
Emotional Resonance Quotes

There are 362 quotes

"People under the influence of MDMA...tend to report immense feelings of connection or resonance with people or even things."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Language is a tool to communicate your message...since people are emotional and listen emotionally, you're better off defining the words and using the words that speak to their emotional compass."
"The reaction from people globally has been incredible."
"People can feel if you really mean what you create... they're resonating with that emotion you're channeling into what you're creating."
"While none of us have lived the exact life of Carl Fredrickson, we have all probably experienced some sort of close loss or heartbreak or regret."
"The joy of consuming art, like games or films or reading books, is this weird sensation of like, 'I'm understood.'"
"When you leave a dream behind, it never dies."
"I love the movies that linger with you, sometimes it's an emotion, sometimes it's an idea."
"Saying that this resonates doesn't even do it justice, in my opinion. Created by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu, they named the piece 'Can't Help Myself.' What a masterpiece, what a message. Damn, that's deep as hell, bro."
"Hollow Mind was so hollow mind-blowingly good. It holler reminded me that my soul isn't so hollow mind."
"A deep exploration of a theme can be just as powerful as a message, especially if it's one you relate to."
"For me this movie takes everything I loved about the original film, all the fun, all the world building, an amazing score and adds to it a story that I resonated with a little bit more than the original film."
"Have you forgotten what it's like to hold a balloon, to be a child?"
"What doesn't fade is how your art resonates with people."
"But has a lot more Emotional resonance than even the better Marvel movies from before it"
"It provokes the spirit at the deepest place, informs our intellect, and charges our emotions, rightly so. We're not driven by our emotions, we're driven by what is true, but it's truth in a way that gets hold of our guts."
"It's this feeling, this wave of emotion that My Hero Academia captures so brilliantly in its own fictional sporting event."
"It just brings back '17 vibes to me personally."
"Marvin Gay, a brilliant singer and songwriter whose melodies resonated with the deepest emotions of the human experience."
"People may feel seen with you, I feel heard by you, like they feel that way about you."
"Fondly just has a way of making you feel things in a very real and guttural way."
"This Song Will Save Your Life... it really is one of those books that will stand out to me for the rest of my life."
"A satisfying journey with an amazing ending... stuck with me since I saw it."
"A film with truly smart screenwriting that uses quantum theory thematically to mirror the main character's larger emotional arc."
"Marvel always has so much heart." - "Benjamin Byron Davies"
"That same energy is gonna bring everything that doesn't resonate with it up."
"For the father in that moment to tell him to let it go, it was just so meaningful and also visually very well shot."
"Survive, this is the preliminary skill you gotta have, a kind soul otherwise you won't be felt with the rhyme flow."
"For them to then say that my music or something that I've created has affected them or it's bound to them in some sort of way is just treasure in heaven."
"Our pain is the mirror in which we can see the reflection of our humanity."
"Burial's tunes are just so expressive and poignant in so many different ways that they sound like straight up emotions just being beamed out of your own heart."
"This book was amazing also cried while reading this it was just a beautiful portrait of a family."
"It really got you to be in tune with those emotions."
"These narrative callbacks have a lot to do with echoing emotion."
"It's just such a Spider-Man story, just so powerful, so satisfying, and something special to give to the fans."
"It's [ __ ] possible - touches me in my heart someone said that this ending there this movie was like very steel bur good message you're saying."
"Compassion is a very high vibration... feeling that for other people."
"Our task at the moment is to come together... operating with one heart."
"Life, love, and loss - themes that resonate long after the movie ends."
"Music is an invisible thing, purely about Faith and Hope and imagination."
"Every bar had meaning, every song was alive of our soul. Every moment meant something."
"You can really begin to feel the spirit in the air."
"The Marvel movies are able to build up to conclusions that strike us as fitting and emotionally resonant."
"We communicate Beyond language, the sand in the throat of words being said vibrating the ear."
"When you're happy, you enjoy the music. When you're sad, you understand the lyrics."
