
Anxiety Quotes

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"When it comes to trauma, anxiety, and PTSD, it's not just the state that you are in or that you go into. It's how you got there and whether or not you had anything to do with it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When you causally deprive someone of sleep, you instantly trigger a dramatic escalation of anxiety."
"Anxiety isn't even that unpleasant; it's so close to excitement in its actual physiology that really the difference between excitement and anxiety is more or less just the story you're telling yourself."
"Clutter makes us feel stressed, it makes us feel anxious."
"Anxiety, evolutionarily speaking, is there to protect us."
"Most people who suffer from anxiety feel like they're inadequate in some way. In reality, they are hyper adequate. They are more than adequate. Anxiety is a superpower through the eyes of the CIA."
"Anxiety keeps you alive, anxiety keeps you sharp, anxiety keeps you learning, it keeps you attentive. It's a good thing."
"You cannot mute the anxiety without also muting the joy."
"Having that anxiety is normal. Bottling it up is not."
"You're going to be healing any sort of anxieties or worries that you've had in the past."
"Can weed cause long-term anxiety even after years of having stopped it? Probably, but rarely."
"Parachute is the scariest part of this landing, I swear, because I've seen more parachutes shred in simulations and in tests."
"Pain is about eighty percent not physical; it is our anxiety, our expectation that it's going to hurt."
"They have so much burning passion, and it's turning into anxiety."
"At the end of the day, we are all people, and no one needs to deal with that stupid Stress and Anxiety."
"We need to be very aware... that we don't also work ourselves up into too much anxiety and so much fear that we end up making ourselves sick in another way."
"We must be anxious for nothing, prayerful for everything, and thankful for anything."
"This builds off of principles I've been talking about for a long time: the need we have to decrease our anxiety levels and allow ourselves the ability to practice, make mistakes, and experiment."
"Your father's pace sets a precedent for how you manage expectations and anxieties."
"If your mind is in the present, you cannot be anxious."
"99% of our worry will not come true; we have a lot of worries, but only a few will actually happen."
"I have been so anxious because of the bet we made."
"Depression... could be a whole host of symptoms but from feeling sad, blue, changes in appetite, loss of pleasure... Anxiety is like that feeling of dread."
"I try to use that anxiety, I turn that fear into fuel, like if I feel anything negative I try to turn it into a positive by helping other people."
"Anybody who suffers from anxiety, anybody who suffers from PTSD, trauma, anybody who feels like they're the go-to guy and go-to girl and they don't have a go-to person to go to themselves."
"I think I get why it's extremely accurate to the source material and it's injecting me directly with anxiety like nothing else."
"One of the things you do when you expose people who have anxiety disorders to the things they're anxious about is not make them less anxious but make them more courageous."
"This is like when my anxiety collaborates with my depression; nothing good can come out of it."
"Worry is circular. It's going around and around, lots of motion, but you keep ending up right where you started."
"Anxiety is a normal part of life, and by having a simple process for meeting it and not reacting to it but responding to it, you will see a profound difference in your ability to move through your life."
"You're not living up to your real potential. That's why people get anxious."
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
"The way to beat anxiety is to remember that when you're right here, right now, in the moment, you're not worrying about what's happened before or what will happen but you're in the now."
"Confidence turns into success and anxiety into failure."
"One of the main characteristics that I've seen is that they themselves can't tell. This happens a lot where people are so deeply anxious and they can't even tell how anxious they are."
"Every day I feel like I live a thousand years. Every day that goes by, before I go to sleep, I put on my shoes on, I always have to look for the exit, the police come, where do I run, where do I jump."
"Using the five-second rule, I've not only been able to stop worrying and doubting myself, I've cured myself of anxiety."
"The amygdala is centrally involved in fear and anxiety."
"Success lies in the mental attitude that arises from that sense of personal power which meets every condition without anxiety."
"Well, we all have some degree of anxiety in us, right? We all have some awareness that we're navigating the world and not everything is perfect."
"Anxiety is simply... it is literally nothing more than this: it is simply you living in a future state, worrying about something that has not actually happened."
"I feel so lost. When I used to have anxiety attacks, I'd focus on my breathing, listen to my heart beating. Now, I can't breathe. I don't even have blood."
"Is there anything we can do, any methods, any approaches that we can use or do, that can help us develop skills to be able to maintain a type of balance and equilibrium, even dealing with very with a lot of anxiety or stressful situations?"
"It feels as though the world is actually ending and nobody can see it but you."
"My biggest personal achievement is probably how far I've come with my anxiety."
"The anxiety itself may not be realistic, but the feelings are very real, so don't lie to yourself."
