
Emotional Development Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"It's great to see anybody grow and whether that be physically or that be emotionally or whether that be just in their career."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Parents play a crucial role in raising empathic children by focusing on their emotional development."
"Use this time as a period of growth, both emotionally and spiritually."
"Emotional sobriety, that's when the real work starts."
"Trauma freezes and it's frozen their development, it's frozen their maturity; they're emotionally immature."
"Joel's emotional barriers gradually begin to break away."
"Is there any way to determine whether or not we can truly have novel emotions past age 15, or are we really just returning to a feeling state that we have to recognize?"
"Ashley's condition had worsened by years of neglect and lack of essential nurturing; she was ill-prepared for the world and emotionally and developmentally behind."
"A child... understands what they're feeling by looking at the facial expressions of the people around them."
"The loneliest moments have brought me the biggest growth."
"Her growth is natural, it's painful, it's real."
"It's sensibilities, its feelings, its passions will become more and more subject to the spirit."
"He eventually calms down enough to have a change of heart, and agrees to marry her, for real this time."
"Mob learning to connect to his own feelings, learning to not only know but also act on his feelings, is always the driving force behind others giving him the respect he deserves."
"I just want y'all to know like we kept talking and talking and talking it's so much that happened with DeSean like I can't even lie I end up catching feelings for him even though he wasn't like somebody I would like kind of like nah."
"No Guilt or Sense of Responsibility: They seem frozen in adolescence and they lack the emotional tools to learn from experience."
"Healing is going through the ugliest parts of you so that you can find out the prettiest beautiful parts of you."
"I feel like you're going through a transformation... new love coming in for you."
"Experiencing a feeling and processing it, ideally, with the help of adults in their life, such as teachers and parents, is how kids develop emotional intelligence."
"I think it's great that you guys are making a film that shows that it's difficult to grow up and it's okay to be sad about it."
"This new emotional space is the beginning of our new spiritual story."
"Teaching my son where his heart is, physically first, and then I'm starting to also teach him all the things that his heart can do."
"Teenagers don't behave this way. They don't have the emotional maturity and empathy of 12-year-olds."
"Good parenting does not mean preventing your child from ever feeling negative emotions."
"You leave these type of [ __ ] situations and you want to stay insecure you want to stay jealous you want to stay like that that is not a trait you want."
"Love is about recognizing boundaries, but also growing with your partner emotionally, like a plant."
"When you grow up without the simplest form of human affection, it creates a ravenous cavity inside of your heart."
"When a woman feels some respect and attraction for a guy, she naturally starts to feel love for him again."
"Feelings for you are only growing... your person, their feelings for you are only growing."
"While they're still very afraid of this connection and they're afraid of what it can be, I feel like they're open to it for real."
"Your biggest growth in life will come when you start becoming more of that secure, father figure."
"Emotionally, things start to click for you and you're probably going to be very thankful to a partner at the time."
"From a spark flame, it grew into a burning desire."
"I think loving unconditionally is something that I continue to work on."
"There's love forming and some good news around that."
"It's like you don't even realize you're falling in love."
"For a child, there is a longing for the original intactness of their being."
"The birth and rebirth of intimacy in your life."
"I need to love myself for who I am. It just took a long time to get that processed in my head."
"The film delivers an emotional resolution to the arc, demonstrating Greg's willingness to own up to his mistakes."
"If you pour love into them they know what love really is, what love really looks like, and they'll have love for self in a real way."
"Loki's emotional arc from objectivity to personal investment."
"From the minute her king is born, something begins blossoming inside Pitou - The beginnings of what I view as a platonic love."
"Marriage requires a lot of maturity; it could be physical, social, and even emotional."
"Shinji learns to accept himself with the hope that one day he might be able to love himself and in turn love others."
"Feeling bad is a valuable part of growing up."
"Chemistry was still there... but then it started showing, then it started happening."
