
Career Advancement Quotes

There are 797 quotes

"It's great to see anybody grow and whether that be physically or that be emotionally or whether that be just in their career."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you minus all the stuff you shouldn't be doing and put all your energy towards what you know you should, you'll be at such a high level, you'll look around and in four, five, six, seven years, you'll be better than everybody at what you do."
"By exercising your brain, you could become witty in conversation, remember more details, become more charming and charismatic, and solve problems to take your career to the next level."
"Knowing how to communicate, knowing how to public speak, knowing how to convince people of stuff is generally a useful thing that will help you in almost any career."
"The opportunity helped to open a lot of doors for me."
"Success and recognition are here for you at your job."
"The more rare and valuable skills you develop, the more career capital you'll have."
"It's not about what you know, it's about who you know."
"Read 30 to 60 minutes a day, five days a week... that'll translate into about 50 books a year, making you one of the smartest and highest paid people in your field."
"Develop better skills so you can get a better job."
"Your technical skills matter, but your social skills matter at an increasing rate."
"You have to anticipate needs... if you want to move up, then you need to start anticipating problems that the people you're working for have and solving those problems before they're even problems."
"If you want to move up in the hospital hierarchy, nobody knows the hospital better than nurses."
"In five years from now, I will hopefully still be working for you, either in this role or perhaps even having gained advancement to a higher level."
"Aries, what I'm seeing for you is this could manifest as a raise, as a promotion, this could manifest as you getting recognition for a job well done."
"Once you graduate, depending on what track, you can start your career early and kind of get progression that way."
"If you're trying to work in these corporate settings, you have to play the game in order to get to where you want to get to."
"Black men, if you want to move up into upper management, you are going to have to become clean-cut and represent the brand."
"I wish someone would have told me that just being more comfortable in who you are, would give you a kind of confidence and self-understanding that would actually help you in your career as well."
"The rope ladder effect: A woman will climb the ladder to the top, then pull it up after her so no more women can follow."
"Collaborate. A lot of the biggest bumps I've ever gotten are from collaborations with people."
"You're going to get that raise if you have a job that's been withholding money from you or withholding you from growing."
"People are trying to better their lives by getting a degree."
"People who switch jobs every two to three years make about 50% more than someone who stays within the same company."
"We got the promotion! We have a lot of money."
"I'm sorry, okay? You better get promoted today. We need your money to buy a new house."
"If you're serious about taking your career to the next level, that's a killer deal. Don't miss out."
"Professionally, there will be a progression; if you're going for a professional interview or presentation, you will be thoroughly appreciated."
"Your ability will be recognized and appreciated by professional people, by well-learned people, by professional organizations, by decision-makers."
"If women decide to go and just do things and believe they can do it, ask for that raise, that will get rid of the pay gap, not pretending that we're in a patriarchy."
"Dreams would come true in regards to business and career."
"Jonathan David scored 33 goals which earned him a 30 million euro move to Lille."
"Promotion is coming to you, even before the promotion exercises begin."
"There should be opportunities for them to reap offices."
"Life lesson hashtag aviator life lesson here: smooch your boss, Britney, invite him over, kind of, you know, you say you're the greatest ever, and he'll give you a raise."
"Work hard, be as diligent as you can in upgrading your skills, and if you do that, and you put the time and effort in, you will get rewarded."
"You're rising up through the ranks, being your personal best."
"If you're not using TikTok or any platform to boost your career or your brand new music, you're foolish."
"Effort is seen, and if someone successful sees your effort, they'll help you out."
"Some of you are about to become a boss or a higher position person because I'm looking on this car right here that I didn't mean to pay attention to it just kind of stood out to me it says world's greatest boss on the cup look at the cup."
"Success equals skill times hard work times duration divided by luck."
"As you go up the attainment ladder of success, overwhelmingly the more educated you are, the higher chance you have of doing better."
"You now have doubled your chances again, maybe tripled your chances, just with the relevant experience."
"Channel your King of Pentacles energy being all about your business your career your finances and watch how much better your life is."
