
Giving Quotes

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"The happiest people I see are the people who are giving."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The greatest gift in life is the gift of giving."
"The greatest gift we can give to other people is to accept their help."
"Love yourself. You can achieve anything you set your mind to achieve. And be a go-giver as much as you are a go-getter."
"A relationship is not a place to go get; it's a place to go give."
"Focus on giving your partner the best of you, not the worst of you."
"When you give to others, I guarantee you find more joy out of giving somebody something that they're desperately needing more than if I gave you something."
"I had the great feeling of giving so much happiness to the people."
"When you're seducing someone, you're actually leaving them full and better off than before. You're not taking something; you're giving something."
"If you want to be a full citizen of a country, citizenship is not about what you get; it's actually about what you give."
"What you give away is what you keep for yourself because again you are the source of everything."
"Giving money is absolutely better as an act of trust and solidarity and love for one's fellow human beings than giving stuff."
"Stop trying to get something for nothing. You must give to receive."
"Charity begins at home; it's not how much money you can give, it's whether you have an attitude of giving."
"The more we were able to keep our hearts open to ourselves, the more we have available to give to others."
"You're always giving, giving, giving. The month of July you're gonna be receiving, receiving."
"You get blessed by the way, if you become a river and not a reservoir."
"Your gift is going to release the next blessing in your life."
"Shift from focusing on what you are getting and focus only on what you are giving, because happiness means to be a giver."
"You never give to be praised. You give from the heart."
"Christmas is all about giving, putting others before yourself."
"The Bible says very clearly in Luke 6:38, 'Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.'"
"Every baby knows on the Christmas eve or on holidays when they get a gift and they open it, and there is such a joy in them. But there is a joy in giving, in contribution, which is mature and which is ten times greater than the joy that you get in getting."
"Your greatest personal power lies in giving back."
"The greatest form of giving is anonymous to anonymous."
"It's the season of gifts and giving, so show someone close to your love today."
"If you are the kind of person that gives and gives and gives, this is your chance to receive a little bit."
"You feel love when you give it rather than when you receive it."
"Don't give out of compulsion... And God loves a cheerful giver."
"When you give, you give from the heart, and that influences the brain."
"The greatest gift that you can give to your woman, to a relationship, is to set the tone and lead."
"And if you keep growing, you're gonna have more to give, and when you're growing and giving, that's when life is magnificent."
"Being grateful and being kind... it's good to give. It feels good to give."
"Love is about giving; we have to ask ourselves, do we know what their needs are? Are we willing to fulfill those needs?"
"In a healthy mature relationship, you should be perfectly fine with doing more for your partner than they do for you."
"Real love isn't only about receiving; it's about giving, helping, caring, supporting."
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
"The more we give, the more it inspires others to give. But the more selfish we are, the more others become selfish around us."
"When your intention in coming is to give something that God put inside of you, you are no longer dependent on people."
"It really is about giving part of your heart, not physically, but figuratively, to those in need."
"Sex inside marriage is basically about giving, giving yourself and just serving the other person."
"Giving is our love response to what God has already done. Giving is not our motivating God to do something for us; giving is gratitude and honor to what God has already done for us."
"We give out of love and appreciation for God, not trying to get Him to do something, but because He's already done it."
"The secret to living is giving. We all know life's not about me, it's about we."
"A great relationship is when you stop thinking about your needs and you just say, 'I'm going to give to this person.'"
"Perhaps you're in a relationship in which you give more than you receive."
"We give and give and give until we don't even realize like, it's gone."
"Self-care is not selfish. It's essential for being able to give to others effectively."
"The greatest gift is to be a blessing for somebody else."
"Philanthropy is not a logical thing; it's an emotional transaction."
"If you're not gonna be a giver, you're gonna have maybe a more successful life by a lot of people's standards, but you're not gonna have the wonderful satisfaction when you go to bed at night."
"You should give all the satisfaction life, if you think back, and anything you've done is in the act of giving."
"Understanding the art of receiving is as important as the art of giving."
"Giving should come from a place of not expecting anything in return."
"To whom much is given, from that person much is expected."
"You don't have anything to give that you don't have. So you have to keep your own self full."
"Give first and overdeliver. Whatever the industry's doing, try and deliver fivefold above that."
"Give of yourself, give of your substance, and you will cease to be troubled with the penalties of selfishness."
"Don't be afraid to open up to someone and don't be afraid to give."
"Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously."
"You cannot give from nothing. Therefore, understand self-first is not selfish."
"The biggest joy is...when I find like I donate or I give something to my parents or someone I care for. It gives me so much more enjoyment and happiness than anything else."
"If you're going to donate to somebody's cause, it should be unconditional."
