
Life Satisfaction Quotes

There are 2230 quotes

"Show me someone who's coming at life through agency and gratitude and is not happy with their life, and you'll be showing me something I've never seen before."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Having a reliable partner is one of the most important factors for longevity."
"No amount of external accomplishment will bring you lasting happiness."
"Money is virtually not correlated with happiness."
"Self-improvement is not just a 20% improvement, or like a 50% improvement, but like a five thousand percent, twenty thousand percent, life altering, radically changing how you feel about life."
"There's nothing better that you can do with your life. There's nothing that will bring you more joy or more satisfaction or more fulfillment."
"What is happiness? What truly makes us happy?"
"Practice gratitude. Expressing gratitude regularly has been significantly linked to increased levels of happiness and life satisfaction."
"Strong, supportive relationships are one of the most significant predictors of life satisfaction and emotional well-being."
"It's not primarily a measure of whether one laughed or smiled yesterday, but how one feels about the course of one's life."
"Your happiness doesn't go up much after reaching about seventy-five thousand dollars a year in annual household income."
"Contentedness with life is a very real and tangible bar that I believe anyone can potentially reach."
"Unemployment has a strong but well-defined negative effect on life satisfaction."
"The happiest people are those that have meaningful connections in their lives."
"I have become so happy and more happy than I've ever been in my entire life."
"What will make me love my life the most is to do the things that are fulfilling."
"Your life is like living a dream. Waking up and asking, 'Is this a dream?' because my life is so amazing."
"You cannot shop your way out of an unhappy life."
"There's another side to that, and that is a sense of fulfillment in our lives."
"You give off this vibe that you're very fulfilled and happy with your life."
"I'm just so incredibly grateful for the life that I have now."
"Focus on how you want to feel in life, not the results that you want."
"Progress is everything. That's what's going to make you feel alive."
"You don't seek yourself anymore in the things of this world, then the things of the world are no longer as frustrating as they were before."
"What constitutes a good life is what you really want out of life: satisfaction, happiness, peace of mind."
"Wealth is interesting and it makes life comfortable, but it's not the deep joy that a human being needs to be happily alive."
"Beyond a certain point, extra money does not actually contribute to extra happiness."
"Fulfillment and joy... that really is the key."
"There's a beauty and there's an intrigue to complexity, but too much complication and too much complexity does not make for more fulfilling or happier lives."
"Everything is so lined up, becoming exactly where I need to be right now. I love life."
"Being normal is overrated. The most satisfying thing in life is to be yourself and to really live into that and accept it fully."
"I just wanna be happy. Don't you wanna be happy?"
"Success doesn't create happiness, happiness creates success."
"Trying to make something that you really believe in come true, to bend the world to your will, to close your eyes and imagine a world that is better than this one, open your eyes and then execute to make that world come true, you will love your life."
"I have lived a beautiful life and I am completely satisfied. I have no regrets except that I didn't drink more of this whiskey faster."
"If you reach success and you're not fulfilled, then you're a failure."
"Depression and anxiety disappeared completely... I found happiness. I became content with life."
"I'm happy with what I do and the life that I live."
"Success is when your external life matches your vision for it."
"When life is at its best, every aspect of your life is fun and enjoyable and gives you energy."
"If everyone could kind of get taken care of and guys learn how to manage their money right, your life could be pretty good at 60 and 65."
"I thought to myself, you have such an extraordinary life, you get to do amazing things, you have a dope career; the fact that you still feel lost and confused and sad was very upsetting to me because I thought, what would have to happen in your life to not feel this way?"
"Once you hit around 47.2 years old, with each passing decade, you get happier and happier."
"A good life is about having a life full of problems you like."
"Discipline is actually an essential element of life satisfaction."
"She was very happy and wanted this moment to last forever."
"I have had client after client after client crying their eyes out with millions of dollars in the bank account, nothing that money can do to help."
"No material possessions will ever make you happy."
"Every day...I judge [myself] by...when I put my head down on the pillow...did I move towards those things that I define as a beautiful life."
"You can still have it all. I love my life and feel very fulfilled."
