
Diet Quotes

There are 8994 quotes

"Ingesting carbohydrate-rich foods... blunts cortisol and does increase serotonin."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Elimination of simple sugars has a dramatic and positive effect."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can change what you eat so much so that you can drive your brain and your body to crave foods that are good for you, or at least better for you than the foods you might currently be eating."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I want them to eat a plant-forward diet, but that doesn't mean no meat."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I personally think it is one of the most powerful, anti-inflammatory things, dietary lifestyle, things that we can get easily, relatively easily, that is going to powerfully modulate the way you think, the way you feel, and the way you age."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People are eating way too much salt and way too much sugar these days."
"I'm leaning on Magic Spoon to help me get my weight under control again."
"The largest vegan on the planet is an elephant."
"By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can take proactive steps towards reducing your risk of cancer and promoting overall health and well-being."
"Obesity is on the rise alongside our increasingly high-processed, high-fat diets and sedentary lifestyles, especially in Western cultures."
"Remember, every bite you take is an opportunity to nourish and cleanse your body."
"We promise that by the end of this video, your perspective on diet and kidney health will take a fascinating new turn."
"Every bite we take, every sip we drink, every breath we inhale doesn't just affect one part of us, it influences our entire system."
"The food you eat has a huge way bigger impact on how we feel and how our brain works than what we think."
"Good brain diet: Avocados, blueberries, broccoli, olive oil, green leafy vegetables, wild salmon, and turmeric are neuroprotective."
"Diet for autism can correct some of the cognitive problems, seizures, and mood disorder symptoms that often accompany autism, having a powerful treatment role for quality of life and ability to function."
"Obesity is largely driven by what you're doing to your microbiome based on what you eat."
"You literally are what you eat; your cells are made up of the things that you intake."
"Wild plant intake, legume intake, these are two of the characteristics that you see prevalent amongst all blue zones."
"I do time-restricted eating. I still eat salads and stuff like that, so I'm not eating a ketogenic diet, but because I'm only eating for about eight hours a day, by the next morning I have some kind of fat adaptation coming along, and my brain is much clearer thinking."
"One of the best ways, without pharmacology and supplements, to improve your concentration."
"The two things that seem to age people the most from their diet is sugar and the other side is protein."
"The centenarian diet shares many features with the well-known Mediterranean diet: they are 95% plants, high in fish, very low in red meat, moderately low in dairy and eggs, very low in sugars, and devoid of processed foods."
"The focus of anti-dementia strategies when it comes to diet is centering around whole plant foods, with particularly an emphasis on greens and berries."
"There's no such thing as a perfect diet... we should make smart choices."
"You are what you eat, yes, and you are what you ate ate."
"Diabetes is reversible. The secret is it is in your diet."
"Healthful living involves diet, sleep, and exercise, and fasting can be very helpful at undoing the consequences of dietary excess."
"If you're willing to correct the dietary choices, the need for medications can be mitigated."
"The single most powerful activity you can do to prolong your life is eat less every day."
"The number one cause of death, the number one cause of disability is our diet."
"If you give people a healthy diet in prisons, they will reduce violent crime in the prison by 56%."
"Good brain food because you are what you eat; what you eat matters, especially to your gray matter."
"Cancer cells, which become these dysfunctional cells that grow at all costs, use something like angiogenesis to grow all these vessels and their preferred forms of fuel for growth are sugar and also protein."
"You can't outwork a bad diet. Remember that."
"If you figure out what to eat, you don't have to worry about how much; you don't have to count fat grams, carbs, calories, nothing."
"What's the best diet? That's the one you'll follow. What's the best exercise? The one you'll do."
"A heart-healthy diet is a brain-healthy diet is a liver-healthy diet is a kidney-healthy diet."
"The best exercise is the one you'll do; the best diet is the one you'll follow."
"The dietary pattern is more important than picking out a particular food and trying to demonize that food individually."
"Lower income American man dies 11 years younger than an upper income American man... because of diet."
"A diet really is only as healthy as it is good for the planet, our population, and for other creatures and biodiversity."
"The modern American diet is a big proponent of causing Alzheimer's."
"The reality is... the thing that's making you sick predominantly is what you're eating."
"Just by changing what he ate, Brian's health problems resolve."
"By changing your eating time, you can be the master conductor of your whole genetic program."
"Eat a really good diet that is healthy based around whole plant foods avoiding animal products and processed foods, and you're going to be doing really good."
"Just because we ate something in the past doesn't mean that it's the healthiest possible diet."
"The healthiest diet is the one that you can actually sustain for life."
"If I am what I eat, I want to be noble. I want to be of the highest degree."
