
Strength Training Quotes

There are 1497 quotes

"The sleep's the way to get stronger provided you're also doing the training part."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Strength training is the number one tool to combat neuromuscular aging."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you can contract a muscle very hard to the point where it almost feels like it's cramping, chances are you'll be able to generate hypertrophy and strength gains pretty easily in that muscle."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Did you know there's a really fascinating experiment done on weight lifters? They lifted no weights for two weeks, they just sat there and visualized themselves lifting weights. They had a 13% increase in muscle mass."
"Daily life is a form of spiritual weight training. You don't lift any weights, you don't get stronger."
"Strength training is profoundly health-promoting and longevity-promoting."
"The best way, the most proven way to get your bench up if you are a poverty bencher is to just do a lot of it."
"Pause benching is a great exercise if you haven't included it in your training already; this is going to be a really easy way to up your bench game."
"It's very hard to build an all-around muscular, visually appealing physique without getting really strong on a handful of key exercises."
"Starting Strength and Practical Programming for Strength Training are two classics everyone into weightlifting should read."
"Lift weights. The reason why you want to lift weights or do strength training is because that is the most effective, loudest muscle building type signal that you can send your body."
"Strength training or resistance training is not just as good as cardiovascular activity for improving heart health, but studies actually show that it's superior."
"Always encourage clients like, 'Hey, if you like yoga, fine, like do yoga, but also lift weights. You have to lift weights.'"
"The job of the strength coach is to get the kids strong, not to get the kids strong for golf. The strength coach hands the golf coach a stronger golfer."
"Strength training is imperative for people as they age."
"Regular exercise can help boost testosterone levels, strength training in particular can be especially effective."
"I'm all about having perfect form, perfect technique, which is heavy weight as I possibly can to get the most out of the muscle."
"You can definitely increase flexibility and mobility with static stretching, but again it doesn't do as much for improving strength in that lengthened position and therefore isn't as effective at reducing the risk of injury."
"The only thing you have to realize of all ages is just to choose the weight right for yourself."
"There's a lot of ways to work out, a lot of ways to exercise your body, but one of them is superior to all the others when it comes to making your body look the best. I'm talking about aesthetics, and that's strength training, lifting weights."
"Only strength training allows you to target parts of your body, develop them, and literally change the way you look."
"Strength training... it's as close as you can get to being a sculptor."
"Proper form, proper tempo, proper mind-muscle connection, that's gonna yield you so much more muscular growth and strength gains."
"It's more important to get full range of motion and build strength over an entire range than it is to lift heavier."
"This isn't a fast, quick, fun routine. This is all about concentration, focusing on that form, making sure you're pushing your body to its max while still keeping clean form and full range of motion."
"My mission has always been to get a barbell in every woman's hands because I personally truly believe that strength training is key to a confident and successful life."
"Lifting is just plain badass...lifting heavy and feeling strong is really important for a woman to approach and experience. It breeds a whole new level of confidence."
"Your bones actually need some deadlifts. Lifting is really good for your bones."
"The research really couldn't be more clear: lifting will make you a faster cyclist."
"After you're done with a cycle of unilateral training, go back to your heavy barbell... watch what happens because not only did you not lose strength, you'll feel more stable."
"Strength training is the fountain of youth. It boosts your testosterone, your human growth hormone, all naturally."
"Cardio doesn't change your shape. Cardio burns calories, but so does strength training. Strength training changes the shape of your body."
"After the age of 40, we begin to lose 2% of our muscle fibers every single year continually unless you're actively building muscle."
"Consistency is absolutely key when it comes to strength training."
"If I can actually feel my body expressing, I can't spread and distribute the load towards that other side, think about how much more strength that's going to apply to your overall amount."
"The goal when we're lifting weights is to get stronger and get bigger."
"Strength training has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to stop or halt the progression of the beta amyloid plaques that are so associated with Alzheimer's."
"Strength training alone... showed a large study comparing cancer risk reducing cancer risk in different forms of exercise strength training blew all the other ones away."
"You can't fake strength training; this is tough stuff."
"One of the really major strength components in climbing is strong scapular scoop and engagement."
"Pretty much all strength training should be done as fast as possible as long as you're maintaining form."
"Strength training is not just about the physical aspect, it's about developing mentally and spiritually as well."
