
Anatomy Quotes

There are 2264 quotes

"The body is like a mirror image. The hip is like the shoulder, right? The ankle is the wrist. The foot is the hand."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Basal ganglia are actually basal nuclei. Why don't we call them ganglia? Because ganglia are, by definition, collections of cell bodies of neurons outside the central nervous system."
"This is a C-shaped mass of gray matter because it is embedded deep in the central nervous system. C-shaped nucleus."
"This green-colored structure, this is called not red, what we call it, yes, caudate nucleus."
"This mass of gray matter, which is a cheese piece, this is basically called lentiform nucleus."
"This gray matter deeply buried in sulci, very good, is insula."
"And what is the foot if not the hand of the leg?"
"Did you know that there are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body?"
"The heart is not the biggest muscle in the body but the most important."
"Knowing your anatomy is just so important, really ridiculously important if you're making a character."
"If you were to pull out all the blood vessels in your body and line them up end to end, you'd form a thread that would wrap around the earth twice."
"Whales have strange bones that look like shriveled hip, thigh, and shin bones where land mammals have hind legs."
"In animals without a neck, such as fish, the most direct route for this nerve is indeed by navigating around the artery, and hence if mammals evolved from fish-like ancestors, we can easily explain why this absurd design exists."
"Andreas Vesalius, the 16th-century physician who pretty much revolutionized the anatomy of man."
"Understanding how the body really works is crucial to mastering health."
"His anatomy, having taught animal anatomy for over 60 semesters...I know it well enough to say 'here's someone who knows it so well that he's hardly thinking about it'."
"Humans do not have any specialized genetic, anatomical, or physiological adaptations to meat consumption. By contrast, we have many adaptations to plant consumption."
"Nature has only put from this area to that area is only one to two millimeters, a very small area actually."
"A cubic inch of human bone can bear about 19,000 lbs, making it four times stronger than concrete."
"Bone is very unique. So when you're looking at bone, you're looking at two types of bone, one that is spongy and another that is compact."
"To draw good portraits, you have to know [the anatomy of a human head, its proportions and construction] and to draw what you know."
"Remember, the neck is an extension of the spine here."
"Your knee joint is the biggest joint in your body and it's really a remarkable structure."
"I personally love the flow of this arm, the line here going into the hand, it captures that gesture of the character really well."
"The absolute best way to study anatomy...is actually seeing the anatomy in real life in the cadaver."
"Understand your comparative anatomy, because once you memorize the different parts of the body, the main parts, the scapula, the upper arm, lower arm, and rib cage, all those different parts, then you're going to understand from animal to animal how they vary."
"Anatomy is a joy. It's a ton of work because there's a lot of material to cover, but it's fun, it's enjoyable, and it's not super hard."
"Suppose you were presented with an assembly of the bones of a human body and you were told to put them together in the right relationship."
"You really nailed the fingers here, I love how you can see, you know, the depth and like the plates of his fingers."
"Men have a sleep button located right below our naval."
"I was with Tony you bid Adama what all the body parts are in our Cup."
"This is called the Circle of Willis, it connects the right carotid system with the left carotid system."
"The advantage of this ring is that the posterior communicating artery is a connection between the interior circulation and posterior circulation."
"Middle cerebral artery moves laterally through the lateral sulcus, supplying the superlateral area."
"Foot area supplied by anterior cerebral artery; arm and trunk by middle cerebral."
"The neck protrudes out from it and then the head is like this, see? So the neck protrudes forward because the torso tilts backward and then the hips tilt forward."
"Studying art is doing pages of anatomy studies in a Sketchbook."
"Your tongue is the only muscle that doesn't join two bones."
"If I were to shove my finger up my nose that is still the external environment."
"Your abs kind of stick out which you can realize it would be bad for your lower back but also what's happening is you're stretching out your abs just like you're stretching out your bicep."
"Understanding the different aspects of liver anatomy and function helps in grasping its complex metabolic processes."
"Once these blood vessel branches are produced, they cannot go away."
"Having the tiniest brain attached to the most robust cranium and jaw is a bit surprising."
"Poop is a 3D representation of the diameter of your butthole over time."
"The sac that you can see this tissue here is called the pericardial sac. It's kind of like we've cut it so it's like a little bit of a Valentine's present that you could open up and see what's inside, so... are you ready?"
"You can see the heart truly sitting in the sac — it's so awesome!"
