
Direction Quotes

There are 7733 quotes

"When you find that sense of purpose when you find what I call your life's task, everything has a direction, everything has a purpose."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Chart your course, figuring out where you're going next, what direction you're going to go in."
"Clarity of purpose gives you direction... It simultaneously serves as your starting point, as your direction, as well as your destination."
"Great leaders stand up and reverse the direction of how things are going."
"We are starting to see an impact on society where schools... have incorporated transcending or TM into the curriculum."
"Look to the Lord for direction, find the dream He has for your life, and go forward with it."
"We are up in the air and we're ready to begin moving in the direction we desire."
"Success starts when you are able to answer the following three questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going?"
"There's very little point in driving a hundred miles per hour if you find yourself driving in the wrong direction."
"It's directionally right, and we all know it."
"The more centered and balanced you are, the more you will know what direction to go into."
"Aboard the train everyone's telling you to board, but there are no train tracks anymore."
"You have not only the power to think, but what is a thousand times more important still, you have the power to control your thoughts and direct them to do your bidding."
"A huge albeit long overdue step in the right direction."
"Obstacles are detours in the right direction."
"Your life is actually moving forward and it has a clear sense of direction."
"Myths and dreams are the only ways we know what way we want to grow."
"Being a director...you just have to know what you want and what your vision is."
"These opportunities are being put in your way to show you what direction you need to go."
"I'm directing a movie, and that's the exact thing that I want to showcase."
"God has a plan for your life, and you're headed somewhere."
"Consistency in the right directions is insanely powerful."
"We've not only lost our true north, I don't even think we know what direction north is anymore."
"If you don't have a life purpose, then nothing is grounding you in what you're doing, and you're like a leaf in the wind."
"I could not believe the quality of the set pieces, the music, the visuals, and the direction of this sequence. I was absolutely mind-blown."
"Stop overthinking it, keep facing your true north."
"Our vision is directionally right, like you're not going to get your vision hundred percent right, but you're heading in the right direction."
"If we treat each other as individuals and if that's the goal, we'll probably end up at least in the same direction."
"Eclipses are when the fates of humans and the world are being aligned, like the rails of a train changing direction."
"Whoever sets out on the high road and takes a wrong turning does not go where he intends to go but where the road leads him."
"Your new sense of self will take you down a new path, a new life path."
"Opportunities are not accidents; they're maps of direction."
"It's not about where you come from, but where you're going and how you get there."
"It is not left, it is not right, it is forward."
"This is your sign that you're facing the right direction. You have a great gift in being able to see the potential of things before they exist."
"Rejection can give you your strongest sense of direction if you let it."
"I believe whatever capability that God has given me, using it in the right direction lies the ability to succeed."
"I want to level up in life and I want to go in a different direction."
"Your life fills with meaning and purpose when you're sailing in the same direction that your soul wants to go."
"When greatness is ahead of you, there can only be one direction on your mind."
"I'm going places. I don't know where, but places."
"If you focus on what you fear, you steer in the direction of what you focus on."
"You have to know where you're going and what you want to achieve; otherwise, you'll be floating around aimlessly."
"Your life only goes as far as your vision. If you lack vision, you're walking blindly."
"I'll try to be an emotional compass and point you in the right direction."
"Stop overthinking, keep facing your true north."
"God can sometimes use rejection in our lives to direct us to a certain path."
"You're headed in the direction of your dreams."
"Repentance is about a change of life, a change of direction."
"I think people are ready for a change; they're seeing what's happening in our country, and they know that we're not going in the right direction right now."
"The most powerful forces in the universe are the silent forces, and in accordance with the intensity of its power, does a force becomes magnificent when rightly directed and destructive when wrongly employed."
"If you want to really achieve success, work hard, work smart, and work in the right direction."
"We have a powerful diagnostic that tells us whether we're going in the right direction: Can you make a prediction, can you test it with an observation or an experiment?"
"Messages from the universe are like pouring in, and they're telling you to go in a certain direction."
"You feel more in alignment, more in the proper direction than you've ever felt in the longest time."
"If you ever need that quick glance to make sure you're going in the right direction, it's not a bad thing. You can always check."
"Like air traffic control speaking to a pilot, he can tell you: adjust your altitude, change your direction, reduce your speed."
"You always move in the direction of your focus."
"A desire is something that you push, and a calling is something that pulls you."
"You're headed in the right direction, and the world is your oyster."
"If you don't know where you're going, you might wind up someplace else."
"Create valuable and consistent content. It's telling the world, 'This is who I am, and this is where I'm heading.'"
"The feeling of improvement feels so good, the progression, and it's about where you're headed."
"Isn't that wonderful, when we know and are sure where we're going, and we know the one who will take us there, then we understand there's no fear."