"Positive psychology is most often defined as the study of what makes life worth living."
"Appreciating what we have in life brings life satisfaction and positivity."
"Psychologists say they found the exact amount of money you need to be happy: $95,000 a year for life satisfaction and $60 to $75,000 a year for emotional well-being."
"I can't imagine being much happier than I am right now, but I've been saying that for years."
"I wouldn't want my life to be any other way."
"So much more happiness, so much more fulfillment."
"Most people are not enjoying the lives that they could be enjoying, and they don't know what's available to them."
"Do you find yourself dreaming of something better than the life you lead?"
"Burnout can absolutely be repaired. You can go from completely burnt out to not burnt out at all in loving life."
"Life satisfaction is really only possible on the other side of deciding to live an authentic life."
"This year has been probably the greatest year of my life."
"I'd rather be worth $1 million and have a family and love my life than have $200 million and have nothing."
"Understanding that, you understand that where I am is where I want to be."
"Determine what the questions you're going to ask at the end of your life are going to be, live each day intentionally so you're happy with the answers at the end."
"So they looked at things like Gallup polls about satisfaction in life and what they learned was that if you have access to the internet, your satisfaction goes up."
"The quicker we could accept that as human beings, we would be living such a fruitful life."
"You can have all the respect in the world and all the money in the world, but if you're not happy, what good is it? You've got to be happy."
"Life is wonderful. Thrive through the power of positive thinking and inspiring success."
"When you get the Lamborghini and the Bentley, that's still not going to make you happy."
"A good deal of this comes from a lack of a coherent ideology or religion that makes life worth living, and second, is lack of community."
"Annie was deeply fulfilled by her work and studies; she was happy with her life, happy with herself, and happy with her dreams."
"You asked, 'Are they happy with what they're doing with their life or are they not?' And if they're happy, then what injustice has been done?"
"Let me rise every morning with joy and retire at night in victory for the rest of my life."
"I'm happier probably than I've ever been in my life."
"Overall, you guys, I have been feeling the most amazing I've ever felt in my entire life."
"This is really a great time in my life, man. I really feel good."
"Our health, happiness, and overall life satisfaction hinges on the quality of our relationships."
"At the end of the day, it's about, were you happy with the way that you lived yours?"
"I'm in the happiest place of my life... I'm 100% happy in my life."
"I'm sitting in front of you today happier than I've ever been."
"Studies show that porn consumption can lead to decreased motivation, increased anxiety, and a decline in overall life satisfaction."
"When you're 90 years old, are you gonna be more proud that you lived a happy life... or are you gonna be happier that you ended up yo-yo dieting?"
"Your life isn't margaritas on a beach in Jamaica. Your life is how your wife greets you at the door when you come home every day because that's like 10 minutes a day."
"My life is so full and so bright, and I'm endlessly grateful."
"Acknowledging and appreciating [the good things in life]... improves our mental health, helps us process our negative thoughts and toxic emotions, and improves our overall happiness."
"Life has been beautiful. I can't complain. There's nothing for me to complain about."
"I want as many people as possible to enjoy their lives to the greatest possible extent."
"Stick to your principles, and you'll enjoy your life a whole lot more."
"I'm happier today than I've ever been in my entire life."
"The problem is that this is the kind of thing that is not easily translatable into external success. It took me a while to craft my life to be suited to myself, but I was able to craft it because I was aware of what I was."
"I live for the last few minutes of my life, so that I can say, 'I am ready to go; what a good life I've had.'"
"I am learning to be more satisfied with things in my life."
"Romanticize your life is naturally countering the rational, productivity-driven society that people are becoming less and less satisfied with."
"The best of all existence in this life, if you see, even that is not satisfying."
"There's no better night's sleep than after an honest day's work."
"There is an incredible goodness and health and life in your being in a creative zone and finding life in the creative process."
"You might have all the money in the world, but you'll always be miserable."
"What interests me is realizing my potential and creating a life that I feel is colorful and dynamic."
"There are certain things in life... that make you feel wealthy without actually having to be wealthy."