"When you give an animal, it might even a chance to be loved and to blossom, it's amazing to see how beautiful you look development, it was amazing."
"Focus on acceptance first and then the love will come... kind of like building a relationship with somebody."
"They want so much more out of this, they want it to bloom and grow and blossom."
"Stop telling your sons not to cry, stop ignoring their emotional needs and development."
"Even if you do have emotion for them, you're actively trying to move past it."
"I feel like the way this love is blossoming is through freedom."
"Developing abstract qualities like emotional stability."
"Don't be too prickly or resistant; nurture your emotional depths."
"It felt like there was true progress to their relationship."
"Exposure to diversity is an important part of social and emotional development."
"Watching the characters slowly learn to break down their guard and feel connection was so well performed."
"Graceful transformation, soften your heart and find your flow."
"I have something for you too. I'm not scared anymore."
"Bucky has had perhaps one of the most emotional journeys in the MCU."
"Big changes are arising. Emotional and mental changes which are huge right which seem to allow you to spread your wings and feel so much more confident and happier in your personal choices."
"Scorpio is about change and transformation within ourselves first, change in transformation within our own emotions as individuals."
"This time apart has created significant growth."
"I want to hear about growth, about how MM went through the worst with his mum and managed to let go of the past and become a better man."
"I like that they made him have a sense of humanity in the end where he's like I understand why you cry now and I'm like maybe you do maybe they're probably not but I still like that they put that in there."
"Our show is about what it's like to be a human being on this planet, feelings and development have been a very rich garden for us to harvest." - Cheryl Wagner
"Love will always be and teenagers do love needs to start from yourself first."
"The companionship of peers becomes increasingly important. These interactions are not just social. They are a fundamental part of their emotional and psychological growth."
"I love when emotional conflicts end up being resolved because all the best conflicts in stories are emotional conflicts at their core."
"You're building up, branching out, finding emotional fulfillment in what you're doing."
"People deserve a second chance, emotions and growth all the way down."
"Sadness is part of life and the sooner that you teach kids that that's okay then that's better they think and they grow emotionally healthier which is what you want."
"Desire is a more mature coming-of-age... you start to desire what is in front of you and your question yourself in front of the other."
"Kids can process their emotions as well as information."
"It's not easy, but consciously working with your emotional body can make you a better person, intuitive, and psychic."
"This relationship is going to allow you to grow."
"Every day I grow a little more distant from the fear I was instilled with."
"New feelings stirred, opportunities shared, and secrets unveiled."
"This Cancer season for cancers in general has been a really big ascension of self-respect and self-love."
"You no longer attract these sort of uncomfortable relationships."
"I feel like you're moving towards someone who's emotionally mature."
"Facing a series of challenges meant to emotionally open you up to the idea of changing."
"You're finding a new sense of love for life."
"Practically every intimate relationship women develop in life is either an attempt to distance herself from a negative father or to perpetuate the security of a good father."
"Every era witnesses a transformation, a metamorphosis of thought that determines the course of generations."
"The transformation was not just an intellectual one, it was deeply emotional and spiritual as well."
"He's still hitting those emotional highs, giving Riku a phenomenal bookend to his long journey battling against the darkness."
"Our relationship is slowly getting back to how it was before."
"Emotional immaturity is the inability to be with, process, navigate, regulate our emotions."
"They feel safe with allowing the passion to burn, the emotions to start to develop more and more."
"They need each other sure but now that they have a relationship that doesn't depend on physical proximity and mutually assured self-destruction they're better."
"In the show, we actually get to see them writing these letters in real time throughout the show so we see them developing their feelings, realizing their feelings for each other through these letters in real time."
"Belonging isn't something that you feel instantly. It's something that will come with time."
"Change and growth can be painful, but when it is all over, a new version of us emerges."
"He was the first man who earned my love in the most beautiful way possible."
"Bluey focuses on using play to work through emotions."