"Giving and forgiving really does work. If you give and forgive, you actually get plenty in your life."
"Give, give, give of yourself. That's how you build a connection."
"Keep it, put it to a good cause, send it to somebody who needs it."
"You give once, you elicit appreciation. You give twice, you create anticipation. You give three times, you create expectation. You give a fourth time, it becomes entitlement. The fifth time you establish dependency, and the moment you stop giving, you become an enemy."
"You make a living by what you get and you live a life by what you give."
"Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you."
"I think the crazy thing about Christmas is trying to focus on the giving aspect."
"Marriage is about covenant... it's not 'hey what am I going to get from this' it's 'no, here is what I'm going to give to this'."
"The key is not just to give like when you need to give; always be in a state of giving because then you're always going to be in a state of receiving things you would have never expected."
"Giving is how you break the curse because you have to understand it's a us thing, it's a spiritual thing."
"You're the one who keeps on giving gifts over and over again."
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity, for God loveth a cheerful giver."
"We have to start realizing that giving and doing things in business without expectation of return from the other individual is probably the greatest leverage that you could ever deploy in your business life."
"Love never claims, it simply allows and gifts."
"You can't give what you don't have. You give Christ when you minister."
"Love is the giving to oneself or to another in a way that promotes one's or another's spiritual growth."
"My motivation is to give out of gratitude and thanksgiving."
"Give people money, it's one of the easiest ways to give back."
"You're giving a lot, but if you really want to give to others, I feel like you can do that better by really healing yourself."
"When you give on earth, you're giving on earth, Christ is receiving it in heaven."
"Giving is worship and thanksgiving for what He's already done."
"Giving is only when you expect nothing in return."
"The purpose of life is to give, to enrich the lives of others in some way."
"Just keep giving, and the more you give away, the more that comes back. What goes around comes around is not just a funny little song title, it is a powerful, powerful message."
"Jesus measures our gifts not by how much we give by how much it costs us."
"Giving isn’t about how much you give, it’s about what changes inside of you when you do it."
"I want to be blessed so that I can be a blessing."
"I'm going to take care of myself because I want to give my best self to the people I love."
"Let every one of you give in proportion to how God has blessed you."
"When you give it should be like even though you're giving an offerings or to help others you give it like you're giving it to the Lord."
"What really fulfills you is what you give, not what you get."
"Remember what comes back when you give away, give away, when you give it away, give away."
"Christmas is about giving, it's not about getting."
"Giving is one of the greatest gifts in the world."
"Giving freely is what's important unconditionally."
"Givers always have a special place in the heart of God because you'll never see givers in a position or they have nothing to give."
"When you give love, you give all the things that make up you."
"You're not trying to get something from the people. You're giving a gift to the people."
"It's more blessed to give than to receive, ladies and gentlemen."
"If you're not gonna give anything to the person, you're just taking everything from them."
"Given it shall be given... this will unlock the door of blessings in your life, in your ministry, in your business."
"I set out to bring presents to my Kerbals on Ilu, but really I brought a present to all of us in a way."
"Giving and acquiring are at the heart of the fundamental contrast between humans and God."
"Helping people is rare, you give, bro, you give."
"This is the season of giving, if you're looking for a good charity to support."
"When you give from a place of richness, you don't need to be demanding."
"I think that also taught me a very important lesson early on which is it's not just about, you know, a boy gives and wants other people to know and wants to feel a sense of superiority over someone."
"To know him is to love him, and to give to him is a reflection of that love you have for him, people that love God."
"To give something that will never come back in your life and to give that to someone is certainly the greatest gift."
"The joy of giving, contributing, that would bring immense satisfaction."
"Believing in the self first, correct, before you can give to others."
"Thank you to everyone sewing, giving, we appreciate you guys."
"Charity isn't about what you get, it's about what you give."
"Live like no one else today so that you can live and give like no one else tomorrow."
"May you become a humanitarian given to those who can never repay the favor."
"You only keep what you have by giving it away."
"Even if you've donated a single Brick by the will of Allah, he's not just going to say right here's your brick now that's it in the he's going to give you the whole house even through that Brick by his Mercy."
"When God asks you for a seed, he has a harvest on his mind."
"Love never claims, it simply gives and allows."
"You're a love rock, it's the love that you give."
"My giving now is on a whole 'nother level. I know who to help as opposed to just... and there's different ways of that."
"Courage is not something to be received but rather something to give."
"Love is not something to be received but rather something to give."
"He's a man of his word. We respect it. I've got something for you too."
"When gifts, you can't give if you don't have it."
"It's not the giving, it's not the getting, it's still loving."
"I believe giving should be a lifestyle and this wasn't just one time that I gave but this was a key time that I gave in my life."
