
Growth Quotes

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"It's great to see anybody grow and whether that be physically or that be emotionally or whether that be just in their career."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If men are going through puberty earlier, the earlier one goes through puberty, the longer length tends to be."
"Every time you fight off an urge and you don't go back to that thing that had negative consequences on your life or your soul, you get bigger, and those urges get smaller."
"If you listen, people talk; if they talk honestly, they're thinking; if they think, their stupid thoughts can die instead of them."
"It's critical to enjoy the process of learning and growing, making the process the prize, not the end result."
"Nobody wishes for trauma, but if you have trauma to wish for growth, that's a great thing to wish for."
"We have a skyrocketing mental health crisis in the world. The rates of death from mental illness have doubled over the last 20 years."
"Most of the time, the person that you are is the result of those moments, it's not the result of the easy parts."
"There's no better education than facing every demon, and it's all gonna come out and it's not gonna be pretty."
"Life is a beautiful journey of gratitude and growth."
"Resilience is our innate biological ability to adapt, recover, and grow in the face of life's challenges."
"All of us are capable of growth and positive change if we are willing to stay open and curious throughout our lives."
"We need to expose ourselves to discomfort, we need to do things sometimes where there is an element of risk but we can do it in a controlled way."
"There's no such thing as being a failure. You guys are just where you are on your journey."
"It's a long journey and every day count to get better."
"The things that are really meant for us right now, the things that are serving us, are being amplified."
"The seeds that you plant now, if you keep working on them, keep watering, keep that energy going, eventually they'll blossom into something."
"Eventually, you just have to grow out of feeling like there's bullies and feeling like things are unfair in order to get past high school."
"If you're not changing, then what are you doing? That means you stopped growing as a human."
"Embrace what you don't know, for it can become your greatest asset."
"A natural progression, you start with the easy and then work your way to the difficult."
"If your will, your dissonance, and your frustrations about how you feel or how you see the world is directed in a will to understand what is going on, you will have the ability to grow and be much more in line, align your beliefs with reality."
"The act of becoming is a function of overcoming."
"It's possible to change; it's just a rewiring of patterning."
"The focus seems to be more on your personal development, your personal growth this month."
"Comfort is the killer of man, and discomfort, challenge, problems – that is where all growth arises."
"There's an amazing opportunity at the same time."
"Balance between psychological defense and psychological growth is essential."
"You need a friend, or hopefully friends, who not only are nice to you but who can sometimes be critical and actually help you grow."
"Rejection and those awkward moments are part of improving your social intelligence and your social intelligence skill will always keep going up as long as you don't quit."
"You have to struggle. The bigger the struggle, the bigger the peace."
"Your struggle is what made you who you are now."
"There's great joy in the grind. The great joy in the suffer. It totally cleanses your body out man of any kind of hate, makes you grow up."
"Plant a tiny seed in the right spot, and it will grow without coaxing."
"Take something small and make it something big. Whatever that idea is, whatever that dream is, share it with the world."
"In that space, growth happens, and that's the space in which you get control over your life."
"In times of challenge and change, there are key questions many share: How can we prosper and grow? Do we search for meaning or grasp for survival?"
"What if life was always happening for us, not to us, and we realized that was true, that even the pain was just a lesson so we could grow and experience and give more?"
"Everything comes to an end and... sometimes that leaving something great behind will lead to something even greater."
"You're going to begin to define yourself more, and it's going to propel you forward a lot."
"You are about to enter a fruitful season; you are going to reap what you sow."
"Being uncomfortable is when you get the most growth."
"Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow is going to get better."
"Desire is suffering, but I like the pain anyway because with desire comes growth."
"Leadership is recognizing that we are all one, that every person you lead is as brilliant as you, as talented as you, and has the same capacity for growth and accomplishment."
"By creating powerful people, you don't lose them. They may go and start their own business, but the stories will make even more powerful people come to you."
"The proper balance for a child is something like an embrace, that's the maternal embrace, and encouragement to transform, and that's more the paternal territory."
"The thing is, 100%, the foundation is developing yourself as a man."
