
Future Outlook Quotes

There are 1735 quotes

"I think it's very likely we will see a shift in the legislature around psychedelics, and in particular, psilocybin in the not too distant future."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's a better life out there for you, and you'll be able to taste it in a month."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"To be able to cure, prevent, or manage all disease by the end of the century."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think history tells us you shouldn't bet against innovation."
"I move forward with no regrets. I leave my past behind and walk into a brighter future."
"We think this next fourth turning we're currently in, starting in 2008, will probably last till around early 2030s."
"By the end of this decade, we will have quite capable systems that we look at and say, 'Wow, that's really remarkable.'"
"Comfortable with who we are at this point in our lives, with the path that's ahead of us."
"Celebrate the change. Something good is waiting at the end."
"Would you say that we're on a collision course towards catastrophe or are you still hopeful for the future?"
"Finally, the end of the pandemic is in sight, but the uncertainty about what comes next and who will benefit has thrown the market out of whack."
"Really good news towards the end of the month and the start of May in regards to your social status and matters of big projects that start giving you great results."
"This is a defining moment of truth for us. We are about to either save and restore this democracy or lose it forever."
"I'm optimistic about the future. I think that the affirmative care model has a lot of really good stuff going for it."
"The future is here, and it's only getting crazier and crazier."
"You're gonna overcome a lot and be living a way better life, that's for sure."
"Happy for the future, thankful isn't even a good enough word to use."
"Ultimate Infestation 5 stars, currently 5 stars in the future."
"We've got to be very honest about where we are in our country right now because we are at a crossroads, and the future our children will inherit depends on how we respond."
"You guys are headed for some huge successes, so don't worry about that."
"It's time to stop worrying about the things that are beyond your control and walk confidently into the future knowing that God is with us."
"For the first time in my life, I said, 'I'm getting tired about the future.'"
"Keep the faith and believe that better days are ahead."
"The expected targets for economic growth were successfully achieved, and the outlook is very bright."
"Your best days are right in front of you; stay plugged in, stay planted where you are faithful. God will make you fruitful."
"Society can continue beyond the limited scope from which we see it."
"I would hope that in five to ten years, through experiences like this, through these trials and tribulations, we become more effective communicators."
"I see ominous signs here and there, and I want that if global capitalism will be able to cope with it in the long terms."
"Taking leap of faith... it will create a lot of long-term happiness."
"The pockets of ordinary people are truly empty, and their outlook for the future is increasingly bleak."
"The truth is that no human being can predict the future and we have no idea what's going to come next...but as best as you can, don't [lose hope] because you really don't know."
"I thrive on spontaneity and not knowing the future but being excited about it."
"I go from this majestic place with a loyal and joyful heart, an optimistic spirit, and a supreme confidence that for our country and for our children, the best is yet to come."
"I don't have anything over my shoulder; I look ahead and I just see a really nice future."
"There is hope and there are good things coming and there is optimism."
"We're beginning to heal and look at a more positive thing happening."
"I think it'd probably be so mild in 10 years that we don't worry about it."
"I think 2024 is going to be the most chaotic year of our lifetime."
"Obesity will crush the United States and we will fade in the rearview mirror in oblivion."
"We're going to see across the country that we're now in a place where we're gradually and safely starting to reopen parts of the economy, but I'm not going to sugar coat it. We still have a long journey ahead." - Prime Minister Trudeau
"You have not seen the best days of your life yet."
"I am truly honored to be with you as we have the opportunity to celebrate Black History but also to talk about the current conditions of Black people as well as to talk about how we engage and go forward for the future of this country as it relates to Black America."
"Just know that you will get there eventually."
"Being born today is as good as it's ever been, other than being born tomorrow."
"I appreciate everybody who stuck with me this first five years and hopefully the next five years are just as fun as the first five years were."
"Chat GPT has certainly set off a wave, and it's not a wave I see going anywhere anytime soon."
"The world is in good hands if Naruto is to be at salvation."
"Don't fear, it's all good changes and there's a bunch of really cool stuff."
"We're not going to see a world going forward in which America is weak and poor, however, we're also not going to see a world in which America remains unchallenged."
"Never in my life have I been more optimistic about the future, and shit's never been crazier than it is today."
"The future is bright. We're very confident about the future being bright because I fully believe the right leaders are going to rise up."
"Future generations will look back on this day... the same way that we now look back on the abolition of slavery or the defeat of the Germans in World War II."
"The reality is, we're not gonna remain locked down forever."
"I don't think we're rerunning the 1930s. I think the question about how democracy ends is a question about the future, and almost everyone sees it as a question about the past."
"I can see a future which I simply couldn't see probably years ago."
"I think we will come out of this; we will look back 20 years from now on a 10-year period post-COVID-19 that we will call the golden age of restaurants."
"You're probably asking yourself, 'Is life worth living?' It will be, next week."
"If we win, can you imagine how good it will feel in the future knowing all your games are safe?"
"It's been a tough show. Let's hope that tomorrow is a greener, better day."
