
Spirituality Quotes

There are 222321 quotes

"Spirituality is an important component of health, whatever your spirituality is."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Wherever two people are together, the spirit of God Himself is present."
"Meditation is nothing new. For thousands of years, many religious traditions have used meditation as a fundamental component of the spiritual experience."
"The only way I could describe it, even though I'm an atheist and I still am, was just bathed in God's love."
"Gratitude... I painted the Goddess of Gratitude... when I practiced gratitude, I have my hands together at heart."
Jess Carpenter
"Interactions with other people are going to teach you a lot about your creativity as well as spirituality and who it is you really are."
"I feel like now is an opportunity to maybe go a little bit deeper and go to the next level spiritually because I am feeling already so healthy and happy."
"The first thing I should do as part of my daily routine when waking up is to thank God for a new day, for his mercy, and the gift of life."
"Lord, I want to express my gratitude for being the source of my strength and the center of my joy."
"We don't know what it means to be really human. My working definition of the word 'spiritual' is what it means to be really human."
"The most wonderful, blessed nation in the earth, and we're far more interested in gold than we are God."
"By grace you're saved through faith, and that not of yourselves."
"You'll be overflowing with gratitude for all eternity."
"Bible to me is basic instructions before leaving Earth."
"We are fundamentally religious creatures; we're built for religion."
"Spirituality is what's called transcendent to mind, but that's not shouldn't be a mystical word. It's very simple. We make it complicated. It's very, very simple. You are aware that you have thoughts. There, that's it. That's how simple spirituality is."
"Psychology studies what is going on in there; spirituality studies who is in there noticing what is going on in there."
"Spiritual is about getting rid of that garbage because it liberates the soul."
"A heartfelt prayer can give hope to those who are lost."
"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork."
"God wants gratitude to be the primary motivation behind everything we do or say or think."
"The true nature of ours is higher consciousness."
"In general, in medicine, we are doing ourselves and our patients a disservice by not talking about spirituality. There's absolutely an important role for spirituality in the room with our patients."
"Love is the heart of the matter. Your heart is the center within your physical being attuned most to love."
"The sun represents our soul, the moon represents our emotions. Our emotions are coming to the forefront and being highlighted by the sun."
"You can enjoy the small blessings that God gives us that really make up life."
"There's a god-shaped hole in everyone's heart; we just disagree on how it got there."
"We are solar people; we are children of the sun."
"The world is not going to the devil; it is going to God. It is a wonderful Becoming."
"We have to be grateful for that guidance that Allah has given us."
"Your word says, 'The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.'"
"If you practice gratitude, then you will be grateful. If you practice, against all odds, opening your heart when no one else will, that's supernatural."
"Gratitude is a gateway to God's presence. It's more than a routine; it's a heartfelt acknowledgment of His ongoing work in our lives."
"With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible."
"You were made for relationship with God and loving relationship with others. This is your design."
"Spirit is stepping in to bring harmony and balance back to your life."
"We are eternal. This physical body is not, but our soul is."
"The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, and in both of them is good."
"The most power that we have is becoming the best versions of ourselves, is improving, is being more impactful and truthful with your voice, and having a closer connection to God."
"Worship is to know Allah, to love Allah, to obey Allah, and to direct all our acts of worship towards Allah alone."
"Allah deserves worship even if He has given you nothing."
"Sending all of this thankfulness and this gratitude out to all beings everywhere. Namaste."
"Happiness is a state of the soul, a state in which our natures are full of the wine of an ancient youth, in which banquets last forever and roads lead everywhere, where all things are under the exuberant leadership of faith, hope, and charity."
"God is love. Faith, hope, and charity connect me to God; that means they connect me to the source of all love."
"I pray that Allah fills all of our lives with real and true joy and makes us a source of real joy for others."
"You and I both know that God's gift to us is our potential and our gift back to him is what we do with our potential."
"In the process or through the process of fulfilling your purpose, sometimes we come into union with people who are suitable for the purpose that God has put us in the earth for."
"There are no techniques to achieve God. There are techniques to remove the obstacles that you put in the way of God."
