
Lasting Impact Quotes

There are 625 quotes

"The majority of people receive and maintain relief from their depressive symptoms, simply through the experience of this psychedelic journey."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's amazing how much of our childhood really sticks with us."
"We have all seen and heard things that no one should have to see or hear, things that will haunt us forever."
"The psychedelic experience doesn't just end when the psychedelic wears off; it kind of stays with you."
"Black Ops 2 truly brought something unique and new to the table that will stick with us for the rest of our lives."
"Ghost is a game that I will remember for a long time and one I'm sure I'll be coming back to eventually."
"If it's 100% real, coming from things that really matter, it's going to last."
"It’s one of the few things in a university that in student’s experience that has a lasting impact on the conduct of adult life long after one graduates."
"You only have one chance to make a good first impression, and a bad first impression can haunt you for life."
"Knowledge comes in different ways, and a spiritual event, though more subtle than its physical equivalent, leaves a more lasting impression."
"It's better for an awesome experience to end and leave you wanting more than it is for it to completely outstay its welcome."
"The greatest use of your life is to invest it in something that will outlast it."
"It's been about two months and I can still smell this fragrance on that jacket."
"The scars are going to be deep and devastating."
"This is a memory I will eternally be grateful for."
"While Bender has over and over again looked for ways to be remembered, the things that really do leave a lasting impact for him are his relationships."
"Time may fade your memory and it may even help cleanse a guilty conscience, but the nightmare pain and anguish that Christina and the rest of Shelby's family feel is never ending."
"Even if she lived longer than him, he'd make sure that she'd never forget him."
"I think the um the song transcends and lasts longer and I believe I'm firm believe that if it's a great song people come back to it in a few years time anyway so I'd rather collaborate with people that um really excite me."
"Bury me with my aesthetic, it's a forever part of you."
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
"First impressions are very important but no one ever talks about the lasting impressions."
"One day the story might end, but the memories we've made here together will last forever."
"People will forget what you did to them, people will forget what you said to them, but they will never forget how you made them feel."
"There's a memory they're all carrying, stories that last because they're telling us truth about ourselves."
"Beauty is only skin deep but Terror lasts forever."
"I think Jurassic Park is brilliant because it's still great, and there's still new stuff to think about even after 27 years."
"Know that you touched many of us in our lives by providing so much happiness and we will cherish that always."
"People don't remember what you say, they remember how you make them feel."
"You're going to have an encounter with God where you're going to be marked by God forever. You will never be the same again as you encounter God and as you encounter His presence."
"This is a piece of history that will never be forgotten."
"Whether it's the sight of a skeletal bear or a man turned into a fungus, 'Annihilation' is a movie that sticks in your mind."
"The Phoenix family's tributes stand as a testament to River's lasting impact, urging love, unity, and peace in challenging times."
"You created art that people are still playing 30, 40 years later."
"The world has most definitely not forgot about him and we never will."
"Ideas have a more lasting effect than money."
"I'm making things in the world that won't go away when I do."
"Left 4 Dead 2 will stick with you even 11 years later."
"It's an instant classic that we're still going to be talking about 50 years from now."
"They still have deep, deep feelings for you, whether it's a relationship or just a friendship."
"The trauma and the weight of January 6 has not left."
"I definitely feel like his impact will be a lasting one as he hit the stage."
"You kind of haunt them, I'm gonna be real with you."
"This movie truly is the gift that keeps on giving."
"Parasite is one of those movies that you won't be able to stop thinking about after your first viewing."
"Resident Evil 4 changed Resident Evil and survival horror games alike for more than a decade."
"Once you lick the lollipop of minority rule, you suck it forever."
"Nothing will ever be the same in 2020, nothing will ever be the same."
"Her enduring impact on the film industry continues to be celebrated by audiences and critics alike."
"While she may not be as ubiquitous in mainstream media as during her peak years, her contributions to pop culture and her advocacy work outside of acting continue to be appreciated by fans worldwide."
"It's crazy how that works, how memories last for years, even though it was a 30-second thing that happened decades ago."
"It's a chilling shot to leave on and it successfully sticks with you well after the end credits."
"If you tell the truth, it might have a moment where people are up in arms, but it stands the test of time."
"How does that affect the thousands of people that read it and believe? Well, it sticks with them their whole [ __ ] life, you know?"
"Who would have thought that a single photograph would have such a long-lasting effect?"
"The dam was never rebuilt and remained a ruin which became a testament to the pitfalls of completion at all costs."