"Eating to make my body feel good, not look a certain way."
"Caloric deficit is... simple, but habit change is difficult."
"A plant-based diet is the healthiest way for most people to eat. It gives you a double benefit: You're not eating the things that promote disease, and you're getting hundreds of thousands of other substances that help prevent it."
"Reality is if you go 20% better than what the standard American diet is, you will do 20% better in your healthcare."
"Adopt a health-promoting diet in a world designed to make you fat, sick, and miserable."
"There's nothing I've seen that's worked better than an exclusively whole plant food SOS-free diet."
"The DASH diet... tends to be the most effective for lowering blood pressure."
"Maintaining a healthy weight... fits into your diet, exercising regularly."
"The best diet is the one you'll follow and the best exercise is the one you'll do."
"You don't have to have a completely clean diet the entire time; there is a thing called balance."
"If you have a fat-based diet - nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, healthy fish, healthy oils - you have 42% less risk of getting Alzheimer's disease."
"People who have a simple carbohydrate-based diet have a 400 percent increased risk of getting Alzheimer's disease."
"I've looked into it to such a degree, I truly believe this is the optimal way for human beings to eat."
"Food is information. We're going to eat things that actually talk to our immune system."
"I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet in a rigorous exercise routine."
"Alzheimer's dementia, now being called Type 3 diabetes, is so related to blood sugar."
"Even if I knew I was going to die, I wouldn't go back to eating meat just out of being kind."
"People with PCOS are taught to ignore their cravings or trick them... but carb cravings are insight... they are the way that the person knows that their condition needs more attention."
"Women's health is profoundly impacted by diet and lifestyle choices, affecting menstrual health and overall well-being."
"I don't need to eat this special boring food; I can eat french toast and I can have a normal life."
"The greatest impact on blood sugar is the type of foods that we eat."
"If you eat real food, there really should not be much difference at all."
"I would start with the diet because the diet, the ketogenic diet, can have profound effects on mood and energy."
"Establish a feeding window that you can comfortably manage."
"Time-restricted feeding can benefit us by aligning with the social rhythms in most cultures."
"It's about inducing a state of ketosis, which is mimicking the fasting state."
"Eat less. Eating less has been shown... to be extremely effective in extending lifespan."
"If your mother, while you're in her uterus, ate certain foods, you can be predisposed either to obesity and diabetes or to health and longer life."
"It's not hard to understand edible plants, but you're not going to live off them sustainably long-term. You're going to have to be able to secure meat."
"Eat real food, don't eat crap. Eat lots of vegetables, eat lots of good fats, get good quality protein. It's not that hard."
"By changing your diet, you can activate your stem cells."
"If you reduce your caloric intake, you will lose weight, but your body will compensate by slowing down your metabolism."
"We eat an ultra-processed diet that makes us ravenous."
"The American diet is not good for the aging process, and we actually need to change our dietary habits if we want to live longer, healthier lives."
"Change the diet, and your whole vast world will change."
"You have to nail diet for quality of life going forward."
"If you eat no fried food for the next two weeks, and you look at your skin, and you look at how you feel when you wake up, and you look at your grip strength, and you look at every single metric about how good you're doing, you will improve."
"A high-fiber, plant-based, all-natural vegan diet with a calorie deficit works, but the thing is, I think and love meat. I'm not giving that up."
"You have to find foods that you love... It's never going to work if you don't."
"Our mission here is to enhance knowledge about diet and how we can change the health of everybody."
"The patients who got the ketogenic diet required fewer benzodiazepines for their detox."
"Humans can adapt to differences in their diet, lactase persistence as kind of the classic example of this."
"For much of human evolution, the vast majority of people that are on this planet had ancestors that were hunter-gatherers, consuming huge quantities of plant material."
"If you're hungry then eat, don't starve yourself, but control how much unhealthy foods you eat and control overeating."
"Do you know that the food you eat could be increasing your risk of cancer?"
"Get ready to be shocked and informed about the surprising foods that could be harming your health."
"The simple thing that we do every day, consume foods, can have such a huge impact that we don't even realize."
"What if we took all of that away and we all ate whole, natural foods? We'd all eat less, we'd all be healthier."
"There is a perfect diet for you on a given day."
"We, as part of this effort to look at how dietary interventions affect our health and wellbeing, interact with a lot of people who have read our book, or kind of have become microbiome enthusiasts."
"Primary prevention is to eat good food so you don't get the polyps in the first place."
"Stop eating so frequently. You're a Paleolithic human being actually, and your genetics are more than ten thousand years old."
"The Hadza hunter-gatherers consume on the order 100 to 150 grams of dietary fiber per day."
