
Flexibility Quotes

There are 15947 quotes

"Having flexibility and our ability to stretch are fundamental to how we move, our ability to learn new movements, to prevent injury or repair injuries, and to offsetting and reducing inflammation throughout the body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Holding all of your beliefs very loosely... being open-minded and allowing yourself to be surprised."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The hallmark of artificial general intelligence is that it's built to be flexible, general, and adaptive from the ground up."
Demis Hassabis
"While there is structure to your brain, it is dynamic, flexible biology."
Don Vaughn
"Have strong opinions, held loosely, which means to me that you take the time to form an understanding now, but you don't defend that at all costs in the face of new information."
"Memory is much less about being an accurate representation of the past and much more about being a flexible compass into the future."
"Don't be afraid to change course, especially if you feel it's necessary for your happiness and well-being."
"Sometimes going off plan is the most beautiful thing."
"I'm not married to my opinions, and nor should you be."
"Any plan that can't be adjusted is a bad plan."
"The secret of immortality is infinite flexibility and creativity."
"You are not stuck with the thoughts that you think."
"I don't think it's pretentious at all. I actually think it speaks to the idea that often people think of economics as something that's very fixed and very doctrinaire."
"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend." - Bruce Lee
"Reality is deeply perspectival. Reality is made out of different perspectives, and to understand reality, you need to be flexible enough with your mind to be able to look at it from different perspectives."
"No one expects anyone to make their full career choice and stick to it at 18... No one would be surprised if someone worked for something throughout their time at uni and worked to something else from when they graduated."
"Become like water and just immerse yourself and go with the flow."
"You can make and play or run a game as deep or as shallow or as simple or as robust as you want to."
"Emotional mastery isn't about controlling, avoiding, or suppressing your emotions right? It's about being able to accept the fluidity of your emotions and ability to be flexible with them."
"I think that good therapists are not pigeonholed by a certain modality."
"I want FTX to be a place where you can do anything you want with your next dollar. You can buy Bitcoin, you can send money in whatever currency to any friend anywhere in the world. You can buy a banana, you can do anything you want with the money from inside FTX."
"The tighter I grip onto an idea or a standard or whatever it is, usually the worse things go."
"Support can be different... it's about what support looks like because it can be varied and flexible."
"Nothing is ever set in stone, and you always do have free will."
"There is no rule book, no right or wrong; you just have to make it up and do the very best you can to care for your family."
"Being able to be flexible, being able to communicate honestly with your partner, and being able to be true to yourself."
"You took away the 'do it right or you failed' by saying, 'do it the way you can,' giving me no way to fail, which made it easier to try."
"No one knows you. You can pivot whenever you want."
"Unlike traditional martial arts, Jeet Kune Do doesn't prescribe specific stances or movements; its essence lies in empowering practitioners to respond dynamically to any scenario they encounter."
"I don't need to eat this special boring food; I can eat french toast and I can have a normal life."
"I think it's actually completely okay to change your mind."
"Remember that you can always change your mind because you can."
"One nice thing about Dark Souls 2 is that unlike the first game, you can completely reallocate your stats using an item found in the game, and you can find a fair few of them too."
"Have a little bit more fun. You may be being way too by the book."
"We have to protect our kids because it's legitimate, but to deny them that and just say you have to do flag football, which is amazing... but we shouldn't mandate what that alternative looks like."
"It's easier to loosen a boundary than it is to tighten it."
"Go with the flow, and you'll be surprised where it leads."
"Don't be so uptight and tense. Learn to go with the flow and trust that everything will work out exactly the way it's supposed to."
"The tighter that you cling to your current identity, the harder it becomes to grow beyond it."
"The beauty of the legal code is that we can expand it how far we want."
"Destiny isn't set in stone. It's not as restrictive as 'this is what's meant to happen.'"
"Borrow from other people liberally and don't get caught in associating it has to be done my way."
"Balance isn't always 50/50. Balance isn't always equal. You might need a balance of 70% work and 30% play and rest... Achieving balance isn't something that is constant; it's something that's very finite and something that constantly needs to be fine-tuned."
"Leaders fundamentally bring clarity but it's about clarity of where you need to get to but not be too dogmatic about the means."
"It's all well and good planning your life in advance, but then opportunities arise and stuff happens, and things never really work out exactly as you planned, but sometimes things work out better than you planned."
"No choice is permanent. One of our biggest challenges with decisions is that we feel that now we've made it, we can't change it."
"Changing your perspective makes your mind more flexible, makes you open to new things, and makes you able to understand things."
"Sometimes in life, things don't go according to plan, it's all good."
"It's not for me to say how every single system should be implemented... one of the great things about anarchism in my mind is the fact that it's much more flexible in the way that we can organize systems than the top-down hierarchy."
