
Questions Quotes

There are 1330 quotes

"There are fair, legitimate questions that you can ask under any circumstances."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The asking of better questions about oneself is really what leads to the understanding."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"One final tip I'll give you that has really helped me to improve my brain is actually asking deep questions."
"Once we prove that, new questions arise. Not are we alone, but now what or who is out there?"
"The questions important... it's worth spending the time to try to understand these important questions and form an opinion."
"The only stupid question is the one not asked. A lot of people just don't know the right questions to ask; they don't have a frame of reference."
"Ask and it shall be given to you. In this season, finding the right questions and articulating the right questions is more important than discovering the right answers."
"The exploration and journey of discovery... leave us with other questions that we like to answer."
"Asking the right question is the key to behavior change."
"Change your questions, you change your life."
"If you change the quality of your questions, you can change the quality of your life."
"Always ask questions...ask deep open-ended questions so if you ask a yes or no question...you can't just say you know do you like cheese yes or no right."
"Loneliness is something that a lot of us have felt at some point. It's one of my most common ask questions."
"Does a straw have two holes or one, and why?"
"The only way you can win is by finding the right answers, the way you can find the answers is if you ask the right questions."
"The very fact that the study of astronomy has left us with more questions over the decades than answers should suggest that nothing is as simple as we'd like it to be."
"The best cure for ignorance is a question, but the best question is that which is asked to the right people."
"Asking 'dumb' questions is essential for learning and growth. If you don't know something, being willing to ask and learn is key."
"In the future, asking the right question is going to be more valuable than finding the right answers."
"But if you ask me, a further question to ask would be, shouldn’t action have already been taken to prevent this exact tragedy."
"I was told not to take any more questions, but I will ignore that advice."
"Who are we? Where did we come from? How did we come to be? These are questions that human beings have asked since we acquired the facility to ask questions."
"It never ceases to amaze me how many of the fundamental questions parents have about their kids are the same across cultures, socioeconomic, and geographic areas."
"The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask."
"I don't feel like there are stupid questions. I think that we have to learn and there should always be security and safety in order to ask things that we don't know."
"Why is there something rather than nothing? Why does anything exist at all?"
"The actual quality of your life is based on the quality of the questions you ask."
"I'm 100% living the questions right now and hoping that I might one day live my way to the answers."
"Write down three open-ended deep questions that you can ask anyone that you love."
"All of life opens up to you... and of course, the key to understanding is asking quality questions."
"Questions are like magic keys that unlock powerful answers."
"Even if the Zanpakuto Rebellion arc isn't canon, it still made us ask some really interesting questions of the relationship between a Shinigami and their Zanpakuto."
"Coming off hot with the first question of the day."
"If you can't answer them, you can't be truly happy."
"Are we really his fears or are we his desires? Food for thought."
"Do you think this Riot has anything to do with this?"
"Some people make films to provide answers. But the way I make films is more like posing questions."
"I've got some questions but I'm gonna be polite and save them until the end of the PowerPoint."
"Why High Rock? What's the main quest? What's happening? In previous Elder Scrolls titles, there has always been a devastating event or some form of impending doom looming over the province in which the game is set."
"You don't get any answers, you just get more questions."
"The question is no longer if they are here but why, what are they doing, what do they want from us, what are their motivations?"
"We don't need to fit our square pegs into round holes. We get to ask, and if you don't ask, you don't know."
"The pursuit to the answers to these questions become closer and we feel highly compelling."
"We understand that also there's a lot of questions that come in... but we are over here for you."
"Too many questions and too few answers so far."
"Why do you have your guns out? Why are your guns out?"
"Why is it only the black community's responsibility...?"
"The biggest question: How does this relate to prophecy?"
"Your goal is to figure out what questions you can ask to get them to talk about the things that they like."
"Why is it so hard to just not harass people? I don't understand."
"Not everything will be resolved. We may have more questions than answers."
"Engage viewers by asking questions and canvassing opinions. This will make your viewers feel more involved."
"You said between the fences, do I have to go back?"
"So these are brand-new questions and they're good ones and this is where some of the theoretical work is going right now."
"Practice as much as you can with these types of questions and they will become easier."
"Such large structures with little evidence showing how they were built ask far more questions than they answer."
"The vast majority of you not only enjoyed it, but some even asked for longer and asked a lot of really good questions."
"The best leaders don't have the answers; the best leaders have really good questions."
"And I don't think Tarantino gives us an answer, but he brings up a really interesting set of questions about our relationship to chance and the miraculous."
"Can we go back in the water? She's asking us questions we didn't know we were gonna be asked."
"What happens when the people in charge aren't willing to address the issues?"
"People have been hurt by this stuff, people have honest questions."
"Open-ended questions elicit a longer response from someone."
"Express them, don't suppress them, share your questions with others."
"What's the most important question you can ask in an interview? Why."