"As a man, trauma and difficulty is extremely important because it's the building blocks for mental fortitude and physical form."
"Unlikely partnerships could actually allow you to thrive."
"Don't hold on to anything that does not serve you. Just let it go. There's something greater, something better taking its place."
"May your roots grow strong and your leaves reach high."
"I want to see my friends happy again. I want to see you grow up...the love I feel for you is more real than anything I've ever felt in my entire life."
"God is making deposits in your spirit that you are not cognitively aware of."
"If I dedicate time every day to personal development, I will gradually become the person that I need to be."
"When you see a cell in the body that actualizes and becomes all that it can be, it doesn't just sit there. It is guided through a natural intelligence to collaborate with other cells so that together they serve the healthy function of the organ and the organism of which they're part."
"Growth and change go together, and you can't have one without having the other."
"You're gonna start seeing transformation; you're gonna start seeing a lot of growth."
"Difficult times... hold a reservoir for growth."
"Humility is like the skill of knowing that there is more to learn, that you aren't there just yet, that there's someone who's in front of you and you could learn from them."
"If you can just change your mindset to not think of adversity as a problem or as a negative thing, and to think of it as something that is helping you."
"When you're facing something, find solace in that this is actually making you a better problem solver."
"The greatest minds always say, once you feel like you're just about out of your comfort zone, then you're on the right track."
"Your growth will be optimized if you lean just beyond your fear."
"Evolution is a process. Be patient with yourself, but be diligent about growing."
"Suffering is crucial in order to grow and to develop."
"You got to sacrifice to get to the next level."
"Phases are totally normal and healthy. Don't expect constant action, constant motivation, constant upward growth."
"The tendency of human beings is always to grow towards the light, to get out of the cold, yucky, dark, gloomy stuff."
"Change can be scary, but what's scarier is allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing."
"The only belief that matters is that if I put energy and effort into getting better, I actually will get better."
"Use this time as a period of growth, both emotionally and spiritually."
"The tallest oak tree once started as a seedling; don't be afraid to start something new."
"Allowing yourself to become who you've always meant to be."
"Mistakes are the best opportunities for learning and growth that we have."
"If you instead of thinking about what can I get, you started thinking about what can I give, how can we grow the company, how can I create opportunities for my people, most of your problems will fix themselves."
"We need to go through these valleys to appreciate those mountaintops."
"Mistakes I began to think of as puzzles that if I could solve the puzzle, I would get a gem."
"Successes are nowhere near as valuable as mistakes."
"There's a lot of success...isn't necessarily linear. It's not a straight line. There's a lot of adversities, a lot of different challenges and learnings and growth and evolving."
"You can't lose by an experience because either one of two things is gonna happen, I'm either gonna have success or I'm going to have an experience that's gonna teach me something."
"The best pathway forward is to face the things that challenge, confront, and threaten you voluntarily."
"Don't be afraid to fail. I learned so much more from my failures than my successes."
"We believe that the five innovation platforms are going to lead to exponential growth trends the likes of which we have never seen before."
"People with chronic health complaints, when their mindset changes, when they start to see some of the programming that they've had to view the world a certain way and when that starts to shift, then I see this truly wonderful growth."
"The most important growth-promoting signal in the world today for a human is love."
"Africa is about to grow because we are ready to add value to humanity."
"We learn by failing first and then adjusting behavior and then growing."
"The deeper your roots are... the taller and the stronger that tree will grow."
"Pursue Integrity, depth, Joy, aliveness, connection, growth – those things that ultimately make us say, 'I feel good, I'm happy about this.'"
"The truth is your willingness to make manifest the process that enables you to learn and progress."
"It was a lot of fun watching these small channels grow from tens of subscribers to tens of thousands."
"You will experience massive growth and maturity if you realize this for yourself and all of its implications."
"Spirituality is allowing the full human experience to wash over you because that's why we're here I believe to experience everything that we can and to learn and grow through it."
"I'm expected to take care of my mental health, grow, look inward, fix my traumas, heal from my past."
"The human being has a has its own infinite capacity to grow into and embody what we realize, and there doesn't seem to be an end to that."
