
Social Relationships Quotes

There are 508 quotes

"A gratitude practice can benefit social relationships across the board."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Leveraging different kinds of social relationships that reinforce positive behavior."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Loneliness is the distress that results from discrepancies between ideal and perceived social relationships."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What that's a blessing, not knowing how upset people are at you. Yeah, it's a blessing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You cannot have real high-powered motivation without a connection to other people."
"When we are lonely, it is not because we need to add more people to the triangle; it's for actually needing to move some people up."
"You are valuable and deserving of good people in your life."
"What sort of friendships do you want in your life?"
"You do not have to be friends with anybody, just like they don't have to be friends with you."
"A friend of everybody is a friend of nobody."
"People report higher levels of well-being while hanging with their friends than they do with their romantic partner or children."
"Social connections are up for reevaluation; consider if they affirm or detract from your self-worth."
"It's okay to not have a lot of friends. Having one or two solid friends is really all you need."
"Life isn't worth wasting time on people who pretend to like you."
"Social social relationships and strong social relationships are necessary for happiness."
"Relationships are seemingly so hard for so many people when it's the thing we need the most to feel alive, to feel happy, and feel connected."
"If you have shitty friends that are holding you back, I can't tell you how much it matters to have a friend group that's supportive."
"What I really want from life is to feel a wonderful connection with people."
"Less people equals less problems... it's up to you to really surround yourself with genuine and caring people because literally, life is so short, and it's not worth wasting your time and energy on those negative and like toxic people."
"This is truly ruining our relationships with other people and the potential for us to actually really find compatible, meaningful relationships."
"Happy hour is overrated. If you deepen your bond, then you know progress on a social and emotional level."
"Avoid people who are jealous, gossipers, and those who spread negativity. They do nothing but drag you down."
"Although people consciously know that parasocial relationships are not real relationships, in many ways, they feel psychologically real and meaningful."
"Your life will become automatically more positive when you rid people that don't want to be around you."
"It's better to be closer to friends, for sure."
"It's not the quantity of friends that you have, it's the quality of friends."
"I just crave genuine connections with people...I judge who I'm hanging out with based on who they are as a person."
"You're not really my friends, we're parasocial friends."
"You should choose to associate with people that are going to treat you well."
"Every social relationship between human beings can be understood as a function of domination and compulsion."
"Curate your friends. Be careful of the company you keep."
"I'm not doing so well at this whole friend thing, but like, these are primary school friends; they ain't gonna be there forever."
"A man of wealth has many enemies, while a man of knowledge has many friends. Hence, knowledge is better."
"If you're young or old, everybody needs friends."
"They trust that you are someone that can help them... they trust you're something that can really benefit their lives."
"Should anyone inquire about their relationships, Mr. Gaetz told the women to say that he had paid for hotel rooms and dinners as part of their dates."
"The car, the money you lose is just the cost of smiling and laughing with the people around you. That's a great thing and that's the advantage of notoriety."
"Create a life filled with people who enjoy your company."
"Surround yourself with the right people and be accountable to the right people in life."
"If you're losing all your friends, that might say something about your relationship being toxic."
"It's a great lesson in self-worth over material worth. It reminds viewers that the right people will like you for you and not for what's in your bank account."
"We gotta choose people more aligned with our values and beliefs."
"Friendship is meaningless to you, but to us, it's everything."
"When it's organic and real you don't fight friendship."
"If I respect someone, I get respect from the people I respect."
"Be true to yourself and you'll find the people who want to hear what you have to say."
"These guys were not my friends, they were comfortable using me and my platform."
"What these Americans are talking about here and they can't find friends are two of the three kinds of friendship."
"I'd rather have one incredibly good friend that you know do everything with that I'm can count on any time of day then having like 20 acquaintances."
"Surround yourself with people that are supportive and good to you."
"They wanted to see you succeed, but when you started to do better than them, that's when the energy started to switch."
"They want to make sure that you're doing okay, which is I think why they ask about you a lot and also why they constantly debate reaching out to you."
"Surround yourself with good people, collect them."
"It doesn't matter what you look like, it's just being friends."
"Make more friends and commit to being a better friend."
"Life is ultimately a really short ride. I only want to be around people who bring me joy."
"They had friends, they had family members who loved them."
"The world has stopped understanding the beauty of hanging out with your friends who you disagree with."
"I'm proud to have known a man who touched that many people."
"This is going to help you to reconnect yourself with yourself, with your family, with people."
"If people can't accept you, they are not the people that you need in your life." - R
"I think it's better to be alone than with the wrong friends because the wrong friends can make you feel like the smallest person on Earth."
"Humans are stupid creatures who can get along with anyone."
"If it's your friends... drop them! You don't need homophobic friends in your life."
"No one will support you if you just only sometimes do things."
"Empower and Inspire the people closest to you for sure for sure."
"You're gonna be friends with him because he has the ability to do good on the other end, whether he knows it or not."
"Connection and relationships are the key to happiness."
