
Communication Quotes

There are 98730 quotes

"Empathy is just about letting somebody feel understood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Instead of telling vets that they were eligible for the program, we simply reminded them that they had earned it through their years of service. And that one word change led to a 9% increase in access to the benefit."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Communication is key. We never learned how to talk about sex: what do you like, what do you not like, and don't take it personally."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You make this complicated neuroscience and kind of brain-body science accessible, you know, in a way that few have a gift to do."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Having communication with anyone that you want to, unrestricted by this flapping air past meat on your face, is a means of communication that's ridiculously prone to being misunderstood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you listen, people talk; if they talk honestly, they're thinking; if they think, their stupid thoughts can die instead of them."
"Speak into your children. Even if they don't seem to listen, they are hearing you."
"Turn this into your life's work...the amount of serendipity that will occur in your life, your luck surface area, is directly proportional to the degree to which you do something you're passionate about combined with the total number of people to whom this is effectively communicated."
"Your capacity to be articulate is a great indicator of your general competence."
"Ever wondered about the astonishing world inside our bodies? A vast network of nerves communicating messages from our brain to every single cell, tissue, and organ."
"There is so much that goes on in a look that we share with another person about ourselves."
"Sometimes that's all it takes, just a small message; it can have a huge positive impact on a person's world."
"The first thing you should do is understand this: Behavioral change does not come from information transmission; it comes from understanding."
"There could be artificial general intelligence or conscious beings that we just don't know how to talk to."
"Empathy is not walking in someone else's shoes, but learning to listen to the story you tell about what it's like in your shoes and believe you, even when it doesn't match my experiences."
"We would never go to bed angry. My mom would make us sit at the table and discuss, get it all out on the table, give each other hugs, wrap it up."
"If you want people to listen to you, you need to listen to them."
"If you want to build a relationship, what do you have to do? You have to listen to the other person."
"Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another, and the Lord heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord and thought upon His name."
"Being vulnerable and having these conversations with a third party is really a breath of fresh air."
"The most powerful way to share gratitude with someone is to listen and to let them know that they've been heard."
"It's exhausting to talk and not be heard...to live your life and be invalidated."
"If you love someone, you have a duty to tell them authentically if you're going through a rough time."
"It's always important to talk about your feelings."
"Words matter. They are more destructive at times than bullets."
"They are at minimum a bastion of the free speech that is becoming increasingly difficult to come by in our society."
"Language is a tool to communicate your message...since people are emotional and listen emotionally, you're better off defining the words and using the words that speak to their emotional compass."
"I'm excited to chat mental health. This is something I chat with, not only with my patients, but with my friends all the time, 'cause it's a topic I get so passionate about."
"Everyone should have someone to speak to every week of their life; that should just be a part of being a human being." - Haley Kiyoko
"Before you started to describe what you thought of the other side, you had to say, 'Before I disagree with you, here's what I think your position is.'"
"I want you to feel like I've treated you fairly, and if at any given point in time you think I'm not treating you fairly, I want you to stop me and we're gonna address it."
"The number one skill of an entrepreneur is communication."
"What really worked was learning to speak with kindness and humanity."
"The internet has given people an opportunity to build up their own platforms with their own voices and allow us to actually communicate in ways that could end war."
"Properly activated satire is like the surgeon's scalpel cutting through warm butter... it cuts to the heart of the stuff."
"If you can sit down with a person and talk to them, a person is smart and people in groups are really stupid."
"Real genuine eye contact... makes you feel understood and acknowledged."
"Loneliness is a growing problem around the world despite the fact that we have so many ways of communicating with each other."
"If you don't have the ability to project your thoughts to other people, I don't know how you're going to be successful in life."
"Copywriting is kind of like sales but through text."
"Talking about things can be a great way to improve your mental health."
"If you made a mistake or something's taking a long time, do not apologize or say 'I'm sorry' to the customer; instead, thank them and say something along the lines of 'Thank you for your patience.'"
"I see a deep thirst for real intimacy in the way Reckful speaks that he never got from anyone."
"Always talk properly about motivation; without this, I don't really think you're going to be able to climb very well."
"Prayer is how you talk to God, and meditation is how God talks to you."
