
Awareness Quotes

There are 47039 quotes

"It's about being in the world and being as aware as I can possibly be, including being aware that there are things I'm not aware of. So sort of having a healthy respect and an orientation to the world that values truth and values understanding and exploration."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's like, oh, yeah, there are birds like this everywhere. I'm just not paying attention."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In a delightful way-- how deficient our perceptual filters normally are."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The world is giving us clues all the time. If we're paying attention, that's another part of it." - Rick Rubin.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If three people recommend the same thing to you, maybe it's not a coincidence." - Rick Rubin.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Once people learn about narcissism and they're given permission to call abusive behavior what it is, they're able to slowly but surely start coming back into themselves."
"Information and awareness are always the first step in being able to do something about your situation."
"Suddenly something happens that makes you feel fear or anger; at minimum, there's something worth attending to. That person's worth paying attention to, if only just to back away quickly."
"A change in my consciousness might be introducing something that I'm not currently aware of or focused on."
"Meditation is training our awareness and there are many kinds of meditations."
"Mindfulness is moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness that's cultivated by paying attention."
"Don't be scared of despair, anxiety, trauma, and depression. They are helpful messengers that are telling you something."
"Mindfulness is an invitation to be aware of what we're thinking."
"We're so into thinking but not so much into being aware of what we're thinking."
"We all have emotional fitness; we can all work proactively on that to increase that."
"Psychology studies what is going on in there; spirituality studies who is in there noticing what is going on in there."
"Awareness alone weakens it; it slackens the strings a bit."
"The sleeping giant of America is not just conservatives; it's really just everyday people like you and me."
"You have more power over your health than you've ever been told."
"The universe is constantly conspiring for your greater good, the only question is if you're noticing."
"Pain management is often about that, getting people to actually pay attention to their pain...the real weave and fabric and texture."
"Most of us do not pay attention to the world around us."
"Resting in mindful awareness with nothing to do, nowhere to go, just observing, and enjoying that."
"It's up to the patient to be honest with themselves about their experiences... That awareness seems like an incredibly powerful thing to own and to build and cultivate."
"Your mind is always eavesdropping on your self-talk."
"There's a lot of people really suffering out there, and we have to be much more attuned to that and listen to people."
"Nutritional deficiency continues to be an unrecognized and under-treated problem in clinical practice."
"I've become a menopause warrior because once I went through it myself, I realized that there is a tremendous lack of knowledge, teaching, education, and even empathy for the menopausal woman."
"You have to become conscious of your unconscious habits and behaviors and modify them."
"Understanding there's a root to your suffering is the first step of a very important journey."
"Most people know what they don't want, but they don't know what they do want."
"A lot of young men do not know that they're affected... until they remove porn use."
"If we were to see the bigger picture, we could make more informed choices when it comes to our health and wellness."
"All you have to do is be aware and notice, and that's sufficient for change."
"You're not the body; you have a body. You're not the mind; you have a mind. You are an avenue of awareness."
"We really should just place more emphasis on mental health treatment."
"We have to live our experience as it is, and we have to live it awake."
"The adult human is on their phone five hours per day... That's 35 hours per week. That's literally a job."
"I went through primary school, high school, and university without even once getting told how to check myself for men's health problems like this."
"Negative emotion is a call for awareness just like pain is."
"It feels like there's definitely a media layer of conditioning that exists in the media, in the music, everywhere. Once you see it, you kind of see it."
"I just try to be really aware of the different subjective experiences that people can have."
"By the time they're coming and telling you this, it's been going on for a while."
"You cannot escape from a prison if you don't know you're in one."
"Abuse is abuse, no matter how it happens, no matter how severe you might think it is or isn't."
"What if a victim themselves looks up a video of a person being raped because they weren't sure what happened to them and they wanted to see what it looked like from a third person perspective?"
"Your brain is... constantly predicting what's going on in the body and what's going on in the world and making predictions."
"The light represents awareness, mindfulness, and the warmth of the Sun represents kindness, compassion. That is actually what opens us up."
"Very rarely do people speak about the mind... the brain needs the most energy."
"Being aware of the difference between internal and external happiness is really important."
"Mindfulness is paying attention, but not just paying attention. Paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally."
"Existence and awareness of existence are inseparable."
