
Universal Value Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"If we had one gift we could give to everybody it would be the love of fitness."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Will is the most important skill in the universe, it's more important than everything else."
"Please take care of yourself and take care of others because we all deserve it, we really, really do."
"Every human being has value, then that means that every human being deserves to be protected no matter how small, no matter how early."
"Everybody should be treated like they are a celebrity. Everybody is special, regardless how many followers they have."
"The only important thing is the respect of life."
"Communication is the key for everything and everyone."
"First of all, congratulations to all the contestants for making it this far and doesn't matter who wins today, you're all a winner in my heart."
"Health Care is number one, everyone believes in it."
"Peace is the most important thing, we all deserve peace."
"Every single person in this world has a gift within them."
"The difference between gold and silver and anything else is simply that it's more universally accepted and it doesn't have a shelf life."
"All I know is that trust is the most important word in any language."
"Knowledge of this is revered in every culture."
"The truth can go a long way and that's with anybody."
"Everyone has something they could teach you."
"Curiosity and learning are universally beneficial, which is why education is one of the primary goals."
"Being happy, right? Agreed. And that should be the important thing for everyone."
"Empathy is like the key to the world. It's like the key to everything."
"Hope all of you find love, romantic or otherwise."
"Bitcoin will be a universal language of economic truth."
"The world would be a better place if everyone played Minecraft."
"As long as you're showing love, that's all that matters."
"Every single person in our society is worth saving."
"To find the greatest treasure on earth, seek love—the bridge that joins the shores of distant hearts."
"There's only one love that matters, and it's unconditional love."
"I always tell everyone they're a 10. so I think everyone's a 10 out of 10."
"There's no such thing as a human being who doesn't deserve to live."
"Love expands, ultimately what's not lovable in this world?"
"Every life matters, every culture matters, every life has value."
"Every life matters, every individual human being matters."
"Peace and Harmony is always good for people."
"Empathy is the one gift in the world that fits every time."
"Romance is the life force of the universe and is a worthwhile goal."
"What is wrong is all life not being valued. The lives of grass, of humans, of animals, of flowers are all valuable."
"All lives matter equally because we are all human beings."
"Every single fucking person matters, no matter who you are, no matter where you come from, you matter."
"Letting emotion and connection guide us to view all life as equally Worthy."
"Life is the most important phenomenon we have in the universe."
"Kindness matters. It can be a small act of kindness or a big act of kindness, but kindness matters."
"A human is a human, period. What difference does it make?" - Reiteration of the universal value of human life.
"Our gifts are here to contribute to life and beauty on earth and maybe beyond."
"You're always worthy, no matter where you are in life."
"Loss of life is tragic under any circumstance."
"Just because you don't have kids doesn't mean this is not going to be valuable."
"Freedom is a solution for everybody because even animals understand the value of being free."
"All people matter to God, no matter how society marginalizes them."
"Love ultimately will matter more to us than anything in the world."
"It's time for people to have to just to build a little bit more of a bridge to the other side because we're almost there." - Kevin Hassett
"Everything has some value, even the dumbest guy out there has something to teach you."
"Everybody is beautiful, everybody on this Earth deserves to be loved."
"For me, it's kindness. Being kind to one another, that's for children and for grown-ups."
"Everybody deserves to be happy at some point."
"Respect is real, it's life, it don't have no color to it, all nationalities deal with it and use it."
"Peace, everybody should have peace."
"It's all about respect, man. Anywhere you go, it's about respect."
"What was rapidly ethnocentric is now saluted as part of the heritage of all mankind."
"...everyone deserves hope, everyone deserves something better."
"Love is love, and you've got to let love thrive. The world would be a better place if everyone was in love."
"This should happen every day actually for everybody because this is like the basis of peace."
"Love is the most important thing in the universe."
"The dignity of all persons shall be inviolable."
"I can find something to appreciate in any form of art."
"Now in the core of my being, I know how sacred life is, and not just human life, all life."
"No one deserves to be forgotten because I think that's something everybody should remember always."
"No matter if you're an office worker, construction worker, a neurosurgeon, or whatever it is that you do, I'm sure that your hands are worth protecting."
"We live in a universe of value, and all things will be perfected in their own way."
"All human lives matter because all life is sacred."
"I respect everybody the same, bro."
"I believe that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness."
"Honor all men, which meant put a value on every human in your life."
"Treating people nicely is something that every religion preaches."
"The search for Consciousness or the experience of Consciousness is bound into the pattern of gradually decreasing selfishness and the gradual elevation of universal value above personal value."
"Every single person in the world will benefit and get value from utilizing this. That we finally have a currency that can be traded to any single point on the planet is pretty incredible."
"Cleanliness, just being clean, that's something that should never change."
"Being kind and nice in difficult situations, I think it's not only for gymnasts, I think it's for everybody, for humans."
"Every life on this planet matters and is sacred."
"Bring love into the situation, whatever you do, don't forget about love is the most important and vital energy in the universe."
"The judgment reveals to the whole universe the importance of every life, the value of every life, the sanctity of every life."
"Remember, every single one of you are loved and matter in this world."
"Everyone deserves to be protected."