
Effectiveness Quotes

There are 20858 quotes

"The most potent protocol or tool for gratitude is going to be one that you repeat over and over again."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Empowerment is the ability to navigate the world around us and to bring myself to bear in ways that are effective. From empowerment arises the sense of agency."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Mirroring is a one of the simplest, easiest, and most effective of the skill set."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Cold water immersion up to the neck with your feet and hands submerged also is going to be the most effective."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Focusing on a goal line allows people to move more effectively toward that goal."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Focusing our visual attention on one particular point is incredibly effective for all types of goal pursuit."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Using nicotine patches for some period of time and then switching to a gum and then perhaps switching to a nasal spray, that's going to be the most effective."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Stress is going to happen, but it is extremely important that we all have readily accessible stress management tools that work the first time and every time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Finasteride treatment done properly, which we'll define in a moment, can reduce hair loss in 90% of all people that take it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Happy is the ultimate form for you to perform in life. If you're not happy, you're not as effective as you could be at achieving survival."
"Personal development is the most important work of your life because it teaches you how to become more effective with the work that you are doing."
"There's winning the narrative, and then there's getting things done. And as we've seen throughout this tour, the two aren't all that connected."
"Using a specific form of hypnosis, people can achieve complete and total cessation of cigarette smoking through one single hypnosis session."
"Don't just get the inspiration. The inspiration without the action is nothing."
"Properly activated satire is like the surgeon's scalpel cutting through warm butter... it cuts to the heart of the stuff."
"Replacement works way better than abstinence."
"Knowledge is not power. It's potential power. Execution trumps knowledge every day of the week."
"By intermittent fasting, we're not putting any more sugar in a low-carbohydrate diet. And guess what, it works."
"By any objective standard, he has been an effective, successful president in terms of a legislative agenda."
"When others are going so low, does going high still really work? My answer: Going high is the only thing that works."
"This is actually one of the single most powerful personal development techniques that I've ever found."
"If you write something for everyone, you write something for no one."
"You don't just want to look the part, you want to be effective."
"If you go to the root, it takes longer, but it lasts longer."
"The best leaders... regardless of what was going on around them, they were cool, calm, and collected."
"You don't have to change who you are... It's about what are you doing that is useful and effective to having the most abundance internally and abundance externally."
"Punishment will never fix anything, and what it is doing is breaking spirits."
"The beautiful thing about rail gun is its ability to deal with armored enemies."
"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
"Mindfulness, in short terms, is really about speeding up our mental processes whereby we can be more effective with whatever we are doing."
"You can't give the world 100 percent when you yourself don't know what that looks like for you."
"Character matters because it enables you to effectively fulfill your purpose and potential."
"I never prayed to be famous; I prayed to be effective."
"Let's figure out how we can do this a little bit better. Do we need prison reform? Yeah, let's reform it. How can we do it in a more effective way?"
"Are the tactics we have in place effective? That's the most important question."
"Peacekeeping operations are one of the world's community's most effective tools for the promotion and maintenance of international peace and security."
"Your evolution, your advancement, and your effectiveness is in your authenticity."
"We have relationship check-ins... it's actually really good."
"You don't have to worry about being effective, just stay in the place of love."
"The more people you serve, the more effective you become."
"You might love dogs, but you could do more good; your altruism could be more effective if you use your head instead of your heart."
"You should always help more people if you can, and the consequences of your donation matter."
"Effective altruism is basically asking yourself the fundamental question: how can I do the most good for the world?"
"How big of a problem is it that you're solving and how neglected is the problem?"
"It's not good enough to be right; you also have to be effective."
"This is the part where he's really starting to talk to people like they're five, which was absolutely wonderful."
"You can be 100% skeptical and the technique works just as well, the benefits are just as profound."
"That is the power of storytelling methods, and that's why Dr. Krashen says that the best methods of language teaching and language learning are storytelling methods."
"When you have a specific story you're trying to tell, how do you get that across your audience in a way that's going to be effective?"
"Sometimes, the simplest approach is the most effective."
"You can knock people off stage... it's the perfect Scythe sig."