"When you love, accept, and really feel whatever it is that you're putting out there, other people are going to vibe in the same energy."
"And yet them talking about the potentiality of that still felt to me like the most relevant or the most emotionally resonant moment of the movie for me."
"Listening to that music just feels right... it's amazing how music is able to feel your feelings and your emotions."
"It was just everything I wanted in high stakes fantasy... it hit me right in the feels but it was also so so good."
"She gives us something that feels like a forgotten song but always known."
"We would not be here if it wasn't for the Black Panther."
"He lives life like a dream he’s waiting to wake up from and if you dared to shed a tear during Cowboy Bebop then maybe you sympathize with his outlook on things."
"Something about this place just speaks to me, just feeling the history around here."
"I thought it was a fantastic track, it really hit, it struck an emotional chord."
"The cathartic power of the right song at the right time."
"The amount of people I think have felt that is very high."
"Choices are more about instilling a feeling in the moment."
"Our agenda speaks to the questions and the pain that people are now feeling."
"I find you in music, I could listen to your voice for days on end."
"The soundtrack is always deadlocked on the exact right feeling for each scene."
"This attraction, this burning passion, just lives on in you."
"Feeling that you want to remember but you don't."
"Sometimes when we think we love a person, we are in love with a person actually we just are sensitive to their vibration that is positivity."
"The story itself is just... it hits maybe even harder now."
"Her voice has something really, really different which really touches the heart in depth."
"It is the truth, it resonates with heart and soul."
"The way it's touched people... has been super important and incredible to just witness."
"He sings with a purity that sends you soaring even after thousands of listens."
"That's healing, that's real healing. And Berserk is displaying it so well."
"That shot of Ethan walking into the abyss at the end is absolutely stunning, the imagery of it, the massiveness of what's in front of him, the actual trembling and nervousness you hear in him."
"Amazing grace. Amazing Grace. Sweet, the sound."
"You've got the orchestral choir, the trumpets, The Clash and bang of cymbals and drums."
"It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart."
"The death of Aunt May will live in moviegoers' minds forever."
"What Gordon brought to the song was just breathtaking, it was beautiful."
"It's masterfully sung, intuitively emotional, and rousing in its evasion of two lost souls finding their place in the world together at last."
"Listening to Perfect is like watching the time capsule of two soul mates as the throat tightening lyrics equally fit both the moment they met and the moment they say 'I do'."
"The music from Gustavo Santo Lala adds so much to the show. It's honestly a huge part of the experience."
"Maya Angelou famously said people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you make them feel."
"It's a full record and it definitely resonates with a lot of people."
"It just humanizes the entire situation because you realize that this person had a family, this person has a son, and she's not coming back to him."
"Snyder stays on these people for 74 seconds so we can hear their song and briefly exist for a moment in their world."
"It's interesting because I feel like the types of music that really have stuck with me and had an emotional impact on me the most throughout my life are the aggressive sounds."
"It achieves a real emotional punch with a very limited amount of sound."
"The dynamic between you and someone else... family member, friend, coworker... take it as resonates."
"Classic Simpsons understood that when it gave you moments like Bart failing his test, it needs to tell you to take them seriously."
"This love will resonate around the planet forever."
"That's how you know it's a good song because even if you can't relate to it you feel it so deeply."
"This record already had tones of things that we were already feeling."
"Thought the very last shot of Cap dancing with Peggy was beautiful."
"These people have our real thing is that real people deal with and it's not just some cliche emotional problem that they're trying to get past but in fruits basket it's they're always so very relatable."
"The movie is very inviting, there's an underlying hope to it."
"It resonates on an emotional level, hits hard."
"It's such a beautiful representation of life."
"That scene was really special to me just because, you know, we've all been in that situation."
"When you walk away from a movie and it sticks with you, that's good. That's a good sign."
"Every song that invokes a memory, every time we listen to a piece of music that moves us, we are listening to the theme tunes of our childhood."
"Certain songs have a vibration that no matter what age like you can [ __ ] with this [ __ ] kind of like boys to men like end of the road comes on people."