"The evidence of walking with and walking like Jesus is not just seen in the transformation of our ethics, it's also seen in the transformation of our emotions."
"There is going to be this transition from falling in love to being in love."
"There is healing and relationships taking place or there's new connections coming in."
"Children are really sensitive to the love they get or don't get from their parents."
"Their life is completely transformed since they met you."
"I didn't think such a huge amount of genuine love and respect for a person could be developed in less than a year."
"I see you coming out of it. It's looking like there's love on the line between you and somebody, and your sense of passion, intrigue, or curiosity is rising towards it."
"This was a growth moment for you, a new core memory will be unlocked."
"We're back to the peanut butter and jelly thing that I talked about earlier. Any amount of time invested in your kid's emotional maturity and development is going to be a positive."
"What we do know is once you start doing drugs, your emotional development is arrested at that point. So you say we have a 17-year-old, we have an adolescent in a 41-year-old body."
"Dennis has stated that darker themes should be present in kids shows as he believes that kids should be given the tools to be able to sort out these complicated feelings."
"They want more than friendship; feelings are growing."
"These are actually some of the first experiences we have of separation."
"Growing as a person... gaining opinions and growing emotions."
"It took me a long time to get to the point where I could be comfortable enough with myself."
"The first step in Makima's plan was to surround Denji with people who would create and foster emotions in him."
"For the first time starting to feel love for someone or maybe multiple people."
"I'm starting to feel something inside me growing."
"It's not like young dumb and like I want to just make out with you and like okay, it's like I want to develop."
"I say this and know it to be truth that circumstances can only affect you insofar as you allow them to do so."
"Challenge yourself to grow more spiritually and emotionally."
"The only way to get to the Ten of Cups is to be at the Nine of Cups first."
"You've gone through a very deep period of personal development and now you are ready for love."
"You're gaining the ability to not only love yourself deeper but to also have more compassion for others."
"You're starting to love yourself in ways that perhaps you haven't loved yourself before."
"I've become far more patient, way more patient than I was before."
"Everyone just watch Rene Brown and work on your emotional maturity and your vulnerability because that really is she really did day all right so I'm like."
"You helped me. I wouldn't be this more wise, more advanced, more evolved version of me without you putting me through that [ __ ]."
"We design our programs to be threat agnostic ensuring that we can combat a broad range of domestic threats."
"Perfectly and just the sense of family between her roads and his son that they're developing it's like their own little like bubble i just find it incredibly wholesome and i love it so much."
"You are mastering the emotional body but you are also really fine-tuning your psychic ability and skills."
"Teaching your child how to be in touch with their feelings can be very beneficial for them."
"16-year-olds are not fully emotionally developed, but I think they are old enough to have emotions that are valid."
"They started to feel some type of way about this connection because they started to grow feelings for you."
"This person is... starting to find more joy in life or more playfulness."
"This person's feelings are starting to grow. This is someone who is developing feelings for you."
"Relationships don't have to be this crazy amount of passion right away."
"This love will help you grow, heavy on the help you grow."
"Trauma is shown to freeze you at the age you were when you experienced that trauma."
"I instantly started developing feelings for him."
"Emotions is all about how you were nurtured as a child and how you overcame all those obstacles."
"People kind of get stuck at certain ages in terms of how they handle their emotional responses to life."
"Suppressing their anger, pleasing others, being more worried about others than their own emotional needs—no infant is born like that."
"This person is interested in you, they care about you a lot, if it's something that's fairly new, I could feel like this person you know really is starting to develop some feelings here, they're very interested."
"...that doesn't teach the child anything... it teaches them that they're bad... that doesn't teach a child anything... it teaches them not how to feel their emotion... that I think is the generational trauma..."
"Humans must always feel safe and secure first before their emotions are able to truly develop."
"Harry has become far more reflective. There are long periods where he is very sort of contemplative."
"It's not just that I'll teach your kids how to draw. It's all the secondary emotions and results behind that."