"The sweet spot for an online dating message is between 40 and 90 characters."
"We've always aimed to deliver advertising that works for everyone. Whether it's consumers, advertisers, or publishers, we're committed to ads that are valuable, transparent, and trustworthy."
"It's not about the size of the sword; it's about the sharpness of the blade."
"It's really simple: Are you taking action? Patience only works when you're taking action."
"And no, actually, seems like the peace conference is working properly. I was worried."
"You cannot stop at the high level, and you can't do what a lot of people do, which is they waffle. You need to be able to state what your goal is in a single sentence with no commas, parentheticals, run-ons. It needs to be a very simple and direct goal."
"Social Security lifts more Americans out of poverty than any other program."
"The greatest mistake in life is being busy but not effective."
"The key to effective use of time is correct priority."
"Self-hatred is a really effective way of inspiring individual change... Oh yeah, maybe for a few of you, maybe like one or two, maybe some of you hated yourself into a better place. I don't really think so, though."
"Smart goals: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely."
"Once you're in the game, what is it that is going to allow you to become an emergent leader and going to allow you to become the person who is most effective? Here, it turns out these other abilities start to factor in a major way."
"It is truly astounding how well this feature works."
"Let's focus on the places where you can do the most good rather than the places where it makes us feel the best about ourselves."
"Liberalism grows pretty organically because there's a lot of tenets of liberalism that just seem to work."
"A rubber band is effective only when it's stretched."
"The Montreal Protocol has been claimed to be one of the most important and actually effective international regulations ever."
"The diet that works for you is the one you should keep going."
"It's simple, it's effective, easy to remember."
"The combo was really effective, the deck was really effective, the plan worked incredibly well."
"Keeping up with routines is really the best way to learn things."
"We're talking about a topic entitled 'Just My Imagination'. We're talking about the place where we are born, the place where we communicate, and how we can be more effective in finding the victories that can come to us in the place of our thoughts and our imaginations."
"We have to be cognizant here that this is not an all or nothing. It's not like it works 100% or it works 0%. It works somewhere in between, like most interventions in life."
"It's honestly so simple and after testing them out for a little while, I'm thoroughly impressed."
"I'm convinced that the intelligent organization clever people as they are, they're going to calibrate their response in a way which will be most effective for them."
"If you really care about the goal, you'll focus on the system."
"Efficiency and effectiveness are not the same."
"The first thought I have is how many of those medicines are actually counterproductive? And a lot of the time it's not like, oh, every now and then one is counterproductive. No, that's the case a lot of the time."
"MICHIGANDERS have shown great resolve in adhering to guidelines and it is working."
"Before your life can be really effective, you must make yourself a magnet for the things that will make it so."
"Effective living is a product of effective thinking."
"Positive reinforcement is way more effective than punishment."
"No one cares about these symbolic gestures... give us stuff that actually matters."
"Being able to communicate... there isn't anything that serves you better than your ability to communicate."
"We have taken a number of steps in communities where we feel we can be very effective messengers."
"Metaphors plant ideas deep in our subconscious and it really does work like magic."
"When you get what you want out of your head and you physically put them on a piece of paper, research shows that you're 42% more likely to achieve those goals."
"The deck was incredibly effective... with a 61 point something percent win rate."
"The fact is, it's incredibly effective; it's unreasonably effective in its applications."
"Socialist policies do work; they are incredibly popular with the general population of each country in which they're implemented and always produce outcomes that put wealthy capitalist nations to shame."
"You can't manage something you can't measure."
"Wigner concluded that the effectiveness of mathematics is a miracle which we neither understand nor deserve."
"If it's somewhat clever and has some sort of message that can impart upon the viewer about their product or brand, then you've done a decent job."
"Physical exercise is the most effective remedy, about 1.5 times more effective than antidepressants for depression."
"Action at the right time and the right place is essential. If you take the right action at the wrong time, it is null and void. Conversely, the right term with the wrong action is not effective either."
"Never use a big word when a shorter word would suffice."
"It's important to get a flu vaccine. The ongoing assessment of the flu vaccine effectiveness this year is about 50 percent."
