
Fitness Quotes

There are 27640 quotes

"If we had one gift we could give to everybody it would be the love of fitness."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most true answer there is it depends on the goal. What is optimal for strength is diametrically opposed to what's optimized for hypertrophy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Fitness is vitally important for cardiovascular health, for strength, for endurance, for lifespan, for healthspan."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting in shape was like one of my escapes. It was the thing that I did to make myself feel significant."
"Regular aerobic activity in that max fat burning zone... people who do that on a regular basis have lower visceral fat."
"There isn't a single thing that can improve every aspect of your life like just becoming more fit and healthy."
"The main conversation is how can I develop a relationship with exercise and nutrition that lasts forever."
"If you're someone who has decided that this fitness thing is your hobby and that you want to spend hours into it because it makes you stronger physically but also mentally, that is a net positive."
"If you are happy and fulfilled while you pursue your dream of fitness, you would likely get much higher chances of accomplishing whatever it is you want."
"The cool thing about the CrossFit Games is that you never know exactly what the test is going to be."
"Getting fit is a process. What I found was, suddenly, after about a month, I thought, 'I'm not tired in the afternoons anymore.'"
"Physical fitness is the first step to Greatness."
"As long as I don't quit, I will build my dream body."
"Training is a fine line between doing too little and doing too much."
"Become a better person, be cooler, be better, get richer, and get fit."
"CrossFit is like staying healthy even when you're getting older."
"It's a great time to get started, to set some goals, and commit to your health and fitness."
"Working out creates physical discomfort, but through the process of that discomfort, one is made stronger."
"Workouts and mental health... I truly believe in that so much."
"It's not about quick fixes... it's about working out sustainably."
"Anabolics don't shred fat off. If you eat too much, you're gonna stay fat. You can't get shredded without actually putting in the work."
"Amir Khan's body transformation in 2016 is nothing short of incredible."
"There are no fat burners, no pre-workouts, no detox teas, just hard work and consistency."
"The abs are always there; they're just behind a bunch of tacos and tequila."
"Building muscle is much more difficult than maintaining it."
"It's like going to the gym, you know? You don't go work out at the gym one day for six hours and then don't work out for a month. It's like, you go every day for 40 minutes, 45 minutes, an hour, whatever, but you go consistently, and soon, you get ripped."
"Not only is this exercise great for the pulling portion of the muscle up, it's also great for the transition as well as the pushing."
"Working the negative as well as the concentric, that's gonna make you progress way faster."
"Once you take the weight vest off, you're gonna be flying and performing like a real athlete."
"These are the three best exercises that you can do for your muscle up."
"Dear past me, I'm in a very old age now... but I am still very fit and very active for someone of my age."
"This tendency to survive and reproduce is called fitness."
"The Planche pushup is one of the best at building stronger and bigger shoulders, combining isometrics and isotonic, which optimizes muscle development."
"The 90-degree handstand pushup takes compound exercises to a whole new level, utilizing almost every muscle of your body."
"The Victorian is basically an isometric Rear Delt Fly but can also be isotonic if you rep it out with raises."
"So there you have it, the best five exercises you can do for your shoulders using only your own body weight."
"When you work out, it releases an endorphin. When you wake up, you work out, you accomplish something. It's like then you're ready for the day."
"The compliance with this three hours per week of cardiovascular training was very high, 85% of individuals engaged in these sessions across the six-month period of the study."
"Sam clearly loves training, probably more than any fitness influencer that I'm aware of."
"Most of the research, including that done by Mike Israel, says that doing one to three reps from failure, that's all you need to stimulate muscle growth."
"The truth is, most people don't train hard enough. I watch them work out, and I'm thinking, 'If they would only push harder, they would get greater gains.'"
"The only way you're going to start to improve your physique and get to the point where you feel more comfortable in your own skin is to build the muscle in the first place."
"The squat isn't just one exercise; it's a type of exercise with many subdivision exercises in it that you can use as variations."
"How do we determine optimal training volume for an individual?"
"It's the least amount of volume you can do and actually make gains over time."
"You might train with three or four reps in reserve and maybe do four or five sets."
"And they're doing all kinds of hard but not all kinds of smart."
"We should be engaging in some exercise that we are not already doing."
"Hit workouts are fat burners, and you're going to get your heart rate up and also get your steps in."
"Weightlifting has changed so much for me... it's really changed my mindset overall."
"Fitness has taught me to love my body from the inside out."