"Narcissism, I find, to be an absolutely fascinating topic... because I believe that when you understand what it is and what it isn't, and when you have tools, all of a sudden there is a light at the end of the tunnel that you're walking down, and you realize you're not crazy; you're around somebody who's making you believe you are."
"Karma is transcended when you become fully aware and understand it."
"Awareness is always the first step in healing."
"We have forgotten about our humanity, and that has got to change."
"If you actually go one day eating a healthy meal and you count your calories, it's insane how hard it is to overeat on actual food versus how easy it is to overeat on dog [__] food."
"Are we aware, are we conscious, are we making deliberate choices, or are we driven by unconscious pain?"
"Life is a journey towards greater and greater awareness of God's oneness."
"We know the curvy contours of our iPhone more than we know the curvy contours of our partner."
"If you don't change at all, you're either not paying attention or you don't care."
"I think the biggest revelation that I've had is I think that our understanding of mental illness and mental pressure is woefully outdated."
"The goal of raising one's awareness is the objective of human life."
"The awareness, Atman, pure consciousness, it's a donkey smuggling donkeys, always under our noses, we don't notice it."
"The best product will always win if people know about it."
"Somebody's trying to do something to blind you in a fight; they're not going to do it for no reason."
"This is the state of Living Godhood ... This is the state of Self Actualization ... This is the state, of complete and total, Awareness and Awakening."
"We can listen curiously or we can listen in a biased manner... if we're totally out of our own way and we are just totally in the process of listening, that's curiosity and awareness."
"Wake up to the lies of the matrix and don't sell your soul to culture's lies."
"Water is a privilege...most people, they don't have that."
"When we fully realize that thought causes all, we'll know there's never any limits that we our self don't impose."
"And when it happens, don't turn away from it. That's the moment that change is born."
"Ren is... giving you the power to offset your carbon emissions and be informed about your impact on the environment."
"No problem can ever be solved at the level of awareness at which it was created."
"Black folks, y'all better learn the game here. See, this is all about learning the game."
"Everything that happens to you is a form of instruction, if you pay attention."
"Mindfulness means focusing the attention in this present moment and letting go of the future, letting go of the past, and just coming to be aware of whatever is present right now."
"Mindfulness helps teach individuals to be able to let go of those orientations and come to awareness about what's happening right in this moment."
"Insight and awareness precede change, so pushing someone to change when they're not ready to change is never going to work."
"The moment you've noticed your mind has wandered away, that's a win."
"We want to exercise practicing awareness on how the environment is impacting us."
"Mindfulness is a non-judgmental awareness of the present moment."
"Mindfulness means just shifting your awareness over into the present moment."
"Mindfulness I would define as the art of bringing your awareness into the present moment."
"Mindful awareness can be simply thought of as a way of paying attention in a way that is continually watchful and discerning for what is arising and passing in our minds and in the external world."
"The more people who understand pain the way you do now, the more likely the paradigm will shift."
"Mindfulness is not about changing your emotions, it's about noticing your emotions and being able to turn in and look at them with an intention to understand, not to judge."
"You cannot treat people this way without consequence. You cannot pretend you don't know the harm you cause."
"Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally." - Jon Kabat-Zinn
"Mindfulness is really another word for presence, for being in a state of awareness."
"Mindfulness is actually just an act of becoming present."
"All we have to do is dust off our capacity to access awareness, which is simply another synonym for mindfulness and heartfulness."
"If you were totally conscious, I'm telling you that you would not fear anything."
"Mindfulness is really the awareness that arises when we pay attention in a particular way: purposely attending to the present moment, without judgment."
"The moment you begin to notice the mechanics of your own psychological suffering... is when mindfulness becomes a kind of superpower."
"This practice here will show you just how low your bar is set, and maybe...it'll convince you that hey, maybe my life would go better if I raised the bar a few notches!"
"Mindfulness is about falling awake. Whereas masters are falling asleep, we do it every night and through most of the day too, at least on autopilot or semi-asleep. But falling awake, that's a challenge."
"Sexualization and objectification are not the same thing."
"Mindfulness is defined as bringing your attention to the present moment and recognizing your thoughts, emotions, and reactions that are going on in that very moment in a non-judgmental way."
"This year, for the first time in the campaign's history, the focus is on non-visible disabilities."
"I'm grateful we're talking about it because it's a game-changer."
"Being puzzled about consciousness is a very good sign that a system is conscious."