"Soul to me, what if it resonates the way say up does... I think Soul is going to be one of the better movie-going experiences of 2020."
"It's one of those obscure core memories that many kids resonate with."
"It's really sad because it seems like Nicole Kidman also felt some of the same things that Mimi Rogers had felt."
"Know that whatever you're feeling, this person is feeling it amplified."
"It's a theme that most of the audience will be familiar with but it's also one that has timeless appeal and emotional resonance if it's presented in the correct way."
"This movie ends on a scene that I think is so perfect and so wonderful."
"There's a magic in that... when you can get scenes and moments in movies like that, that create this profound impact on you."
"I definitely appreciate, I feel your passion, it resonates."
"If that doesn't make it a masterpiece, I seriously don't know what does."
"People tend to like the deep cultural stuff that appeals to their hearts."
"The almost unbelievable ability to describe exactly what we're going through."
"Accompanying that sequence, Michael Andrews and Gary Jewell's version of 'Mad World' turns a throwback song into a poignant piano ballad."
"People can be fans and not love everything that's been done."
"It's just the most heartwarming thing in the world."
"It's the music matches the movement of the heart."
"Finding those emotionally resonant moments for our audience is key."
"When you think about the motif of grief throughout the series, there is a way for us to all feel seen in that representation."
"It was worth it, it was an amazing film and it left me shattered."
"It took him six years, but he's back and wins his second finals MVP."
"It's the circle of life and it moves the soul."
"Sometimes it's the smallest moments that can leave the biggest impact."
"Gratitude is one of the closest frequencies to love."
"People connect so deeply to you you are able to form such deep connections networking okay it's kind of like the theme for your reading group one you are amazing networkers because people feel a soul connection to you."
"Everybody feels this one move, this one action. Everybody is feeling that. It all trickles in, one person, yeah."
"That's real life. That's how we really react. That's the brilliance."
"It did really bring together so many aspects—the wild family, everyone being together."
"It was like it was silently crying out to us, 'Help me please, help me.'"
"That prayer just sent an arrow of peace straight to the heart."
"It's a poetic message that's sure to resonate with a lot of people."
"We're gonna watch a movie about a kid a lot like you who you know what you think you think your life sucks you know what she does too and she gets whisked away to this land there is brightness there's music there's joy."
"Gladiator is one of my favorite movies. It had political intrigue, deep emotion, depth of characters, terrific action, and beautiful vengeance."
"The score with Lisa Gerrard and Hans Zimmer, 'We Are Free,' is epic. Slap on some earphones and play it aloud."
"Fairy Jam is my absolute favorite... it just takes me into the zero point bliss field every time I hear it."
"He faced the heartbreak. It's relatable because in real life it also happened."
"Something about this book just feels very personal to me, it feels like a kind of shout out into the universe."
"If I could relate to it and then give me chills from some [__] I've seen did been through like that's what's in my playlist with some substance."
"This movie did a beautiful job with that, I fullheartedly agree."
"This will resonate with anyone who's experienced loss."
"Amelie is still a movie that will make your soul sing."
"The film has something that will stick with you forever."
"This might be my favorite, it's dark, just like sludgy."
"Songs such as 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' and 'Heart-Shaped Box' are as catchy as they are cathartic."
"Golden well...it gives you those vibes, those good vibes."
"Jupiter enters Pisces: love this for you because it is a fellow water sign."
"It's a beloved story told in a way that feels modern, human, and heartfelt."
"This whole story is very emotionally resonant especially for like a teenager when you kind of learn it because it kind of taps into that idea of like good versus evil."
"That memory will stick with me for a long time."
"Wherever you will go truly is that perfect emotional soundtrack for a TV commercial."
"Everything about this track to me is stellar and beautiful."
"There's something beautiful maybe even poetic about 30 years of history behind a big name all the ups and downs..."
"If it doesn't move me, how is it gonna move someone else, you know? Or if it does move me, it should in theory move, yes, absolutely."
