
PTSD Quotes

There are 296 quotes

"When it comes to trauma, anxiety, and PTSD, it's not just the state that you are in or that you go into. It's how you got there and whether or not you had anything to do with it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is really exciting because it's one thing to see a brain network get activated or inactivated, but to observe that the degree of reduction of connection of this circuit scales with the reduction in clinically relevant symptoms, that's a very powerful finding."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The overall rate for clinically effective response to MDMA-assisted therapy is 88% versus 60% for the placebo."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"For people with PTSD also suffering from alcohol use disorder, the MDMA plus talk therapy treatment, in many cases, resolved their addiction to alcohol or other substances as well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity is a concentrated effort to detoxify the PTSD from your brain."
"It's gotten huge traction as the go-to treatment for PTSD, and therapists are using it to address various other issues now."
"Narcissistic abuse victim syndrome is a cluster of symptoms that almost exactly matches PTSD."
"Neurobiological abnormalities in PTSD or trauma overlap with features found in traumatic brain injury."
"Seeing one of my loved ones almost die in front of me, it gave me this crazy PTSD."
"We all been there before. I'm happy that Twitter page, Down Bad Patrol, really gave me PTSD."
"People with PTSD or complex PTSD tend to feel empty; they kind of feel worthless."
"People who are struggling with trauma and PTSD are very strong, courageous, resilient people. Even though they're struggling, they get up, they have to go to work, and drop their kid off at school, and go to the market even though they're struggling with these symptoms."
"PTSD results when the fear center of the brain, due to some overwhelming stress, some shock, gets frozen in hyperdrive. The deeper rest of Transcendental Meditation can deactivate, can calm the fear center."
"To heal from trauma, you need to feel your feelings. But when you have PTSD from childhood, the problem isn't always that you don't feel what you're supposed to feel. More of the time, I think the problem is that you do feel your feelings too much."
"The horror that is PTSD and the death of his sister transformed him into a cold and vengeful individual, using his intellect to pursue those who wronged him."
"Post-traumatic stress disorder is the prototype disorder in the trauma-and-stressor-related disorders category."
"Complex PTSD is more of a disturbance in, that has more of an effect on your personality, the way you respond to life."
"Ptsd is an extremely disabling diagnosis. When a person has true ptsd, it is difficult for them to work."
"PTSD...causes extreme levels of distress and impairment. There's divorce, isolation...extreme alcohol abuse, they become homebound."
"The overwhelming majority of people with PTSD live regular day-to-day lives upon returning home and do not harm others."
"Lucid dreaming has actually been used as therapy for some trauma patients, including patients with PTSD."
"Moral injury is kind of goes hand in hand with PTSD but it is that sort of sense of survivor's guilt where you feel like you could have done more."
"PTSD alters the person, changes every facet of their life as well as the way they look at things in their life forever."
"PTSD is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event, like combat, a natural disaster, a car accident, or sexual assault."
"All of this attention and the further study of returning veterans, holocaust survivors, sexual trauma victims, and others eventually led to the first appearance of the term post-traumatic stress disorder in 1978."
"We are going into a new era, wherein we have so much more control over our mood, toward disease, our happiness, strength, and health."
"This is proven out by social scientific data... 25 percent of American college students are suffering symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder from the 2016 election."
"Make that post-traumatic stress stay post. You can't change your past, but you can absolutely influence and change your future."
"The results of these studies found 67% of people who had MDMA-assisted therapy no longer qualified for a PTSD diagnosis."
"He was lucky, but there were a lot of men just like him that hadn't been so lucky. There were men coming back with PTSD, there were men coming back disabled, severely injured."
"SpongeBob has PTSD from his time in World War II."
"Veterans should have medical choice for PTSD."
"To achieve rationality, we must address this Global post-traumatic stress disorder."
"I don't call it PTSD it's not a disorder to feel like this after going through that it's just normal."
"When you're religious, you may be, for example, depressed. You may be suffering from PTSD related to the religion and not even know it because you're surrounded by it."
"Hey, it's okay if you've got PTSD. A lot of people go, 'Is it okay?' Well, then I guess I had PTSD too."
"This is a book that people love to hate because Harry is dealing with PTSD."