"Yogananda said, 'There is a river of joy flowing inside of you. Find it, go there, get in, and drown.'"
"I must be grateful for the people in my life; I must pray for the people in my life with joy; I must expect the best from the people in my life; and I must love people in my life like Jesus does."
"Spirit comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable."
"The universe wants to fill you back up with faith right now."
"The handicaps that God, the universe give us often give us an edge in another area."
"I feel awakened. I now envision great things for me. It was like I was spiritually touched."
"Prayer is how you talk to God, and meditation is how God talks to you."
"I don't necessarily think that the purpose of life is to just be always happy. I think it's very possible that we're spiritual beings and we're here to learn."
"Trust in Divine timing. It's showing up for you."
"By the grace of God go all of us because we're all sinners."
"Sacred guidance and teachings from our Heavenly Father help us navigate life in these perilous times."
"We solemnly proclaim that God loves His children in every nation of the world."
"The true pursuit of happiness is submitting to the will of Allah."
"The closer you are to Allah, the happier you will be."
"Thank God for not just your blessings but also for your hardships, and your trials."
"What's something you look forward to each day? Honestly, praying and just speaking to God every single day."
"2024, I don't know what it is, but I've never felt this spiritually connected like ever in my life before."
"We often hear in spiritual circles phrases such as 'I am one with everything. I am one with the trees,' and it's legitimate to say such things. But what very often happens is that we then think, 'Oh wow, that person is one with everything... that's something I'd like to be.'"
"God is making deposits in your spirit that you are not cognitively aware of."
"Through feeling gratitude, we are connecting directly to Source Energy."
"Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you."
"There is a piece of the Creator inside you, and you do have the power to create miracles in your life."
"Obtain for me the grace to love Jesus with all my heart, as you did, and love Mary with some of the tenderness and loyalty with which you loved her."
"Teach me to bear my cross in the spirit of faith, of confidence, and of gratitude towards God."
"There's no religious or spiritual path that gives any of us a pass on addressing the suffering of other sentient beings."
"It's a soul-searching card, a card about spiritual growth and following your own path. That's what's most important."
"Creativity is a deeply spiritual pursuit but most people never take it to that level."
"Beauty is a huge part of the religion. That's right, art has a huge hand in evangelizing people and bringing them to God."
"I heard God's voice say, 'I'm everywhere. You can't run no more.'"
"The relationship with God cannot be cognitive, it can't be intellectual really, it's got to be spiritual."
"It has to do with denying the flesh, it has to do with submitting to God, resisting the devil, it has to do with yielding to the spirit and walking in the spirit."
"Fan into flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you."
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."
"Energy levels... determine how much of a victim we are, with one being almost like depression and seven being like you're vibrating at a frequency like Gandhi or Mother Teresa."
"True spirituality is actually getting you to realize the distinction between reality or actuality and your concepts, ideas, and beliefs about it."
"True spirituality... tries to get you to pay hyper attention to your perceptions, grounding yourself purely in perception without any interpretation, filtration, concepts, beliefs, or doctrines."
"What does becoming a more developed human being fundamentally mean? It's a philosophic, spiritual, religious, existential question."
"For a small moment have I forsaken you, and with great mercy will I gather you."
"With a little wrath did I hide my countenance for a moment from you, and with everlasting kindness will I have compassion on you, says your Redeemer, the Lord."
"Seek God's kingdom first and his righteousness, and all things shall be added to you."
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in the time of need."
"Enlightenment is going from believing that you're one of these bubbles to realizing that you're the entire sponge and that the entire sponge is infinite."
"The greatest sin you can do to God is to waste the potential that you've been given."
"One of the deepest joys you can get out of life is being creative because you are God, and God is creativity."
"Love is all that is, has been, and ever can be. Love is all possibility, all potential."
"My addiction is connecting with people... in a way which connects us spiritually, intellectually, or mentally."
"'Manipura' in Sanskrit literally means 'City of Jewels'."
"I'm happy and more concerned about my salvation, my relationship with Allah."
