
Emotional Relief Quotes

There are 568 quotes

"It's somehow rewiring associations between events, emotional events, past events, current events, and future events in ways that allow people to get some sort of relief or distance from these narratives."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What that's a blessing, not knowing how upset people are at you. Yeah, it's a blessing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's a sense of relief, but this was not the outcome I hoped for."
"And all of that hurt, all of that rejection, all of that wounding instantly left!"
"Sports have been relatively free of the angst, the spew, the accumulated emotional trash that's affecting the rest of the social order."
"When the verdict was announced, I got quiet because I just wanted to sit with this moment. Someone just took a thousand pounds off my shoulder."
"It wasn't until I got to the other side that I realized the full weight that this stuff had in our home."
"For three and a half minutes, that song is going to yank you out of the misery of a personal hell. That is secular salvation."
"Forgiveness is as much about relieving the forgiver as anything to do with the forgiven."
"Letting it off your chest would make you feel so much better. You wouldn't be stressing out, angry, or sad."
"You don't have to feel this way at least this much anymore."
"You brought me out of one of the darkest places that I've ever been, during one of the times that should be the happiest in my life."
"On the worst days, I can always come back to painting and make it better."
"I was so nervous, but I feel better now. I think that's natural."
"Talking about negative emotions can release the pressure internally."
"The idea of two guys who live loveless lives finding comfort or even just relief when they're with each other actually sounds really interesting."
"I got in a cab and I burst into tears just a sense of relief there was this it was answered the family had got their answer now he was going to be punished for what he'd done and I just cried just couldn't stop crying."
"Just knowing the identity of who killed his mother is enough closure after 34 years."
"For one day however we simply feel relief. God bless the Bills."
"If you give someone the opportunity to escape from their daily experience just for a second where they can laugh and forget all about their worries that can be like this huge burden being lifted from their shoulders."
"Telling the truth is painful, but it ends up being so liberating."
"The path that you are meant to go down is to be happy and to leave all this heaviness behind."
"Imagine what it must feel like for Priscus and Varus, overwhelming relief, pride, and joy."
"I feel like everybody needs a little comic relief."
"If you can get a little strike back against them, well hey, all the people who have been scammed can feel a little bit better."
"Pretend you're complaining to your best friend."
"I feel like an aura has kind of been lifted."
"It felt good to see people standing up for you in your worst times."
"After long years of unhappiness, she divorced him."
"Finally there's someone to blame, which it's much easier not to be angry at everything all the time when you can just be angry at a couple things."
"End-of-life experiences... provide comfort, insight, and alleviate the fear of dying."
"Music creates tension and then relieves tension."
"Lay those worries down and put the burdens on the floor. Get it off your shoulders."
"Why does a simple scream help alleviate some of this stress that moms or anyone else is feeling in the pandemic?"
"I forgive you. It honestly kind of felt good."
"I felt incredibly free. I felt a huge weight off my shoulders."
"You're their catharsis, a purpose is better than no purpose."
"This is the end of a situation that brings relief, sadness, or both. The opportunity for new happiness is here."
"More cold cases than ever are finally being solved, bringing relief and closure to the bereaved families."
"Emotional storm freedom from strife, so you're coming out of this energy Libra."
"There is some sadness being lifted off your heart this week Libra."
"Words can't express how I feel right now. I'm just glad to be out, glad to be a free man."
"Thank you for this particular conversation because this question was really upsetting me... I really hope that this is going to help a lot of people out there."
"Whether it was out of relief or simply submitting to the absurdity of the situation, it felt as though a huge burden had been lifted off of my shoulders."
"I think it's just sort of the weight off their shoulders and this sort of healing moment."
"It just lets people take a deep breath when we acknowledge that."
"Thank you. You have no idea. I waited 33 years to hear that. Thank you."
"It felt so good to talk to someone for a long time."
"Feeling a sense of okay... I can truly move on from this."
"Those heavy clouds of sadness that have weighed you down will dissipate replaced by the radiant Sunshine of pure happiness."
"It felt like a little bit of weight was taken off your shoulders that now you can let your child be who they want to be."
"It feels like there's been literally A.D. and B.C. period in your life."
"It's such a good experience and it feels like a relief that I've done something good out of something that started off really quite negative."
"Sometimes we just want to see our heroes get a goddamn break."
"If you don't give people a pressure release and a means of feeling like they're being heard, you get violence."
"The only silver lining here is that Star Hopper didn't have to watch another friend die today."
"Second book in the series? It was like oxygen after being strangled for an entire book."
"Prioritizing that moment or really making it known to that person that I do want to have this discussion with you is going to help lift a weight off your shoulders."
"Your angels are definitely going to heal and help you."
"I honestly feel so much lighter. I feel like I just needed to talk today."
"This has been such a salve, a true joy. The way that you just got so genuine was really nice."
"A romantic person is gonna help take the weight off your shoulders."