"The beauty is in the butterfly, but the growth happens in the cocoon."
"Why waste my time looking smart when I could be getting smarter?"
"I do want to talk about this story in a way that is very forwarding to see what we can take away from it, what we can learn from it as a community."
"Learn from those things that you're inspired by, and then allow things to unfold naturally."
"April for you is beautiful. I think you're going through somewhat of a personal journey."
"You guys are gonna go through changes together and instead of letting those changes sort of cause problems in the relationship, you're gonna allow that to progress."
"Whatever this experience was helped you grow, it's gonna help you actually in the future."
"Be willing to make mistakes. Anything is possible, but you have to be willing to try and make mistakes and keep getting better each and every day."
"Plant the seeds of a new idea, you must continue to water and nurture them."
"I started realizing that there's a lot of people they start a business with nothing or with very little money but they end up becoming wealthy in five years or ten years."
"Through that, you have become so wise, and you are expanding into the wisdom you have obtained through these heavy experiences."
"The magical and unique qualities of your untapped potential are unfolding now."
"Do not fear failure, do not hold on to pain or disappointment. Learn from those experiences and know that they do not define you."
"So much of our growth comes out of our comfort zone."
"We started this portfolio with $50,000, it's already at $3.5 million."
"Your state of consciousness has grown... you're inhabiting a dimension that you may have been working towards for years."
"Embrace your inexperience and keep taking leaps forward."
"You don't have to settle for staying afloat; you can learn how to swim."
"Every relationship is a learning curve. You're going to get through this."
"The idea is to expand out, start not just with an outpost but grow into a larger base, not just like there are in Antarctica but really a village, a town, growing into a city, and then multiple cities on Mars."
"Don't compare your first year to someone's 10th year."
"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me."
"It's like no matter what you put toward it, it wouldn't grow, but it had that potential."
"To be a creative person, you need to disabuse yourself of that. A creative person needs to steer into mistakes, failure, and fear enough that you're not only unafraid of them but comfortable with them."
"Over the next five years, I think your maturity is going to skyrocket... I think you're gonna have gone through so much within the next five years that's going to teach you so much about who you are and where you're meant to be."
"If you confront your fear, then it grows you, and it also brings instant relief."
"This strong growth in what is already the largest and most diverse economy in the world is particularly remarkable."
"Journey or destination? Of course, it's the journey. The journey is the beauty of it, the fun part, where you learn, grow, and create."
"Getting stronger isn't this linear, intuitive, idealistic, rose-tinted path to glory we imagine it to be as children. That's superficial; that's a fantasy."
"The positive impact of immigration extends far beyond the city limits, creating a ripple effect of economic growth and prosperity."
"It's time for us to step up and see things from a higher perspective."
"Life's calling us to grow because when we grow we have something to give."
"Every time I was ashamed, every time I was embarrassed, every time I was guilty of something...all led me to this table today."
"We've got to build, and we got to grow... let us explore this wondrous creation and have a good time doing it."
"There are absolutely no limits to consciousness. Consciousness can keep growing and understanding itself at ever deeper layers and levels."
"It's going to start out small, but don't laugh at it because a great thing is coming out of a little thing."
"Your person is wanting to expand this connection and they're trying to think of the best way to do that."
"Inspiration helps man grow wings of soul and rise above Earth's prison house."
"There is no avoiding hard training if you want to grow, but if you want to grow the most, your training needs to be hard and smart."
"If you train your brain to look for what's going right, you're putting your attention on the thing you want to grow."
"Growth is not automatic. Getting older is automatic, but getting better isn't."
"I think it's actually good to get negative feedback."
"Put your ears and eyes on something and grow and learn something new because that's what art is about."
"In the world of professional wrestling, if you're not evolving, you're standing still."
"Edward comes to terms with everything he has been, everything he is now, and everything he is to become."
"You can't punish yourself and grow yourself at the same time."
"Mistakes are evidence that you're exploring; they're not evidence of your failure."
"Growth is definitely the best place to prove yourself as a player."
"I had been on a very inner journey over the course of the past year, really learning to cultivate a deeper sense of self-love."