"A good marriage is the best predictor of Global Life satisfaction."
"Nothing will make you happier than having kids. It will absolutely improve your happiness level."
"I could have all the money in the world, I'd have 10 women around me, I'd have a big pile of cash behind me, nothing would make me happy."
"Most people spend their entire lives wishing [] was easy, wishing it was fair. It's not [] fair, wishing it would line up to be perfect for them, and because they're waiting for this and because it's never coming, they never go. And when they never go, they never become anything, and that's what leads to a wasted life."
"Your life has to be so fulfilling on its own that whatever the opportunity, it doesn't matter."
"I am very happy right now and I'm in a great place in my life."
"Ray was at such a great spot in his life; he had it all, and then he disappeared."
"The result has been higher divorce rates, lower marriage rates, people are less satisfied in life, not as happy, populations are declining."
"I've lived a good life. I've been lucky. And a long life. I mean, what more do you want from a lifetime?"
"I'm financially secure, I'm intellectually curious, I'm intellectually engaged and therefore, life is my apple right now."
"I don't regret anything in life... I like where I'm at in my life."
"Build a life that is worth living. Build a life that you don't want to forget."
"Life has been more fulfilling for me since my mid-30s than it ever was before that, so just know that your best years are ahead of you and you are never too old, never too late."
"No matter what you get externally, you'll never truly enjoy it because it will still be there."
"For me, northern life is where about three-quarters of my soul sits non-stop. That is my heaven, that was my calling of life."
"No one should be trapped in a situation where they're not living their best life."
"There are only so many watches you can buy, so many piña coladas you can drink on holidays. You realize very quickly that the materialistic, the money stuff, it's cool to a point."
"Beyond a certain point, money doesn't really buy more happiness."
"Humans are highly adaptable, and constant highs aren't as satisfying."
"The quality of your marriage is more important today than it has ever been."
"If you want to predict people's overall happiness with their life, you can't do any better... than figuring out how well their marriage is functioning."
"This video has taken me the best part of 7 years to film... I'm in a really good place in my life at the moment. I feel very strong and very supported and very loved and very loving and very happy."
"You know you're living right when you start to get a few of those to fall in."
"Enjoy your life and live within your means without hating your life."
"Usually, when people dream about flying, it means they're very happy in life."
"Build a connection with men... It makes everything about my world better. I'm more on point with my work, my relationship improved, I'm in better health, I'm happier."
"Life couldn't be better... driving my dream car, marrying this wonderful, gorgeous young lady."
"Even though I'm aware of the futility, I'm glad to be alive. I like it. I'm glad my children are alive, and my wife, and I'm glad to be talking to you. And this was all very nice."
"So, let me ask you, what do you think about your life? Do you feel like your life has purpose?"
"Life is Splendid. I'm like, 'Yeah, I'm married, yeah, baby.'"
"Have you met a lot of millionaires who are unhappy? I've met millionaires who are unhappy."
"The sun sets, and I can't help but feel pretty happy to see this whole thing working."
"Life was perfect. It was perfect in every way."
"What makes me really happy is my family, my friends, my carpentry, my golf."
"That feeling of total happiness and completeness, you can't buy it."
"You could have all the money in the world, that's not gonna make you happy."
"You don't need a lot to be incredibly happy."
"Responsibility makes you less happy; actually, it makes you much more gratified in life."
"You're gonna be able to live your life again, like getting things back to and a big wish fulfillment really."
"Close relationships, more than money or fame, are what keep people happy throughout their lives."
"Be content, not just content, be happy with what you have."
"I feel great. This is the happiest I have been in like a half decade."
"I feel so incredibly privileged to be able to live this life, to be free, to have mobility, but to also be deeply fulfilled by the work that I do."
"One of the best things about my life is my family."
"What's happening in your head is your dream right now. People's problem is not that life is not happening the way they want it, even their dream is not happening the way they want it."
"I've worked a lot on my relationships, and now I'm happy in my life."
"I really feel like my life is falling into place recently."
"Most of the time I would say I'm very happy, I'm living a very, very good, very happy life."