"Flexibility is so important for the press. It's going to make your life ten times easier."
"Many people ask me weird questions. 'Alexi, do you have bones?' And I often say, 'Yes, I do have bones, but before I go to work, I leave them at home.'"
"The secret to his jaw-dropping flexibility that's gotten Daniel to Hollywood: 'I'm diagnosed with a disease called EDS.'"
"When she was young, Christine Danton could fold her body in half and slide it through a 13-inch hoop."
"Research has shown that if you do a flexibility program, you can 100% improve your performance."
"Is there a method to effectively increase strength, muscular size, as well as flexibility at the same time?"
"You can definitely increase flexibility and mobility with static stretching, but again it doesn't do as much for improving strength in that lengthened position and therefore isn't as effective at reducing the risk of injury."
"When we're working on increasing our flexibility, we'll hold our stretches a little bit longer than we normally would because it helps to really communicate the message to the muscle that it's okay to relax, it's okay to release tension."
"The more time you can spend practicing and stretching, the better it's going to be for your body overall."
"In yoga, the focus isn't just on performing the poses but on engaging and stretching the right muscles to improve flexibility and strength gradually."
"Increasing flexibility in the shoulders is going to give you a better posture and is going to make you look a little taller."
"This routine is going to be perfect for those of you who are beginners who really want to gain more flexibility."
"That is a pretty basic beginner-friendly stretch routine that you guys can incorporate into either your daily routine or a couple times a week."
"When plans take a turn, accept the challenge and delight in proving how flexible you can be."
"Flexibility and strength go hand in hand; you really can't have one without the other."
"A well-balanced athleticism requires flexibility in the hamstrings, back, core, quads, and calves."
"Extreme flexibility comes from consistent practice and dedication to your routine."
"Flexibility of thinking and the ability to absorb new ideas and process them is really important."
"It really takes the body two to five minutes to really open up in a lot of these areas."
"Static passive stretching, where you get to a certain point in the stretch and then hold for an extended period of time, tends to be the best for long-term improvements in flexibility."
"Flexibility is key when you're trying to get ahead."
"The healthiest people know how to lean into both sides when they need to and when they want to."
"Just go with the flow; the right plan is going to come to you."
"Blunting the sharpness is a phrase used by Lao-tzu in the Tao Te Ching to describe the softening of one’s rigid personality."
"As long as I love what I'm doing, I'm gonna keep doing it; the second that I don't, I'll happily change direction."
"It's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier."
"Have a plan. It doesn't have to be super rigid, but something that fits into your lifestyle."
"Remember that if you want to skip ahead because you don't need the basic information, that's okay, just jump ahead to the next section."
"In a fantasy scenario, having it on your back and accepting the fact that you won't be able to carry a backpack, you might just have another shoulder bag slung across the other side."
"Keeping your ego small and having strong opinions loosely held is very important to maintain flexibility as a creator."
"Hold all your ideas lightly rather than cling to them as though your life depended on it."
"In a sense, Scump might quite literally be like the perfect Flex player for a game like this."
"We're not going back, no matter what we do, we're not going back to fully in-office culture because I can't do that to the moms."
"We all agree that there should be some amount of leeway given where we can use other people's material to make something new."
"There's no right way or different way to do something; you gotta figure out what's best for you."
"You don't have to watch it on YouTube; you can listen to it while you drive or exercise."
"Your career is not gonna be hopefully just a year long. It's gonna be a long time, and you can go on different tangents, you can take different paths."
"When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the supple moves of prayer."
"I don't know, make it up; here's the rules we care about to make the game work."
"Keep listening, remember this is a collaborative effort, but also be flexible and be willing to pivot if a new great idea comes along."
"If you feel drawn to more than one pile, it is absolutely okay to look at multiple."
"I just like the idea of giving players the option on how they want to play rather than forcing everybody into a very restrictive system."
"The thing about all of this, we talk about Royal protocol as if it's set in stone, but really, Royal protocol is what the monarch of the day decides."
"Go with the flow. Trust where the universe is taking you, even in the uncertainty."
"It's just a matter of adapting, adjusting, figuring things out, and going with the flow."
"You can make your relationship however you want; it's not one-size-fits-all."
"Shaolin Monks possess superhuman strength, incredible flexibility, and a very high pain threshold."
"Let go of your assumptions... bards are a flexible class! That's kind of the whole point of them."
"There is no one way to do it, there is no one-size-fits-all. It just is what it simply is."
"Bards are awesome! They're one of my all-time favorite classes. They're so much fun to play and they're incredibly flexible."
"Nen is very fluid, versatile, and creative, so judging it purely based on destructive power doesn't really paint a good picture, in my opinion."
"If you make mistakes, you can always erase them, sometimes."