"Consciousness and awareness... it's present, notice it continues. Other things come and go."
"This consciousness is effortless. Knowledge requires effort, but consciousness, what effort does it require to be conscious? None."
"You are Nirvikalpa... you are awareness, you are consciousness."
"The sound of the bell arose in awareness, it shone in awareness, it faded away in awareness."
"The experience of simply being aware...is the only experience that never disappears, the only experience that never moves or changes."
"If you can see yourself as not the body and rest in pure awareness, you will be enlightened, right now."
"Consciousness isn't an illusion. Clearly there is an awareness of the world."
"Our rights are like muscles; if you don't use them, you will lose them."
"Mindfulness is awareness of present experience with acceptance."
"Instead of shrink wrapping and reducing everything to matter, this elevates everything to awareness, consciousness, mind."
"In you, the worlds arise like waves in the sea. It is true, you are awareness itself. So free yourself from the fever of the world."
"Oh, how wonderful. I am awareness itself, no less. The world is a magic show, but in me, there is nothing to embrace and nothing to turn away."
"Consciousness is like the sun. It is always on. Deep sleep is not the absence of awareness; it is the awareness of absence."
"The real deep joy comes from the pure awareness, with no content whatsoever."
"It's surely of the essence of an emotion that we should be aware of it, that it should become known to consciousness."
"The lesson of this video was always read the label and don't put glue in your hair."
"You are not the pain. You are aware of the pain. You are free of the pain."
"Mindfulness is the only way we can break through the veil of ignorance to see things in a whole new way."
"I don't think I realized the extent to which what I would come to see on the ground would really shock me and horrify me."
"Every challenge is an opportunity for waking up."
"To be aware that there is a desire arising and just be there as the observing presence."
"All the obvious things which, when one thinks hard about them, are astonishing."
"In the unlimited basic space of awareness, samsara and nirvana never existed."
"I love to see a woman that's about her business, doing her own thing. That's a turn-on for me."
"We are all more blind to what we have than what we have not."
"Life is deeply counterintuitive. That's exactly how people fall into traps."
"If you say, 'Hey, don't put anything wet on the computer,' and the next day they're spraying it with the hose, they know what they're doing."
"We can prevent things like this happening in the future as long as there's awareness and parents of today know what happened."
"The more you put your awareness in your heart, the more the electromagnetic energy around your body grows."
"I'd rather be super intentional and aware of how I'm moving about in the world so that I don't cause myself harm or other people harm."
"Mental health is so important and people forget sometimes that we're all just people."
"Online abuse is really, really disgusting, and it is very important that people stand up to it."
"Stay informed, of course, but just remember to unplug at times too and focus on what you can control."
"Your relationships are meant to help your spiritual development and your awareness of the world."
"What I want to do is to create that type of content with consciousness, so it's almost like you're tricking people into becoming conscious."
"Once you are aware of your situation... stop overanalyzing or over-consuming a lot of the negative news."
"It's possible to walk aware of the presence of God 24/7. You don't have to wait to come to a revival meeting or a special church service to feel the nearness of God. You can carry the presence of the Holy Spirit in such a way that you're aware of that presence 24/7."
"The life of the believer is one of victory, one of power, one of God's presence. And to walk in that awareness is to walk in that victory."
"Your destiny and your purpose in life is to increasingly be the awareness rather than the conditioned pattern."
"We are sharing this experience in what the old traditions of India would call Chittakash, the infinite space of awareness."
"The essence of meditation is what we call 'awareness.' Being with awareness is the practice of meditation."
"The ultimate secret of the universe... is that we are infinite awareness."
"People say, 'What are we?' They look for form... No, just imagine awareness, just awareness."
"This awareness is infinite and this awareness penetrates everything, whether it's a tree, a blade of grass, anything."
"You can be in the body in the world... and you can also be beyond the world because your point of attention... is not just locked into the five senses."
"You are everything within the field of awareness. You are the field of awareness itself."
"Day-to-day life and our human experience... It's a lot of nuance in a lot of people's lives that we might kind of ignore."
"The ultimate question is not how well you can give love, but how well can you acknowledge love when it's standing right in front of your face."
"Rain is a process of detangling the trance and it really comes down to a mindful awareness with kindness."
"We're all doing the best we can within the limits of awareness that we currently have."
"The classism, racism, homophobia that affects this sector even today."