"I may have no sense of physical direction, but by golly, I got a lot of emotional direction."
"Your vision is like the destination of where it is that you want to go. Where are you heading?"
"Credit where credit's due, at least we're moving in the right direction."
"Direction is more important than ability, but ability will ultimately decide how big you end up becoming."
"Everyone wants to go a specifically slightly different direction, and if you can clarify to yourself the destination you want to get to, the answers of how to get there are not that difficult."
"Failure is just that thing, trying to move you in another direction."
"We see reason, we see hope, we see some direction in all of this, and that's what people have to hope for."
"The key to getting over this wall that's in front of you is deciding where you want to go because the pathway is going to open up."
"Unconscious choices are being brought into our attention, and therefore we're being asked: Do we want to keep going in the direction we've been going?"
"If we don't find fundamental truths that then shape the direction of our actions, we are lost."
"Efficiency isn't everything because you can move very rapidly in the wrong direction if you're efficient."
"Examine your words and deeds, and you will soon see in what direction you are moving."
"You're going to see signs that now have military symbols on them to direct military traffic."
"I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and that in some way, this was meant to push us in a better direction."
"You ever make the wrong turn, and next thing you know, you're in the hood?"
"If you're not in a head-on collision with the devil, it's because you're both running in the same direction."
"I have a life, and it only goes in one direction: forward."
"Elections are not a direct flight somewhere; they're a bus you get on the bus that's going closest to where you want to go."
"I like to over direct everything back, create that disconnection, then go in and fine-tune the line again."
"Make a plan. Most people do not make a plan for their life. They don't know what they want; they don't know where they're going."
"To follow you, I'm not content until I know which way you went."
"Why change up my program if I'm going in the right direction?"
"Just because everyone is going in one direction does not mean you are going to the direction to which every person is going."
"What were looking for is somebody who will chart a course and say, 'Here's where America needs to go.'"
"Capitalism is like a raging beast. I say slap a saddle on its back, put some reins in its mouth, and tell it where to go."
"For once, we're actually moving in the right direction."
"You walk a couple of blocks this way to go to a restaurant."
"What is this, a video game? Sam Hargrave directed everything!"
"A place further than the universe is an absolute triumph of writing, sound design, and direction."
"Someone put a leash around your neck and it was like, 'Oh, I guess I gotta go that way.'"
"Have confidence to steer yourself in the direction, you will be met by whatever it is that you are trying to achieve."
"I think the Republicans are turning right now."
"That's the direction that people like me need to be pushed."
"This isn't a silver bullet, but it's a good move in the right direction."
"It's the attempt to orient yourself towards making things better."
"Find new North Star at the core of it is just knowing what is important to you and just."
"You can't expect to get what you want or achieve anything in particular without having a direction."
"Identify the direction. Stick to it, no matter what."
"Edgar Wright is going to be directing a remake of The Running Man starring Glenn pal."
"We like autonomy but we also like knowing where we're going."
"Know your worth. They don't get to determine how you feel or what direction you're going."
"I think you have to believe that yes, that is the direction they're going."
"Whether you feel like that or not, you're on the right direction."
"Fantastic Four Reboot: Matt Shackman directs, potential ties to Kang the Conqueror and Doctor Doom."
"This is the right direction, baby. This is the right direction."
"We controlled the narrative, we control the direction of what's going to be done."
"If you're not directly seeking after God and going towards God then you are actively going away from him."
"If you don't know where you're going, you're going to end up somewhere else."
"The amazing thing about this is that brings together like 10 years of storytelling and the visions of multiple directors."
"I hope that most people look at this and go well they're heading in the right direction."
"This is a turning point in history... but are we headed in the right direction?"
"Duncan Jones took about a lot of the exposition, turning an overcomplicated premise into an accessible, well-paced action/psychological drama film."
"If you don't know where you're going, you don't know how to get there."
"It's transmission, so we just need to know which direction."
"Every song has a message in it anyway. Which direction is it going? What's leading what into what is."
"No matter how fast we're going, we're always headed nowhere good."
"A relationship works best when two people have something relatable and are going in the same direction."
"Right on the precipice of it and I really see you guys moving in this direction."
"Men are lost. Here is a map out of the wilderness."
"You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction."
"John Favreau and Dave Filoni are firmly in charge."
"Massive shout out to the team, really excited for the direction the lab is going."
"Broadly speaking, I'm pretty darn happy with the direction we're going in."
"Remembering him, that was really well directed."
"You're headed in the right direction towards success and happiness."
"Neo Ark comes out of nowhere and doesn't really go anywhere."
"Every time we make a decision we point our life in a certain direction."
"We will move in a more progressive positive direction."
"Better directed, just as well adapted. I'd have to agree with the critics and say this is probably the superior film."
"You get to choose which direction you want to go down."