"The reason for that is the polyphenols, the colored compounds in colored plants... they feed the good guy bacteria called bacteroides. People who are thin have more of those and less firmicutes, which is another species more abundant in fat people."
"What I always try to encourage people to do is look at healthy eating habits as a lifestyle, not like a diet, not temporary."
"Intermittent fasting is not a diet, it is a meal timing pattern."
"We are designed to have periods of time where we're not consuming foods... a period of fasting is going to have profound benefits on our body."
"For every point your systolic blood pressure is reduced with diet and lifestyle change, there's a 1 percent reduced risk of all-cause mortality."
"A ketogenic diet can essentially keep the lights on in the Alzheimer's brain."
"If you can understand what it is about the diet, about the lifestyle that's so important, you could actually take that woman in San Francisco and reduce her risk of breast cancer by a third. That's very, very powerful knowledge."
"Eating all the time provides that sort of fertile soil... Eating fewer times like three times a day or you do intermittent fasting, what you're going to do is shut down those growth signals."
"The body begins to heal itself, it begins to undo these consequences of dietary excess. It's really quite remarkable."
"Pain is a huge motivator. So if you feel good when you're eating good and you feel bad when you're eating bad, after you do that a few dozen times, you don't want to eat bad anymore."
"It's time to take action in regards to your health, and the answer to that is dietary change."
"You may get a little bit healthier eating carnivore, but you don't relapse because of a nutritional reason; you relapse for an emotion management reason."
"Carbohydrates are pro-inflammatory, and when you're in a ketogenic diet, it is anti-inflammatory."
"We are a by-design, low-carbohydrate, salty mammal."
"So many of us misunderstand the signals coming from our body and from our mind because our previous diet has kept us so sick, so inflamed, so fatigued, we couldn't even really hear the communication coming from our body."
"It's not necessarily about being 100% vegan but about the proportion and quantity of what you eat that impacts your health."
"There will be different diets that are better for different groups, based on what genes you harbor and have in your human genome."
"You can't be surrounding yourself with people that are eating junk food every day and you're overweight. It's just not going to work."
"Eating too close to sleep will disrupt that fasting-related sleep."
"It's not just about a diet or weight loss, it's more of like a lifestyle change."
"Weight loss is really 80% diet and 20% exercising."
"It's possible to take somebody who has existing, established blockages in their blood vessels... and if you actually give them an intensive regimen of lifestyle change starting with their diet, you can reverse heart disease."
"Food is driving our happiness and we are becoming more disconnected and more lonely."
"I never believed anybody when they said this, but when you eat healthy and then you go eat something bad, you will literally feel like it's the most disgusting feeling."
"A combination of both diet and skincare is important. Diet won't really take care of things like exfoliation, repairing damage within your skin, sun protection."
"I have a much better and healthier approach... I allow those things that I enjoy in my diet more often."
"We don't really need to eat animals at all to survive."
"There's never been any long-term study showing that calorie counting is an effective way to lose weight and maintain weight loss."
"The Mediterranean gut-friendly diet you get actually better results with more remission than you do with antidepressant medication."
"I actually believe what you said is true, but there's no way I'm going to give up meat."
"There are literally 300,000 edible plants on the planet. The problem is that we've narrowed it down to the point where 75% of our diet is from three of them."
"If you generate a caloric deficit, fat loss will occur, cardio or not."
"During World War one... the people of Denmark thrived... by shifting to a starch-based diet."
"Try and eat in a way that supports your gut microbiome."
"I'd much rather see people with type 2 diabetes control their diabetes through diet and lifestyle."
"A horribly inflammatory diet is number one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten probably on the list."
"If we want to save the planet, we need to change what we put on the table and how we produce food."
"Ultimately, a little ultra-processed snack here and there won't hurt, but the problem is that most Americans aren't having a little ultra-processed snack here and there."
"Be as positive and give as positive a light to vegan eating as possible so as many people that are willing to switch over as possible can try it without any sort of anxiety."
"Ask yourself who is telling you what to eat and what their motives are."
"Diet is probably the number one way that people can control their health."
"Why would you do this, why would you carb count and have to do a urine test for ketones every day when you can just eat vibrant plant foods and stay well and lose weight and have an increased lifespan? It's a win-win."
"When we feed [the microbiome] fiber, soluble fiber...they create little fragments...that are anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting."
"The Mediterranean diet... tends to lengthen telomeres."
"Up to 90 percent of cancers are caused by three factors: diet, lifestyle, and environment."
"When the politicians start telling you what you can and can't eat, we've crossed a line."
"The diet that is right for you is one that you can follow your entire life, which is sustainable and manageable and helps you feel genuinely good on a consistent basis."