"We talk about that with our kids too, what do you really see, like, what do you want to see your family, what kind of time do you want to have for your family, what kind of flexibility do you want to have in your life?"
"Bodies are flexible like accordions, they are beautiful and able to stretch and be unstretched and be pierced and tattooed."
"If there are still concerns and we go forward with the staffing, there's a wide range of options that we can introduce to the family."
"Our lives aren't set in stone, and we can take any path we please."
"Changing your mind is the ultimate strength."
"It's okay to not do one thing your entire life. Don't get locked into it."
"Don't forget to feed your plets. Water your plets. And remember that you can always change your mind, because you can!"
"One of the most important advantages of business aviation is the flexibility of transportation."
"We want to offer a flexible automation solution. Flexibility is key."
"There's a lot more space between yes and no than most of us realize."
"The Elder Scrolls has always been and still is a two-way street in regards to lore because of its incessant focus on player/viewer interpretation."
"Building small, self-contained, ready to run applications can bring great flexibility and added resilience to your code."
"Most of your plans will have to be adapted on the fly, which is a lot easier than starting the planning process from scratch."
"Old School Runescape is really ripe for it just because the game is kind of sandbox in nature. There are so many options available to you."
"These cultures and communities tend to be a bit more free form."
"At the end, that's what we're committed to is giving you guys the flexibility to do it yourself however you want to do it."
"You can think of your game design rules like a deck of cards that we, as game designers, can choose to play and deploy when the time is right."
"We all want to have more freedom and more flexibility in our lives now, not 40 years down the road."
"Intermittent fasting is a tremendous maintenance diet. It gives you the flexibility so you can still enjoy your life."
"Intermittent fasting has definitely been like a lifestyle... it's really flexible, and you really choose how you want to adapt it to your lifestyle."
"Cat girls are born with night vision and flexibility, making them hard to spot."
"The point of stepping away from veganism is to just stop putting a label on ourselves and our diet."
"The skilled Jedi proved extraordinarily effective as a flexible force multiplier capable of turning the tides of battle."
"No expectations, no rules. We're gonna try to be as consistent as possible but at the same time living by our anti-rule rule."
"If you give people the flexibility to like, you know, hey we understand it's important to show up at your kid's soccer game...when you give people that flexibility, I found that people actually work harder and feel much more aligned and committed to the place where they work."
"Healthy sleep can range from six hours maybe slightly less than that, out to 10 or 11 hours."
"It's generally good to wake up at the same time each day, but you don't really need to be overly pedantic about it."
"In this essay, I argue that renting provides greater flexibility while owning results in greater financial reward."
"Cycling is a little bit better than it looks because the ability for you to have it in your hand and be like, 'I don't actually want this effect right now, let me just cash in for another card,' is very flexible."
"The left's appropriate position is to speak up for the dispossessed, to keep the hierarchies flexible enough so that they don't turn into tyranny."
"You can't be more married to your plan than you are to your purpose."
"You cannot couple yourself with somebody that's inflexible and expect to grow."
"Traditional Values are not a rigid set of postulates that everyone must adhere to."
"Being an influencer can offer much more flexibility and opportunities than van-lifers, who have a lot more limitations or much stricter budgets."
"Do you want to kill the four kings before doing anything else? Well, guess what, you can. You can get their Lord soul first thing if you want to."
"What we're missing is that whether I'm happy in a relationship or not does not just depend on whether my partner checks the boxes, it depends on my own flexibility and my own willingness to be happy in spite of not getting what I want."
"A really good chess player knows the right time to ignore chess principles."
"You can't do it wrong, there's no one right way to do it, and you do not need a purpose for your life to have meaning."
"Embrace being able to be flexible and make a schedule that works for you."
"Be like water, my friends. You don't want to be overly rigid... you need to make sure that you are always fluid in the way you are playing and the roles you are fulfilling."
"Nothing is yet set in stone; it's about realizing that whatever path you're on right now doesn't need to be your forever path."
"Don't feel like you have to commit to one thing forever. You can always venture off and look at other themes. You're not betraying your theme in any way; it's just what works for you."
"The best part about this stew is, you can't go wrong with the add-ins."
"It's a free-flowing system of planning that allows you to add in what you need and not have any of the stuff that you don't need."
"You need structure, but not having structure is also a good balance."
"I remain open to all of the evidence and I retain the right to change my opinion on a dime if evidence requires it."
"I think it's important to note that, you know, no matter what major you choose at the outset, especially like when you're still in like the first year or two of your degree, like it's ... you're not locked into something necessarily, right?"
"These bikes will be comfortable enough to ride while wearing a man romper, nimble enough to evade lingering COVID patios and rapidly erecting mixed-use property developments, and powerful enough to get you outside of the city on the weekends to rip some twisties and remind you what it actually feels like to be a human being."