"High performers are more willing to share their ideas, thoughts, feelings, what they need, what they want, and they do it more consistently than their peers even when there's risk or uncertainty."
"I appreciate your feedback. I always love your positive, wonderful messages."
"In a healthy relationship, you're going to have disagreements, you're going to make mistakes, and it is so healing."
"The way that somebody communicates with you is going to influence how you perceive the message and how you take it."
"Impact equals writing words so powerful that they live in their head rent-free."
"Communication is key to any relationship. I dare you to prove me wrong."
"If you believe that you are being harmed... trust your gut and please talk to somebody."
"Relationships stop working because people stop talking."
"I'm so grateful that you're allowing me to just talk."
"The language of love is 'we,' but the language of selfishness is 'I.'"
"Don't weaponize the other person's insecurities."
"Listening is not a passive activity... it's an active measure to extract information."
"The secret is not to avoid the elephant in the room but to acknowledge it directly."
"People are willing to do what you tell them if they feel heard out."
"Words are in a sense a way for us to do mental telepathy with each other."
"This isn't about shaming. It is about empathy. Stop being deliberately obtuse."
"Being a human being means we lie, but you know what doesn't lie? Body language."
"Empathy means: 'I understand what you're saying. I also want to know how you feel.'"
"Being the last to speak is you get to hear what someone has to say, and before you say something and have to take it back or seem silly, you get to understand their point and then you can speak in an intelligent way."
"Having that anxiety is normal. Bottling it up is not."
"I value that you see this differently than me, and hopefully, you value that I see this differently than you, and let's use that friction to navigate a more intelligent path forward."
"The importance of communication and being open to negotiating sexual needs and desires within a relationship."
"You don't use empathy to just say, 'Yeah, we all deal with it.' You use empathy to say, 'Yeah, it was tough for me, but you had that plus this other layer that must have been even harder.'"
"Rarely can a response make something better; what makes something better is connection."
"Everything you do should be truthful, so next time you speak, you're bonded by your word."
"Stay connected with friends and family right now. Talk to people. Everyone's on this Ferris wheel right now in some capacity. You're definitely not alone."
"Every relationship, to stay healthy, has to have a ratio of five positive interactions for every negative interaction."
"The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."
"Never deny a negative directly; observation without denial can change the dynamic of a negotiation."
"Using natural language makes the game more fun for everybody involved and allows you as a dungeon master to determine when and where the dice will be rolled instead of the players trying to decide that for you."
"Creating boundaries is essential in healthy relationships because they provide the foundation for your expectations, behavior, and how you communicate with others."
"The difference between reacting and responding, that's huge."
"We do not practice empathy. What does empathy look like? Listening to understand, trying to understand someone's point of view and disposition."
"When people feel heard, they stop hating. Hating comes from a buildup of not being seen, not being heard."
"All of life consists of communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership."
"Heart-centered radical honesty is direct, a little tough love, and a lot of heart."
"Radical truthfulness means that anybody can say what they really mean."
"We need more conversations. It doesn't need to be 'I'm on the left, I'm on the right.' It's like, what do you actually think? What do you actually believe?"
"We need to validate that by hearing them, by listening to them."
"We agree to disagree and never go to bed without resolving an argument, saying 'I love you,' 'I'm sorry,' and listening to the other side."
"I think it's storytelling... Arguably the most powerful way to impact people."
"This has changed and transformed my relationship: 15 seconds in the morning where we'll hug, I will look her in the eyes, say something nice, she will say something nice to me."
"Keep on talking to me, you keep on telling me your dreams."
"I've realized that while we can all feel these things... it's important that our voices are not always the loudest."
"At the end of the day, it's fantastic that people are learning how to communicate."
"What one person may consider a compliment may not be received as a compliment by the other party."
"Calibrating expectations is probably one of the most important things for successful relationships."
"Unspoken expectations are relationship killers."
"Whenever I hear couples, they always say 'I gave him or I gave her everything,' and I always say 'everything except what they needed.'"
"The problem with our society is that we don't have these conversations about relationships, we don't have conversations about emotions."
"Curiosity is wonderful, so let them tell you stuff. Ask questions because you're curious, and then you'll get more information."