"I feel like there's this weight off my chest and I'm no longer stressed or worried about things that are financially related or about feeling like I've really screwed up."
"You're leaving choppy waters into calmer waters."
"But it's great to get out of the way to not worry about her anymore and start to look forward."
"It's such a burden off your shoulders when you just remove yourself from yourself."
"Creativity is in your blood. Sometimes writing could be your escape."
"This was a healing moment that I think Selena Gomez and a lot of others needed."
"Maybe I felt a little less crazy at the end of the day."
"I'm not emotional; I'm not disappointed; I'm actually happy. I am happy that it's over."
"These characters provide us a sense of catharsis."
"They're not afraid to walk away, knowing their own worth."
"Gone, gone was my despair, gone was my guilt, gone was my fear."
"Once you have that [cry], everything is kind of like lifted off your shoulders."
"Thanks for watching, y'all. I'm feeling a little bit better."
"You're being freed, liberated, saved from this because it was just dragging on you and your energy in your heart."
"Forgiveness liberates us from carrying the weight of past offenses."
"I really needed that... we all felt a lot better afterwards."
"Crying is good. It's a valve that releases all the built up pressure."
"Speaking up on that is gonna make you feel so much better."
"I feel better. There's a place that was lost and now you found it."
"Laughter is like that release valve that keeps the boiler from exploding."
"Just feeling the warmth of there just putting our feet on the on that land again and in breathing that air it was just the most beautiful moment for us."
"You ever just been on the phone and just hung up and just felt better?"
"This photo captures the joy and relief felt by soldiers returning home."
"Emotionally, finishing homework is a relief and a victory."
"Finally, a little sunshine breaks through the black cloud."
"Their lives has been taken away from them. Words can't express I feel right now. I'm just glad to be out, glad to be a free man."
"I felt a sense of gratitude and relief with Karen now out of the picture."
"Open communication: Get the weight off your chest, be cup with love, and be heard."
"Art has great healing power, it distracts from pain and anxiety."
"When you're feeling sad, you're feeling down and out, most people might pop on their favorite record and it just takes that away for a minute."
"Thank you for your service, veterans. God bless you."
"You're going to feel a whole hell of a lot better."
"Opie's in a better place without toxic people like Sam in her life."
"I do think part of it was because I hadn't told everyone yet but now that I've told everyone and now that everybody knows and everyone's been so supportive I think now I'm like oh my God okay I'm not ready anytime soon."
"Enough of the pain, enough of the suffering."
"Knowing that she hadn't suffered in the end brought me some small comfort."
"It's a really good feeling when you see someone in tears laughing."
"Whatever this burden is, you're dropping it and moving towards happiness."
"Divorce seems like a relief but it doesn't necessarily bring happiness."
"There is something powerful about just speaking it out."
"That’s why William Buckland’s precocious poop prank is just the first of many things that will hopefully make you feel a little bit better."
"Express yourself the way you want to and, um, whatever helps you get it all out, that's all it is at the end of the day."
"Thank you for finally acknowledging this. It's better to hear something like this than nothing at all."
"It feels so good to say that because for a long time I was so hurt."
"Pay attention to your mind while you draw and pain and suffering will dissolve."
"I just felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders, I barely had any anxiety."
"Finally, after five years of waiting and wondering, there is Justice for Kelly Dwyer."
"Deserving it and affording it are two different things."
"I'm trying to forget about Charles Lord and I'm praying that God will let me forgive him."
"For the whole three hours, it never stopped. Like, I was able to just spend three hours meeting people, which was nice and also an incredible relief for my personal pride."
"Maybe it's true, trying to laugh is one way to forget the problem for a moment."
"On the other side of those feelings is relief and wisdom."
"This person is truly bringing enlightenment with them. Very cool. Aries Leo Pisces Scorpio coming in."
"I've been going through a lot lately and your vids have helped me relax, prayers please."
"Learning that just releasing the weight of it... there's so much weight lifted off of your shoulders."
"It's such a sense of relief... it's not all of you, it's just like, 'Oh, it's a little part of me.'"
"I don't know if you've ever carried a dream for long long time and it finally comes true and it's just like this weight comes off you and I just kind of collapse on the couch and begin to just ball crying happy tears."
"That's the power of the purge, I feel lighter."
"You're creating your way out of sadness, boredom, discontent, and it's happening fast."
"This was so lovely for me... it was like very therapeutic and enjoyable."
"It erases all the negative feelings related to the frustration and continues to stimulate pleasure receptors in the brain with every new scoop."
"Finally, into my 20s, I finally felt lighter than I had in years."
"It feels good. It's like a caged up bird being let free."
"Being a god of Freedom allows me to release you from the shackles of dependency, despair, and misery."
"It's a tidal wave of relief, and it's a good feeling."
"Get it off your chest and you'll feel better."
"It was awesome... everybody needed this so bad."
"A moment of such excitement, relief, and pure desperation when Robin finally told the crew: I want to Live."
"You're not seeking perfection, but relief from traumas."