"This isn't the real world reality of the marvel universe that we're used to and vision's very presence following his bad run-in with thanos is racking up the questions."
"You are never going to have every single one of your questions answered."
"Each of which generates exponentially more questions, each of which generates exponentially more answers."
"Bookworm's story poses some really refreshing questions about the isekai genre."
"The number one thing is do not be afraid to ask questions."
"If you have more questions than answers, you have reasonable doubt."
"Once Margaery has people talking, she doesn't just pepper them with interview-style questions non-stop."
"Starfield is going to ask some big hard-hitting questions, it gets into things like science, religion, and some other big questions that will get you thinking." - Interview detail
"The 'what do you bring to the table' question, asking it in that particular fashion, is a little bit awkward, it's a little bit cringe."
"In conclusion, let's answer the question: what steak makes the best steak sandwich?"
"The question is not really, can he lead? The question is, can you follow?"
"Would you ever get pumped? Would you be a little scared?"
"Are you willing to learn? Do you love to learn?"
"That's the point. Yeah, you could look anywhere in this scene and something's happening. And that takes a lot of care and effort. So yeah, I'll pause it a question for you all..."
"He's been very aware calm and I did hear something where uh where it appears that when he was arrested Brian had asked the police like am I the only one you arrested or have you arrested anybody else."
"I made a note because I just had to see it: seven minutes into the film, there are 10 vitally important questions that have been raised."
"There are just so many unanswered questions."
"What about me? What am I gonna be in charge of?"
"If you're not right with God, you've got nothing."
"There is a way to approach this... don't argue with people directly, just ask them questions."
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers."
"There's just plenty of questions that need to be answered."
"The quality of the results you get is based on the quality of questions you ask."
"Make yourself available to people who want to ask questions because it's... you have a unique position."
"I feel like the question we're all dying to ask here: what do you do when you meet a girl you fancy?"
"Where are all the Native American restaurants?"
"We're not even close to getting questions like these raised in the general public conversation."
"Ask questions that show enthusiasm and motivation."
"Truth is back just when you thought you had all the answers, we have changed the question."
"Are you asking me for different examples of how?"
"If in democracy in India is danger how could you defeat Modi in Karnataka? That is the question I have asked. How could you defeat Modi in Himachal Pradesh? That's the question I want to ask."
"What on God's green earth is the endgame here? It is one of the great questions of modern American politics."
"No Queen conscious woman submits herself to a man that does not have answers."
"Who the heck are you as an artist? Where did you come from? What is your point of view?"
"Does the world know we're here? Are we turning it upside down?"
"If someone simply asks you a question about something that you did, do you go to a shame spiral?"
"The quality of your life comes down to the quality of the questions you ask yourself."
"What's up, man? Wait, do you lose your sub streak for a month if you haven't subbed for a month?"
"So, his amount of people that asked me like, 'What did you do different?'"
"We don't need to know the answer; we need to live the questions."
"Which Pokemon potholes have always bothered you?"
"Just saying, if you've got any questions, send 'em to Hat Chat."
"I don't understand why other news agencies have not reported that."
"Can we all agree that it's in everyone's interest to figure it out right and why aren't we figuring it out?"
"What matters to you the most in a coffee brewer?"
"Every time I look for an answer and find something that resembles an answer, it comes with another question."
"That's the end of all the things you've got anything else you want to say oh astronaut another question oh yeah go ahead who is the best."
"Knowing when enough is enough is an essential question in life."
"Curious information will be volunteered not coerced; it will create more questions than it answers."
"Little question again so in your trading journey uh back back then did you ever had like like nightmares about trading or"
"Don't claim the answers, keep asking good questions."
"The questions you asked will change your reality."
"What exactly is the reason for her being so stringent about this pick?"
"Live the questions... the point is to live everything."
"The frustration and questions are worldwide."
"He's on our side." - It was at that moment I thought he's flipped over on our side, he's on our side, he's going to do it.
"Questions are subjective only when individuals take it personally."
"Asking questions has a tremendous amount of power. That's the whole concept behind working many times with your family trying to get them out."
"Great questions, really interesting questions."
"I hope that makes sense, but let me know in the comments down below if you have any other questions about The RealReal or thredUP."
"You're not even speaking, you're just asking a guy questions."
"Can somebody explain to me why this is scary?"
"I officially have more questions now than I had when we first came in."
"If you have all the Chaos Emeralds, why do you need all this stuff to begin with?"
"We're now facing questions that have never arisen in human history." - Noam Chomsky
"When you feel like you aren't enough, make sure that you ask the right questions."
"The best questions asked politicians are asked by ten year olds or eleven year olds."
"Thank you so much for watching, if you have any questions, leave them below."
"Our entire family has been left shattered and confused with so many questions we won't ever have answers to."
"I try to keep my decisions very simple, fundamentally it's based on three questions."