"The human knee takes a ton of abuse over the course of a day."
"Tendons are there to help generate movement, ligaments are there to help limit or prevent or define the movement."
"The ACL prevents the tibia from sliding forward in relation to the femur."
"Coordination: the cerebellum's perfect blueprint for movement."
"Some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary."
"Elbows are impossible to remember, like what are they?"
"The High Pull hits middle delts, rear delts, and traps for shoulder girdle strength."
"Even within the most simple cartoons, there's intelligent decision-making and correct anatomy."
"The legs need to learn to turn properly so the sacrum can remain spacious."
"And potentially trim that and alongside that also you can see how her nostrils are almost little slits."
"The anatomy and physiology of all this is you have to know what inside and out to hit the right muscle groups and hit the right spots."
"Your belly button is a reminder of the location that once connected you to your mom."
"It's one thing to have an understanding of where the anatomy goes, it's a whole other thing to be able to actually use that anatomy in a dynamic way in a drawing."
"I wouldn't be so sure, he delivers crushing blows so he must be very knowledgeable about Anatomy."
"Woodpeckers' shock-absorbing skulls inspired mechanical shock absorption systems."
"Anatomy and physiology are essential to understanding the human body."
"The surface area of both lungs is equal to about the same size as a tennis court. Wow!"
"The ventral root and the dorsal root come together and fuse."
"Your core is way bigger than we might think—it includes your obliques, low back, serratus, and hip flexors."
"The central portion of the disc is called the nucleus pulposus..."
"You can tell that this artist was referencing a human skeleton but obviously this doesn't look like a human skeleton."
"The muscles are also segmented right in this picture you can kind of get a sense of it right here each of these was a separate somite."
"It's counterintuitive that capillary beds are composed of arterioles so tiny that blood cells go through close to single file."
"Character artists don't have a choice. Anatomy is one of the most important skills."
"All we're working with here are cylinders for the entire body."
"It's incredibly easy when you know your Anatomy to create a figure that looks believable."
"Remembering anatomy? Draw grids from memory and train like a workout."
"There is no such thing as lower abs. Your abdominal muscles are one big panel to run from top to bottom."
"This space in between the pineal gland and the pituitary gland has actually been called the Crystal Palace by Daoists."
"Absolutely nothing that I've discussed changes just because the figure is male or very round or very muscular or extremely short. Angles and proportion, okay? Always."
"Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium is found on the skin, resistant to injury and abrasions."
"The part of your brain that's responsible for vision is in the back of your head."
"Dragons have four independent legs folks, that's what we're talking about."
"The lymphatic system serves several functions."
"Understanding of the anatomy, understanding of solidity of forms... try to push the pose."
"Knowing your functional anatomy will definitely help your manual technique."
"Thinking about legs as having a taper shape makes drawing easier."
"Doing figure studies just really helps you get the flow of a body down first before focusing on like details."
"The way the heart works is absolutely mind-boggling."
"Anatomy is crucial in the study of dinosaurs and other extinct animals."
"Your eyebrows stop sweat from running directly into your eyes. Your skin there and the shape of your bones also work together to direct the sweat towards the sides of your face."
"When combining the front side and rear heads, the delts are the largest muscle in terms of volume of the upper body."
"Did you know the whale has two bones in his flipper and they're called the radius and the ulna, same as ours? Wow."
"Nobody has argued that forelimb structures are homologous because the bones have the same names. Labels only exist for the purpose of streamlining communication."
"The largest nerve in your body, known as the vagus nerve..."
"Moving up towards the buttock or into the center back."
"The surface area of the lungs is about the same size as a tennis court."
"Just because it's cartoon or anime, you still gotta have anatomy."
"His studies of the human body were revolutionary and became the foundation of modern anatomy."
"If my palms are facing each other, I can line them up so the thumb and pinky meet, so they’re mirror images."
"It is correlated with differences you know the shoulders are built differently the forearms are longer in men relatively uh relative to overall size in women that that difference is evident prenatally."
"It's really important in a base mesh to have the ears at an angle because you mainly speak to people in front of you."
"Octopuses have three hearts and blue blood."
"Johan Blumenbach, a German anatomist from the 18th century."
"There is a real third eye in your body, it's called the pineal gland."
"The highlights and shadows are positioned on an animal's face or body are never random."
"We've got 60,000 miles worth of blood vessels packed into the average adult body."