"Anxiety and fear are really nature's early warning system, kind of our burglar alarm."
"Anxiety and depression... twist it inside out, screw up your perspective so that nothing that you see is actually the way that it is."
"The most recent one is entitled 'Good Anxiety: Harnessing the Power of the Most Misunderstood Emotion.'"
"Anxiety and our stress response, evolutionarily, is a protective mechanism. It is necessary for our survival."
"Your anxiety is helping you out, bro. Your anxiety is the part of your mind which looks into the future, predicts danger, and makes sure you don't screw up."
"Catastrophizing... 'okay this person's going to leave me and I am going to be alone forever and always.'"
"Anxiety is a normal response to stressful situations, but when it becomes pervasive and unrelenting, the results can be debilitating."
"Experiencing some anxiety is about caring about life, and because of that I hope that never goes away completely."
"Most of us live our lives in mediocrity and pettiness and needless anxiety."
"Some anxiety makes sense. It keeps us being careful... It can be absolutely fine."
"I want to tell you about some of the things I've struggled with with anxiety attacks and panic attacks."
"Anxiety is why our species proliferated. The most anxious are the ones that survived."
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God."
"When you're young, there's a lot of things you're anxious about, but it's the volume of certain things just aren't as much as when you've gotten a little older."
"Differentiation is extremely important and what we can see when there's a lack of differentiation is a lot of tension and anxiety happening within the family."
"You're going to have a moment of 'Holy boy, you're going to panic a little.'"
"Remember anxiety is created by you. Sometimes you've got to let life play out and remind yourself to be happy and that the answers will come. Chill your mind out, go for a walk, talk to a friend."
"There's a rightful reason to be anxious about the future in many cases."
"If you're anxious in life, you're searching for stability, a groundedness, and you won't find it in them; you're gonna find it in you."
"Who of you know this feeling? Your heart starts to race, your knees are getting weak, you get this weight from your stomach, your hands start to sweat."
"Have you ever experienced a situation where you wanted to do something, then you were anxious, scared, but you still did it and experienced one of two things: either it was not as scary as you thought, or you did it over and over again and at one point you weren't nervous at all anymore?"
"It absolutely nails the anxiety of being lost in a forest."
"The rise but also the fall can happen so quick. The imposter syndrome I already had got amplified. Anxiety, self-doubt, the whole thing just didn't feel real."
"Let's go in our Bibles now to Genesis chapter 40 for the final week of our series 'Trigger'... I have been preaching about taking back your mind in the age of anxiety."
"Even without world war to worry about, it's still hard to maintain inner peace with so many sources of anxiety all around."
"Do not be anxious about anything... And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
"Just because you have butterflies, it doesn't mean you're having a panic attack."
"I'm actually having a lot of anxiety right now."
"Calm my anxiety and focus my eyes on you, Father."
"Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything."
"You never stop feeling like you might lose it, you never stop feeling like you're going to be forgotten."
"If you improve your mental health, you stop getting these neurotic anxious thoughts that people are judging you."
"Anxiety is nothing but the ability to predict danger in the future."
"You are not helpless; you are heavily armed against the enemies of fear and anxiety."
"You can't do that without embracing anxiety to an extent."
"A mystical experience induced by psilocybin can produce a profound reduction in mortality related anxiety."
"Depression is regret about the past; anxiety is worry about the future."
"I wonder if I thought about other people more, if I'd have less anxiety."
"Depression happens because you keep looking back. Anxiety happens because you're looking too far forward."
"Alcohol doesn't cure anxiety; it actually often creates a cyclical effect that causes your anxiety to actually feel worse."
"I've always been a big advocate for mental health and therapy and anxiety."
"Hundreds of millions of people are besieged by anxiety about their present and future security, dignity, and prospects of well-being."
"I bless you with something amazing in your life, but your anxiety is not allowing you to enjoy it."
"Gen Z is incredibly anxious compared to other generations for many very valid reasons."
"If you are on my side, then I can declare that I will not be crushed by fear and anxiety."
"If you suffer from nervousness or anxiety in your speaking, being attentive to the other person instead of being attentive to yourself will actually sort of decrease how nervous you get on test day."
"I've always been extremely anxious. I cried every single day of school until probably fourth grade, embarrassingly long time."
"It feels like being a prisoner in your own mind."
"The thing which I greatly feared has come upon me."
"Finitude in awareness is anxiety. When I become aware of my finitude, I become afraid."
"I always have a bottle of water, and when I get nervous, I take a sip because it distracts me, calms my nerves."
"Search me thoroughly, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts."