"If you want to receive, give first. If you want to learn, teach first."
"Some people spell love as l-o-v-e but I spell it as g-i-v-e because I've learned that to truly love you must give freely." - Nigeria
"It feels really, really good to be able to give back."
"He wanted to give kids something he never had."
"Happiness comes from giving without expectations of getting anything back."
"Living like no one else so that later I can live and give like no one else."
"There is no expressing love to God without giving. Amen."
"I hope that this is going to go to somebody who really needs it."
"Life is really a series of growth spurts; two things in life make you feel alive: growing and giving."
"The life triumphant is that which places what a man gives to the world in creative expression far ahead of that which he takes from it."
"The message of the gospel is not for what we can get but for whom we can give."
"Literally, I give away stuff on my Instagram sometimes."
"It is not to the one who holds but to the one who opens the hand that more shall be given."
"You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving."
"Relationships are a place you go to give, not a place you go to get."
"Let your giving be marked by passion, not percentages or prosperity."
"Count your blessings and if you can donate, donate."
"We all need to receive and we all need to give."
"Recognize that you didn't have something that you now get to give to somebody else."
"Founder wise, we always try and find missionaries, not mercenaries."
"The spirit of giving should be all in you throughout all year long."
"God gave us something to give to you as a point of contact. Thank you for the training for reigning, the best thing God has ever brought to this earth!"
"I've never had anyone buy me furniture in my years of living."
"The best way to give is when you are set for success."
"The purpose of life is to give your gift away."
"Living like no one else so that later you can live and give like no one else."
"Giving to me is so appreciated because you know there's a lot that don't and that's okay too."
"If I could have that one moment during my day that makes me happy and I can give to someone else, then it's what I want to do."
"Give happiness to others, and Allah will give you happiness."
"It's not a sacrifice after all God has done for us. It's not a sacrifice, it's a seed."
"God boomerangs back to you what you have given to somebody else."
"You give the tithe first. It's not just 10%, it's the first 10%. It takes faith to give the first."
"The wealth will appear if you're just giving and giving and giving."
"It's the spirit of generosity if we're willing to give to the person next to us it's amazing what they'll be willing to give to us."
"They're giving more to us than we could ever give to them."
"Giving is one of the biggest things that helped him even be able to find the happiness that he has right now."
"Every man according as he has purpose in his heart, so let him give."
"We must give in order to receive, and what we give must be something the world wants or needs."
"God so loved the world that he gave, and I'm just giving God praise for that right now."
"My giving right now is all about gratitude and thanksgiving for what he's done."
"Oh, I [__] love Christmas. Who doesn't love the season of giving?"
"It is not selfish, because if you are not whole, if you are not healed, if you don't feel complete, you can't give to your full potential."
"I think we give ourselves permission to focus more on the positive things, our shared humanity, our concern for those in need around us, our desire to give and give back."
"We are here to give what we've received and we are here to receive in order to give."
"When you're giving away love, you're ultimately giving happiness."
"Christmas is for everyone, telescope, a deck of cards, a packet for my buddy, a soccer ball and dinosaur, lots of toys is what you like, but what about giving, what about caring?"
"Nothing is more fulfilling than giving to others, especially those you love."
"It's going to change the way you love, the way you give, the way you receive."
"You're literally always giving and you'll literally give your child everything before you give yourself anything."
"For God so loved the world that He didn't loan His Son to you, He gave His Son to you."
"You can only give to others what you yourself are."
"Giving is a sign to God that you don't own anything."
"Opening the channels from money to us, being open to giving and receiving."
"Giving is not limited to gifts, but gifts are in fact, a love language."
"Giving and receiving can only be pure when there's no strings attached."
"Never forget that to give is a natural impulse that comes as a result of loving something."
"The Holy Spirit said, 'I'm gonna fill them up so that they can go back and give something away.'"
"Remember, you can't give from a depleted state of being, so fill up your cup first, and from the overflow, we give."
"Giving is the most fun you'll ever have with money."
"What you give, you get back tenfold or even more."
"Help me, don't just always try to take from me."
"The soul that refreshes others himself will be refreshed."
"It should be you're giving freely, not because you want a title."
"Focus on service, put your entire focus upon staying in this stream of giving and receiving."
"You can't pour from an empty cup, the more you do for yourself the more you can give to others."
"Giving is more for the giver than it is for the receiver."
"Help other people selflessly... Give to people without expectation."
"Start giving, start cultivating that and stop taking the pity route."
"Success to me personally... when you give as much as you can."
"You'd be surprised how much you get back. I'm not telling you to do it, I'm just saying if that's the truth, better grow that beard."