"Every rule has exceptions, especially when we're talking about unusual anatomy or unusual accessory pathways."
"On which part of the body do your hands rest when you stand with your arms akimbo?"
"Everyone's brain and spinal cord consist of nerves and the nerves are lined by a protective barrier called the myelin sheath."
"These anterior SCM muscles are a big thing because it can really make a huge difference to get you feeling better."
"One thing I really enjoy about their work is that they pay attention to the drawings and the basic structure and anatomy of the face before they even start painting."
"It's movement, just like for humans, that causes the layers of the fascia to glide against each other helped by the hyaluronic acid."
"It's a real monster with an incredibly complex anatomy."
"The radial pulse is located in the wrist right beneath the thumb."
"When we have a rotator cuff tear, we have a detachment of the tendon from bone."
"Your body is a series of muscles that are stacked on top of each other in layers."
"Shoulders are designed to move and they suffer if they don't get enough movement."
"The architecture of our bodies is designed to withstand our weight under the forces of gravity."
"Your skull isn't a single bone; it actually consists of 28 different bones, many of which are fused together to protect your brain."
"Eyes are fragile and need protection, so the reflex that protects them needs to be as fast as lightning. These muscles can shut the eyelids in less than a tenth of a second."
"It's impossible to calculate how many combinations of colors the human eye sees, but it's about 1 million combinations on average."
"Why do we get stress fractures in the foot, specifically the fifth metatarsal? Let's dive in."
"There are tendon-like structures getting pulled to move the joints."
"After you get past the skin and it goes to your muscle, it's past the blood vessels."
"Posterior tibialis decelerates pronation."
"I know a lot of concealers claim to be creaseless, but there are some of us that crease no matter what concealer we use because of our anatomy. I am one of those people."
"The vagina is home to billions of bacteria that make up your vaginal microbiome."
"Boobs are designed to be free and bounce, and living without a bra can also promote healthy, firm breasts."
"Bro, if my [__] opens big enough to let a fish in, I got another problem."
"Isabelle's vital organs become visible."
"When your long head is big, it actually passes the shoulders."
"The thigh bone is a bone from the leg, it seems nearly a yard long."
"The thigh bone is the largest bone in your body, I think."
"The most important and complex organ in the human body can only receive blood from the most vulnerable part of the human body."
"In terms of worse anatomy, The Nest delivers."
"Your intestines know what shape they're supposed to be in and can move themselves."
"By being shorter on average than men, women have less distance between their heart and brain."
"Uterus is naturally curly fried shaped, I don't know much about women, but yes."
"The small intestine has projections called Villi that provide a large surface area."
"...so again if we're looking at structure muscle building capacity muscle bellies insertions he probably had more more stuff going than any other bodybuilder of all time..."
"Derek's torso is superior to anybody in the sport."
"If you were potty trained too soon, you've got a tight sphincter muscle."
"From its bone-crushing jaws to its long, muscular tail, when you witness a prehistoric-looking creature like this in action, it's not hard to recognize the similarities it shares with something like Tyrannosaurus rex."
"Heads are heavy so almost no one holds the head upright all of the time unless they're you know a soldier in a parade we all hold our heads slightly on one side and it's really important to get that right from the beginning of your drawing."
"The lips are kind of fairly close to the nose."
"Now it's important to understand when you're looking at facial anatomy, the skull and the muscles are good for finding particular points, particular markers."
"Teeth are the only living heart tissues extending beyond the entire body."
"The oral cavity is part of the entire body, and teeth are the most fascinating organs."
"In some cases, the bullet has enough power to penetrate the skull, but not enough to exit out the back."
"There's no more than one origin and one insertion of a muscle."
"And you know what veins have in them? Veins have blood in them."
"There are more muscles in the trunk of an elephant than there are in the entire human body."
"I genuinely don't care if you want to draw anime or like a Steven Universe kind of cartoon style you need to understand anatomy and nma is I think the best resource online to teach that to you."
"The feet are a replicant of the body itself."
"Why have men got nipples? We don't need them. Women don't have a fake knob."
"The glomerular filtration barrier is supposed to be very very important and being able to regulate what leaves the blood and enters into this space here The Bowman space."
"The spines and ribs are attached to shells."
"From the first underwater breathing to the food to the hiccups implies that under the hood of the car, both literally and figuratively, they posses internal organs like lungs, stomachs, and diaphragms in addition to their car engines."