"Taika Waititi directing a Star Wars movie, an extension of Mandalorian season two - Ahsoka taking baby Yoda to Endor."
"The United States is not in danger of becoming Venezuela next week but we are moving closer to it."
"Wild at Heart, directed by David Lynch, 1990. Nicolas Cage at his best moments."
"Directors Chad Stahelsky and David Leach opted to keep the action clear and coherent."
"Leadership is all about defining where you're headed and then creating religion in the troops to follow you to go there."
"Doubt usually heads us in the wrong direction."
"It's reassuring to see that they've really seemed to have this heading in the right direction here from both the ground crews and the air support."
"Black Klansmen: Really enjoyable movie. Well-directed, a lot of good choices in terms of music and editing, and very good performances throughout."
"I'm scared of the direction that we're going in today's age."
"You're not stuck, just keep moving in the right direction."
"We're finally feeling like there's just this calling, we feel like we're being pulled in a certain direction."
"The cast of Marvel's Eternals talks about what makes them special and the film's director talks about getting chosen for the project."
"Nice thing about the hermit: it's not just about healing ourselves to what we have, but can we change direction."
"Drive yourself to the next pit stop, Collide River."
"This is a great chance to speak up because people need direction and it looks like you're tuned in."
"The whole club doesn't look like they've got any direction."
"Have faith in the direction you are going towards."
"Everything you do either moves you in one direction or moves you in the other."
"Your passion is leading you to the right places."
"Ron Howard, America's Sweetheart, should pick up the mantle and direct Guardians three."
"You got to pick the one that's right for you, that's going in your direction."
"Hey, leave Jester, we gotta go over there. Got to go, why? Just want... Why? It's the right way to go. That's the... That's the guy."
"It's like your morals and standards. Everything you believe in, it's like, it allows you, but you still going in the right direction."
"She did an incredible job. I was really looking for her to bring something fresh to my process in terms of all aspects of the film, and in particular, the action. She just brought a very fresh approach to it."
"It's the little things that you do that set the direction for your day and for your decade and even for generations to come."
"Everybody was going straight, and he was like, 'I'm made to go a little bit.'"
"You're not going the way you want to go, it's time to go in another direction."
"Go where the energy is reciprocated, go where the magnet is pulling you."
"Channel your energy towards better directions."
"God's guidance acts as our North Star providing Direction when all seems blurred and uncertain."
"They want to move towards a fresh start with you, heading in the right direction."
"Nothing has been able to top Mark Waters' keen eye for direction, Tina Fey's brilliant screenplay, or the ensemble's dead-on portrayals."
"So, if anything, I feel yes it's moving fast but moving fast in the right direction."
"Destination can change, but if I'm heading in the right direction in my life, I'm not losing track."
"A micro step today is a very step that can change the whole course of Direction."
"This is your opportunity to shift and to move where you are what you've done where you're headed."
"Guidance is something that can give you a huge boost in the certain direction wherever you want to go."
"The only way to go north right now is to make yourself truly happy."
"Japanese horrors... great subliminal direction."
"I'll direct and I'll become a director myself."
"Quitting is okay if you know why and where you're headed."
"Follow my instructions carefully, left or right side?"
"It's taking it in a more mature, grounded direction."
"You're going to walk quietly to your bedroom now."
"If you row in two different directions, you're going to go in circles."
"Keep facing your TrueNorth, keep facing your goals."
"It's got a fantastic soundtrack, like I said before, a superb direction, all of this really makes it feel like a high production movie-like experience."
"We're making headway here, moving in the right direction."
"If you don't know what you're aiming for, you can't possibly head in that direction."
"It's fantastic an excellent video and it goes beyond the acting it's fantastically well directed the camera angles are brilliant."
"Understanding really is the first step. We need to know where we came from to know where we are and to better set a course for where we want to go."
"You're finally on the path you've been waiting for."
"I think it's at least a step in the right direction."
"You're in the driver's seat, aiming your chariot in completely new directions."
"That's a great cinematography, very well directed."
"You are moving in the right direction, have confidence in yourself moving forward."
"Halo Infinite: The direction to take the franchise forward."
"I've got the world's worst sense of direction, especially in new places."
"Facilitates a heightened degree of purpose and direction."
"Make changes in your life that you're moving towards something you want rather than just away from something you don't want."
"Until you discover what your purpose is and your aim is, it's hard for you to have Direction."
"North is still north, it doesn't change fundamental things."
"If you have no direction or meaning in your life, you can't expect to get anywhere in life."
"Real life was great working with Alexander because he's a very visual guy. We'd be looking over here and he go well what about if we go over there and look from there, and I mean he was fearless."
"If you don't know where you're going, don't be surprised that you got lost."
"It still feels like Star Wars but takes in some really great new directions."