"If more people grew their own food and prepared their own food, they'd have much healthier diets."
"A plant-based diet can reverse heart disease."
"The first and probably biggest benefit for most people is the freedom that you get surrounding food and to be free from the restrictive mindset."
"In order to optimize your metabolism, you need to eat food and you also have to have some muscle."
"Losing weight does not mean going on a diet. It's about making permanent and manageable changes to your food intake."
"My body loved it. Within 12 weeks, a 20-pound spare tire of fat melted off my waist, my high blood pressure came down to normal, my cholesterol came down to normal, and I felt great."
"All the long-lived people in the Blue Zones eat beans and peas and lentils."
"The most exciting transformation in medicine is seeing people turn into normal healthy individuals by adopting a plant-based diet."
"The beauty of that is that diet is not only good for us but it's also good for our planet."
"An animal-based diet of organs, meat, fruit, honey, and raw dairy is the most evolutionarily consistent, the most species-appropriate diet for humans on the planet."
"If you get your diet in order and you do all the things that are good for your gut microbiome, you will have the optimum immune system."
"Gluten-free, casein-free diets are rampant in the autism community because they work."
"Some types of dragons require a diet rich in ancient magic."
"For dinner, you ready for this? 8 oz of chicken, one cup of rice. I couldn't even finish it."
"A healthy renal diet is the best way to lower your creatinine levels, no doubt about it."
"At the highest risk are populations consuming western-style diets... at the lowest risk are populations who live simply, are physically active, and consume unprocessed plant-based diets."
"There is no diet that any one individual human being can consume that will reduce our carbon footprint more... than a plant-based."
"In general, drinks are not what's going to make your diet, but they are the most likely to break your diets."
"Every meal you want protein, healthy fat, and fiber."
"Humans do not have any specialized genetic, anatomical, or physiological adaptations to meat consumption. By contrast, we have many adaptations to plant consumption."
"The only statistically significant food indicator of longevity was legume intake."
"How can I just eat healthy on a daily basis in a way that works for my body?"
"I found true freedom and life transformation in eating in a way that just works for my body."
"Not because it's like a magic wand...you still need to make sure that you are getting sufficient protein, that you're getting sufficient essential fatty acids."
"I'm finally going to talk about why I'm no longer vegan."
"Diet and lifestyle, maintaining a healthy microbiome, these are really simple kind of lifestyle strategies and common-sense techniques that you can use to not only promote nitric oxide production but to prevent this age-related decline that leads to age-related disease."
"I felt like having an all-or-nothing approach with food was... kind of setting the kids up to have a bad relationship with food, and I really didn't want to do that to them."
"The point of stepping away from veganism is to just stop putting a label on ourselves and our diet."
"When you eat the standard American diet, you get the standard American diseases."
"If people like the thought of eating less animal products and reducing their consumption of animal products, then that's good. That is a good thing."
"People can take control of their own health... through cutting out processed foods, reducing the number of times that they eat, intermittent fasting."
"Dietary modification is the single greatest lever that humans can use to leverage health and disease."
"It's not all or nothing. You can still make a big difference with your own diet and with your kids' diet, and it'll probably help them and make them healthier as well."
"Absolutely it's a diet that promotes vascular health."
"I cut sugar out of my diet entirely for the last two months, and I feel amazing."
"It's about controlling insulin, not about controlling calories."
"A calorie is not just a calorie; it depends on the source of your calories."
"Most of us don't need to cut out gluten or fat or carbs to lose weight."
"The ketogenic diets lead to weight loss and also improvements in metabolic syndrome in people affected by obesity."
"The Mediterranean diet sounds indulgent, sounds fun, sounds nice, sounds like I'll be driving down the coast of Tuscany toward a sunset dinner with a glass of wine as well."
"You get the bad fat out of your diet, your risk of developing Alzheimer's goes way, way down."
"Calories count, but it's clear from the research that where they come from counts more."
"People have realized about how important lifestyle is affecting this and... the importance of the diet in preventing severe COVID."
"Eat more fiber. The average Hadza eats anywhere between 100 and 150 grams of fiber per day."
"The health of your microbiome is partly genetic, we think, but largely influenced by your diet as well."
"Of course, we have a species-specific diet. We're no different."
"Eating less beef or products relating to it seems the best starting point for anyone who wants to get involved in this."
"There's a diet that best supports human health and that diet is centered around starch like rice or potatoes or sweet potatoes, corn, taro with vegetables and fruits."
"The health trend in America's diet is to replace beef with fish, considering these foods have nutritional characteristics that are very similar."
"The way you satisfy your hunger primarily is by filling up your stomach."