"Perhaps the most important aspect of children's emotional development is a growing awareness of their own emotional states."
"I loved tracking Obito's emotional development, his struggles with his inner demons and his past."
"Let them kind of go through some more adult emotion through fiction before they may encounter it in the real life."
"Not only are the children getting a general education, but they're getting the help that they need also with dealing with anger."
"Parents are in control of these emotional systems during early life."
"Emotion regulation first takes a long time to develop."
"Jealousy might be part of sexual virtue, just as the capacity for shame comes with developing in the right way."
"The more you mention someone favorably, the more you develop love for them."
"Their connection is growing and growing, more like a father and daughter."
"We have to build new resources, we've got to create new emotional experiences in your mind that allow you to take your power back."
"You can't imagine what that does to a child, what that does to a kid to grow up like that."
"Emotional literacy programs improve children's academic achievement scores and school performance."
"The impact of parenting on emotional competence starts in the cradle."
"Our emotional capacities are not a given; with the right learning, they can be improved."
"If a parent can mirror how the child feels, the child will be able to organize their own feelings."
"They really start to show empathy, they understand feelings."
"Love develops, and lust destroys."
"I'm not bitter anymore, and I can say that because I've been bitter."
"This is how we're really getting to a space of somewhat unconditional love."
"I think I'm learning how to care for other people."
"There's a complexification of thought, there's an increase in uncertainty, hopefully there's an emotional development and kind of a psychological development where there's an increased comfort with uncertainty."
"Education of the head, heart, and hands."
"Your crystallized intelligence gets better with age; your emotional intelligence gets better with age; your wisdom gets better with age."
"We were developing an emotional reality that I think really carries the film."
"Emotional intelligence is the biggest thing I'm trying to teach my son."
"When we are young, music records itself in our motions and emotions."
"Mature love, when it actually happens, does so in spite of romantic love."
"It is more important to nurture your children's emotional life than it is to nurture their intellectual life."
"With the Moon as your chart ruler, your life mission is closely linked to emotional growth, emotional resilience, emotional maturation."
"As your maturation continues, we become more emotionally stable."
"With each passing week, B falls for Holland."
"Schools wouldn't simply be conveyor belts of information; they'd be templates of emotional healthy development."
"The early years of your life are all about learning how to love, learning how to play, learning how to trust."
"No justification of virtue will enable a man to be virtuous without the aid of trained emotions."
"Children don't know how to control their emotions because they don't have the skills, the experience, or the self-worth to manage them."
"It's very natural and it's in fact very important for kids to break away from their parents at this age; this emotional separation actually helps them to adjust into becoming adults."
"We need social interaction in order to learn how to emotionally self-regulate."
"With time comes development, realistically overcome the fear, the sadness, and anger that can come with truth."
"Developing yourself emotionally is also very valuable."
"When what we pay attention to grows, that's what will grow in our hearts."
"The difference between an adult, a grown person, and a child is maturity, how they are emotionally."
"Automatically you're going to start growing because you're going to start developing emotionally."
"I went from intrigued by her to interested in her to caring about her so deeply."
"I've finally moved on from this girl that I liked."
"It starts with fear and then it turns into respect. To turn it from fear to respect to love is a serious, serious thing that's extremely hard to do."
"Emotional connections, attachments that we make in the very start of our lives, are going to shape all future relationships."
"Someone's growing or someone's emotions are maturing."
"Encourage men around you to talk about their feelings and to develop themselves emotionally."
"In the process of a man courting a woman, he is falling in love."
"Games support children's social-emotional skills."
"What if the educational system was designed to promote healthy emotional and brain development rather than strictly the inculcation of a certain curriculum?"
"Our emotions, the emotional brain develops before the thinking brain."
"The safe and warm environment is fundamental to the socio-emotional development, which then in turn assists with learning."
"At whatever age you get famous, that freezes you in carbonite emotionally and intellectually."
"You're healing, you're growing, especially emotionally."