"He who tries to be everywhere at once is nowhere. He who is a friend to all is a friend to no one."
"Be a good friend to people, okay? We don't need none of these fake friendships out here."
"If you set firm boundaries and standards, trash bags are going to take themselves out."
"Even my friends that kind of took me for granted think better of me."
"Not everybody will like you, and that's totally okay, we don't need everybody to like you, but those who understand you will absolutely value you."
"During difficult times in your life, people will either show up or show themselves. But this isn't a negative thing; it's a great way to organically filter people out that shouldn't be in your life anyway."
"Why can't people just be friends with anyone, be friends with who they want to be friends with?"
"It's good to have people like that around you."
"Pay attention to your circle before they hurt you."
"Cutting negative people out of your life is like a big thing. Like I just don't [ __ ] with negative people."
"It's sad, like, I've lost so many friends, I can't... I don't have enough fingers and toes to count them."
"That parasocial relationship... unlike anything else."
"Surround yourself with people who make you hungry for life, touch your heart, and nourish your soul."
"Without friends, it's very hard to navigate life."
"They could be closer to someone 10,000 miles away than they are from someone two feet away."
"You need some witty leaders, you need some witty friends, you need to marry someone that has wit."
"Be outspoken... do not be afraid to lose friends."
"You have a few trustworthy friends and one unexpected enemy. Be mindful of manipulative and envious individuals."
"The company you keep around shapes your future."
"Make sure you're not surrounded by shitheads before diagnosing yourself as the problem."
"Everyone, I've missed every single one of you."
"Friendship breakups are arguably harder than relationship breakups, you know what I mean? It's not as easy to break up with a friend. It's almost like they're your family, and it's very hard. You put up with a lot, you know what I'm saying?"
"We need to be sympathetic towards each other."
"I think that it's best to say thank you to God, the universe, the ancestors, your friends, your family too much than to not say it enough."
"Keep a very small, tight social circle of trusted people."
"Human beings have a prophetic influence upon your life and destiny whether you realize it or not."
"He who walks with the wise will be wise, association can produce wisdom or foolishness."
"When a best friend of 14 years who knew this guy before social media is coming out and saying, 'You know what boys, even I can't be friends with him,' I think that is very, very telling about somebody's character."
"That's what he said. Be yourself, be a joy to have around, don't find yourself on the outs with no friends to hold you down. Be yourself and you'll stick, all right?"
"Understand that the girl you like is somebody's sister, somebody's daughter, is the respect and honor of somebody's family."
"It is so important to know who you're surrounding yourself with."
"You just gotta accept them, and anyone who does judge you, that just shows that they're not a good person to be in your life, I guess."
"Understanding that people just have very different value systems is the easiest way to explain."
"Gift giving is not so much about the gift, but instead it's a display that shows that you care about the other person."
"The opinion of others and feeling appreciated is very important too."
"Being true to ourselves and true about ourselves to other people isn't just good for us, it may be the most important thing you can do."
"Be mindful of how you spend your time and who you spend that time with."
"Make friends with people who want the best for you that's like literally your friends that kind of has a defining character and people who want to see me die."
"Transport and simulation is indeed a great combination."
"Those closest to you determine your level of success."
"I'm starting to think I might be better off without any of them in my life."
"You don't have to be friends with somebody who demonstrates themself to be of dubious character because that character that you're exposed to that's going to degrade your quality of life it's going to put you at risk."
"Concentrate on the people who give a f*** about you, that's the only people that matter."
"You kind of find out quick like who your real ones are and you roll with them and you trust."
"A parasocial relationship feels as real to you as any of your IRL friendships."
"I've met people that I love, my best friends in the whole world, I've met through doing stand-up."
"Life is about meeting people that have the same interests as you, growing and learning, and sometimes people grow apart and that's completely fine."
"I have a lot of really happy people I surround myself with because they they through association raised me to 80 and 85 and 90 degrees of happiness."
"Energy influences it. That's why it's super important to pick people who are at the same level as you or even higher than you so you can go up to their level."
"Focus on the positive people, the ones that make you feel good."
"People who claim to have 50 friends either you're lying, or you have 50 air quote friends, and therefore you have no friends."
"People, people, people. It's all about the people you surround yourself with."
"You're attracting genuine friends who support you and celebrate you, breaking old patterns and finding confidence."
"The most important thing for her was to have close and warm friends."
"Associate with those who will make a better man of you."
"You feel like they went cold on you, they're being super harsh, you may feel like they're not communicating because they don't know how or what to say."
"I decided I'd rather be held back with people I liked than move ahead with people I didn't."
"That's the type of friends that you want to have."
"You should be a bit more careful about who you trust. There are some pretty awful people out there."
"I can't imagine a life without our friend group."
"Fae touched feat: good for rounding out ability scores and enabling interesting combos."
"Negative people are I think the very worst that can happen to anybody if you are around negative people what will happen is they will kill your dreams and they will pull you back."