"I believe we've laid the foundation for even greater cooperation for our countries for years to come."
"We will probably never have the genre resurrect to the point of its 2000s mania, but I mean, there's stuff to look forward to."
"The children are our future. Our future does not look bright in America."
"No matter where Valve is heading in the future, it's already cemented its place as one of the most fascinating companies in the video game industry."
"The best days are in front of us, they're not behind us. They're ahead of us. You claim it, you speak it, and believing, we will see it."
"I'm hoping that you just heal from it and not have this sense of 'Well, it could be this, it could turn into this, or it could go in this direction,' because if you keep lingering on it, it would end up hurting you again."
"This is the dystopian future that we've been warning you about."
"He's got such a bright future, he's so smart."
"The central animating question of the next 10, 20 years is going to be: do we accept this new version of racism?"
"The facts don't bear out your description of the world. Violence is decreasing, and people are living longer. Far from being bleak, the future looks bright."
"If you think about the future, you want a future that's better than the past."
"Hey, you want some more optimism? It's not clear to me that the world is going to end on our watch or that humanity goes extinct."
"Whether we should be optimistic or pessimistic is a question of which of these two aspects will win out and that is ultimately up to us."
"I think this month could be fantastic starting from tomorrow."
"This year is gonna be the most amazing we've had."
"Ultimately, I feel like you are going to have clarity."
"They see victory in your future, bright sunny skies ahead."
"They see a bright sunny future with you, they don't want to stop at anything."
"I think the third quarter, I think the fourth quarter is going to be very good, and I think next year is going to be fantastic because of the stimulus."
"Allow yourself to feel the positivity in your future even if your mind wants to talk to you only about fear to do with your future."
"I just don't think motorcycling will exist in 20 years."
"Ideas that might seem radical today are gonna seem like common sense tomorrow."
"The future of gaming has never been brighter, even though so many seem to want to destroy it."
"Next year's going to be fantastic because of the stimulus."
"We're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel."
"Trust that things will definitely get better."
"That title isn't something we'll be holding on to forever unless things start to change."
"What's clear is that there will be significant change."
"Things are evolving on the question of identity and identity politics and we don't know where we'll be in 2024."
"I feel like this is a formational moment for the people who are alive today that this is going to be something that there's there's no going back to before we have a new future in front of us."
"I hope that everything will be okay cuz if not I will lose my hope in a better future."
"It's time to turn the page and look to the future."
"Reduce the probability of a negative future."
"The Catholic Church will survive, it will thrive, it will continue to have a billion adherents."
"We can see the light at the end of the tunnel."
"This is giving me a lot of Hope for the future."
"The future of Scientology? It's going to continue to decline and erode."
"Optimism is a choice. How do you stay optimistic that the future is going to be better than today?"
"It's all about the satisfaction and the bright prospect."
"We are excited. We had a great 2021 together and we're just really looking forward to seeing what this year has in store for us."
"Peaceful times will come; trust your ideas and direction."
"Centrism is the past, radicalism is the future."
"I feel like basically you're gonna be a boss though."
"If you do decide to leave, it's not the end of the world. Now I have the power to stare at my own future."
"Some of you wanted breakthrough last year; you didn't know it was all a setup for breakthrough this year."
"Do you think they're gonna be the same as it is now and they're gonna go down bombing? I mean, given that they're kind of run by religious fanatics, probably."
"The future is bright guys I promise you as long as you don't fall victim to these things."
"I think next year's going to be a tremendous year."
"Don't be scared of how it might turn out. Everything's gonna be fine."
"Positive changes and developments that you begin to see in December will stick. You'll be able to count on what is around you."
"People seem to agree that it's the way to go for now and for the foreseeable future."
"That future won't be happy unless she can walk well."
"If you can just survive this, maybe something good is coming next, you know what I mean?"
"I think mentioning a six-month it's to give a general look forward about the sorts of links of this type of kin Demick."
"I am more than hopeful, I am confident that our finest hour is yet to come."
"We're going to have a very strong economy in 2021."
"This integrated dominant model... will be indestructible in the future."
"If you have any interest in human civilization persisting past the end of the next century, you are probably not going to want Donald Trump as president."
"The future is assured, and hope is all around."
"I may not know what tomorrow looks like, but it doesn't scare me."
"Marvel is still doing much better than Star Wars and has a much brighter future."
"If the next hundred years go well, I'm optimistic about the next thousand..."
"I think the economy is going to do very well."
"We have a rough road ahead. This is a fundamental crisis in our country."
"Expect shortages of some foods into next year."
"It's in my opinion only going to get worse and worse and worse unless people figure out ways to push back in a reasonable manner."
"One day things will be good, one day the relationship will be perfect, everything will be well... subconsciously."
"The next two weeks are calling out to you... to have faith."
"I'm just saying, looking ahead, it just feels really disappointing and acting anticlimactic if that's what they did."
"There's still a path ahead, but it's because of the fact that this tree is gonna be prosperous for the rest of our lives."
"We should do things that benefit the people as a whole and increase the probability of the future is good."