"The memory of Sydney's beautiful smile, sparkling eyes, kind heart, and loving spirit will live on..."
"The only thing that's going to stay behind is the knowledge and value provided to the community."
"The elevation of appearance over substance, of celebrity over character, of short-term gains over lasting achievement is precisely what your generation needs to help end."
"People have had some contact [with loved ones who passed away]... it's so real it stays with them for an extended period of time."
"You never know, 20 years later people are still going to be talking about the shit that you were doing at that moment."
"The remnants of the Trump era will stay with us forever."
"The most important thing for us is to be recognized for bringing something that people speak about for years."
"The Lorax stuck with me so much more. It got to the core of what's gonna stick."
"Nipsey Hussle may be gone, but the lessons he imparted and the impact he made are immortal."
"Her journey is a testament to resilience and determination."
"Leaving a lasting impression beyond the competition results."
"You never truly top those magical moments you had as a child that just stick with you."
"It's still one of my favorite movies all these years later."
"Your first impression may be the last impression that you ever have with that person."
"I will remember your face for the rest of my life."
"This is a course that really sticks with you because it's experiential."
"What legacy was there was what's my future like, you know? Do I want to be just remembered for a few days or do I want to impact people whereby I can be remembered for many days?"
"This game still feels impressive honestly, even now."
"You don't stop thinking about a book just because you finished it, that's true."
"Telling a sincere story about finding your own happily ever after is one that I think will continue to resonate for a long time to come."
"Tesla has left a design legacy that will probably be remembered for decades."
"Tolkien was able to create an incredibly imaginative and vibrant world that still sucks in Raiders today when most people see a little bit of Middle Earth they'll always want to come back for the rest of their lives."
"It's better than just belief, it's belief in something that's everlasting and transformative."
"The humor is still unique, crisp, and remains a standout in video game comedy to this day."
"Titanic after all these years still gives me chills."
"Even though she is gone, she is anything but forgotten."
"The memory and the legacy of Sarah Payne will long outlive her sick killer."
"His voice will forever echo in the hearts of those who love the thrill of the race." - Tribute to Art Emman.
"His work had the power to change industries, outlive media, and endure for decades."
"Your words are Eternal, they never die, they keep going, they keep going."
"This is not an effort to win the applause of the moment, but a contribution for all time."
"Fans will always be in my heart, the respect and I hope we will always be there and I hope they never forget that."
"The magic of this adventure has made its impact."
"Your energy has this slow burn effect on individuals, where over the course of time, your energy lingers with them, it sticks with people, it's something that they can't forget."
"It's just that its context, the deeper meaning it represented and still continues to represent today, is and was locked in an endless chain reaction."
"Its physical appearance and violent actions are permanently burned into the memories of all Inside players." - Foreign Mojo
"The goal isn't to live forever. It's to create something that does."
"Dr. King was a human being a man with flaws but also a great man whose contribution to the world will last forever"
"It's gonna take days to wipe the smile off my face."
"Marseille: where controversy has never been too far around the corner."
"This isn't about a bull market. This changes things forever."
"Her presence in the world of Cinema remains as influential as ever, leaving an indelible mark on generations of film lovers."
"No matter what Club Penguin will always live on in the hearts of the people who enjoyed it."
"These moments will live forever in our hearts."
"I feel like I will always hold on to that feeling I had with my first love."
"We just want to be good to the people who love us. That's what lasts in the long run."
"Some of my favorite pieces of music I've ever listened to, they've stuck with me for a long time now."
"I am anything you get to be a part of with for little kids, that's the stuff that to me has the longest legs."
"He did these films that not only played a big part in childhood emotionally, but still hold up today."
"He sings with a purity that sends you soaring even after thousands of listens."
"Experience gifts... goes a long way and it's the gift that keeps on giving."
"The effects of which are still being deeply felt today."
"Lipton's Legacy lives on through her impactful contributions to the entertainment industry and her memorable performances on screen." - Peggy Lipton
"His legacy continues to live on through his memorable contributions to the entertainment industry." - Harold Ramis
"The only time someone's truly gone is when you forget them. As long as you cherish your memories with him, he'll live on in your heart."
"It's like people will forget your name but they're not gonna forget how you made them feel."
"Gravity Falls will be remembered for many years to come."
"Skyrim was just a game that was ahead of its time... Skyrim blows on like 90 different levels."
"I feel like I make music that you could grow up to, you know? People can be 18 and you can knock my music till you're 22, 23, and you're gonna be like, 'Damn, it's gonna hit you even harder.'"