"Ideally, when you start a conversation, TED: Tell me, Explain, Describe. You start big, you get people talking and telling you stuff."
"You never actually have to ask them 'Did you kill?' They eventually tell you."
"Daring greatly means the courage to be vulnerable. It means to show up and be seen. To ask for what you need. To talk about how you're feeling. To have the hard conversations."
"It's time to use that throat chakra, tell people what's on your heart."
"What an awkward, but hopefully, productive conversation."
"What people think they divorce for is that they couldn't communicate. But why they didn't communicate is because they were doing one of these four things: criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, or contempt."
"It's like a 'oh are we just completely on different pages about what is or isn't kosher in the relationship?'"
"The words that you exchange with your wife will shape your family...if you get the words right, then that shaping is going to be optimized."
"Maybe words were never really the problem. Actions speak louder, don't they say?"
"The more of a conversation we have, the better."
"The essence of a conversation is not so much in what you say but in how you listen."
"You only know yourself through your interactions with others. The way I speak is influenced by the way you listen, the way I see myself is influenced by the way you see me."
"What I've come to realize is that it boils down to four things: preparation, adaptation, communication, and mindset."
"I do think they want someone who's communicative. I do think they want someone who's respectful. I do think they want someone who's honest."
"Communication, communication, communication."
"Just call somebody and say, 'I haven't talked to you in a while. How you doing?' And just shut up and listen."
"What makes a relationship work is not the absence of conflict, but how we repair the disappointments."
"It's essential to have our values aligned and our work ethic aligned and to communicate about expectations."
"His response is a big barrel of butt cheeks."
"You have to approach every conversation...without an agenda going into it."
"Our number one big thing is communicating with each other."
"Everybody has different roles, and there's always somebody whose job it is to go out, to experience the world, to bring back the wisdom in a form that has been digested and made easy for other people to take away."
"Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry."
"Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin."
"The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body."
"Talking to people and validating their feelings of suicide does not increase suicidal behavior."
"If you listen to people, they'll tell you what they think, but you have to listen through things and listen for deviations."
"These are serious issues, every one of the words I say on this issue is weighed, thought through, and measured."
"Focus on building relationships on strong foundations of honesty and communication."
"I have no problem listening to other people's perspectives."
"It's important to speak about truth... but doing it in the wrong way, to someone who is not receptive, is not the right time."
"They're so mature, the way they communicate with each other."
"You really have to have an open communication with whoever you're in a relationship with."
"We all want to feel like our feelings matter to our partners."
"Every relationship has an emotional bank account. You can make deposits into this account every time you listen with your full attention, every time you keep your promises."
"Seek first to understand, then to be understood."
"Support each other, respect each other, and most importantly communicate with each other."
"We made it clear that we're never going to use divorce as a threat. We don't get to threaten each other with the 'divorce' word."
"The level of divisiveness in our culture is becoming toxic. We don't talk to each other, we live in our respective silos."
"Requests are clear, positive, and concrete calls to have needs met. This is different from demands."
"How can you be together if you're not speaking? Can somebody explain how that works?"
"Somebody slowly but surely is going to message and communicate."
"Without communication, there is no relationship."
"We can agree on a subject but we don't have to be subject to our disagreements."
"Communication was the number one most important thing in a relationship."
"Love was...number three. Above love is communication and commitment."
"It completely depends upon the elasticity of the lungs."
"Our approach is first and foremost how to communicate effectively with your child and more importantly how to build what we call an alliance."
"Effective communication both within the project team and with external stakeholders is crucial for project success."
"Talk about it, understand it, express it, let it out. But it's really important that you don't hold that emotion against each other."
"Yin and yang. Absolutely fire and water. There's a balance here, and it could work. It could be marvelous. It could be just perfect, but it does require balance, communication, understanding, compassion, patience."
"Your biggest advice is to not say something that you will regret. Sit on that energy, examine the true concern, the true fear, and then come together from a place of compassion and understanding to voice your concerns healthily."
"We are currently about four and a half minutes from entry interface. Perseverance continues to report heartbeat tones, indicating everything is nominal."
"It's a good day. We have a rover that is talking to us still after touching down on the surface. That's all you need."
"An economy to function well requires a lot of communication."
"Speak your truth and encourage others to speak theirs."