"If you're looking to maximize gains, we've kind of pin two minutes as a good rest interval for compound movements like squats, rows, presses."
"Muscle is like the organ of longevity. If you're not strong and if you don't have that strength, your frailty and chance of dying younger are much higher."
"You need a strong stimulus for that muscle to want to grow."
"Real strength calls for you to work on your body weight first – pull-ups, push-ups, and decline dips are the three most powerful workouts."
"The squat becoming so strong is a symptom of the training, not the objective of the training."
"Go eat liver, go lift heavy, learn the Barbarian, train the Barbarian, become the Barbarian."
"If you can do more than 10 pull-ups, you're officially doing really well for yourself vertical pulling strength-wise."
"It's a big deal. A lot of people... their pull-up ability skyrockets."
"Lifting weights, especially compound lifts... it's gonna change your life."
"Strength training, resistance training is fantastic not only for preventing and slowing down sarcopenia... it also builds bone density."
"Get really fucking strong and powerful and then also integrate the training into your actual sport."
"Lean body mass will always win over cardiovascular exercise in improving metabolic health."
"I was pretending to be a bodybuilder all those years. I was really a strength athlete."
"If you're a beginner, focus on form and getting stronger."
"Pin pressing to increase bench press: it absolutely works."
"Goku doesn't train for Pride or to defeat others, he simply just enjoys the process of getting stronger."
"Strength training three times a week minimum 20 minutes is the key to Health and Longevity."
"Once you build muscle it is a strong Foundation that will go a long way."
"The L-sit develops straight arm strength, translating to advanced calisthenics movements and reduced injury risk."
"Being in a Surplus, a quality Surplus or at least right a little bit above maintenance is allowing me to get my strength back put on more strength and like build quality tissue."
"Strength training until your performance falls below the strength intensity threshold."
"If trained properly in a structured program, the deadlift will be the most powerful exercise in your arsenal."
"One exercise that's the most value... car push is the lower body cardio animal for any sport or any activity."
"It's better to be get really good at that incline press because if your incline press goes up, you'll be strong in everything that involves pushing."
"Most your muscle growth is going to be the result of your strength level. If you can do 100-pound shoulder press for five reps, that's what's going to be the result of most your back muscle."
"The pull-up is the best exercise that you can do to build a big and powerful back."
"Honestly, building muscle is such an incredible thing to do for yourself. There's no better feeling than feeling strong."
"Ronnie took weight training strength to a whole another level."
"Even given the same number of sets... your total volume will be higher... you'll be stronger if you do a higher training frequency."
"Remember bulking isn't just about getting big it's also about getting strong it's also about increasing those 1 rep max is right not exactly because"
"Rock climbing produces some of the strongest fingers and grip strength on the planet."
"The only way to preserve [neuromuscular function] or fight that loss of aging is to strength train."
"If you're somebody that's already lifting and you're somebody that's into training you will notice that you will get leaner."
"The man's lifts are like Ronnie Coleman lifts, exactly!"
"If you're amazing at the strength moves super quick under the bar and weightlifting can do gymnastics like the world is coming to an end."
"Pulling sumo suddenly it became like this is how you deadlift right there."
"Willpower is the most important factor in becoming successful in anything especially squatting especially lifting."
"Strength matters... 70% reduction in incidents and mortality from dementia."
"You must consume increasing amounts of protein and you must do strength training to ward off sarcopenia as you age."
"Raising your absolute strength will always have a dramatic impact on what you can do for high reps."
"Having strong abdominals is going to help and assist you in every exercise."
"I decided to not lose weight, chat. I'm going for the world's strongest man title this year."
"Strength is joint angles specific, and if you do quarter reps or half reps or just partials in general, you're gonna get better at that range of motion."
"I doubled the amount of frequency on my pressing days and my bench went up massively."
"You gotta lift weights to literally become a stronger man. Be active. It increases your testosterone, makes you more confident."
"Strength training is about increasing the ability to produce more force over time."
"We squat, we press, we deadlift, we bench press."
"The loading on the hamstrings in the low bar squat is isometric in nature."
"The hips lead the squat; it's a hips exercise in general strength training."
"Your mind must focus on the hip aspect of the squat to most effectively train for strength."
"Eyeballs down allows you to use your hips much, much, much better than eyeballs looking up to the ceiling."