"There's a lot of people that watch this show and have PTSD because they are looking at themselves, um you know it's a mirror image of themselves as a reflection of society today and back in the 80s."
"We do a couple of things. The main focus is recovery for PTSD."
"Support those people. It benefits all of us to have a place where we can support each other, including the mistakes we make, including the things that should be obvious but they're not obvious when you have PTSD. That's why we have each other."
"Night comes, and the lady tucks that boy in while asking his name, which triggers a Vietnam level PTSD from that boy's dreams."
"You give someone PTSD, that's like, yeah, you [__] up."
"Risk of depression in PTSD after surgery...very real...transform for the better...reach out for help..."
"Life with complex PTSD doesn't always let us have the love and belonging that are essential to happiness."
"Why did I leave Afghanistan without PTSD? So many of my comrades, including some people very close to me, are afflicted by it."
"I'm here to meet Skip Rizzo who's come up with a way to use virtual reality to treat PTSD."
"You're a junkie [__] with PTSD... you get it because he is."
"PTSD is a different beast... tremendously debilitating."
"This works for reprogramming responses to PTSD triggers."
"PTSD nightmares are prevalent and pretty distressing."
"Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, whenever we're exposed to any significant event, it can absolutely lead to PTSD."
"Soldiers during World War I commonly experienced symptoms of PTSD."
"But many who experience this live with, like, PTSD and experience flashbacks."
"Our species is healing from PTSD on a collective level."
"Things get better, but the interesting thing is that for about 60% of people who've been traumatized or have developed PTSD, talk therapy alone is not enough."
"PTSD is the cost of inheriting an evolutionary primitive mechanism that prioritizes survival over quality of life."
"PTSD is one of a number of mental illnesses for which there are many avenues of treatment or therapy open to those affected."
"Unaddressed intergenerational PTSD or nihilism is the greatest threat to humanity."
"Dissociation... the consciousness or awareness of somebody is disconnecting... dissociation is not actually a byproduct of post-traumatic stress disorder... but dissociation in fact causes post-traumatic stress disorder."
"Isolating is an almost universal symptom of PTSD from childhood."
"It's the most important thing I ever did to heal my own complex PTSD."
"We can play a huge role in helping veterans with the symptoms of PTSD come to terms with the horrific events of war."
"No, I've definitely been diagnosed with PTSD."
"Dealing with PTSD is difficult, but I deal with it by talking to other people that deal with it."
"Joanna Mason: She had the worst PTSD of any character in the series."
"This is so important. PTSD doesn't just come from War."
"PTSD is not inevitable...two-thirds of people emerge either with equilibrium or stronger, that's post-traumatic growth."
"Veterans who were watching this in theaters had to leave, some of them did, because it triggered PTSD, which is crazy to think about."
"Exposure therapy for PTSD is very effective with large and lasting effects, even after the therapy has been completed."
"Specific treatments for PTSD have been shown to be effective at reducing the distress and disability related to trauma."
"The most effective form of treatment for PTSD is trauma-focused CBT."
"Creatine acts as a neurotransmitter and reduces oxidative stress... maybe even PTSD."
"Iron Man 3 does a great job of portraying what PTSD and the anxiety attacks look like."
"Tony's PTSD, he's trying to avoid reminders, 'I don't want to talk about New York,' he's trying to... trying to avoid reminders, trying to avoid the triggers."
"Arnold gained PTSD about field trips on the Magic School Bus after nearly dying... as far as dark kids show theories go this one definitely works for me."
"I believe he has PTSD, but men of that era were not allowed to have post-traumatic stress disorder."
"Secret... probably in a movie the most accurate representation of what PTSD memories and like flashbacks actually look like."
"Alterations in the default mode Network mediate clinical disturbances underlying self-related processes in PTSD."
"It's emotional flashbacks, what's the next thing I've told you that you have to do when it to dealing with C PTSD."
"In 2014, 34-year-old Ivan Lopez who was actually an Iraq veteran went on a shooting spree at several different locations on base."
"You don't have to go through nothing from nobody. I'm gonna stand behind you. Now, if you feel like, you know what, he's just going through his thing, he may have PTSD, and you think that you can work through this, I'm gonna hold your hand through that as well."