"I need to know what works; I have a goal; I need to know what's going to move me towards that goal."
"Grand Theft Auto is excellent satire; it does it extremely well."
"Incremental progress is massively effective because it bears exponential fruit."
"Nothing in business should be hard if we are thinking and strategizing the right way."
"The CDC states that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and reduce the risks of COVID-19."
"Train with intent. Every strike should be with the intention of stopping the threat, going through your target as if you're trying to reach their soul."
"The Marshall Plan was one of the most effective programs ever implemented by the United States government in history."
"Using custom affirmations for specifically what you're going through is the most effective way to use them."
"Bernie Sanders was very, very good at working with House Republicans even... getting their votes on amendments."
"Sometimes the most effective path isn't just a straight one."
"It's not necessarily about having technology, it's about how you implement it."
"Being an impressive writer is different from being an effective writer."
"Effective altruism: where do your charitable dollars save the most lives?"
"You do not need a super expensive skincare routine to achieve results."
"You can actually accomplish something by doing nothing."
"In the world of Tai Chi, more and quicker is not necessarily better."
"We need to feel like we have agency in the world, like we can accomplish things and be effective."
"Meditation works every time. It is crazy. It is a way to return to equanimity."
"By being able to write them down clearly enough...that allowed me to make decisions in a very powerful way."
"It's worth it to spend some time thinking about something. Oftentimes you can come up with very good ideas and better ways to do something way more effectively."
"These findings provide rationale to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of using population-based and public health measures."
"Deterrents can achieve results at decreasing illegal immigration."
"Size isn’t everything. It’s how strategically you can use the forces you have that really matters at the end of the day."
"With some brilliant tacticians and military minds leading them and supplied with good equipment, the German army of 1939 was a truly formidable opponent."
"Tell people you love them. It's a really effective measure."
"This is about using time effectively rather than spending more time studying."
"Craigslist is ugly as hell but it's incredibly useful and it's incredibly effective."
"Persuasion is more powerful than punishment."
"This is gonna prompt calls that this is not really a gimmick deck because it actually wins games."
"I think humor plays a very important role here as well."
"If you're rude, condescending, insulting...they immediately disregard your comment. You're not helping us or our cause."
"The Ukrainians have been pretty effective in using these rocket systems to service a certain family of targets, HQs, ammunition depots, etc."
"Systems like HIMARS and systems like Iskander are effective precisely because, among other things, they're able to reliably evade anti-aircraft defences."
"Spaced out your studying time...your mind works best with frequent check-ins."
"It's more useful to think of people as effective rather than faulty or dysfunctional."
"Assertive communication is... a much more effective way to communicate with individuals. It's not always comfortable, especially if you're moving from a passive to an assertive, but it's a very, very powerful way."
"The effective fervent prayer of the righteous will avail much."
"There's a sense of like if there hadn't been some effectiveness and wisdom in it, it would have failed."
"The M41A pulse rifle...the weapons steel-jacketed explosive tipped rounds take down the aliens pretty quickly."
"If you're going to converse with people, it has to be about the facts. So basically, talking about what can you do, how much good will it do if you cut a ton of CO2, how much good will it do if you recycle a bottle, how much good will it do if you get more fertilizer for poor people?"
"I work on myself every day. I super get it, but I'm also not about to act like what I'm doing isn't working."
"Something being used as a coping mechanism doesn't automatically make it good."
"I don't think shaming is effective. It's pushing people in the opposite direction."
"Most of the mental training he did was freakin' legit and I stand by that 100% fully."
"Non-violent peaceful resistance...works. We've seen the studies showing it works."
"You can make your creatures more effective and more importantly, it can help you utilize your graveyard as a resource."
"Non-violent protests for civil rights would ultimately be more effective than violence in arousing solidarity."
"Simply apply Lemon Scrub's zesty formula, scrub with a toothbrush or sponge, and watch the grease wipe away."
"Stand strong, my peace-loving civil disobedient protesters, because what you're doing is working, and they have nothing."
"The weakest ink is stronger than the best memory."
"After all, while it was often more subtle, its effects could be just as impactful as any victory in the field."
