
World Improvement Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"Self-care is about being more ready to do better for the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If every single person on earth spent 30-60 minutes moving outside, I'm convinced the world would be a better place."
"Be happy and leave the world a better place than you found it."
"99% of people in the world are good and the way you can improve the world is with technology."
"If even a small portion of the world's humanity... really realize this truth and manifest it in life, this world would be turned into a heaven on earth."
"I want people to buy my art because there I want to create a world full of emotions and ideas to make the world a better place."
"The spark that ignites all their hopes and dreams is only through hopes and dreams that we may create a better world."
"I'm just an artist that wants to make the world more beautiful and expand our consciousnesses in a productive way."
"I want to be able to fix something in the world before I go."
"Radical change is needed to create a better, more awakened, and conscious world."
"That is the closest chance we have to save the world in the foreseeable future."
"Can you be ethical and a capitalist, or put differently, can capitalism be used to make the world a better place?"
"I try to get what enjoyment I can, where I can, and I try to spend most of my week trying to make the world a slight better place."
"Jacque Fresco... spent 70 years promoting a single idea... to make the world a better place."
"Whether you agree with it... you have to give the guy credit for the determination he showed in trying to improve the world."
"The focus of Judaism is on this world, and all of the commandments are focused on how to make this place better."
"If you want to improve the world in a big massive way, find your own happiness."
"If you want to change the world, start by changing one individual. That's how the world changes."
"Loving ourselves is also service to the world."
"Moonshots are these radical ideas for changing the world and improving the way that we live."
"My goal in life and my mission is to create a world worth inheriting."
"The world is the greatest place that it's ever been and it's getting better."
"If you can make the world better for just your kids, that will have a huge impact on the world."
"The world needs to be a better and safer place."
"The best remedy to the problems in our world is to fix what we can fix. You take your slice of the world and you do your best with it."
"It is my firm belief that each of us have a responsibility to set the world right in the manner that we are able to."
"If we act wisely, we can make the world more peaceful."
"Just becoming more yourself might be enough to save the world."
"My firm belief: the best way to fix the world is to fix yourself."
"The crisis is a pain, but it's also a fantastic opportunity to create a much better world."
"If everybody in the world used some form of cannabis, especially one that was psychoactive, I think we would see a much better world."
"Let's make this world a better place. Let's love each other."
"World though seems to be improving actually."
"A great world is built from an intention of love."
"The world needs to be better, and even if I was wealthy... it wouldn't matter because if I didn't do these things to create and make the world better... I would just be a rich guy living in a crappy world."
"If a lot of people loved each other, the world would be a better place."
"Just try to treat the world a little bit better than it treats you."
"I believe more people with hearts like yours could make this world a better place."
"We want a better world, we want to express ourselves, we want to live our purpose, we want to share our gifts, we want to love and be loved, we want to give and receive in a way that feels good and healthy to every single one of us."
"Stop doubting, worrying, or making excuses and own your capacity to be a powerful magician. Use these gifts to help make this a better world for everybody around this bitch."
"Everyone wants to save the world; they just disagree on how."
"Why not use [powers] to create a utopia? Why not use that to find ways to make the world a better place?"
"I think it's important... maybe I could contribute to the betterment of the world."
"There are people who want to make the world worse and there are people who disagree on how to make it better. Sometimes it really is that simple."
"With more compassion for yourself and others, we together will create a more peaceful, loving world."
"What is wrong with the world and how should it be? Let's invent the world that we want to live in."
"How can I make this world a little slightly better place maybe."
"We need to find peace, we need to find good in this world."
"I just want the world to be a better place. I want a world without cruel people in it. I just want to be able to live without fear."
"I just want the world to be a better place. I just want a world without cruel people in it."
"Our mission was to build a kinder and braver world."
"You can always make the world more beautiful."
"Spread your light, spread your good energy, and you'll see just how much better this world becomes."
"We have a tremendous responsibility to bring about a better world order."
"In a world, she can end hunger and global warming."
"Maybe make the world a little bit better place maybe find a pattern of love within all of that chaos."
"One of the things that I fundamentally believe is that entrepreneurs make the world a better place."
"Let's change the world, let's make it a better place."
"I think my drive now comes from wanting just to make the world a easier place for someone like me."
"I think I just want I want to make the real world reality just a little bit more bearable for for people and I want to bring a little a little magic to to to people's lives."
"The world would be such an even better place by far."
"We want to change the world in whatever way we can, we want to make it a better place."
"The way to improve the world is to work, is to create, it is to build."