"I just have a lot of things one in my life and my life outside of fighting is fantastic, you know? I have such a great life and such a good support system that, um, you know, I don't really feel the pressure."
"I could die tomorrow and be quite all right with life."
"Success, when fulfilled, is a life like this."
"You're going to start feeling decent about life in general. You're going forward."
"Life's been good to me, I try and help people as much as I can."
"If you have nothing, you can still be happy."
"Ultimately, living a life that you love is the most important thing at the end of the day."
"The surprising lack of correlation between wealth and happiness."
"Even if you're not dating other women, if they can sense that you're happy in life with friends and your hobbies, whatever the case may be, you're content, they would still respect you off of that."
"There's been a lot of progression, there's been a lot of happiness, there's been a lot of joy."
"Life can feel pretty good when everything goes right and you've got blue skies, 12 knots on the quarter, and a following sea."
"Am I happy? No. Do I enjoy my life? No. Am I making money? Bet your ass."
"The real fun in life is not how much money you can make, it's how many people you can help, how much better you can make their lives."
"Stability is the number one thing, because you have to realize how blessed, how lucky you are right now."
"Feeling more comfortable in where you're at."
"And whatever your IQ, the path to a satisfying adulthood is the same: develop emotional maturity, face the past, and learn to appreciate a life that's far from perfect."
"If he doesn't see his own life as tragic, who am I to say that it's tragic? He's happy, so that's all that matters."
"If I had to end the cycle now, I'd be pretty happy with that."
"I don't have any regrets at all cuz it was good to me and it still is."
"I've realized that if I'm happy, most things in my life tend to be going pretty well."
"For the first time in my life, I feel 100% great."
"I think life is always going to be greener on the other side, but then there's your kid, man. I have massive love for my girls."
"Most people live lives not down that rabbit hole, and they're probably happier for it."
"Fame and you get the fortune, your life becomes rather empty, and then you have to start blaming other people for why your life is empty."
"Life is good, all right? Yes, life is good." - Hickok45
"Life was great, six-figure salary in my 20s in San Francisco, come on, that's a great life, right?"
"At the end of your life, when you feel like you've worked hard and done what you were supposed to do, you feel like you had a blessed life."
"Optimism is essential for people to live satisfied lives."
"I am really tired, you know? I want to live out my last days in peace. I don't need this." - Eloise McDaniel
"Attaining goals can feel empty if not aligned with core identity."
"For the first time in my life, I'm at peace."
"Having money or having success doesn't automatically make you happy."
"How fortunate we are to be able to live our dream life."
"In total, though, it does seem that owning a home is a unique positive contributor to life satisfaction and to well-being, including in low-income people."
"It's really liberating to know what's really matters, you know? I'm in a really good place in my life right now, and it's really happy."
"If you're on the fence, don't be on the fence. Do it. You're not going to regret it at all."
"If you have a good woman, you are beating most billionaires and celebs at life."
"All you owe yourself is to be you in a way that makes you actually feel happy and worth being alive for."
"I could go the rest of my life feeling satisfied that I had the best of my ability positively affected."
"I wouldn't be here I wouldn't have the life that I have which I'm very grateful for in so many ways."
"Wisdom gets you the life you love. You don't get the life you love because you love life."
"Have no regrets. I've lived a full life at 21. I've done a lot in just 21 years. I'm very happy."
"The universe works in a way to provide, so if you're feeling very unfulfilled..."
"You can love your life just as it is, without needing to change a single thing, and still want to make it even better."
"My health is good, my life is good, my dog is good, my job is good."
"I think I'm the happiest I have ever been in my entire life."
"You're finally gonna feel like you have everything you need to go forward in life."
"You're gonna hit that really great place where you're just happy with life."
"You're going to be happier in your life if you have less sex partners before you get married."
"I genuinely feel like a much more balanced, happy, decent person now that I'm not pvping much anymore."
"That's what happens when you work hard. Life's good."
"Comparison is the thief of joy... be grateful for what you do have."
"They see you as someone who could bring them satisfaction and bring them contentment for the remainder of their life."