"Many of us don't have real friends, friends that will be there when you're up, friends that will be there when you're down."
"Do you have one person that you can call? That's really all that matters."
"It's the best holiday because I get to hang out with the best people."
"You will have a very strong power to attract those people in your life who you want to attract to."
"I'd say it's really hard to have non-streamer friends because a lot of people don't really understand like my life or this world."
"See people for who they are, not who you want them to be."
"You have to be open-minded and willing to try to understand what makes other people themselves."
"Support them when they have earned it and not when they don't."
"I'm just trying to be happy in general, like with whoever is presently in my life."
"The majority of homicides involve victims who know their killers."
"Being alone is one thing, but being surrounded by people who make you feel alone can be far worse."
"Just doing something for you makes you so internally and externally happy that then you're able to take that happiness and your happy self and put it into your relationships with other people."
"A good sign of how you treat others is the response you receive when you're in crisis."
"Sometimes you might make a friend or a lover and sometimes you can make an enemy."
"Every single person that I know has a parasocial relationship."
"Toxic friendships and relationships can deeply impact our vibrational energy, leaving us immersed in feelings of anxiety, stress, and negativity."
"As soon as I started becoming a better person, I attracted better people."
"Number one immune boosting thing is social friendships."
"If almost all of your friends and family do not like this person, there's usually a reason for that."
"I read this study...having a core group of girlfriends is more important than having like a solid man in your life."
"You can't do anything by yourself, you need friends, you need a team." - Ben Schwartz
"Be careful of parasocial relationships... value those in your life that truly show up."
"Here's to friends I wish I was with, the enemies I am with now."
"Having close friends makes me feel stronger."
"That's because we form what's called parasocial relationships with NPCs."
"You're the type of person everyone wants to have as a friend."
"The real good people won't ask you for money."
"Not everyone has to like you and not everyone is for you."
"They ghosting you because you got this success thing going on."
"It feels good to have a friend, doesn't it? I have many friends. It doesn't feel any different."
"Those that mind don't matter, those that matter don't mind."
"They're there to floss be seen with you but when it comes down to it you don't really know who those people are."
"I don't want friends when I'm leaving. Yeah, I want everyone to hate me."
"You can't attract happy people who add value to your life without being happy first."
"Surrounding yourself with people who understand you, who care about you, who love you, is probably the most important message."
"Racism is one of those zero-sum things either you get it and we can be cool or you don't get it and we cannot be cool."
"I've been losing friends and finding peace. Honestly, that sounds like a fair trade to me."
"Why your friends and family and partner don't want to see you become successful or win."
"We are replacing good genuine relationships and friendships with one-sided parasocial relationships where only a single person receives the benefits of that relationship."
"I don't want to make Levi mad. Oh my gosh, I need to apologize to him, and to Sam, and to Alyssa, and to Cali. There's a lot of people I need to..."
"Communities really hold people accountable... if you actually know each other."
"Guys in your friend zone want you to keep your body count low, get frustrated, and then go ahead and give them the 'hey big head' text."
"Quality over quantity in female friendships."
"I think it's like an important step, you know, especially as I'm starting to date a lot more."
"Be yourself. The right people will be attracted to the real you."
"You don't realize how connected you are with people until they aren't there."
"Spend time on people who want to be with you."
"Depth not width. Focus on a few deep relationships rather than a million surface-level ones."
"You change friend groups every five to ten years."
"We live in a physical world and if you want true solid connections with people, you want good quality friendships, great partnerships, wonderful relationships, what we're then activating is our own ability to show up and be those people as well."
"There's notably one scene where she admits she wishes she cared a bit more about what people think of her because she's realizing that she's making friends."
"You attract people that are similar to you, people that have similar life perspectives, a similar lifestyle. This is like the It couple placement."
"Like honestly Brielle had no idea that her bestie's man was that famous."
"Treat your family, friends, and enemies with top-notch merch."
"You will make friends who actually like you as a person."
"Direct your thoughts toward the positive aspects of others."
"You will find yourself so much happier and so much better liked by those around you."
"I just feel like it would make me happy, so if people don't want to see me happy, then they're not people that you should worry about."
"Be comfortable with removing people from your life."
"It is better to have fewer loyal, really, really close supportive friends than knowing a hundred people who don't really care about you that much."
"If you lose friends because of this conservative movement, they weren't your friends."
"Just make some healthier choices and ignore the people that you don't like."
"I feel very lucky that I have... a lot of really good friends."
"There's no room for toxic people but there is never-ending space for positive energy and positive people."
"Someone who reaches out, not just for a favor, but genuinely cares."
"I try my best anyways to make everybody happy."
"Real friends are hard to come by no matter how rich you are, but it increases in difficulty with your net worth."
"He threw his friends under the bus instead of taking responsibility for himself."
"You develop deep feelings with other people because they're in your life."
"We will never change and ultimately improve our relationship with these people if we don't first rid ourselves of the two worst misconceptions."