"It's an album that continues to chime long after that final heartbeat has ceased to resonate."
"It's witty, it's inventive, and it makes you feel very seen."
"Vietnam is intense, beautiful, and in some places quite romantic."
"That moment of Phil Foden scoring, that's going to stick with me for years."
"You just figure out the details and put the details in there, and that truth will connect with somebody."
"Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys: God Only Knows is arguably one of the most beautiful songs ever written."
"When you hold that ball... It was all worth it, it was all worth it."
"It is powerful stuff and in my opinion it is justification for the entire arc."
"An artist is concentrated truth... hits you like a bullet... you can't help but be enchanted with it."
"Everyone touched by it makes you to some degree, doesn't it affect all of us?"
"Sapling's innocence and Harold's demise evoke a poignant moment of loss."
"Props to all the people out there... I can't even imagine."
"It's different when you hear someone speak... it resonates automatically."
"The enjoyment that you had in the lead-up was for not, but that's ignoring the fact that the last thing that you deal with in a work is gonna be the most powerful thing that you remember about it."
"Pink has always been like, she's always I connected with her in that way like I guess I feel her."
"It's the personal stories that really resonate with a lot of people."
"But you know what, Niamh, every single person who came up to me said that was the part of the speech that was most impactful, that they loved, and that needed to be said."
"The emotional impact of the story and narrative is something that will stick with you for your lifetime."
"That Tony Stark's sacrifice, yeah, that really gets you after you think about the whole thing and how it connects."
"Wakanda Forever accomplishes the difficult task of reckoning with real tragedy."
"They are drawn to your energy and they've never felt anything like it before."
"You're not in alignment if it doesn't feel good."
"I felt his sacrifice and willingness to do whatever it takes more than in any other superhero scene I can think of."
"It is the most beautiful piece of music, I think we have all probably ever heard."
"There's a soul here, there is a creativity in regards to the story... there's a purity there that really works."
"For a moment in time, nothing else in this world exists and nothing else matters."
"It's a game I'm never going to forget because watching Kratos be vulnerable reminded me it was okay that I was so vulnerable."
"Love story resonates, run with it, have fun with it."
"I've been holding on to these unanswered questions for a long time, but there is one thing I've discovered along the way - my emotions easily resonate with those of others."
"And even at the end, it isn't a big climactic kiss or anything. They don't even really say they like each other, they just sort of know."
"It's simple to say that the ritual set the young boy's heart ablaze, but it was more like his very soul itself had resonated with what he was seeing."
"Easily one of her warmest and dreamiest and most enveloping songs."
"It is just so raw and real and I feel like everybody can connect."
"The last scene really catches me, everything about it is perfect."
"We're all ruined in different ways, and this has that message but it's also really well constructed." - Joe
"I think if you were a little emo kid in eighth grade, this is the book for you. It's angsty and overdramatic but I eat that stuff right up."
"It's so gratifying just to hear somebody say exactly what you feel and what I feel." - Megan Kelly
"Just to get by off of the warm-up. One of those soulful Cole tracks where he's spazzing out from start to finish."
"This feels like this really has depth and meaning and nuance."
"Their true love still touched the hearts of many."
"You're attracting someone who is literally going through some of the same things."
"This movie made you feel like you were reading a book is so [__] beautiful."
"You should be more concerned with creating art that is emotionally resonant than something that is like intellectually satisfying."
"Music has a tendency to stick with us more; it has more of an emotional impact."
"Songs have an emotional impact that can't be replicated by any other form of art."
"You're going through some sort of transformation here and I definitely love it for you Scorpio."
"What a great trilogy, clerks too especially hit me in those existential feels."
"The scenes that get me right at my heart are the scenes of extraordinary displays of friendship, almost irrational displays of loyal friendship."
"Oh my gosh man what a haunting shot this is one of the most brutal endings to a film I've ever seen."
"I really do think that a lot of people are going to feel understood by the records on this album."
"If anybody has ever had father issues in their life, you immediately connect with that song."