up all over the world and let's become grateful."
"Each morning with God is an opportunity to reset and recharge filled with hope and anticipation."
"Cultivate the attitude of gratitude because like energy attracts like energy."
"Gratitude equals happiness. I feel like if you're ever feeling anxious or fearful, just practice gratitude."
"Being grateful for every tiny little thing will only allow you to expand your energy."
"You have to be in an open receptive mood... gratitude is spontaneous meaning what again it cannot be planned ahead of time." - Jordan Peterson
"Continue to show gratitude for the things that you do have."
"Gratitude is the fastest way to get ourselves back into an effortless state."
"Gratitude means something's happening to you... your body then when you're feeling gratitude is in the perfect state of receiving."
"Gratitude is key: focus on what you're grateful for and amplify it."
"Start focusing on what you're grateful for in life."
"Start each morning by focusing on what you have in life rather than what you lack."
"Living in a state of gratitude, starting your day off with gratitude, thinking about five things you're grateful for, you'll notice that your mind gets in a rhythm."
"Gratitude mindset, tiny details that we overlook every single day."
"Gratitude is about appreciating everything that you have."
"Gratitude is the best attitude. Say thank you with all your heart."
"Begin and end each day with the expression of gratitude; it will change your life, I guarantee you."
"Stay centered in gratitude to ensure that your flow of abundance continues."
"Gratitude keeps you in the flow of abundance."
"Before I go to sleep, I express gratitude. I write things for which I'm grateful."
"Spend 10 minutes in the morning really thinking about everything in your life that you are grateful for."
"I really encourage you to practice gratitude. It'll probably make more difference than any other tip on this entire list."
"Gratitude and giving back lead to abundance."
"As you focus on gratitude for what you already have, your abundance will grow in leaps and bounds."
"Gratitude is like putting out positive good vibes into the universe and attracting even more of that back to you."
"Reach out to show appreciation for three people a day."
"Think of a breath as a gift, and you'll honor the breath more, deepen it, and be more present with it."
"Count your blessings and embrace your authentic self."
"I just like to journal every morning to keep track of what I want to do for the day set my daily intentions as well as write down things that I am grateful for."
"Keep a grateful journal. Every night list five things that happened this day that you are grateful for."
"Writing down goals, writing down gratitude lists, writing down to-do lists, it really helps your mind just mentally stay focused on those things."
"Practicing gratitude is another crucial step in your confidence routine."
"The more you are in a habit for on purpose writing down the things you are grateful for, the more you are going to program your mind to be looking for the good things that are happening in your life."
"Gratitude practice: write down at least five things you're grateful for every day."
"Don't rush out of the house unless you have made contact, sustain some kind of gratitude, then you go out into the world."
"Gratitude is a game changer for me personally."
"Exercise gratitude. Gratitude for all things overcomes our resistance to challenges and spurs our growth."
"Gratitude is the best attitude. In April, if you practice gratitude, there are some things coming your way."
"The attitude of gratitude comes in handy because that is how we will stay happy."
"Shoes off in here at all times, the shoes off wiggle, that's cold."
"Gratitude works. The more grateful you are, the more you get to be grateful about."
"You have the power to manifest what you want. Unlock the next level with gratitude."
"Gratitude is a really good way to assess how you navigate yourself."
"It helps me center myself for the day. I'm a big believer in having a gratitude practice."
"One of the ways that we can not compare is to pause and love our life. Gratitude practice."
"I start my day with gratitude, I end my day with gratitude."
"Every time you catch that negative thought or that negative energy flip it get rid of it and switch it around for some optimism switch it around for some gratitude."
"The embodiment of gratitude, not just the practice of writing it down, which we have minimized it to."
"We really need to go back and practice some gratitude, show care for yourself."
"God's will is for us to know Him, to surrender daily, to give thanks always, and to reach others."
"And what are you grateful for today? Have that in your mind set to your big inhale, let it out."
"We are one dance party, experiencing physiological arousal, a gratitude practice extending ourselves to everything."
"Gratitude is such an important part, and I try to remember the biggest things that I'm grateful for on a month-to-month basis."
"If you can say or think 'thank you' before you go to bed and when you wake up for 30 straight days, it'll change your life."
"This really helps because it sets out your sort of affirmations in the morning, what you're grateful for."
"When you practice gratitude on a daily basis, you are standing on a very firm ground in which you can move forward."
"Wake up with gratitude and wake up with the choice of knowing that you can choose to be happy."
"The group that simply made a list of things that had made them happy for which they felt grateful were measurably happier four days afterwards."
"You know, you just got to keep your gratitude list full and take it a day at a time."
"Gratitude is the antidote to the two emotions that mess up most people's lives: anger and fear."
"Gratitude, three minutes roughly a minute each, three different moments you can feel grateful for."
"The more you stimulate these feel-good neural pathways through practicing gratitude, the stronger and more automatic they become."
"All you have to do for the right attitude is you have to practice being grateful in life."
"We always start off our day with what we call our thank you."
"We share three things that were the highlight of our day or that we were grateful for that day."
"I wrote down my gratefuls and my manifestations for the morning."
"Write down three things you're grateful about. This activity helps rewire your brain to retain a pattern of scanning the world for the positive instead of the negative."
"Operate from a place of constant gratitude."
"Gratitude walks are a powerful way to connect with the moment and the multitude of gifts it offers."
"Every day I wake up and list things that I'm grateful for and goals that I have."
"I'll try and be grateful at all points in the day."
"Write down some things you're grateful for, write down your affirmations, and you get to work."
"Ending my day with a gratitude journal has been so helpful for me."
"This is like the fourth time, okay, what are we grateful for today, my loves?"
"Sometimes we just have to make a choice to cultivate the gratitude and not allow things to become commonplace."