"I'm passionate about the things I do are going to make the world a better place."
"Even with the incredible capacities of my mind, you whimper with small-minded doubt. I will fix this entire world. Just watch me."
"I think the world could benefit from being a little bit more resilient."
"I had hoped I'd be able to save the world and then visit my dad."
"Someday when we are wiser, when we all can do this together, we can make this world a better place."
"The only way to fix the world is for us to want to fix it."
"It would be nice to see some justice in the world, and it's looking closer."
"I hope things get better, good things happen with the world."
"There's room for a lot more of those things, which I kind of want to implement once the world gets fixed from being broken." - Spencer
"The whole point is to make this world better."
"Let's make the world a little bit better on their behalf. Let's be better, not the same."
"Belief in mashiach simply means to believe that the world as it is now is not as good as it gets."
"We want to change the world one person at a time."
"We're gonna save the world, Locals. We're gonna save the world."
"Trying to make the world and the fun space for our kids a better place."
"I believe that together we as a group, a social memory complex of the Reality Revolution, we as a group can heal the world."
"The world is just getting better. I mean, why would it be improving by the metrics if they weren't actually able to gain more access to goods and services and healthcare and all the other things that you need to improve your life?"
"One thing you'd like to change about the world: less [__] in general."
"I would do like he did, to end war, to end hypocrisy, and to make the world a better place." - Lauren Ridloff
"The more you try to straighten out the world, the more it becomes like this again."
"A lot of people love each other; the world would be a better place to live."
"Adrian Veidt wasn't looking to rob people. He was trying to make the world a legitimate better place."
"The world gets much more abundant and much better every year."
"I'm going to make the world a better place."
"The best way to support me is to support this world, become the best version of ourselves that we know how to be and then live that version, consciously with intent day in and day out to create the best world possible."
"...to make the world a better place."
"Mega projects that involve the lives of millions and the product of one simple human desire to make the world a better place to live."
"She wants to use her knowledge to make the world a better place."
"That's the only way we gonna have a just and a loving world."
"If you're trying to make the world a better place, if you're trying to help heal this world, your mission is way too important."
"I'm doing everything I can to make the world a better place"
"It's a great trait, the happy make the world better, so of course, America is going to make the world better just on that grounds alone because we think it's a good thing to be happy."
"If we use intelligence properly, we may actually fix the world."
"Here's a guy, [Jesus], one of the mildest men to set face on the earth, introduced radical new principles which, if followed, would make our world immeasurably better."
"With these simple tips, you can make the world a much better place."
"You just need to continue. You don't even need me to tell you, but putting yourself first will continue that. It's really just putting the world first."
"Luffy wants a world without inequality, a world where everything isn't concentrated in the hands of a select few while everyone else suffers."
"If we can all lift each other up a little bit, we can all make the world a little bit better."
"If people spent as much time making good things instead of bad things like this, what a wonderful world it would be."
"I care about making this world a better place, and so my mission, you know, it's just straight up, that's just who I am."
"As you work with yourself, that's how you fix the world. That's how you fix everything."
"So by anti-sleazing all these bolts we are making the world a better place kind of cut into it a little bit but I don't think we sacrifice the integrity of it at all."
"At the end of the day, it's an anti-hero's job to help make the world a better place."
"If we all sit back and wait for somebody else to come with this grand solution, it never comes. And my thought is, if each and every one of us just do something, albeit small, if we just do something instead of nothing, we can change the world."
"I guess I'll have to be the first one because I am going to make the world a better place."
"Try to make the world a better place. Start with our little corner."
"Right here right now we are brothers and sisters on this planet here to make the world a better place."
"I really do ache for a better world."
"Just know that they are here to make the world a better place."
"We need crime fighters. They make the world a better as well as a cleaner place."
"I am idealistic enough to believe that I can make the world a better place."
"If we just spent 20 minutes just thinking about what we're thinking about or meditating or relaxing, the world would be a much better place."
"Improving the world is part of the package of developing ourselves spiritually."
"The world becomes a better place just like that."
"Making the world a better place one remarkable bass guitar at a time."
"Design could make the world a better place."
"I'm tired of all the drama. We're about positivity, bringing us together, and making the world a better place."
"Honestly, just keep being you guys and being great. Go out and make this world better, that's what I want."
"That's why the world feels so unrefined in a certain way. It's not. The garbage is coming out, and we're identifying it, but the world is becoming more refined."
"If we work together we can make the world a better place."
"There's nothing wrong with the world that better human beings cannot fix."