"This is your moment to be recognized, your chance to step up and be celebrated for your work."
"Promotion to the top flight has been pretty lucrative... however we continue on this free agent moneyball tactic."
"Once you go beyond senior at that point, like a very small percentage of people get there, and there's no expectation."
"You might be lucky, you might come across this project that can help you show those skills."
"Don't be afraid to do that and this is all very important because without any of this unless you're lucky you're not going to get promoted to that next level."
"Wonderful news is coming regarding your career."
"OSCP... 24 hours exam... gatekeeper certification... spend a thousand, get twenty thousand salary."
"For the horse, it's a time to rise in ranks, find authority, and solve long-lasting problems."
"Training is what will get you ahead. Education is what will get you ahead."
"If your resume is not picked up by the interviewer, then it doesn't matter how great of a software engineer you are because you're never gonna get to that bottom of the funnel."
"I always wonder why, how I even got promoted, because Obama chose me twice."
"Everybody knows you gotta make certain sacrifices to go to the next level."
"Certifications have served as a stepping stone for anybody seeking to advance in their careers whether they are beginners or seasoned professionals."
"A promotion or raise may be coming your way."
"It’s Tree’s music videos that has taken his career to the next level, as he’s directed and produced some of the most visually and creatively intriguing videos I’ve ever seen."
"That's the best thing he could have did, he got with Young Money, Nicki, like, my man brought me Nicki."
"All you need is one opportunity to prove yourself to somebody so they can give you a chance of success."
"Most people don't have networks and so working and developing your network getting into networks where you see opportunity is a good chunk of how people succeed."
"Interpersonal skills are the fastest track to your goals."
"It was this stunt and the reaction she gave that greenlit Bam's own television show."
"Who you know can take you further than what you know."
"AJ Styles shocks the world and gets a clean pinfall victory over John Cena which can mean only one thing he knows where the WWE Intercontinental title is and he's holding it ransom until the WWE gives him a halfway decent push."
"Mars in the 10th house... could find that you come out on top in any work in career space and now you're receiving some great gains."
"Recognition in career, job opportunities, and expansion for business owners."
"So if you can learn to negotiate, you've got a skill that will just take you everywhere."
"Talent may get you in the door, but character keeps you in the room."
"The best way to ensure that you're that hiring manager's number one pick is to do everything you can to be building skills and experience that set you apart from the competition."
"He got an interview, got the job, and developed into one of my best technical analysts."
"It's gonna help you yield more professional results."
"Since everything is confirmed, we shall reward accordingly. Gu Qingfeng, you are promoted one rank, awarded a thousand taels of gold and one million merit points."
"One step closer to the Bellator goal. $25,000 in his back pocket, he gets a chance now in the semifinals to win another $50,000."
"Why presume he's being demoted rather than rewarded by the differentiation of responsibility?"
"Follow your heart, there is going to be somebody in a position of power who sees something in you and elevates you."
"Put your hat in the ring if you want to or apply for something else. I love that this is near future. It looks good to me."
"Exhibitionism is a drug, you have to self-promote, nobody's gonna knock your door down saying I'm gonna make you famous."
"It's gonna be really good for his career and he's fine letting his future wife be collateral damage."
"And just a small group of people believing in your talent can literally, now, assure you a long career ahead of you."
"Your work ethic will get you farther than the people that show up and do nothing and don't care."
"Sometimes just looking scary as hell out there could really elevate your position fast." - Vitor Belfort vs. Marvin Eastman
"There might be some resistance and the need for extra responsibilities, but the career, the opportunity to improve your social status, your reputation, it's coming."
"Senior members of the unit received awards and political promotions for work related to development of non-lethal acoustic weapons."
"If you really want to climb the ladder, an education can never be taken from you."
"Yes, I think she's gonna get the promotion today!"
"Jimmy Hoffa recognized. This is the way to go, this is the way to rise to the top."
"It is a proven system to increase your Excel skills and career."
"Completion of some career project that brings you more reputation, recognition, and it's good manifestation."