"I'm excited to see where this goes in the next year."
"Economy is going to be even better after this point, perfect."
"My future's bright, I'm gonna always be okay, my family's gonna be okay."
"Anyone can deal with a tough today, if there's a compelling tomorrow."
"Group number one, if you guys chose this pile, this is gonna be your love life prediction for the month of September."
"After I left the lodge the family embraced the many changes and is excited about the future."
"This is telling you... it promises to be really prosperous."
"To be honest, I don't know if race relations will improve in America, but I know that if they will improve, we have to take these challenges on head on."
"Things are gonna get a lot worse before they get better but they will get better for sure."
"I think in 2024 we're going to have the post-pandemic period where I think we will return to normal with some persistent changes."
"Keep your head up and stay positive about it... Better days are coming."
"Planning for a life which meaningfully begins at a certain age is just frankly naive."
"This book just gave me so much reassurance about the future."
"So this is your future, huh? Wow, looks way worse than I thought."
"Brighter days are ahead, but it will take a collective effort from all of us."
"You have control over your behavior so even if things may be frustrating right now and they often are just keep in mind that in five years in ten years things which are unbearably painful now are not going to be in the future."
"This is the president of the United States with the man with the nuclear football meters away, and he's undermining democracy in the most profound way."
"Our country will be stronger than ever before."
"I have a lot of living to do. I'm going to be okay."
"I have every confidence that we're gonna have a future brighter than any of us could possibly imagine."
"Everything's going to be in harmony, you're gonna have it figured out, it's all gonna piece together by the end of March."
"Keep your eye on Afghanistan over the next few years. Keep your eye on those former commandos, those Afghan special forces, those young girls who attended school and who had the opportunity to lead at various levels."
"A life is never going to come back. But everything else, our economy is going to come roaring back."
"One day we'll be standing possibly up here, and we'll see, well, we won. We're going to say that."
"There's a lot to be excited about in 2021 and 2022."
"What are you looking forward to in the future? Being healthy."
"Hot Dog 400 says, 'Maybe 10 years from now your basic phone will be more powerful than the quantum computers today.'"
"For the next 200 years, we'll have what we had the past 200 years: the greatest nation on the face of the Earth."
"Nobody knows at this point nobody knows how bad things are going to get."
"We are gonna be swimming in energy which is very very nice indeed."
"Even if life is hell right now, there’s a future out there for you where then, you’ll love your life."
"Buckle in, the next 10 years in this space will be extremely transformational."
"Crypto assets that will follow regulations are here to stay."
"You've got to remain optimistic. Look forward in 2024 for the sort the chances that come along."
"The next 10 years are going to be very different from the last 10 years... the next 10 years will be a roller coaster in the markets."
"I'm not gonna be this Amberlynn forever. I just can't be."
"We're seeing very quickly in the last couple of months here, you know, it's increasing at a faster... it's a bigger pile increasing at a faster rate, which we all know how that ends, which is badly."
"2021 is going to re-define the game, it's going to introduce more value into everyone's lives."
"I think 2024 is going to be a Breaking Point."
"Do you believe it's possible that things could be better and easier in the future?"
"It's very easy to picture a future where we're looking back at factory farming as just this devastating, embarrassing, awful point of human history."
"There's a lot more to this conversation we're going to get into what post row America will look like."
"You're just getting your reassurance everything will be better."
"Reasons for optimism after a difficult year."
"2024 is not only a doover for the negativity that's coming on the horizon, it's a doover for the purpose of God to manifest in the world."
"The next few months globally are going to be extremely turbulent."
"It's going to get harder and harder for us to cooperate and collaborate."
"I don't think there's a back to normal after this. I think there's a forward."
"I think this is a company that over the next five years is going to grow into possibly the biggest market position company in the entire world."
"Your whole rest of the year is all about love."
"2024 is going to be a very crumbling year for the higher ups."
"The future is going to be extremely worrying and terrifying for some."
"I say this despite all that's happened, the best is yet to come."
"You've got this beautiful peaceful time up ahead of you."
"I actually think we'll have an economy like we've never had before."
"I have faith in people, yeah, and I have so much hope in our future. We have always recovered."
"The future belongs to Patriots, the future belongs to sovereign and independent nations."
"It's going to be a tough three or four months."
"Wait until this, Jeremy, then you will fully become like me."
"In times as challenging as these, I believe there's only one way forward: as a united America."
"I'm positive about the future... things go in cycles... we're doing that."
"You're headed right towards something better."
"Imagine if we retool to look at the future in this way."
"We're about to get hit a point where it turns around."
"We're really close to a big breakthrough, you guys. This is positively looking forward to the future."
"Planetary sustainability coming into sharper focus now and in the months to come."
"The trajectory is more important than the current circumstance."
"There is still a future to fight for even though somebody made fun of you on Twitter."
"D&D is where we're going to make our money now."
"When you look at Avalanche and their strategy they're going the route of institutional Finance which I think is the route to take because it's going to open up a lot of scenarios for what Avalanche is going to look like coming on down the road."