"Feel free also to ask questions in the chat as we go."
"Sometimes I have people on and it's not silly at all; it's me asking questions that I would ask if the cameras were off."
"Some years of your life are just questions and then some years are answer years where you receive answers to a lot of those questions."
"If you have not attended a live stream before, how it works is you can ask questions in the live chat field."
"Be patient with yourself and ask a lot of questions."
"By using thought-provoking questions, it puts you in the position of conversation leader."
"No question is actually dumb, so they're not dumb."
"Forcing yourself to say your theme in the form of a question is a powerful way to write stories."
"The only wrong answer is not asking the question."
"What is life but an endless series of answers to questions you haven't even thought to ask yourself yet?"
"With Soul Savvy, you have community members that can answer your questions as well as community leads."
"Never be afraid to ask questions; that's how you learn."
"The biggest questions that anybody's asking is where should we live."
"There are no bad questions, only bad answers."
"It's brought up some pretty big questions in terms of the wider use of the lower airspace."
"We have six questions, you can only give me one answer."
"It's okay to have questions. Questions are good if they help you to accept someone for who they are."
"When someone is coming onto this page, what are the most important questions that they need answered before they're ready to buy?"
"I've always wanted answers to well, everything."
"The style of the home, the square footage, and the lot size are important conversational questions to ask."
"If you have questions about this particular setup let me know in the comments"
"Theoretical physics is special because it's cross cultural and everyone has the same questions."
"Every reveal leads to another question and every answer to that question gets crazier."
"If you guys have any questions on this stuff let me know in the comments down below and that's all for today."
"Season 1 of The Wilds left us with so many questions, a lot of cliffhangers."
"Remember that an interview is an interview both ways. This is an interview for them as much as it is an interview for you, so make sure you have some good questions in there in terms of actually like finding the right place for you."
"Finding answers where there were once only questions."
"If you guys were to drop maybe it's a scenario you're going through or just some advice that you need, we're gonna pick five of those questions and scenarios and we want to answer them."
"There are clear questions related to governance and security that likely would still need to be worked out."
"Do me a favor, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to post them below."
"An important part of every interview is when the candidate gets to ask the interviewers questions."
"If you have a question about it I guarantee you another thousand people have that same exact question."
"Asking questions is a really important part of managing."
"The analyze data button suggests questions and creates pivot tables and charts based on the data."
"Quality questions to see both sides simultaneously is liberating and keeps us at the forefront of continually wanting to expand our consciousness."
"Add these questions to Your Arsenal."
"It was 1:30 A.M., there were fewer people on the bridge, but right now the idea that there was a warning that they had lost propulsion, that they could potentially hit the bridge, it raises a lot of questions."
"It's okay to be wrong. It's okay to make mistakes. It's how we learn. It's okay to ask stupid questions."
"...overall, a pretty good ingredient panel, this leaves no questions for me really."
"Did it answer all your hard-hitting questions? I mean, it might have if you really cared about the name of the reporter and where Oda got the reference from."
"The quality of conversation is determined by the quality of the questions."
"I'll ask you a series of trivia questions over three rounds of escalating difficulty."
"Passing score is 750 on a scale of 100 to 900 and all the questions are graded."
"In a cruel world, questions shake its characters and viewers."
"Only answer the questions that you're asked."
"People are interesting, you just have to ask the right questions."
"Your inputs are going to determine your outputs so when you ask better questions and that comes from changing your state you're going to think differently you're going to get better answers."
"The universe will answer any question you ask. Most people ask disempowering questions."
"The universe will answer any question you ask, that's the nature of it."
"What are the systemic issues that result in a young man Bammer?"
"There's no such thing as a dumb question but there is dumb questions."
"There's big claims going on here, and they're experimentally tractable questions."
"When it comes to financing your home, there are no dumb questions, and a good loan officer is going to be able to answer all of your questions and provide you with all of your options."
"I use it to ask the right questions to determine the urgency and importance and then I can make a decision on the spot."
"God asked three questions to humanity, and I believe God is still asking these questions today."
"Thanks for supporting it, thanks to you guys that asked all the questions."
"Why are churches closing? Why does 70% not believe in the Eucharist? Why are vocations down? Where did the nuns go?"
"If I say I'm leaving, what would be your first question? Where are you going? And if I say I don't know, what would you think of me?"
"I sent agent number three a few more final very picky but very very important questions which i' had forgotten to ask her previously."
"We've got six pages worth of your questions my questions and everything else."
"Sometimes in appealing to the cosmic by asking questions and then listening to the still Small Voice Within, we find the true wealth that is available to us already."
"The Terminator franchise is one of those ones where every subsequent film just raises more questions about why didn't you just."
"Does that mean their hands are detachable? So many questions."
"All questions you must have realized the language itself is spiritual so whatever do you ask is spiritual."
"I thought I was going to be left with more questions than answers but realistically I'm pretty even."