"Islam means submission...not to yourself, not to your desires, but submission to the one who created you."
"Worship the one unseen Creator and don't worship His creation."
"Imagine Heaven as an upward moving spiral where everything is as already as good as you could imagine it, but it's getting better."
"The glory of God is a human being fully alive."
"The kingdom of God is the Garden in which mankind can eternally play, and the play would be musical."
"It's better to be truthful than to be holy to be phony."
"He's the only one that can take your mess and make a message."
"Magic exists and spirituality is a real deal."
"You are a soul, and you are like an actor playing a character."
"A soul is a spark of, a ray of, a facet of God."
"Our bodies are suggesting that we are separate, and that's where the body's lying to us."
"Lead us from the unreal to the real, lead us from darkness unto light, lead us from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"Faith is an inner knowing about the unseen that urges your soul to go beyond what you already know."
"This is a blessing, guys. This is a blessing for you. And this is all divinely led, guided from your spirit guides, your higher self, and God."
"Success is the things you find between failures and not giving up."
"As you believe, so it shall be done unto you."
"Karma is real. Yes, you can believe in God, yes, you can make amends, but karma is real."
"The rainbow is a representation of a calm after a storm and it's a representation of blessings."
"We're playing this game of life without understanding the buttons on the controller."
"Spirituality to me means all that uplifts the spirit, anything that brings up your joy, your enthusiasm, creates more compassion, and sense of belongingness with everybody."
"Your personal vibration improves dramatically the more you allow your soul to take charge of your life."
"It threw me into a space of inner silence that was so vast, it felt like it swallowed up the whole universe."
"Nothing else really mattered to me anymore, other than returning to that state, figuring out how I can integrate that state of consciousness permanently."
"The near-death experiences proved to me that there clearly was a source... some people call it the light, but they describe it as a source of indescribable unconditional love, total non-judgment."
"Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, and herein lies the peace of God."
"Everything is silently rejoicing in that oneness, in that unity, and it's inviting you into it."
"Spirituality is the recognition of the spiritual force of the universe and the recognition of your relationship toward all living things."
"I made you to be the head and not the tail, thou art to be above only and not beneath."
"There is never time in the future in which we will work out our salvation. The challenge is always in the moment; the time is always now."
"Our spirits are hiding here; if this house disappears, our ancestors will disappear too, and they won't be able to do any more for us."
"The best thing about these readings is that we create space for spirit to deliver the messages that you didn't even know you needed."
"Ultimately, for me... shifting is just like a personal spiritual journey. It did help me learn a lot about myself."
"I define spirituality as the belief in the inextricable connection between human beings and something that's grounded in love and goodness."
"Spirituality can be a great way to learn and grow."
"Spirituality is not a replacement for therapy."
"Spirituality can improve your mental health but it's not a replacement for professional help."
"If you believe that we're all one, then you should understand that we're all equal."
"Know ye not that you are the temple of the living God?"
"You are the house of God. You are the church of God. You are the synagogue, the cathedral, the temple of the living God."
"Our lives should be a worship to the Creator every day."
"A person is not a body. Death is a transformation into something new."
"For me, part of the spiritual search...is I need tools to help me cope with my anxiety and help me find peace and serenity."
"When I lived as a monk, a lot of the wisdom that we studied and the Eastern literatures that we spent time excavating were not aimed at monks; they were just aimed at humanity."
"Remember as a believer you are the light of the world, so please continue to shine your light bright so that this darkness cannot spread further."
"Spirituality requires a scientific mind, one that is open to direct observation and empirical evidence."
"True spirituality is not about believing stuff, having faith, or following rituals; it's about direct contact with reality."
"The ego, the self, is an illusion created by the mind, and recognizing this is the essence of spiritual awakening."
"Your spirit guides are showing me you can manifest what it is that you desire but you need to manifest from a place of a soul and not ego."
"Marriage is a sacrament because, entered into in the proper spirit, it's a step up Jacob's Ladder."
"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
"The fear of the Lord, that's where wisdom begins."
"To be strong is to put the armor of God on. From my perspective, right, another man might not see that, but the arm of Christ, it's actually pretty magnificent when you put it to the test."