"In that case, let's get out there and make the world a better place, just as God intended."
"The world, even though it feels like it's becoming worse, is becoming better."
"I always want to be thinking about what else we could do to make the world better."
"The best thing we can do is make the world a better place, and the best way we do is for you to love you."
"The world would be a better place if everyone had patience."
"Be the change that you'd like to see in the world."
"Building a better world requires peace and stability."
"We can change this world one soul at a time."
"You're improving the world in some way."
"The world's a bad place, go make it better."
"It's about compassion, wanting to make this world a more beautiful, more ethical place."
"To make the world a better place, I just want to be a little tidier."
"If we follow his words, this world would be a better place."
"There's nothing wrong with spending a little time and a little energy trying to make the world a little bit more of a beautiful place."
"I just want the world to be a better place, we all try to understand each other a lot more."
"The world is in a very sad shape, and we're the ones who can improve it."
"...if you want this world to be a better place for your kids, you better learn how to love yourself now."
"If y'all could just be as calm and just like me, I think the world would be a better place, you know."
"Love is the key to a better world, with love for everyone, we could change the world."
"If it were proper for Quakers to be proud, I think we're entitled to be proud for the many ways that we've worked to try to make the world a better place."
"I wanna leave the world better than I came in and have some fun along the way."
"To create a new and better world."
"The world would be a better place without Facebook, Twitter, Instagram."
"The world today is better than it was a year ago, and a year from now it'll be better still."
"All religions have beauty inside them, and if you follow your religion to improve the world... that's beautiful."
"We're all here, we have no free will, but it's worthwhile to try to improve the world in general."
"You guys are out there making the world better and happier and funnier."
"Are you sincerely trying to save the world? I'm trying to do good things."
"Wouldn't the world be better if we all shared?"
"The world would be a better place to live."
"I want a better balance of the world."
"I think the world would be a better place if there was more of this going on."
"Make the world better, you know, add some cool stuff to it."
"To change the world, it takes one person at a time."
"Remember to love yourself and love everyone else. Be respectful, be kind, and make sure to make the world a better place while you can."
"The entire world would be better off if we could move the needle along the continuum so that way more relationships would be functional and robust."
"Go out and put some beauty back in the world, be nice to somebody, make someone's life better."
"If everybody had just a little bit more love, the world would be a lot better of a place."
"I'm really passionate about improving the world with science and technology."
"What does the world need more of?"
"We try to make the world a better place for us being here."
"I make the world better, safer, and I couldn't have done it without you."
"Wouldn't the world be much better if everybody was just a little bit nicer?"
"Change starts within; we have the power to come together and do things to change this world in any way we see fit."
"We want to build a better world, a healthy world, and a beautiful new world full of compassion."
"The best way you can help this world is to train yourself."
"Let's make the world a better place together."
"We're changing the world every single day."
"I guess I want to help the world is what I'm saying."
"If we have a goal and we're trying to do to make the world a better place, I think that orients us a little bit."
"It's good to find something in our world that is improving."
"You can choose to be kind and sweet and make this world a better place."
"There is a river... let us irrigate the dry places of the world."
"The God of heaven has given us instructions to improve a sinful world."
"Mistake theorists believe that we can improve the world through increasing education and reducing cognitive biases."
"I think the world would become a much better place."
"You cannot make the world a better place if you don't have insane amounts of self-respect."
"You are making a better world for the people you love or loved in those memories."
"...if he wants the world to be repaired if he wants it to be improved and fixed then he needs our partnership..."
"You were sent here to heal people, to help people, to lend a helping hand, you were sent here to make this world a better place."
"The world is a better place, isn't it?"
"Everything's better in the world now."
"If you want to change the world, you must change the human being's awareness of himself."
"That's how you make the world a better place."
"An earnest desire to save the world."
"Imagine if we collaborated instead of competed, we'd have a much better world."
"The world would be a much better place if everyone found true happiness within."
"You meet people on this planet that are trying to make the world a better place, and Dan's one of those people."
"We could make this world the best place around if everybody works together, shares the love, and helps out."
"You know, I think all of us, we should all leave the world in a better place than we found it."
"God’s eventual aim is to put the whole world to rights. It’s to sort the whole world out."
"What's the net delta of how much the world is better because of your influence?"
"You're trying to create peace in this world."
"AI can help us solve complex problems, improve our lives, and make the world a better place."
"Putting out music into the world makes the world a better place."
"The world would be a better place if everyone had a little pineapple bed."