
Immune Support Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"The gut microbiome are trillions of little microbacteria that support everything from our immune system to our hormone health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Boosts immunity: Cod liver oil is a natural source of vitamins A and D, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, these nutrients work together to enhance the immune system's ability to fight off harmful pathogens."
"Garlic can help boost your body's immune system."
"Start getting your immune system squared away. What I mean squared away, I mean start taking the elderberry syrups or zinc or whatever it is to strengthen your immune system now is the time."
"Ginger turmeric immune system boosting tea...keeps me healthy all winter long."
"Nutritional yeast reduces incidence of common cold."
"Quercetin reduces susceptibility to influenza infection."
"Vitamin C supplementation was safe and protected against acute respiratory tract infection."
"Reclaim your health and arm your immune system."
"Sleep, zinc, vitamin D. Get it together, keep it together."
"Regular exercise helps your immune system, proper nutrition, this means if man makes it, you don't eat it."
"Understanding these threats and supporting the immune system is a crucial part of tackling diseases during an outbreak."
"Once you start helping your body battle Epstein-Barr and start cleaning it up, that condition starts to go back to normal."
"It's going to boost your immune system, you know, it's going to make you feel so much better."
"Lemon helps in protecting our body against immune system deficiencies."
"Melatonin is vitally important for your immune system."
"You're cleaner kitchen that it doesn't build up, and that's what you are doing with your body when you are drinking these natural stuff. It's to help you to prevent certain things from damaging your immune system."
"Short chain fatty acids help in two very important ways one they provide a fuel for the epithelial cells and they provide a fuel to produce the antibodies."
"Use your fasting and then I want you to go over and let's use your let's use your food when you do open up that eating window to really power up your immune system."
"Bone broth is really good because it boosts your immune system."
"Social interactions, healthy relationships, exercise, microbiome support, and clean air, water, and food create a resilient and healthy immune system."
"So here are my four favorite supplements... vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and echinacea."
"It's the number one thing for your immune system to get rid of all the bad."
"Quercetin actually can help uh high-dose questions and can be very helpful for a master system also goes for a covent exactly exactly yeah yeah."
"Empower your immune system, make it strong to deal with whatever comes."
"Make sure you get plenty of rest, 7 hours of sleep, you need your energy, try some of the hot/cold contrast showers, and zinc and vitamin C and all these things to strengthen your immunity to fight Covid-19."
"Focus on gut health, nutrition, and lifestyle for immune support."
"Omega-3 fatty acids support an effective immune system."
"I can't overemphasize the power of vitamin D. Not only for against infections, it's a hormone."
"Simplifying immune system support: inexpensive and simple."
"Calcium is still the forgotten immune system nutrient and it's really a critical part of supporting phagocytosis, the white blood cells' immune defense mechanisms."
"Meat and dairy out of the diet, get the fiber up, get the antioxidants and polyphenols, get all the good stuff up and the immune system's gonna be so much stronger."
"A rainbow diet eating the colors, having lots of different types of plant fibers, it's absolutely essential to supporting our immune system."
"There are foods rich in certain nutrients like vitamin C and zinc and vitamin D that support our immune systems."
"According to ancient medicine, foods that are a certain color strengthen the immune system."
"Vitamin C rich foods and those light yellow color foods are probably the most immune boosting foods there are."
"Vitamin D can raise testosterone levels in men and helps with immune function."
"Oats... they're a great source of soluble fiber, we know that they contain compounds called beta glucans which support your immune system, and they're very satiating."
"The vitamin C content in strawberries not only fortifies the immune system but also stimulates collagen production."
"Bone broth is really good for your gut... 80 percent of the cells that make up your immune system live in your gut."
"Your practice will help relieve stress and boost your immune system."
"The turkey tail mushroom contains a couple of polysaccharides... those are the sort of active components of the mushroom that apparently have these immune stimulating properties."
"Dates are a rich source of nutrients that fortify the immune system."
"Every bite of this vibrant tuber is like giving your immune system a little pep talk."
"I felt more energized, I felt more focused, I was more regular, and I didn't get sick quite as often. Overall, I just felt good."
"Nutritional yeast: it's a vitamin B powerhouse, super good for you, and it's also good at helping to boost your immune system."
"Garlic is so amazing for your immune system because it promotes your white blood cells' ability to attack bacteria, funguses, viruses head on."
"Breast milk has been shown to increase IGA and the phytobacterium, which is associated with helping regulate GABA."
"Vaccines can help prime the immune system to attack pathogens early and quickly."
"You've just given yourself a beautiful 30 minute boost to your immune system."
"Chaga also has immune supporting properties... these beta glucans are water soluble, which is the reason why people use chaga tea or hot water extract of chaga for immune support."
"Propolis has a real supportive influence on the immune systems of individual bees."
"Pumpkin is a rich source of dietary fiber which aids in enhancing metabolism, promoting gut health, and boosting the immune system."
"Polysaccharides are long-chain sugars that support immune functions, nourish the skin, soothe inflammation, detoxify the body, and are a source of dietary fiber."
"Dates are packed with vitamin A and vitamin K, two of the immune system's best buddies."
"Keep your immune system up, doesn't matter where you're from, make sure you at least do that."
"The cooling teas would have an important role in assisting the immune system to fight that infection, which could assist in lowering our body temperature."
"The main benefit with the probiotic seems to be immune support."
"Lemon water is really good for your immune system."
"If you improve endothelial function, you can regulate blood flow, go wherever it needs to go, get the good stuff in, the bad stuff out, help the immune system fight its battles."
"Cruciferous vegetables significantly help reduce inflammation and support our immune system."
"Vitamin A has several functions: helping natural defense against illness and infection, and it's important for immunity."
"MSM supports joint health, cartilage, maximizes mobility, physical functions, and supports the immune system."
"Eat certain foods that are immune regulatory and immune beneficial."
"Elderberry juice is really good for your immune system."
"Now the zinc helps to the immune system."
"It's delicious, it builds your immune system, and it keeps you healthy."