"It's very hard to build an all-around muscular, visually appealing physique without getting really strong on a handful of key exercises."
"Anyone can get a body that they're happy with."
"Resistance training can actually improve muscle strength and muscle size at any age."
"Gyms are incredible. I love gyms... it is truly an incredible vessel for self-improvement."
"Endurance hugely improves if fat is reduced... your endurance is going to go through the roof."
"Lift weights. The reason why you want to lift weights or do strength training is because that is the most effective, loudest muscle building type signal that you can send your body."
"If we can prioritize muscle, we can change the trajectory of aging."
"This timing works out really well because you are now your leanest precisely when the temperature is, as they say in the British Isles, 'hotting up'."
"The presidential pump epic classical workout playlist... that is such a funny thing."
"Luxury gyms such as Lifetime and Equinox are strategically integrating weight loss clinics and specialized exercise programs for individuals prescribed with GLP-1 medication."
"Fitness Street: where you come not just to train, but to transform."
"Walking is enough. Like I saw my biggest weight loss progress when I was just walking."
"There's something about you getting physically fit and getting healthy that's actually opening up your psychic eye."
"There's incremental change that does happen to people who take a small amount of time at the gym on a regular basis."
"The common goal has always been to give people accessibility to fitness."
"Have a family, make money, get in shape, start exercising. All of these things will make you stronger and more powerful."
"You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like."
"Now Fitness gets some updates as well, specifically if you're using Apple Fitness Plus."
"The workouts themselves are not actually when the progress occurs; the adaptation occurs away from the experience or the learning."
"You cannot grow muscle unless you rip them first. This is growth."
"Enjoyment of training is crucial because people who enjoy their training tend to stick to their programs better."
"Progressive overload is, I believe, the single most important factor driving hypertrophic adaptations."
"You don't get better on the daggone couch; you get better by coming out here and getting after it every daggone day."
"I'm dedicated to losing this weight. I'm going to have a beach body like no other by May 5th."
"It's so important... to get in good shape. It will be one of the most rewarding things that you have done."
"Strength is the mother quality of all physical qualities."
"Not everyone can be skinny, but everyone can be strong."
"I'm all about having perfect form, perfect technique, which is heavy weight as I possibly can to get the most out of the muscle."
"Strength and flexibility are both important attributes for fitness, sports, athleticism, and even longevity."
"If you're delaying gratification and going to the gym, you're not doing it for your current life, you're just stacking it up for the future."
"Your goal is to build muscles that are equally good at both tasks and can transition easily between a contracted state and a lengthened state."
"If you don't go to the gym, just dance it out. Just dance it out, and that works."
"If you eat like a bodybuilder, have the mindset of a bodybuilder, go to the gym like a bodybuilder, eventually, you will become a bodybuilder."
"Self-defense is not just a physical struggle; it's a mindset. Keep your body strong, keep your body healthy. Stay fighting fit for as long as you can."
"Do not rely on other people for your fitness journey. It's a personal thing."
"Just do it. There are going to be days where you don't want to, but you have never regretted a workout."
"One minute of plank, then as many push-ups as you can, then burpees for a minute."
"I don't have a goal weight. When I get the body that I want, that'll be my goal weight."
"For hypertrophy purposes, resistance training should be performed in a way that maximizes stress on the target muscle."
"Minimum effective volume is the least amount of volume required to start building some amount of muscle mass."
"It is certainly possible to achieve long-term muscle growth with substantially less time and effort than what is deemed optimal."
"The most important thing, in my opinion, for changing body composition is total calories that we're taking in and then, of course, the type of training that you're doing."
"Great job on sticking till the end. I hope you had a great workout."
"Once you've been in shape before, getting back into shape is profoundly easier."
"Fitness is a way of life. One day you realize that you want to change your life, you want to be in perfect shape, you want to look attractive and sexy."
"Cardio, even on a bulk, is highly beneficial."
"Big biceps and big chest may boost the ego, but when you get further along in life, your health and wellness really depend on how fit your heart and lungs are."
"The only thing you have to realize of all ages is just to choose the weight right for yourself."
"If I walked in the house looking all fit, then you would just say, 'Hey babe, you look jacked,' or would you say, 'Hey baby, you look snatched?'"
"Building muscle is what's speeding up your metabolism and giving you the fat-burning machinery that you want for sustainable fat loss."
"It's far more important to go to the gym every day for 20 minutes than it would be to go to the gym once a month for three hours."
"The more muscle you have on your body, the more calories your body will burn naturally."