"...I have complex PTSD... triggers daily... gotten pretty good at recognizing... a really amazing therapist... tools to somatically feel those things... this isn't just something that goes away..."
"No, that is not correct. That is often actually a myth and misconception about individuals who are struggling with PTSD or trauma-based disorders."
"You know, from where I sit, when you have severe PTSD... it's difficult to attach and show love. To me, when love shows up, when love shows up and people really love and care for each other, it's a wonderful thing."
"Hank's PTSD begins with a shootout with Tuka where he has no choice but to directly shoot and kill a violent lunatic to save his own life."
"Your videos make me at ease. I'm retired first responder with severe PTSD and your voices are very soothing."
"In workplaces everywhere people with complex PTSD are making tremendous contributions with their talents and hard work."
"When you have PTSD from childhood, the problem isn't always that you don't feel what you're supposed to feel more of the time, I think the problem is that you do feel your feelings too much."
"PTSD isn't just for war veterans."
"I was diagnosed with PTSD. I don't hide."
"It's called traumatized. Identify, understand, and cope with PTSD and emotional stress. It's my newest book baby, I hope you like her."
"Because people with complex PTSD often find it difficult to trust other people, they can usually be given more therapy sessions."
"People with complex PTSD often find it difficult to trust other people."
"Two of the most common symptoms of PTSD include losing your sense of self and feeling disconnected from the people and world around you."
"Anybody suffering from PTSD, please talk to a therapist, talk to your doctor about it, see if it fits for you."
"Sleep doesn't come easy anymore. The PTSD is real."
"Through Lapis, the writers delivered a down-to-earth look at the nature of abusive relationships as well as the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder."
"It's been three years but like yeah, we got PTSD, okay?"
"There's a lot of research institutions now who are looking into extended time in nature as a way to treat PTSD in veterans."
"This kid really shows the behaviors of PTSD every time she looks at this one particular person that's when she reacts at her search High distress that she does not show with anybody else."
"PTSD, also known as post-traumatic stress disorder, is a complex and often debilitating mental health condition that can develop in response to exposure to a traumatic event."
"I created a Ministry called The Mighty Oaks Foundation to help combat veterans and those from the military communities suffering from PTSD and life issues to move Beyond life's hardships and into the life God created us all to live."
"Ketamine may be able to treat some PTSD symptoms by restoring the connections that have been lost by stress and enhancing the capacity to respond to treatment."
"What's happening is you suffered a trauma and you're having post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, like that overwhelm, that system overwhelm, and getting so overwhelmed that you threw up on your therapist floor is a symptom of PTSD."
"If you have PTSD or if you've been a victim of military sexual assault, to go and get help. There's help out there if you reach out for it."
"PTSD and borderline personality disorder are incredibly stigmatized disorders and can be really difficult to live with in secret. Even though it's nothing to be ashamed of or hide..."
"Patients who had end-of-life discussions had better caregiver outcomes, with fewer instances of PTSD or complicated grief."
"PTSD is misunderstood. It's not a disorder. Right? It should just be post-traumatic stress. If you throw disorder on there it makes people not want to talk about it."
"That's why we have the nightmares PTSD and all that stuff. A lot of people don't realize that when you go through there and PTSD takes over, a regular individual just collapses when something traumatic happens, right?"
"The idea of doing one of these therapies is that you not only get rid of their PTSD permanently, you're teaching them a set of skills that they can carry for life."
"I emphasize connection because I believe that at its heart childhood PTSD is an injury to the ability to connect."
"So during my researching of my book, I started learning about trauma and how trauma and PTSD, you know, affects the body."
"PTSD is real, bro, that we haven't even dealt with to this day."
"I just feel my stress whenever I see that [ __ ]. Oh, flashbacks."
"Back from Hell? - Lieutenant Murphy had brought back with him the demons of what had been called 'shell shock', later 'combat fatigue' and nowadays post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD."
"In terms of PTSD, depersonalization and derealization symptoms in dissociative identity disorder may occur not only in response to PTSD reminders, but also in an ongoing fashion in daily life."
"PTSD is often very common in dissociative disorders because the cause or trigger for the development of dissociative disorders is often trauma itself."