"The distinction between a trained and untrained soldier makes all the difference."
"The idea of like a unified fiscal policy worked really well in the United States."
"Being trusted. If you really want to be an effective negotiator, be trusted."
"There is a law of leadership that says if you are leading and no one is following, you are simply taking a walk."
"Bicarb is like the slow juggernaut; it's slow to compensate but it's definitely going to just crush everything in its path."
"It works like magic. I'm seriously impressed at how well it works."
"We should always be arguing principles, issues, and the stuff that works."
"If an apology doesn't follow these steps, it is a waste of time."
"Intravenous vitamin C might be an effective treatment for sepsis."
"If I've learned one thing as a journalist, it's that raising awareness as a motif is borderline useless in almost all cases."
"They're going to be different offensively, so they're going to be effective."
"Change the narrative, and how powerful that was to have 75 percent of people pain-free in one month."
"Collective decision-making is so much better than individual decision-making if it's done well."
"That's a really impressive solution. It's nice and simple, easy to implement, and best of all, looks freaking fantastic."
"Having skin in the game makes things work better, not worse."
"Keep it simple, don't overcomplicate things. Simple works best."
"The skilled Jedi proved extraordinarily effective as a flexible force multiplier capable of turning the tides of battle."
"God responds to those who are righteous, those who walk with Him because the prayer of the righteous avails much."
"Democracy works pretty well. I think that's the problem sometimes. I think a lot of people look at our system and they complain that it's really ineffective, but I think the reality is that we're historically divided today in ways we haven't been prior to this."
"Attacking people does not work. It has never worked."
"Melatonin reduces your time to fall asleep by about seven minutes, which is not particularly impressive."
"What we call luck is, in fact, a direct result of the correct or incorrect application of natural laws anyone can use effectively if he knows how."
"It isn't what you have that counts, but how effectively you use it."
"Visualization is far more than mere imagination; it is always more complete, more detailed."
"I thought homeschooling was an oxymoron, and it turns out actually to work quite well."
"It's amazing what does it do really simple, really."
"The data so far suggests both vaccines are effective against the dominant strains of COVID."
"Products don't matter if you don't have the right products in the right sequence in a way that actually works for your skin."
"The three steps in this process, refuel, reset, and then refocus, these are very effective for getting past that afternoon slump."
"The teaching method...has been actually proven to be effective across multiple studies."
"Systems make good governments, not the other way around."
"Self-help makes you feel good, there's no doubt about it."
"Prayer works, like not in theory, I mean like for real, for real, prayer works."
"Censorship doesn't solve anything in the long term."
"I'm not a young guy, that's no secret. But here's the deal: I understand how to get things done for the American people."
"The self-help gurus are not going to give you the key to success. They're just going to give you vague one-liners that anyone can apply to whatever they are currently going through because that's what sells."
"What makes you a productive, effective, and successful human being does not change based on where you happen to arrive that day."
"If you care about the reality of doing good and not the perception of doing good, then it is very hard to give away money effectively."
"A picture tells a thousand words, a video tells a thousand images."
"I just wanted to have the ingredients to work, to be beneficial for the skin, to do what they're supposed to do. Simple, effective skincare."
"In coding, sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective."
"If you're organized, your vote is as an effective weapon as an AR-15."
"I really think that by rewarding dogs for doing the right thing, that's where you're gonna make the most gains in your training."
"Masks, however, do work if you are sick and you're spitting on people as you talk."
"The most effective acid test for a martial art is this: does it consistently perform against a completely uncooperative, fully resisting, aggressive opponent?"
"It's very simple but I think it's very effective. It tells you what the game is, shows you a screenshot of the video... that's all I really wanted out of it."
"Knights on the rim are grim. Keeping your knights towards the center of the board is better than putting them on the side."
"The government that is closest to the people governs best."
"I personally love putting on my eye creams in the morning and at night. I think they are just so effective for just treating the under-eye area."
"Sanctions do work, but they have to be done properly."
"I fully believe in their benefits, and they are evident in the game, even when they're poorly constructed, they still work well."