"Somebody may have broken free from something, they're no longer feeling trapped."
"She felt normal, and it was, you know, I'm getting emotional just talking about it."
"When you're willing to talk about how jacked up you are, that big rock you carry starts to come off."
"Letting go of judgment arises when we realize it's more painful to hold on."
"It's almost a pick-me-up because the topics we've been covering lately... it's gotten real heavy."
"Art is a wonderful way to be able to express yourself, to be able to get out those pains, that angst that you feel inside of you."
"Finally feeling better, justice and balance will be restored."
"Despite all the awful news, it's such a pleasure to be back in Kyiv."
"For the first time in months, I actually felt a glimmer of hope."
"Trust me, once you are out of their reach, You will start to feel so much lighter and better."
"The support from our family was immediate and incredible."
"I left that classroom feeling happy for the first time in a while, knowing that somebody finally believes me for what he did to me."
"Let go of the burdens that have been troubling you for a while."
"I will feel like it's my freakin birthday and it has been a rough weird night for me so this could be just the juicy trick to make everything seem a heck of a lot better."
"Telling story beautifully is meaningful because it makes life a little less painful."
"They're so relieved to see each other again and it's a heartwarming moment."
"I was just so happy... there's hope, there's definitely some hope."
"Judgment is hell and forgiveness is a happy dream."
"You'll be glad that you did, your heart will be at peace with this decision."
"It kind of felt like a win, and to actually win my biggest pot ever is kind of like the only saving grace."
"It feels like relief. Relief. It's happiness, but it's really more relief."
"I was so relieved and so in such a good mood that I couldn't even go back to sleep."
"I believe in the power of comedy... when things are even bad."
"His music takes one beyond what one is able to bear because it's a relief and because it's a freedom... I'm alive... I'm breathing... I know I'm alive... and I'm listening to... and I'm on a higher plane."
"Your love represents the love of God, the love of divine, the unconditional love."
"This love dissolves pain, frustration, and exhaustion."
"If you get it off your chest... You got a secret you know it is boiling inside of you and you explode if you don't say it to somebody."
"You don't have to carry that burden that massive pile of chains that has a choke hold on you you don't have to carry that alone."
"People are stressed out and they need to vent."
"It's not closure but at least there's some form of satisfaction knowing that the person that did it is at least named." - Joanne Poss
"I feel like I laughed a few times harder than I have in a week."
"That's what that was my getaway, it's my happy space."
"I feel good. It's overwhelming, but I'm happy. It's so... Like a weight, so lifted."
"If it took this to help you move on and find some peace, it's worth it."
"It's a fun light record meant to provide some joy and temporary relief from the difficulties their communities have been facing."
"There was a sense of relief that it was over."
"We really need some levity, okay? We really really do."
"Ultimately, whatever information comes out may help set us free in some very positive emotional way."
"It almost felt cathartic like you're just sitting in this brief lull in the sound after a very full musical texture."
"Cast all your anxieties, your fears on him because he cares for you."
"Forgiveness is hard, but when you learn how to do it, you will feel so much better."
"Well breaking tonight, an arrest has been made and the person who saw her last now behind bars."
"Honestly, the weight that was lifted off my shoulders."
"The end of the situation is going to bring you relief."
"The fear is gone for the first time in many months, which is nuts."
"I almost feel like, well, I'm salted out. I feel cleansed."
"It was a weight lifted off my shoulders because like I'm doing this for me."
"I felt really free, like all that pain and suffering from the last few years... I was free from it, I felt really light, really, really light."
"Feeling for the first time a true sense of peace and for the first time in days feeling genuinely happy."
"Allow yourself to experience relief so that you can have hope and liberate yourself and move on."
"Lord I surrender all my pain my fears and my anxiety to you because I know you will never leave me nor forsake me."
"I really appreciate you not advice on to tell somebody and let somebody know about what they've gone through and share it with them and get this thing off their chest."
"They want a release, they want some relief, they want something good. And they deserve something good."
"Having a pet cat is pretty ordinary, but how many people do you know with pet pumas?"
"Best sleep after a good ass cry, some of the best sleep."
"You realize how much you freed me from this shack."
"Laughter is the greatest medicine sometimes, isn't it?"
"I didn't recognize how much better I would feel after talking about all these things."
"My soul needed this oh boy did it need this after a long arduous week."
"And to get to the one thing that lets people have closure."
"Horror movies fit the bill as an emotional release for moviegoers."
"Get the guilt off, get the condemnation off."
"Deep inside, it brings me joy that the betrayed weren't to blame for what happened here."
"Sun eater for me was so what I needed when I picked it up."
"You're going to feel such a sense of relief and release."
"When I saw you, I saw the other side of the storm. I saw the clear skies, I saw the good days, I saw the sunshine."
"Finally being set free from something that's been causing you to feel stuck or oppressed."
"A big weight is going to be lifted off your shoulders."
"Understand that on the other side is the feeling of relief, is the feeling of freedom."