"Lifting heavy weights not your 10 to 12 reps, you know, lift your heavy four to six reps type weights, and you will just get in really good shape and lose weight a lot faster."
"I didn't go to the gym five times a week so Brad would look at me and be like 'Oh, yeah. She's fit. I want to f_ck her.' No!!! I don't care!!"
"I enjoy keeping myself fit and strong, both physically and mentally."
"I am committed to maintaining my health and fitness, recognizing it as a top priority in my life."
"Forget about trying to take the short route. Nobody gets fit in five minutes."
"Please leave fitness and getting healthy out of the polarization we see in every aspect of American life."
"One of the best ways to get fit is to have a goal."
"So in the case of body weight training, the goal should be a harder, advanced exercise that you're progressing to."
"It's not to discourage you, it's to make sure that you're maintaining a state of progression and seeing results."
"And if you never start trying and training these progressions, you're never gonna reach those advanced exercises."
"I didn't have my mojo. I realized there were things I did in my normal life that gave me mental fitness, and because I wasn't doing those, I was suffering mental ill health."
"I've started like a men's workout group... I've never felt so in touch with my ancestors."
"I lost five pounds, which wasn't a lot, but I went down three pant sizes...I suddenly had abs."
"A busy schedule shouldn't mean sacrificing your health and fitness goals."
"Judge yourself not by whether you attain the shape but always by the quality of your effort."
"Pay attention to fitness because you realize its value when you are young, you take so many things for granted."
"There were the guys that said, that's bullshit, you can absolutely build muscle over 40 and because they did it."
"The skill is finding what speed on the treadmill actually works for you."
"Just get moving. Whether that's walking, whether that's incorporating some of my training curriculum, but don't let yourself get intimidated by the possibility of getting in better shape."
"I love when there's like certain comic book characters that are actually working out and doing the best to get as strong."
"I've learned what I know about the gym from YouTubers...there are infinite perspectives that I can study and become my own personal trainer and my own personal expert."
"I lost about two or three inches on my waist as well, and I could definitely say that this was a successful cut so far."
"I was in unbelievable shape and it's crazy because looking back I never thought I was, and I was still just super insecure."
"The reason I do a five-minute workout is because I can never say to myself, 'You don't have time for five minutes.'"
"I dedicated my life to follow the latest trends in fitness and no matter what I did, I could not whip my body into shape."
"I have a good cardio. Yeah, I can compete with anybody."
"Specificity means that to get a certain outcome in training, you need to train for it."
"Strength is not just a quality of the body but it is a skill."
"Effective reps are actually training the muscle fibers to a point where they might have to adapt."
"This is where you really want to invest some time. We can start to build some strength."
"Periodization means that your training is changing over time, which we want because if you keep giving your body the same stimulus it's already adapted to, then it'll stop making adaptations."
"This review article on Tabata training concluded improvements of both aerobic and anaerobic energy releasing systems after Tabata training are comparable to those provided by conventional aerobic and anaerobic training, including other types of HIT."
"You can't outwork a bad diet. If you're still not seeing the progress that you want, focus on what you're eating."
"If you're fit, you will enjoy the ride way more... the fact that I can ride 60 miles at a decent pace to go see the world's largest tree and never even feel fatigued... that's amazing."
"You've just finished Fitness Blenders indoor cycling workout."
"I always do a little extra, I always go the extra inch, and the quickest and easiest place to do it is the gym."
"Higher intensity efforts will get you fitter faster, but they'll also lead to a plateau faster."
"All of us have probably thought about losing fat at some point, and maybe you're even thinking about it now with the new year upon us."
"Weight lifting is especially important for women as we age."
"The beauty is that health matters are so important for all of us. Like, I have five children. I try and stay fit and healthy, and I have an incentive in being healthy and accessing some longevity."
"The single most important thing you could possibly do is resistance training."
"If you want to follow a comprehensive workout where it's all in there... that's all included in this."
"Sets of 20 to 30 reps are great for hypertrophy training with isolations and machines where you can lock in your technique."
"For showing off how strong you really are, if you never do singles, doubles, and triples, you're not really doing your best."
"Symmetry and balance, they are essential for a body that looks amazing and moves well."
"All I did were all unilateral stuff... for like four months, five months of just pure lower body unilateral training."
"The goal when we're lifting weights is to get stronger and get bigger."
"We need healthy, fit role models in society."
"Be the healthiest version of yourself; for everybody, that is a fit, lean body."
"You can't fake strength training; this is tough stuff."