"Success and recognition for your hard work is coming."
"It's about providing more value to your boss or to your own company and having more certifications or licenses to justify more income."
"The easiest way to make jumps in corporate America is by switching positions or switching companies every two to three years."
"I think this win puts him in that title picture."
"You might be able to get into that seat because you're the one that sticks through it."
"Opportunities may be more abundant, there might be something big right in front of you, so reach out for that."
"If you're off of work now is your opportunity to get ready to take advantage of the opportunities that come next."
"Approach your ladder with a no-nonsense attitude. It helps get you to the top and achieve success."
"If you can learn to sell, you can go anywhere."
"The doors are opening to potential partners."
"I thank you God for surprising pleasant news... I thank you for the promotions that will come."
"You inspire me or helping somebody further career or lending a hand and provide an opportunity to see what we do, all of that is just very nice amazing."
"What a chance for Cal Eleanor to move up to that next rarefied level."
"If I win this show, it would be a huge stepping stone in my career."
"You might get a new job with this new moon... and really being the top dog."
"You're going to be looked at for the big position, like the head of a certain department or area."
"Your difference is going to bring you in doors and in front of tables."
"Your money is going in the right direction, with a raise or promotion on the way."
"Real promotion is from humility, not projecting against others."
"Opportunities are flooding in, it's time to push."
"You need to get as much attention as you possibly can. All the Capricorn energy we have right now says if you get attention or if you learn even, you will get a raise, promotion, career growth."
"All the work that you've been putting in might pay off quite suddenly."
"Be generous: give more than you take. If you're going to ask for a link, you should have already given 10 links. If you're going to ask for a promotion, you should have already given 10 promotions."
"Now is the perfect time to start shopping around for a new job with a better salary."
"You're on the road to success. You've put in the hard work and you deserve to be at the top."
"They're stepping on you so that they can get ahead because they know there's so much money to be made."
"In order to get promoted in season 4, we're going to need better players."
"Being able to speak excellent English makes a tremendous difference in your career."
"I am 100% sure, I wouldn’t be able to get to where I am in my career, if I didn’t speak this fluent or if I didn’t get rid of my own thick accent."
"The decision to remove something from your life now can be really good... it can help you move forward in your career."
"Be more assertive; people will start seeing your leadership qualities, and that's how you're going to get that position."
"Having connections with people who recognize your passion and skills is really what it's all about."
"It's not that hard anymore, and with advances in AI and other things, having skills in OSINT is just a force multiplier in any field you're in."
"Finances can feel weird but you just achieved the goal, you got promoted."
"Push yourself forward, be very competitive in your career during the next few weeks."
"It wasn't just the money I was earning but also the life skills to help me get ahead in the workforce."
"Ensuring that you are continuing to move up in any given organization and be compensated accordingly is incredibly important."
"Sometimes it is you've got to move out to move up."
"Every time you scale to the next level, you're going to hit a level of recognition and affirmation that's going to feel good."
"Editable resume templates: Land your dream job with a standout resume."
"A promotion means you get more money for your job."
"You gotta sacrifice without that, the next man gonna do it instead."
"Find a mentor. Accelerate your success rate, shorten your learning curve."
"Career elevation, momentum, and recognition."
"You're being noticed by the hierarchy and tapped to rise."
"Who doesn't want the promotion, who doesn't want the type C?"
"Your job performance last year was excellent, therefore we'd like to offer you a promotion."
"Relationships can get you in rooms that your work ethic and your skill set can't."
"All that’s needed to break through to whatever Sly’s next level may be, is to find a way to get Sly in front of more eyeballs at the right time."
"Going to McKinsey is like getting the PHD on top of your MBA."
"Your hard skills are what are going to get you into that interview."
"I want you to be my full-time manager. You've basically been doing that job unofficially and now I want to make it official."
"Stay ahead of your boss and stay ahead of the power curve."
"Promoted to meme maker! Zach has been promoted to meme maker."
"For some of you, there's an opportunity to travel, to take a new course that will advance your career."