"When I lean on His word, it would Set Me Free."
"For a long-term relationship that is as good as marriage in the eyes of Lord Shiva, convert that into a Dharma."
"The word of God says... there's nothing in the earth more powerful, more right, more true than the word of God."
"God answers to no man, but all men must answer to God."
"From a man of the cloth, I want to say it doesn't matter where you came from, what matters is how you get back up again."
"I always believe in making your own decisions but making it with peace and through and in prayer."
"Your body is your most cherished spiritual tool."
"The core of just about every single spiritual tradition...love, compassion."
"Spirituality is the discipline of understanding yourself."
"You're going through a major spiritual awakening."
"Reassurance of the golden light: You are a child of the universe and dearly loved."
"Trust, patience, faith, and courage can seem overwhelming, but the universe is with you every step of the way."
"The most important spiritual lesson is you are part of that co-creation."
"Spirituality is allowing the full human experience to wash over you because that's why we're here I believe to experience everything that we can and to learn and grow through it."
"Be very careful with what people say about human Origins and how human beings began because when you get Humanity's origin story wrong, you can change their relationship to themselves, you change their relationship with God."
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Amen."
"Everything that we do, testimonies of people that have got saved and their lives were transformed automatically, it's like overnight there was a transformation."
"You don't win love; you don't find love. The love is already there."
"The Bible says God is love, there is a good starting point to talk about love."
"Turn to Jesus because he's the only one who can deliver you."
"The kingdom of heaven is not outside of you; the kingdom of heaven is within you."
"God's words last forever, regardless of what we do here on Earth."
"You guys are gifted and your life purpose involves some sort of spiritual career. Share your knowledge."
"No man could get to heaven without God. It's impossible."
"I believe that our emotions are a sacred gift. Our feelings are the language of our soul."
"I remember telling my friend... 'If I lose Mormonism, I don't have anything to go to.' But the beautiful thing I found [was] maybe I could just be me."
"The more we resemble Rahma (mercy) to everything and everyone around us, the closer we become to exemplifying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam in our own lives."
"The secret of his (Prophet Muhammad's) capacity was gratitude."
"If your good deeds make you happy and your bad deeds make you sad, you're a believer."
"The knowledge of the universe is already inside of you because you are the universe."
"Spirituality is when I align myself with the energy in the earth... and also align myself with the energy in the universe."
"Let's get away from the spookality, let's get into the real talent science so we can understand what we're doing."
"You are God's precious gem. Have you not been valuing yourself? You need to value your self-worth."
"Who lead us from the unreal to the real, lead us from darkness unto light, lead us from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"Karma Yoga erases that, it makes everything spiritual."
"Bhagavad Gita...Brahman is the offering, Brahman is the fire into which you offer."
"I was sitting with my higher self, connecting with spirit, divinity, source, and I was like, 'What pick-a-card reading can I bring to my soul tribe that everybody can kind of connect with?'"
"Remember, we are all spiritual beings having a human experience."
"Each person is born with an unencumbered spot, free of expectation and regret, free of ambition and embarrassment, free of fear and worry, an umbilical spot of grace where we are each first touched by God."
"What a perfect picture for us to recenter our heart on what really matters: it's eternity."
"If God wants it for you, He needs it from you."
"Crazy faith has a sound, and when Jesus hears it, He stops."
"The power of intuition will light your path, providing a connect to the divine."
"God hears your prayers, the prayers get to God, and He answers them."
"Look to the Lord for direction, find the dream He has for your life, and go forward with it."
"Seek in that which Allah has given you the afterlife, but do not forget your portion in this life."
"Some beings seek to bend the power of these natural elements to their will. Druids, however, worship the protecting spirits of nature."
"It's not about going to church every day or banging your head on the floor; it is in the heart."
"God is not in that place when we're listening to that type of music."
"Your faith and belief has finally awoken, your faith in the divine, your faith in God, the universe, spirituality."
"Through the knowledge of Him... God has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness."
"The Bible is the only book that when you read it, it reads you."