"Awareness is not in time and space; time and space are in awareness."
"Advaita Vedanta teaches that you are the unlimited awareness, immortal awareness right now."
"Lucid dreaming is a dream in which you're aware you're dreaming."
"The reality is just it's tough out there, and sometimes you might be a victim of a scam and you don't even realize it."
"Dreaming is pivotal in our humanity. We need more dreamers, we need people who raise our awareness and keep our minds open to things that do not forge part of our reality."
"What I like about Muji is his sort of lucid and easy way of helping you to recognize that you are already in a state of awareness."
"This has to get out nationally. This is a fundamental attack on your rights."
"What you are aware of, it's all in your awareness."
"Practice tiny microscopic moments of awareness throughout the day... letting meditation become your default state."
"Mindfulness means to be in the present moment without judgment, without changing it, just to be there with total awareness."
"Awareness is like the sky, always free, always pure."
"Our real, fundamental quality is genuine awareness, and thoughts and emotions are just like clouds in the sky."
"Recognizing and being aware of our emotions and sensations as they are, is the wisdom."
"No matter what, at the basic level, we have this pure awareness where there is no mistake, no failure."
"As difficult as these cases are to hear, we always say the reason we talk about them is to not only give these families, these victims, these children a voice but also to educate and make people more aware."
"I personally can't get over the thought that if Stella had just come home a few hours later, this 9-year-old little girl might have been spared from an absolutely horrific murder."
"The universe is actually made of consciousness, the intrinsic consciousness that you are using right now as you watch this video."
"There's a difference between knowing the fact and actually like truly understanding the fact, like the fact that you're going to die one day."
"Seek new experiences, embrace adversity, and do so with awareness."
"We are more aware of the sight of Allah than the sight of anyone or anything upon us."
"If something is that deeply offensive and disturbing, it also probably means that there's a lot of growth to be had there if you become conscious of it."
"I say this not to scare anyone out there but to simply give you guys the facts about what I am seeing transpire in the economy right now."
"It starts with people being open-minded and actually trying to at least be interested in women's sports."
"We all recognize the importance of what's going on here, and I think it's important to have level heads about what's happening."
"Starting to gather your bearings and slow down, realizing you've been rushing around for nothing."
"This is not just entertainment; we can all be learning from this, looking at the red flags, learning what not to do."
"If this was happening to your loved one, you would not be okay with it."
"Every year, eight million people die from air pollution, 63,000 in Britain, and that by 2050 there'll be as much plastic in the sea as fish."
"It's time to wake up; it's time to see the truth."
"Equality requires acknowledgment of inequality."
"If left untreated, PCOS can lead to irregular or absent periods, infertility, unwanted hair growth on our face and body, acne, alopecia, pregnancy complications, and even cancer."
"The practice of living consciously means having a mind that is active versus passive, that seeks awareness versus not bothering."
"Unfortunately, people only open their eyes once it's reached an insane point."
"You don't know how deep it goes until it's getting you slowly, so you got to let it go."
"If you want to keep your heads under rug and remain plugged into the Matrix and not talk about the elephant in the room, well, so be it."
"My goal and my mission was to tell as many people as possible that this was about to happen. I saw it coming. The signs were there."
"When you fulfill your own gaps through being aware... you become your own source of positive emotions."
"People who assume propaganda will never work on them are always the most susceptible to being influenced by it because they don't think there's a need to be vigilant against it."
"If you fall for arguments about dangerous trans people in women's spaces, you would have fallen for arguments about dangerous black men coming into white spaces to abuse white women, or dangerous gay men in schools."
"Mental illness is not a thing that we make up; it's not a sign that you're obsessed with yourself or that you as a human being just suck."
"Cutting through the cognitive bias that shapes so much of our thinking."
"If it already disturbs you that we're talking about grief the way that Viagra commercials talk about erections, then you're paying attention."
"It left them all speechless, and rightfully so, and I hope that it echoes in the hearts of people that didn't recognize how big of a problem this is."
"I've fallen into a trap where I've completely outsourced if I'm going to be okay onto other people and things."
"When you realize words are spells, that's why it's called spelling."
"These questions are a reminder of marginalisation, that the things that that person lives with every day are another person's casual curiosity."
"This truly underscores the power of victims coming forward, the power of giving them a platform to be heard, and the power of all of you, this community."