"This assessment uses standardized questions to give you a sense of your risk of anxiety and depression."
"It's a book that's born of my anxieties as a relatively young father... I began to think about what kind of a man our world will chisel out of him."
"Suffering and anxiety are integral parts of the human existence."
"Celeste reflects its themes of determination and overcoming anxiety by being a puzzle platformer, a type of game where the player has to try over and over again while fighting the urge to give up."
"I don't just experience anxiety. I have anxiety."
"The moments after sending a risky text: 'Oh dude, he can't do it. Get out of the house, you got to go, leave the country.'"
"There's a huge anxiety about wanting to make the most of every moment, because you don't know how many of these moments you're gonna get."
"I honestly coming on a second time, my anxiety about it is not anywhere near as bad as it was the first time."
"The sheer anxiety of feeling like you're not doing enough, even when you're doing the most, is so accurate it actually pains me."
"Post-scarcity civilizations ought to be low on anxiety and personal fear."
"People need to do that, rest, relaxes your anxiety, helps you grow."
"We're all dealing with it. I'm not the only one with an anxiety, I'm not the only one with a fear, I'm not the only one that's second-guessing."
"The more appropriate meaning is more a scarcity of anxiety, want, and need."
"Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxieties."
"I have had a lifelong struggle with anxiety."
"The majority of women that start to present with anxiety in their late teens and early 20s actually had an underlining learning issue like ADHD."
"Anxiety is essentially a heightened baseline of worry around projected threats."
"Anxiety is a problem in adulthood or maybe adolescence, but at its core, it's actually a survival strategy or an adaptation."
"Depression and anxiety are diseases, not just feelings. People are fighting for their life every day."
"Most Americans wake up every day with that sense of impending doom...they're driving around empty, they don't know what's going to happen, and they're desperate."
"When I left, it wasn't because of physical injury. It was more mental, more anxiety, nervousness. I couldn't sleep well."
"They're feeling a lot of anxiety about the future, about going forwards."
"If you find in a little trial you get upset or you get terribly anxious and fearful about what's going to happen, that's like a little shaking God is doing in your life."
"Many of our students suffer from considerable anxiety about their future. This is quite natural considering their status as adolescents."
"Find the bigger, better offer – there are bigger better offers than fear and anxiety."
"We are creatures whose levels of anxiety are fundamentally reduced by any activity which manages to impose order on a section of the world."
"People who are anxious are just more easily startled in general because they are always in a state of being hyper vigilant."
"If you treat yourself like you're a free moral agent with choice, and you can determine the course of your life, then you seem to get along better with yourself and to be less anxious and to be more productive."
"Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?"
"I know it's an irrational fear, but I can't shake it."
"Anxiety is our body giving us valuable information."
"Don't be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
"The things that helped me resolve my anxiety were truth and gratitude."
"Anxiety is an important human mind process. We have to be able to feel anxious because our anxiety is there to help us keep safe."
"Last night when I was going to sleep, my usual 'Oh my God, let's think of everything' started to rev up."
"My terror is setting in on YouTube right now."
"Thank you for sharing and talking so openly about anxiety and mental health."
"I have come to terms with the fact that I am, maybe, too interested in what people think of me, but my self-obsession comes from anxiety. It does not come from loving myself."
"Most people if they could just turn off their depression or their anxiety, they would do it."
"When freedom is misused, anxiety takes on a pathological character, but the cure is not the total elimination of anxiety. Rather, what is crucial is to learn to be anxious properly."
"There's no one way we all grieve. There's no one way that we all deal with anxiety and stress when we're nervous; it shows up completely different in all of us."
"Depression and anxiety is a ghost that just comes to haunt you in different faces in your life."
"Anxiety and stress can sprint in your mind for years, leaving trails that erode your mental health."
"Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings."
"In times of anxiety, people move right culturally. They have a sense of deep unease about who they are, what kind of world they're living in."
"I think one of the biggest antidotes to sexual anxiety is actually education."
"Depression is a totally wretched disease... often with the anxiety that goes with it."
"We think fear and anxiety is always about an external event that is happening to us, we forget that it can be biology, it can be physiology."
"Stress and anxiety are complicated experiences. They can be brought on by a lot of different triggers and they can feel different for different people."
"Curled up in there, somehow managed to close the box up well enough and then quietly waited in anxiety for the train to come and just like, listen to it approaching."
"A lot of inmates on Japan's death row have complained that this adds so much psychological pain and anxiety from not knowing when their lives are coming to an end."
"I struggled with anxiety and depression for a very long time."
"Just like a crash diet for food won't work, a crash diet with money will leave you overspending and feeling anxious all the time."