"Every challenge is a gift for me to grow, and that I have so much to give to the world and everyone."
"While there's been a lot of pain...it also means there's a lot of opportunities for growth and healing right now."
"True growth involves stepping out of our comfort zones."
"Every time that you fail, you're gaining knowledge and experience."
"Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can come together."
"You think there's human beings that don't wake up today and don't want to do their day, that aren't sad, that aren't down, that don't feel lost? Of course, they do. We're all just trying to get better and grow."
"No one ever arrives at their authentic self; there's never a point at which we are done growing and this is a good thing."
"Allow yourself to fully grow and blossom because when we're protecting ourselves too much, we don't allow ourselves to blossom."
"You're going to feel more stable than you've ever felt before because all of a sudden, you expand those foundations outside of a box; you have a bigger foundation now."
"You never go from Fall to Spring without going through Winter."
"The purpose of marriage is partnership, unifying worlds and basically essentially helping each other to grow."
"A single acorn can start a wondrous forest. Remember, one idea that you get can become something so much more."
"The most valuable lessons come through the hardest of times."
"When we can see the light and the growth and the positivity within anything that we go through, this is where we transform."
"You might feel small right now, but your highest self wants you to know that you're actually creating some of the biggest shifts in your life right now."
"Knowledge is the one thing you can share. And you’re not giving up anything. Actually, you’re gaining."
"Wear your defeat proudly. Self-abasement comes with a profit if you let it be processed. You will become stronger."
"Every experience that we have is like a catalyst that is there to provide an opportunity for growth."
"The greatest things in my life have come from the deepest hurt."
"It's seed sown into good ground that will produce fruit for other people."
"Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man."
"You guys are blowing up, something going really well. You're about to embark on a lot of success."
"Growth is never easy, have faith and trust in the journey."
"Every client that I had was basically you plant a seed and then you watch the seed grow into a tree that provides fruit."
"Transformation changes us from emptiness to fullness, from defeat and failure to faith and victory."
"You have the power to begin shifting and growing into something new."
"You are literally manifesting your wings, you're manifesting your butterfly phase."
"This is making you really strong... like a butterfly... it has to break out of the cocoon... but that struggle gives it the strength to fly."
"Evolution is uncomfortable, point-blank period."
"Once you've won something, it adds something to your makeup. You want to come back and play, you learn from that experience, and if they win, all of a sudden confidence grows within the camp."
"Grow in understanding, and it would be one principle of the Bible that will transform your life inside out."
"For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground."
"The greater the pain, the greater the awakening."
"Compare yourself now to where you were before. Growth is a continuous journey."
"There's always room to grow. Put it into practice."
"America is on the rise, and we have the best economy in the world."
"Endings bring new beginnings, growth, change, liberation, transition."
"Compassion is the recognition of the struggle that humankind can experience in the process of growth."
"Meditation, meditation, meditation. Experience it as a gift, learn, grow, pay attention."
"It now has over 2,400 employees, making MiHoyo quite possibly the fastest-growing gaming developer in the world."
"Under that pressure...that's when the most beautiful gemstones and crystals are formed."
"Fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you."
"Take risk...stepping outside of your comfort zone a little bit in order to take a certain risk in your life in the month of July."
"When you ask for strength, you'll be sent a challenge because the challenge will make you stronger."
"I plead with you to take charge of your testimony of Jesus Christ. Work for it. Own it. Care for it. Nurture it so that it will grow. Then watch for miracles to happen in your life."
"I'm willing to learn new things. Growing and changing is exciting."
"Everybody crashes, and then you're faced with that crash and you either have an epiphany or you don't."
"Struggle well because if you don't struggle, you won't get stronger."
"Realizing how it works is so great because the thing you love at 10 is different than the thing you love at 20 or 30."
"The triplets were born premature and they need to be able to eat as part of their growth."
"Regrets can be lessons in disguise, prompting us to make amends and grow."
"Until we all attain the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."
"Life is all about learning and growing, so don't take it in a bad light."
"Now they want to take a leap of faith because there has been a transformation within this person."
"It's extremely important for people to be open to criticism, reading it, learning from it, and just being like a little sponge taking it all in."