"If you have childhood PTSD and you're wondering why you keep attracting people who are either not functional not into you or outright hurtful to you you're going to want to watch this video."
"There are ways to actually desensitize those triggers and to allow the person to live a very fruitful wonderful life, but if a person with PTSD true clinical PTSD does not get treated for it, it's a very limiting life."
"For me, I had PTSD so I would be like disassociation kind of where I'd be out of it in the hospital for time at times like it was usually it took six months before I had constant Clarity."
"PTSD makes you anxious, yes, but mostly it makes you angry."
"I'm having a good time y'all, hearing these words right now is literally giving me PTSD."
"Is PTSD only reserved for those who've experienced very clear life-threatening events like war combat, or is there a level of trauma that resulted in conscious or even subconscious PTSD in all of us?"
"Understanding the symptoms of PTSD and how trauma impacts various aspects of life, including physical health."
"PTSD is often something that is there with survivors, and what they need to deal with."
"For those that are interested in getting weekly assistance live assistance instead of just videos, make sure you check out the Thriver School of Transformation because that's what we do. It's all about working through complex PTSD."
"Alcohol has never helped anyone's anxiety or PTSD period. It's never done anything for anyone."
"I want to use this archival footage, I want to dissect this PTSD term, like, dissect it and understand what it is."
"The mice who got the ketamine before being exposed to the trauma did not have nearly the instances of PTSD as the mice that did not have the ketamine."
"I was suffering from anxiety which I now know is one of the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder."
"...things got a little sticky 'cause my dad's a Vietnam vet and he came back from the war PTSD little friction at the home place."
"There's an abundance of evidence that norepinephrine accounts for certain classic aspects of PTSD including hyperarousal heightened startle and increased encoding of fear memories."
"Hypercortisolism in PTSD and addiction occurs due to increased negative feedback sensitivity of the HPA axis."
"The vast majority of people who have PTSD will never get any sort of help. Over 60% of them, right? And so, that's the stat when people ask me, like, 'Oh, what keeps you up at night these days?' Um, the fact that two-thirds of people with PTSD will never get any help."
"The trauma that's most likely to lead to PTSD, the trauma that leads to PTSD most often, is actually rape, which when you think about it, totally makes sense."
"I hold myself accountable for everything I said and I have made apologies for everything that I said, but I couldn't get to the point where I could stop doing it and start apologizing until I got therapy until the PTSD wasn't front and center in my brain anymore."
"Apparently anybody that goes to the screaming head experiences forms of ptsd and what I mean by that guys is they'll go here leave the place and then they'll start hearing like screaming in their head."
"If you're battling PTSD, please call the Veteran Crisis Line."
"I'll be honest though when I first went to the clinic, I got PTSD because I had the [ __ ]."
"You're not alone. What you're experiencing, what you're feeling, it's all PTSD related. It's normal. You can deal with it."
"People with PTSD have a deficiency of inhibition in this medial prefrontal region."
"MDMA is a powerful treatment for PTSD."
"MDMA is a powerful treatment for PTSD, providing significant reduction in symptoms."
"As part of his defense, Huckabee put forward some medical evidence in relation to post-traumatic stress disorder."
"In all these ways, she sees the ancient Greeks dealing with PTSD more effectively than the US did post Vietnam."
"Any type of emotional assault qualifies for post-traumatic stress disorder."
"I definitely have PTSD. I absolutely have it."
"PTSD is a fear-based response. Moral injury is a guilt or shame-based response."
"This systematic review found statistically significant evidence on meta-analysis for the three pharmacological agents versus placebo in the treatment of PTSD."
"Resilience is a buzzword for people who do not get PTSD."
"MDMA, possessing properties of both methamphetamine and mescaline, may facilitate the release of oxytocin, the hormone associated with early infantile bonding, and shows promise in post-traumatic stress disorder."
"Recovery is not just recovery but discovery because they're helping to discover... this is my reason... my PTSD is from this... all these type of things... you are valuable."
"There's a lot of similarities between the dogs with PTSD and human soldiers or law enforcement professionals."
"But I also believe that her PTSD can be exacerbated by the things that she's being told every day by the people that influence her life the most."