"One of the features of squatting is not falling down, and if you don't fall down when you squat, then you've done the job of balancing."
"You automatically get depth. It's not even something you have to really think about in terms of depth."
"We actively pursue them because we're trying to strengthen all of the muscle mass involved in maintaining that position."
"Getting stronger has always been a time-tested way to get bigger and vice versa."
"Strength increases and all-cause mortality risk reduction: very important stuff."
"Invest in your strength and muscle now with the same sort of vigor that people invest in their retirement accounts."
"No one is small that's going to be freaking strong."
"The squat, if you get a freaking thick voluptuously rotund glutes and quads and hams."
"You don't get strong while working out, you get strong once you put the weights down."
"The Farmer's Carry: a window to your training toughness."
"The High Pull hits middle delts, rear delts, and traps for shoulder girdle strength."
"The goals with this country it's a little different so as an athlete what you want to do is you want to be able to produce a lot of force and you want to be able to do it quickly."
"Hard work with a few good movements is hugely productive for getting strong."
"Proper technique is gonna make you stronger. When you become stronger, your reps are gonna become faster."
"You can get pretty jacked with just dumbbells and barbells."
"Because we're hitting the gym, we are pumping some iron, that's working on our strength stat."
"At 80 percent, you can approximately do eight repetitions."
"As you get older, you lose fast twitch muscle fibers faster. Focus on training strength and speed."
"My current goals is that I really want to feel stronger."
"Progressive overload is about finding the most effective ways to encourage overload."
"The eccentric contraction is when the muscle is generating force while lengthening."
"Progressive overload is most commonly achieved by increasing the weight of your lifts over time to challenge your body."
"What's driving changes in strength and Power are the adaptations of specificity."
"If you want to get bigger and stronger, you have to eat more food."
"I do powerlifting guys, my record is a 556 pound deadlift."
"The only way to force it to build muscle... is to increase the weight or increase the total number of reps you do."
"Strength training strengthing conditioning building up my body is the number one reason why I'm still competing at a high level at 36 years old."
"Adding more weight means we're just adding muscle."
"Apply progressive overload to continuously place more stress on your body than it's used to."
"If you want to build traps in the maximum capacity, we need heavy overloading exercises that induce a powerful stretch at the bottom."
"Building your one rep max back squat shouldn't mean inevitable knee pain."
"The mindset is a lot more important than your muscles."
"Work on heavier weights to tap into your strength and muscle growth."
"Every time we go into it, it's a certain amount of practice to fully embody the power and the strength."
"Man, we're not messing around... Arms day is always a good day."
"Even small incremental increases in weight can lead to significant progress over time."
"Honestly though, what's more important is that I really truly enjoyed these workouts. I felt strong, I absolutely increased my strength."
"Strength training is non-negotiable, period, if you want to live a long healthy life and be metabolically optimized."
"Building a stronger grip will make you stronger in nearly everything you do."
"Strength as a skill... you can get stronger simply by practicing."
"A lot of the training that focuses on strength without adding size is often overlooked in modern training programs."
"Do your lower rep higher weight stuff and then move on to your high rep low weight stuff, and that way you cover both bases and you don't sacrifice one for the other."
"The approach for strength has to be quality over quantity, make sure you're fresh, make sure you have nice long recoveries, and when you've done that quality work, then you can move on to your quantity, then you can move on to your volume."
"The psychological benefits to doing heavy singles in the training, plus it's friggin fun, like it looks awesome, it's just fun putting loads right on the bar."
"Instead of hitting the cardio super hard, we need to focus on weight training."
"As long as you're getting progressively stronger on the squat I don't think it really matters too much whether you're using high bar or low bar."
"If you can't do another rep, mission accomplished."
"Strength standards are only unrealistic sometimes when we're talking about extreme bodyweight multipliers pound for pound."
"There's no such thing as being like a lean guy who's also dragging 700 pounds around."
"Strength training focuses on single movements and pushes them as far as possible to develop strength. Bodybuilding training concentrates on a variety of lifts to accumulate as much tonnage as possible."
"My issue is the overemphasis of a barbell squat, specifically a barbell back squat being like the king of exercises, like if you ask somebody, hey what's the king of exercise, it's going to be barbell deadlift or it's going to be a barbell squat."
"Strength before size - a time-tested method."
"Eight reps puts himself into the lead on the deadlift Tower of Power."
