
Biases Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Intelligence is the ability to look inside of yourself and see your own biases."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Being truly awake in the present moment and importantly not being pushed or pulled by our biases."
"We have to be honest about our biases, as they can cloud our judgment and understanding of history and religion."
"Lynching based on hearsay is a modern tragedy that reflects deeply ingrained biases."
"Implicit biases infiltrate the decision-making processes of our institutions... It's not a personal condemnation of an individual's behavior; it's a recognition that generally speaking, people tend to hold biases against certain groups."
"Implicit biases are prejudices in society that people are not aware that they have."
"The technology we are building in this industry is so incredibly important because you can't step outside of your biases."
"The American left are not a bunch of anti-corporation rich-hating socialists, but anti-certain corporations and certain rich people."
"Snobbishness has always been a huge pet peeve. It's a really important thing that we actively work to reduce those biases."
"We're gonna teach you something called confirmation bias... interpreting information to support your own beliefs."
"Just because you're biased doesn't mean that you're owned by a hedge fund or you're controlled by a hedge fund."
"It's good to challenge your beliefs and biases."
"Let us challenge our own biases, question the narratives we encounter, and engage in thoughtful dialogue with others."
"People are overlooked for a variety of biased reasons and perceived flaws, bill James and mathematics cut straight through that."
"I can't imagine a person who doesn't have biases right like how could anybody in the entire world not know Donald Trump not have an opinion one way or the other on his criminality or whatever like I just don't even understand how it's possible."
"Gaslighting works because we have internalized the biases of the world."
"School is incredibly political, and we have natural biases as humans."
"You might be conditioned by society to consider an older man in a white coat, your stereotypical idea of a good doctor."
"Facts by themselves are not subject to biases, the presentation of facts can be, but the facts themselves are not."
"The typical person doesn’t think much about their cultural biases."
"The idea primarily is to challenge our preconceptions and our biases."
"I don't think it makes you transphobic or racist to enjoy media that happen to be made by somebody who is transphobic."
"Perhaps if we took the time to understand the biases of what we're reading, we wouldn't be as angry with one another all the time."
"To be a skeptic is to engage in metacognition, be aware of biases affecting conclusions."
"Biases and preconceptions can change the way we perceive games."
"What is true and obvious is that human beings are bad at reasoning, especially when it comes to things that they're emotionally attached to."
"Don't buy into confirmation bias thinking that something is true just because you want it to be true."
"Are we making decisions based on truth or biased narratives?"
"We are human, we are flawed, and we have biases."
"...one of the big things that AI is gonna give us as a gift is the ability to overcome all of these biases we have right all these cognitive biases recency bias negativity bias confirmation bias."
"One of the most important things to behaving more rationally is understanding our countless behavioral biases at play when making decisions."
"Our experience dispelled the myths and biases."
"We all have biases; good critical thinking skills help us to see our own biases and recognize that fair-mindedness is essential."
"Be beware of your biases, right? We all have biases and we have instincts, right? We have some group mentality instincts that are just inherent being a human, so watch out for those."
"Every educated person should know that the human mind is subject to biases and fallacies."
"We are human beings even if it's a cliche it still remains true. We are subject to a whole bunch of biases."
"What biases exist today that are equivalent to women couldn't vote until 1920?"
"Do I have the guts to say, okay, how is my confirmation bias kicking in? Where is my sunk cost fallacy coming into play?"
"Every umpire has like their own biases like every umpire you know has good and bad days."
"...you recognize what your biases are then you can deal with them."
"...what learning these biases allows you to do is to not just intuitively know them but to know them so well that you can think of lateral ways to apply them."
"Biases are learned but they can be unlearned and we can overcome them if we accept that they exist and change what we do to respond to them."
"Every one of these biases in the Strategic context seem to favor Hawks over doves."
"Your brain will make up the most ridiculous reasons, and we are blind to it."
"One of the most important things is monitoring judgments and biases because on something like Tinder, it's so easy to just go and like power swipe right."
"The mental game side of it, understanding yourself and your own biases, is important."
"Fallacies and biases look like logic, they seem logical if you're not listening hard."
"Understanding those is great, but you don't need to necessarily know those in particular, but what you want to be careful of is when we're thinking about how to collect and sample data, we want to look out for inherent biases."
"Women decline men for some dumbass reasons."
"It’s our false certitude in our preconceptions and biases that are the great hindrance."
"Cognitive distortions: biases that link your cognitive schemas with negative thoughts."
"It's a bit like unconscious biases where it's not that you are actively prohibiting something from happening or thinking that something is impossible, it's just that you were not even thinking about that thing you didn't know you could until you did."
"One of the worst things you could do as a person socially is try to make friends with people who don't like you, is trying to win over somebody who hates you, is trying to win over somebody who already has a certain bias about you."
"What strains to us actually contradicts our own biases. What we find strange is an indication of our own bias."
"If you have a brain, you have bias."
"It's easier just to say what comes easiest what comes from your biases than actually taking the effort to construct a sound logical argument."
"Mindfulness meditation can make you more aware of how your feelings trigger certain biases."
"It's important to understand that implicit biases can become explicit biases, and this occurs when you become consciously aware of the prejudices and beliefs that you possess."
"What if somebody told you that this whole time what you've been checking at the door are really just your most blatant biases?"
"I started to discover my own biases and further learning about things."
"It's the only way that we can dismantle unconscious biases and make people understand things."
"...we all have our own baggage, we all have our own internalized biases, prejudices, and I think we should be aware of them."
"This is the danger of racial biases, of systemic, deeply rooted racism."
"The best strategy to be a better human is to understand your own biases and work through ways to reduce their impact."
"Implicit biases are the collection of attitudes and stereotypes we associate to people without our conscious knowledge."
"All things just as they are display the truth, but we have biases and preferences about how we want them to be."
"All humans have emotions and biases that can sometimes even unconsciously melt into their work."
"You're going to bring in a whole bunch of biases, then people deliberately try to be more open-minded."
"Let's be honest with each other and more importantly be honest with ourselves about our biases."
"Neural networks and AI systems are susceptible to significant biases, leading to very real and detrimental societal consequences."
"We're not going to change people. We're not going to change decision makers, organizations. We have these biases, let's work with them."
"Different people have different dispositional attributes, personality traits, different degrees of mental heuristics or biases."
"We should try to set aside our biases and dogma as much as possible."
"Human biases being one of the biggest reasons for underperformance of people's investments compared to the market."
"We all have biases; it's about recognizing what they are and being able to say, 'Now what do I need to do about them?'"
"That's what the community, that's what the culture can do moving forward, racial bias and class bias."
"Recognizing your own biases may lead you into biases and emotional reactions."
"Holistic mindfulness... is not influenced by self-view or the biases of greed, hatred, and delusion."
"If I understood my biases better, I should be doing better."
"I would like to see a world where people are more self-conscious of their own biases."
"Let's go into the week treating biases and fallacies like Pokémon and we just try to catch them all."
"I see as long as I have my prejudices, we can never meet."
"Can I be aware of my prejudices and let them go?"
"People have biases, people have prejudices, all types of people."
"We all have biases; it's not a big deal, we just have to be aware of them."
"Be aware of your biases and the people that inspire you."
"Educate yourself on many different cognitive biases."
"Let's be more aware of our cognitive biases, let's try not to make fools of ourselves."