"...classification process of all the different connective tissue types."
"So if you understand like the underlying bone structure and musculature of the face, it tends to get a little easier."
"...we see this nice big thick wall right there over here this is our left ventricle all right here our right ventricle is going to be here it's very small on this image compared to the left ventricle definitely not as thick walled..."
"Anatomically speaking, this is the worst posture, the worst position that you can sleep in throughout the night."
"The spleen is the elephant graveyard for red blood cells."
"So if you remember nothing else from today, remember the importance of your big toe pad, okay, and how important this is for push-off, for activating your posterior chain into your glutes, to help you with walking."
"Abnormal spinal alignment may result from trauma or repetitive strain."
"Sometimes when people have really tight calf muscles or their ankles are just tight people with high arches sometimes have really stiff dorsiflexion they won't be able to keep their feet totally flat all the way down."
"The frontal plane—it's got the shape of a paper plane, but not just any paper plane."
"So it's kind of in the name there, the bi meaning two, so we typically look at two heads when looking at the bicep, so the short head and the long head."
"Remember the pleura is the thin membrane covering the lungs and lines the inside of the chest wall."
"Despite all we think we know about human anatomy, scientists literally discovered a new organ just this year completely by accident!"
"Researchers at the Netherlands Cancer Institute were using special scanning techniques to investigate a patient and found a new set of salivary glands in the upper part of the throat that they hadn't known about before."
"The most satisfying place to scratch on the human body is the ankle, which produces sensation similar to having sex."
"The human nose never stops growing."
"Dinosaurs wagged their tails side to side as they walked."
"The Carnotaurus had a tail vertebrae pointed sideways in bony projections that grew out and upward in sharp sickle-shaped designs."
"oh my God it's even got that is the bone structure of of a vagina"
"To become a physician, you have to take anatomy, and that means you have to conduct an autopsy."
"Megalosaurus was generally a robust and heavily muscled animal."
"He just wouldn't have two spinal cords."
"you do have some posable Fingers um the index finger is on a hinge at the base and a hinge right there and the other three fingers are just on a hinge at the base and a hinge right there but those are just one piece so you got some nice posable fingers there"
"A human eye resembles a car engine. Both of them need liquid for good lubrication. The engine needs oil, and the eye needs tears."
"A grown-up person uses around 200 muscles to make just one step."
"Your skull consists of 28 different bones, many of which are fused together to protect your brain."
"The vagina is normally acidic, which helps to keep bacteria at bay. Adding alkaline products can disrupt the balance and lead to infections."
"Humans are the only animals with chins."
"Octopuses have three hearts. One heart pumps blood throughout the body, and the other two send that blood to the animal's gills."
"Human limbs don't bend or move that way."
"For small figures, we're just looking at the proportion between the shoulders and the crotch..."
"...for mediumsized figures, we're adding the neck, shoes, and hands, adding a bit more detail to the figure."
"...for large figures, we're taking a bit more time...main thing is to get the top section of the body as three heads and the bottom section as three heads."
"Most people have 12 pairs of ribs, but one in 200 people has an additional 25th rib. It's called cervical and forms at the base of the neck above the collarbone."
"The eye is like a camera. Images come in, they're bent by the cornea first, then bent again by the lens, and then they focus hopefully on the retina."
"The cuticle layer is your front door, creating a barrier between the outside world and the cortex, where all the magic happens."
"So this is going to be the inside of the foot, I'm bringing it in a similar outward direction like this but I'm going to have a little bit more of a bump on it which will indicate that ankle bone portion."
"If we minimize it, because this is where we're going is anatomy, right?"
"You'll find almost any woman you know will have proportionally narrower torso and more limber arms than a brother her same height."
"A meniscus absorbs 70 to 90 percent of the force that goes through your knee joint."
"It's just the shape of the skull leaves a shelf where you might expect there to be cheeks but relatives of this animal tell us that probably we would not see cheeks at least not the way that mammals have cheeks."
"A person's nails and hair continue to grow after death."
"I think like your butt cheeks are like closer together too"
"Anatomy does not seem to pose any necessary limits to the possibilities of gender."
"One of the things that I would most like to see with drapanasaurus is more studies on how its muscles worked."
"We have this incredible muscle in the center of our bodies connected to this circulatory system that's constantly working for us, pumping this nutrient and oxygen-rich blood across our bodies into our vital organs to give us this experience of life."