"I think the prisoner workout is such a powerful modality."
"Creatine has been shown in over a thousand studies to be effective to most people it allows you to hold on to more water weight intracellular allows you to train harder get more reps and it's very good at helping you build muscle and strength."
"Resistance training increases your strength and stamina."
"If you're on a diet and pound for pound you're getting weaker rather than stronger, you're not eating enough calories."
"Learn to master your breath and you have the strength of ten tigers."
"Never Lift a Weight you Actually Can't Lift."
"We should all be crazy optimistic because of proven strength training."
"Vocalized exhalation... was able to increase grip strength by 25 percent."
"Adding just nine weekly sets of direct neck extension work led to a 13% increase in total neck cross sectional area."
"Prioritize movements that you want to get stronger at."
"Marcelo Garcia doesn't squat 400 pounds... Mendez doesn't have an incredible bench press."
"Choose the higher SFR ones... what you get a pump from, what you get muscle disruption from..."
"The push-up is the fundamental exercise for all pushing exercises, building strength and muscle mass in your chest, triceps and shoulders."
"Strength endurance is probably more important than max strength when it comes to general performance in life and sports."
"Strength train to turn your body into a fat-burning machine."
"Treat your core like any other muscle group. Progressive overload is key."
"Push your limits. Progression is key to continued growth."
"Develop real muscle, real strength, and a real solid foundation."
"It's in every one of your best interests for hypertrophy to continue to use the same exercise as long as the fatigue per unit is low and the stimulus is really high."
"If I had five exercises... Deadlift, squat, bench, some kind of a farmer's carry, and pull-ups."
"Essentially, being stronger allows you to move more weight with more volume, tearing the muscle down and building it back up."
"You'll also be able to join the millions of Thenx athletes around the world following our programs, not just looking strong, actually being strong."
"Resistance training improves general factors of functionality."
"Gohan realizes that he must sacrifice his studies and dreams of being a scholar to focus more on getting stronger for the sake of his family."
"Nuance is everything, so an honest coach will claim the following: Conjugate works for raw lifters when exercise selection is specific to raw lifting."
"As long as you don't overdo things and start doing mimified lifts that hide raw strength, you'll be in a perfect spot."
"Lifting is the panacea. It does everything right."
"Specificity of training is key, it's not just about getting bigger muscles or getting stronger, it's about being specific, it's about specific strength development and that's ultimately what matters."
"At the end of the novice progression, what matters is the ability to adapt and add weight to the bar."
"The absolute weight on the bar at the end of any given person's novice progression has relatively little significance."
"If we want to maximize long-term strength potential, we need to get them more jacked, and the sooner we do that, the better."
"Undulating periodization tends to lead to superior strength gains."
"Persistence and consistency... lift heavy for the booty."
"The muscle up is the level Beyond sternum pull-ups."
"If you're looking at your workout and you're like, where should I place my focus within my workout, what exercises should I place my focus on, what exercises should I try to get strong at, make it those compound lifts."
"Muscular hypertrophy is beneficial for strength in any context."
"Strength is specific to contraction type, velocity, movement, muscle lengths. Literally, every step of the way."
"Designed to be an adaptable program that changes as you get stronger."
"Growth only comes when it's uncomfortable, you want muscles, you want a big chest, you got to lift some heavy uncomfortable weight."
"Building strong legs and strong back right here."
"Those last 3 reps are the ones that actually count."
"The guys who lift harder will get bigger, and the guys who eat more food will definitely get bigger."
"Progressive overload is the backbone of all training progression."
"Your strength and conditioning should try to become indestructible."
"What made my physique look insane was just being as strong as possible."
"That's what gets me fired up, chasing that extra two and a half pounds or that extra rep."
"I fell in love with the process of getting stronger as well as kind of what I noticed it was doing for me from a performance standpoint."
"If I am to pinpoint one specific movement that's going to help your back the most it will be any exercise where the SSB is in reverse."
"Treat light weight like it's heavy, one day we will treat heavy weight like it's light."
"The classic advice of just getting stronger weighted pull-ups really does work."
"I genuinely think Malaise, I've come to respect strength loss so much."
"The strength training is a process by which you can affect change in the physical capacity of a system over time."
"Train for strength and aim to lift more every time you go to the gym."
"Decline push-up: effective, but inability to produce enough overload."