"Pay people more, give people more to like, let them work from home."
"Be sure to feed your plants, water your plants, and remember, you can always change your mind because you can."
"Your channel does not have to be one thing. Do whatever you want."
"If you want to go brute strength but still want to have the ability for the axles to unlock, then you want to go with a full carrier locker."
"You can start your day that way too, or you can maybe pick one time during the middle of the day where you want to do this flow and increase your energy, increase your flexibility."
"Always stay flexible, don't stay in your comfort zone, ensure that you are being uncomfortable with your degree of comfortability."
"The problem with being always bullish or always bearish is that you'll be right twice, but you're going to miss a lot in between."
"This is C++, we're writing code in C++, and C++ allows you to do things in many, many, many ways."
"For those of you that say, 'Hey Jazzy, I want a part-time job,' or 'I need a night shift,' or 'I need a weekend job' — we've got all of those opportunities available for you."
"The future of work will be more digital, more collaborative, and more flexible."
"Being flexible and adaptive as a writer is extremely important and criminally underrated."
"We don't have to do it the same way; you can do it different ways."
"You set your intention, if you stop attaching yourself to how you're going to get it, you're going to be able to receive it from all these different avenues."
"In the most drastic case, Twitter told its employees that they can work from home forever."
"Let them explore and give them a way out. Tell them as the parent, 'Explore this stuff, try this on, but if you try this and you don't like it, then we can change, we can go back, you can get different clothes, you can grow your hair back out.' Don't pigeonhole your kid into this...into this thing."
"Cognitive or psychological flexibility... is your ability to process your emotions, to handle them, to reframe them, and it's ultimately about committing to a certain goal and then just becoming more and more comfortable with ambiguity or uncertainty."
"Sometimes we're even able to find reservations the day of our visit, though I'd still recommend making those adrs if this is a big priority restaurant for you."
"The beautiful thing is nowadays you can work from home... the world is becoming so nice and flexible."
"You can't be rigid in foreign policy; you have to be fluid and keep people at the table talking."
"Click it into shape, shape it up, get straight, go forward, move ahead, try to detect it, it's not too late, to click it. Click it good."
"It's kind of freeing to change things up every once in a while."
"I have never shied away from changing my positions and opinions, and I think this is a sign of growth and intellectual maturity."
"Sure, it was something different, but Tactics proves that that isn't a bad thing."
"In the process of reflection, figuring it out, introspection, whatever that may look like, it doesn't have to look a certain way."
"The future of work is changing dramatically. It is going to be more flexible; work is no longer just a place."
"This pandemic is moving extremely quickly, and it is an exceptional situation that requires extreme flexibility and rapidity of response by governments."
"There is more than one way to analyze a chord progression."
"Careers are not ladders. Those days are long gone. But jungle gyms don't just move up and down. Don't just look up, look backwards, sideways, around corners."
"So, we try to meet our owner operators wherever they are, meaning we have something for all budgets that's reasonable."
"The guidelines are not like the tablets from Moses."
"Maintaining gender distinction is important, but flexibility is key."
"Flexibility allows anyone to have the best possible exam preparation no matter where they are located."
"Both work fine, it all comes down to your style of trade."
"You need a core of real quality, but then you need some lads who can come in and do bits and pieces."
"This game seems to have its own sandbox mode but also a campaign."
"You guys always have the option to play the way you want you can opt into these challenges as you see fit."
"Your major doesn't determine the rest of your life. You can change careers, you can even, you know, if you have a new idea of a career that needs more schooling you can go back to school."
"That's the beautiful thing, you can always move things around, change, add, or take away."
"Your big brain allows for creativity... you don't have to stay in the real world 24/7."
"For a digital being, time appears as needed... You can effectively insert time in periods of your choosing, as you need them, and where you need them if the 'where' is in digital landscapes and simulated realities."
"Sometimes it's good to have constraints. Other times it's good to go with your gut, follow your intuition, and build whatever feels good."
"With LEAD, it's kind of like on your own terms."
"We often get into the habit of doing something like sit lie down leave it look at me or something like that your dog starts to get in the habit and assume that you're gonna want everything in that order always so this helps us mix it up."
"Flexibility when you're training a dog is so important. You have to have many ways to reinforce your dog."
"And the Datastore really shines in these areas--super scalable, really flexible schema management, and really easy to get started."
"You can reprogram them to anything that you want."
"So, don't fixate on the routines and the pattern, fixate on the moves and then adapt those to whatever you need."
"I think we're Muslim, we can pray off and come back."
"Being flexible and proficient in multiple Legends makes you a better teammate."
"Maybe letting you skip ahead for just a moment surely couldn't hurt."
"It's a little bit less tense when you make a decision, you haven't just like screwed yourself if you do things out of order."