"I have PTSD talking about Lisa, and it's, yeah, she was... she was out of her bailiwick with us."
"That's like it scared the [__] out of me, do I have like, I think I have PTSD."
"The PTSD they experience this like a thousand times over I think because no they can't even begin to explain the victim is somebody who who doesn't think that they have that in them they don't think they have that darkness in them."
"In trauma, you can experience the same thing, and you can be totally fine, or you might develop PTSD."
"Trying to blame PTSD on being a predator is crazy. Hey, I went to war, I saw a lot of guns, they were shooting guns, so it made me like underage kids, huh? Say that out loud to yourself and really sit there and marinate in what the f*** you just said."
"Miss Heard was diagnosed with PTSD, with the cause being intimate partner violence by Mr. Depp."
"Animals don't have PTSD because what they do is they shake it out. They shake—they literally, when you see your dog shaking, they're shaking out trauma, so they don't hold onto any trauma."
"I hope you enjoyed the story and know that I've dealt with tremendous PTSD and all sorts of mental debilitating issues stemming from this."
"you know you don't know you have ptsd until somebody lets you in on that little secret."
"Hyper vigilance, it's not uncommon in post-traumatic stress disorder."
"Our yoga studies are at least as effective as any drug study I've ever done for PTSD."
"PTSD is really about a fundamental organization of life to avoid being re-traumatized."
"Nightmares are actually part of the diagnostic criteria when it comes to PTSD."
"Nightmares and PTSD are like they hang together all the time."
"It's post-trauma, so it means that the person who is experiencing PTSD would have experienced some kind of trauma."
"Post-traumatic stress is definitely not a simple thing to get beyond, but... it is possible for you to become a person of peace."
"One area of our lives that gets really damaged from childhood PTSD is the part of our lives where we have romantic relationships."
"It's quite rare that we go this heavy with it and show our characters dealing with out and out PTSD."
"MDMA has really miraculous effects when studied clinically, particularly for PTSD."
"After three sessions of MDMA, 70 percent of people no longer meeting the definition for PTSD."
"I want to continue to be the advocate for people who are dealing with anxiety, especially people with PTSD."
"John Rambo. You know the whole thing with the PTSD."
"Many people walk as a form of therapy; it's been shown to help with PTSD and countless other issues."
"...there is a slight feeling of sort of PTSD having been through it, that you have been in the trenches together."
"There is nothing wrong with having PTSD and seeking treatment."
"Childhood PTSD is at its foundation neurological."
"The root cause of our childhood PTSD is neither chemical nor psychological; it's neurological."
"I guess that's what PTSD can be like, those jarring flashes coming out of nowhere from unexpected things."
"PTSD is a form of a mental health condition usually triggered by a stressful event."
"There are many veterans who ultimately get PTSD service connected and the stressful event that originated the diagnosis was non-combat related."
"It captures really well what PTSD must be like where it's just confusing and you don't know what's real."
"The hippocampus decreases in size in people with PTSD, so there's literally a physical scar in people who have PTSD."
"When most people think of PTSD, they think of war veterans or survivors of one sole traumatic incident, but there are other forms of PTSD that can develop as a result of long-term stress and being in a constant state of fight, flight, or freeze."
"Compassion fatigue is not a mental disorder but it may be something that qualifies somebody for a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder."
"I was an unemployed 24-year-old with a bum leg and a bad case of PTSD, but I didn't care because I had Tack with me."
"I work with a lot of PTSD and a lot of couples issues."
"PTSD affects 7.7 million adults, or 3.5 percent of the U.S. population."
"That war took a toll, and it took a PTSD toll especially on those who were POWs."
"The story is about a character who has post-traumatic stress disorder from a very traumatic event in her past."
"PTSD is unique among psychiatric disorders in that it needs exposure to a major traumatic event."
"PTSD is worse than death because you still have love for the one who died, and that love is still out in the open."
"We learn how to manage our symptoms of PTSD."
"When our powerful gut instincts are ignored repeatedly, it is similar to what we see in patients with PTSD."
"People with childhood PTSD... can sometimes have overly strong emotional reactions."
"Traumatic post-traumatic stress was being understood and in a place where Vietnam veterans were respected at that time."