"Depression is often sadness that hasn't understood itself. Anxiety or irritability is worry that doesn't know its own cause."
"I sleep on a red eye like money on a bad bet, like time worrying about every bad thing that hasn't happened yet."
"Focus on the promises and not about all the events that could bring fear and anxiety."
"A big part of reducing anxiety, believe it or not, is to stare straight into the predicaments we're facing and go from there."
"Your simulations are nothing more than anxieties! You're afraid you don't fit in, you're afraid you'll be alone. Great news! You share that with ALL of us."
"Do not be anxious; who's in control of the future? He is."
"This is a big opportunity, and, I mean, I just don't want to screw it up."
"The scariest thing when it comes to success is when an interaction goes well, not when it doesn't. That's when you freak out."
"Our need to control everything is what causes us anxiety, is what causes us depression."
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
"Anxiety, this pervasive, non-specific anxiety we're just constantly on edge about everything, that comes from an unexamined life."
"We talk about anxiety like it's monolithic, right? Like, 'I have anxiety. You have anxiety. We all have anxiety. What is the treatment for anxiety?' But what I really love about today's discussion is that it's not just about a clinical diagnosis and a medication; it's about a whole spectrum of origins."
"It's about understanding the multi-dimensional aspects of anxiety, not just as a clinical condition but as a spectrum of experiences influenced by upbringing, substance use, and the nuances of diagnostic perspectives."
"This is really what explorations of anxiety look like. It's not just about a clinical diagnosis and a medication. It's about a whole spectrum."
"What I really love about today's talk is it's an exploration of where anxiety starts, how your upbringing brings you to anxiety, how substances can actually exacerbate things or make things worse, and then also how a lot of things that look like anxiety may be a little bit more diagnostically nuanced."
"Narcissism razor: if you're worried about people's opinions, remember they are too busy worrying about other people's opinions of them."
"Why are you doing the hand slapping thing? I'm trying to release the anxiousness."
"We're all going to leave this planet someday, so if you spend all your time worrying about the act of death, you're really not even living."
"Matt, you have my anxiety by replacing it with knowledge. Thank you."
"A little bit of that anxiety is useful. It keeps you on your toes."
"Inspiration helps us deal with anxiety because when we're feeling inspired, we're able to use that emotion to help navigate the anxious emotions we're having."
"The pretending that we all go through, I think that's what creates anxiety, is feeling like you got to be somebody that you're not in order to fit in and be accepted."
"Anxiety is best treated by processing all of those kinds of previously unresolved issues."
"You're anxious so you gotta figure out how to channel that because it's not healthy to keep thinking that you just take something to make human emotions go away."
"You guys know how to take accountability... you guys may suffer from a little bit of anxiety because you are such hard workers."
"My hands are really sweaty, yeah, but I didn't want to leave you hanging."
"People with anxiety and people with histories of trauma are able to detect things because their brain has told them, 'Hey, this stimulus is actually important.'"
"Anxiety isn't just something bad that happens to you; it serves a function."
"All good horror takes elements of collective unconscious anxiety and weaponizes it in a way to make audiences deal with it in their face in an interesting and compelling way."
"You seem a little bit anxious, like 'Aw crap, I'm about to say somebody's name, and I might get it wrong.'"
"You don't get rid of anxiety, you just get better at dealing with it."
"As you get better at those things, the anxiety is still there, it just ceases to matter."
"The vast majority of what you worry about is not going to happen."
"I don't want to relive any moments. I like that situation where you have some amount of optimism and then the anxiety of the unknown."
"Anxiety never goes away 100%, but it's way manageable."
"I honestly thought I am actually not going to projectile vomit."
"The more progress the government makes in the vaccine rollout, the more nervous the government is."
"I grabbed the doorknob and slowly turned, taking a deep cleansing breath before pulling it open."
"Good anxiety is just when something means something to you, you're gonna feel something."
"I was so nervous, but I feel better now. I think that's natural."
"Anxiety, I acknowledge you. I feel you, but you're not going to rule me."
"Automation anxiety has been spreading lately."
"Some anxiety is good, it can turn crippling anxiety into actual motivating pressure."
"I was filled with this massive sense of impending doom."
"The level of anxiety that's coursing through the world right now as a result of something like this is extremely high."
"Anxiety is often a symptom of purposelessness."
"I'm feeling like EA's making all these center backs crazy and I'm worried. I'm worried that this is going to be a really defensive game. I'm freaking scared guys."
"Cheers to everyone dealing with all this anxiety and turbulence."
"I do have anxiety about the way the planet is hurting right now. I do feel like this is a time for extraordinary measures."