"You are strength training for life so you can be one strong woman."
"Horizontal pulling, which tends to look like pulling into the wall, is a critical move in climbing and something that often gets overshadowed by pull-ups."
"Pretty much all strength training should be done as fast as possible as long as you're maintaining form."
"Virtually all serious climbers should have some flavor of supplementary grip training in their program."
"Going through like a fitness transformation, losing a ton of weight like that, and like changing your identity is really similar to becoming someone who's successful in business."
"With great booty comes great responsibility."
"Very proud of you, EJ. Doing good on the working out, doing amazing on the channel."
"As of 2020, incline benches have officially been shown to result in superior upper chest hypertrophy compared to flat and decline benches."
"The bench press places high tension on the entire pec throughout the full range of motion."
"Weight training...has a great value not only for muscle mass but for health as well."
"Being healthy and being fit are two very different things."
"Training and diet are instrumental in making DK the monster that he is."
"CrossFit Games athletes have healthy bodies. What most people do when they see those athletes is go, 'No way. You can't look like that Adonis, you can't look like that type of a fitness model without being unhealthy, without taking performance-enhancing drugs.' I've seen firsthand that you can."
"It's been a decade and a half of people training this way: constantly varied functional movements at high intensity. There's a magic to that."
"The journey of self-improvement and achieving one's goals can be pursued in many different ways, with or without the use of steroids."
"There's something you can learn from everyone, regardless of their path or choices in their fitness journey."
"Our haters never talk about all the helpful financial content that we give, all the helpful fitness content that we give."
"Pushing yourself in the gym is actually really easy; the hard thing is the discipline to control your meals, your sleep, and the routine."
"LGN is Look Good Naked, and it's just this idea that one of the things that we are seeking is we want to look good naked."
"Find something that you enjoy... because if you don't like going to the gym, then don't go to the gym."
"You don't necessarily have to become this fitness god... all I want is to be healthy, to move my body."
"I lifted weights for 20 years and got paid for it."
"Remember, there are no secrets, there's nothing magical here whatsoever."
"Having a personal trainer means having someone in your corner to guide, motivate and optimize your fitness routine based on your specific needs and goals."
"I myself have got to admit that I've always loved being tested and assessed on my level of fitness in the army."
"If you're going to spend a huge amount of money on something, at least with the Peloton, you're investing that money into yourself and your health."
"I really liked the instructors, and for me, that was like the biggest part of the experience."
"If you're wanting to make a change in your life and get physically fit, that's a decision you'll never regret."
"A good personal trainer can absolutely help a ton and might take years off of your learning curve."
"If you're looking to maximize gains, we've kind of pin two minutes as a good rest interval for compound movements like squats, rows, presses."
"I think this is like a big moment for the country. Do we have a president who is fit to serve as leader of the free world?"
"Ronaldo takes a number of steps to maintain his remarkable physique."
"I don't go to the gym because I'm self-conscious about my body. But, I'm conscious about my body because I don't go to the gym. Irony can be so painful."
"Higher frequencies of training usually result in better muscular adaptations, more muscle."
"If you want to have a good, nice looking, well-sculpted physique, you got to have nice, broad, round shoulders. They're the pinnacle of your physique."
"The rear delt is really gonna cause that 3D effect to pop out on your shoulders and your whole physique."
"Focus on the future, focus on that brand new dress, focus on being 10, 20, 30, 50, 100 pounds lighter. This workout will do that for you."
"It's important that you have proper form so that you get the results you're looking for."
"Healthy should be our goal, not ripped but healthy."
"Bodybuilding is all about the stretching and the contraction. It's not about throwing around weight."
"The most important thing for growth is having a pump. If you want to activate your chest and feel like you're having a really good workout, I always gauge it by the pump."
"The gym is literally the opposite of cheap dopamine. It is meaningful dopamine that you see through progress, effort, hard work, and you get results because of it."
"I'm really focusing on each muscle group, one specific exercise, and trying to push past my max every week."
"The first time I got really lean, I went from this to this. While you might look at this and think this is a really awesome result, I did absolutely everything wrong."
"Think of this as your practical guide to getting as lean as possible, no matter what your start point is."
"Your body will be sending out all sorts of hormones like leptin, ghrelin, cortisol, neuropeptide Y, and things I don't even understand in an effort to slow down the amount of body fat you lose as you get leaner, to protect you."
"It's not the most efficient...but you know what? This is what I've done and it works for me so I'm very happy with it."