
Trauma Response Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"When it comes to trauma, anxiety, and PTSD, it's not just the state that you are in or that you go into. It's how you got there and whether or not you had anything to do with it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What if... we didn't just say, 'What did you do?' but 'What happened to you that made you do it?'"
"One of the symptoms of having experience with that sort of thing is being numbed, being overwhelmingly numb or disassociating."
"You can't prevent the trauma from happening, because it's already happened, I guess is what I'm saying. So the experience will never change, but the way that you respond and react to it, can."
"We are going into a new era, wherein we have so much more control over our mood, toward disease, our happiness, strength, and health."
"Walls are trauma responses, created to protect us from subconscious fears."
"Fear is not the core of the response to trauma... the critical element is not fear, it's the violation of trust, it's a betrayal."
"Nicola was of great help to the police despite the trauma she went through."
"It's better to react to traumatized people with compassion than aggression."
"That night changed my life... because of that terror and I never felt more in the now."
"I saw a trauma pattern in my brain he said but in my case I developed something called post-traumatic growth."
"There is a difference between somebody who recognizes that trauma and wants something for their trauma and somebody who recognizes that trauma and is going to work to take something in the time frame that you've been given on this Earth."
"People deal with dramatic events in very different ways. It's not a linear situation, and we shouldn't treat it like it is."
"Girls' common reactions to trauma are criminalized and exacerbated by involvement in the juvenile justice system, leading to a cycle of abuse and imprisonment."
"This is the Shattered Assumptions Theory and it’s triggered by a Traumatic Event."
"The past colors the present based on old traumatic programming."
"Everybody suffers trauma and we all have a choice for how we deal with that."
"Any seizure that occurs within 24 hours of traumatic brain injury should be considered an early post-traumatic seizure."
"Most people fundamentally, given this dysfunction or this deep trauma, are so good, are so anxious to be good."
"The traumatogenic perspective suggests that DID is a coping mechanism in response to overwhelming childhood trauma."
"But confusion is one of those side effects of early trauma that feeds on itself and ends up winding its way into your whole way of thinking and being."
"Trauma immediately changes metabolism, activating the body's defense system."
"If in fact she was responsible for the attacks, she would live the events as though they were happening."
"Before the shooting, I was a theater student who was directing plays at Marjory Stoneman Douglas and I asked myself, you know, does my voice need to come in and suck up air in the room and I said nope."
"The aftermath of such distressing events requires a collective support system."
"When folks come forward with their experiences, it's important they are believed."
"I couldn't move, I couldn't talk or scream, all I could do was move my eyes around."
"Have empathy for yourself first, defend yourself. People have to be very, very careful when they attack someone who has been through hell."
"After everything that just happened, there is no way I'm sleeping in a room by myself. That's exactly right."
"Long after a traumatic experience is over, it may be reactivated at the slightest hint of danger and mobilize disturbed brain circuit and secrete massive amounts of stress hormones."
"It just my trauma tank is full I just can't take anymore."
"Being too busy is a trauma response and it's not a healthy one; it's an avoidance of self."
"Trauma could trigger unexpected responses and behaviors, which could shape a person's actions and perceptions in profound ways."
"Please be delicate when asking people about their trauma."
"...the foundation of it is by learning to listen to and understand those survival responses and those parts of the body where we may not be feeling at all or we may be feeling too much..."
"Our response to that trauma has resulted in fear, it has resulted in trust issues of our fellow brother, it's resulted in confusion."
"There is nothing wrong with you... your body is just reacting to the trauma."
"What trauma nightmares usually do is they elicit some type of similar nervous system response."
"Traumatic experiences trigger the stress response or the HPA axis, which increases awareness and encoding of sensory input as well as physical sensations and thoughts into a memory."
"You've heard of fight, flight, or freeze as trauma responses... there's also a fourth one called fawn."
"Trauma is something that the nervous system developed over most probably hundreds of thousands of years as a protection mechanism."
"PTSD is a form of a mental health condition usually triggered by a stressful event."
"We can change how our brain actually reacts in response to trauma."
"Protective factors against trauma response include an optimistic outlook and positive expectations."
"They can't help that they notice everything; hypervigilance is an adaptation their subconscious mind makes when they go through painful or traumatic instances."
"We reenact and relive our traumas when we get sucked into the trauma vortex, thus opening the possibility for emotional flooding and retraumatization."
"The way that trauma works is that our brain associates certain features or memories or characteristics with that traumatizing thing in an effort to keep us safe."
"We inherit not just traumas but also the responses to those traumas."
"Our immediate response to any kind of trauma is to minimize and invalidate our experience because we want to take blame for it."
"Some people deal with trauma differently, where they just completely cut you off and just gone, out of their world."
"Trauma is anything that causes the body and the brain to kind of flip over into fight, flight, or freeze response."
"It's not 'I'm gonna be a drug addict today.' No, like you said, it's a trauma response."
"Everyone handles traumatic stuff differently."
"We actually have to feed our cognition and our mind the deep, deep education... so that when we are in the trauma response... we can reroute the trauma response and the stress response."
"Rushing out of trauma puts you in a dangerous position."
"Trauma is not the thing that happens; trauma is the response that our body and our nervous system has to the thing that happens."
"The best way to respond to trauma is by responding with love instead of anger and bitterness."
"Trauma is the inability to deal with a certain stressful situation which then causes feelings of overwhelm and powerlessness."