"We've been looking for ways to connect with our essence, ways to understand our story, but it's got to have the right language."
"We finally got to talk almost every day. We were able to finally have a relationship again."
"Listening is a skill – being able to entertain ideas without necessarily accepting them."
"Most cases, you just need somebody to listen."
"Mindfulness is a tool you can use so that someone will say of you, 'I feel like you're listening,' 'I feel like you're here with me.'"
"You are ready to communicate your authentic self and your deepest truth to the world."
"Listen to what I say in two ways: one is carefully listening to the words, attending to what I am saying, and the second, listen with your own existence, with the whole being, that notice that it is true."
"Looking back historically, every time the communication field has seemed dead, those have been the exact times where it was great to get into the field."
"Do you want to know something funny? An odd, quirky bit of irony about the relationship you and I share? I feel as if you already know, if you've been listening instead of just hearing me."
"Nobody wants to talk, nobody wants to have real conversations, nobody wants to listen and have true communication to reach solutions."
"The three-second look is all about helping you get to the truth and uncover things that might not otherwise be revealed."
"Remember, over half the message we are sending whenever we're speaking face to face is visual."
"Give yourself the gift of communicational freedom."
"Every word that you speak is a testament to who you believe you are."
"At its very best, communication can help us to demonstrate our love and affection for one another."
"The basic conception of communication is to note that we might take an idea from our minds and be able to put that same idea in somebody else's mind, literally create shared understanding. That's pretty magical to me."
"Ham radio is definitely a great way to bridge the gap between...the stopgap of communication beyond just relying on cell phone towers."
"Entire societies and civilizations have lived and died by their ability to communicate."
"Positive communication is a powerful tool... Less stress, more structure equals easy wins."
"They feel like your relationship with them is stuck because emotions haven't been shared or discussed, full stop."
"This relationship is about developing healthy boundaries and communicating your truth."
"I think being unapologetically honest with what you want...across the board."
"When communication revolutions join with new energy regimes, and new modes of transportation, it changes the way we manage power and move economic life."
"Just a little show of empathy... sends the right signal."
"I'm a front stabber. If I don't like you, I tell you."
"All animals communicate, that's just part of the nature of being an animal."
"Imagine if Stephen Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or auctioneer. That is the goal."
"Lack of communication breeds complete shutdown. Expressive communication breeds intimacy."
"Choosing how to communicate, when to communicate, and doing it with a lot of mercy, compassion, and love, without wearing any masks, is only going to lead you towards good."
"In any relationship, whether friendships, parenthood, or marriage, the ability to connect, be honest, open, feel safe to express yourself genuinely is critical."
"We have our protocols of relationship, of friendship, and they're set, so anything that deviates from that, like having just a friendly text exchange, is a deviation which means it's odd, which means something must be up."
"Empathy creates a common ground when you can empathize with the person that you're communicating with."
"Listening is not just about opening your ears, but also letting the other person know that you're listening to them."
"Listen earnestly to anything your children want to tell you, no matter what."
"Communications is the most powerful weapon ever invented, more powerful than nuclear weapons and the printing press."
"When something is personal, you're able to relate or make it relatable to the people that you're trying to show this to because you're speaking from firsthand knowledge, not hearsay."
"It's been an absolute honor and a pleasure to be able to talk to so many of y'all about this news because we would be doing this every single day whether there was only 20 people watching or whether there was 11,250 people watching."
"With a small number of symbols, we can create infinitely many thoughts and even convey to others who have no access to our minds the inner workings of our minds."
"Humans' capacity to encode these very vast numbers of symbolic representations... is a uniquely powerful capacity that has enabled a lot of what we see in the world today."
"The most important thing that you could do is connect and relate with people."
"Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language."
"Transformation happens when you and I are talking, and you're encouraging me, and I'm asking questions, and we're having that give-and-take."
"At its core, as a leader, you need to be able to imagine a better future and communicate it to others very effectively."
"There's a bigger sense of community in South America... people do communicate way better in South American countries."
"Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly."
"Ask questions instead of giving direct orders."
"Talk in terms of the other person’s interests."
"Fair assumptions were made, and I understand why Brax thought everything led back to me; however, that doesn't change that my words and actions caused Brax's pain."