"Sooner or later, ec3 is gonna be the next in line to go."
"God elevates people, not the corporate ladder."
"Finally receiving those benefits, you're receiving that job offer, you're receiving that level up."
"Believing in yourself is key, and the right opportunity will present itself."
"I was promoted to store manager shortly after his termination."
"Saying yes is the easiest way to continue to climb the ladder."
"It's always about the next move to put you in that right position moving forward. What's the next move? Make your next move the best move."
"Financial analyst becomes World Bank president."
"The tide is starting to change... six were assistants so like I said it's just like they were the cool assistant coach now they're getting a chance to really show what they know."
"This habit will bring you to the favorable attention... promote yourself into a better circumstance."
"Position yourself to have major opportunities come your way."
"Each time I learned a new skill set that increased my market value."
"This is gonna open doors for me, I already see it."
"I think he's a brilliant striker that needs to take the next step up to a top club like a really big club and be the number nine and be a goal scorer."
"They promoted me to Sergeant, that's awesome."
"Okay? And you can also use them if you're just applying for a job, if you're interviewing for a job, or if you're trying to get a promotion and you want to sound more professional and effective. Okay?"
"The strike certainly helped me from a competitive standpoint."
"This is the time for the promotion this is the time for you know people in authority to help you out and to give you things to give you help and opportunities in life."
"It's called working harder than everybody else."
"Haley got promoted, she's gonna be a mixologist, a master mixologist!"
"You cannot accept the position you're in and get the one you've been praying for."
"You are on the brink of a significant career achievement, expansion, or change."
"Receive speed in business, ministry, and career."
"You're helping out your resume a lot for sure."
"It's really about people. It's just meeting people, learning about people, enjoying people, having them like you, and if they like you, they're gonna hire you again."
"You deserve this, you've got like three promotions this week."
"You bring something different to the table and I feel with sustained effort you're going to the top."
"It's experience guys you're adding to a resume understand that."
"This is a passionate new beginning in some area of your career or your enterprise."
"You're taking the first step towards something and I feel like you're definitely either being recognized for a job well done, celebrated in some way, or there's an opportunity that helps you make your mark on your particular sector of work."
"Thank God you're okay, thank God. It was instant death, it was instant death. Now let's go get that promotion."
"Move from generalist to highly paid specialist in just months."
"You have the potential to manifest, so act on any ideas about career or finances."
"People really [ __ ] with you... they really enjoy the push to make sure you got the best PR."
"Remember when you used to call me general? Uh, I'm president now."
"Mercury retrograde can bring career opportunities from the past back to you, colleagues and co-workers from the past by email, phone calls making contact with you again."
"Martin Brodeur is going to be the Executive Vice President of hockey ops for the Devils, things are all coming up Devils recently."
"Fail and get a promotion, bro, nowhere else in life."
"I think that belt's gonna help you... boost your profile."
"If you're looking for a career where you can advance as a woman, you can succeed."
"There's all these really really cool ways to create these modern lighting techniques that are very just good to look at kind of put you in the cutting edge of design and probably get you some jobs if you're freelancing."
"If you become irreplaceable to that company, they need you, you're an asset."
"If you have a positive attitude, people want to help you get to the next level."
"Kathleen Kennedy gets a promotion every time. Literally every single time."
"Luck opportunities through work and career... Something good is happening through work and reputation spaces for you."
"He's saying I'm not going to let you start off at the bottom and work your way up to the top because your mine."
"I think if you want to get to the top, you have to sacrifice a lot."
"Diddy allegedly had a sexual relationship with Andre to secure his rise."
"People who end up on the top are the ones who are experts at never ever ever getting in trouble."
"Ascension, you're definitely going to the next level."
"Every step up I got in the industry was from fellow artists."
"It's almost like you can't say no to this, more money, more responsibility, more exposure, higher status. It's looking good."
"Calvi quickly rose through the ranks, with the help of powerful allies."
"I never asked for it any earlier because I waited until I thought I deserved and earned it."