"Still to this day I pass by that place and it gives me chills."
"The influence of the PSP is still felt to this day."
"The first film was an absolute classic that stood the test of time."
"I like horror that feels very real and authentic and will make you think about it long after you've finished it."
"The series as a whole is goaded, Attack on Titan is forever one of the best series of all time."
"That kind of memory doesn't go away. It's seared in one's memory."
"Those pictures will tell the story that will stay forever."
"It doesn't matter if the physical body of Jeffrey Epstein is gone. The spirit of Jeffrey Epstein lives on."
"I immediately took it out to the burn pit and cleansed it with fire. It screamed as it burned, and I can still hear those screams 10 years later."
"Prohibition more than makes up for that with both how easy it is to use and how long lasting its effect is."
"A lingering sense of cognitive Rejuvenation well-being and mental Clarity can sometimes last for hours days or even weeks after a dimethyltryptamine experience."
"I will forever be grateful for the happiness you've given me."
"Melissa is literally helping people to this day, you know, 19 years after she's been gone."
"Close Encounters forever has fans falling in love with it."
"The fan base that smashed into the 90s and continues to this day, is surely testament."
"For the rest of your life, you can come here -- and look at this and know that you had a part in it."
"That [ __ ] was [ __ ] funny, and she still got me dyin', dawg, that [ __ ] still got me dyin', bro."
"There's always something in there... that resonate forever."
"The imagery and memories have stayed with me for so long."
"Life goes on after Brandon Lawson's disappearance but questions remain."
"I still see it to this day over 10 years later."
"Mannerisms, rituals, things like that, entrench your character in your players' minds."
"The attention to detail is fantastic, and the fact that it even has interior detailing even to this day blows my mind."
"Even more than that, I think it's earned a place in the series."
"It mattered more to him to create something that would last with people."
"A work of art that would stay with them rather than one that would make a quick buck."
"Nearly two decades since this story found its way into the world, its message still resounds..."
"Shinobi, without a doubt, one of the greatest games ever made."
"Even if this person were to never see you or speak to you again in this physical lifetime...they would never be able to get your face or your name out of their mind or out of their heart."
"Your legacy will not be the grave you left it will be the lives you saved."
"Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo remains one of my favorite books of all time."
"When you lose your child in these circumstances, it's there forever, and I would like people to know how much evil destroys family legacies."
"The unanswered mystery is what stays with us the longest and it's what we'll remember in the end."
"But I have this exact same reaction for like two hours afterwards, I'm just like."
"Who gives a [__] what I think if people still care 10 or 20 years later like that tells you that they did something that was really special."
"The Black Coat's Daughter is so well-made, so clever and chilling, it's bound to stick with you long after you finished it."
"The Powerpuff Girls have remained relevant to this date, some might even say more now than ever."
"Resident Evil 4 is still held up as one of the greatest games ever to this day."
"Pilots on flight 705 they are the real heroes."
"The flight of FedEx 705 took about 30 minutes but the impact it had will last for years."
"The scenes on the pitch after were just fantastic. It still means that much to them."
"Greatness is determined by service... service and the significance that you bring to your service is that which is lasting."
"That's why the Kendricks and the J Coles will always be who they are. Whether they don't make music like Lil Baby and Lil Durk, they have music that lives on forever."
"There's something about the way the music sticks in your brain as you grow up."
"I taped The Shining off the television at age 9... absolutely terrified me... still the scariest movie I've ever watched."
"It's something that you can't unlearn, you can't unsee, you can't turn your back on it."
"Robbing it of a talented actress who had left an indelible mark on audiences through her diverse and impactful performances."
"Leaving behind a memorable legacy as an actor who made a lasting impact through his compelling performances."
"For the next 20 years, somebody's gonna be able to say 'shoe scene' and movie fans will know exactly what they're talking about."
"Amore is something that'll stick with me for years to come."
"Classic anime have more than just quality and mass appeal; they have staying power, ideas, and imagery that stick with you."
"It's important to make people's day... they remember you for the rest of their lives."
"I'm gonna be thinking about this for the rest of the year."
"I had nightmares about it for years, like, every time I would be like in Middle School I'd be like, haunts me dude."
"Thirteen years later, you know we're still... we still know who she is but she's still changing the world."
"Melanie Griffith's career spans decades, and she continues to contribute to film and television, showcasing her versatility as an actress."
"Tiffany Thiessen remains a beloved figure with a lasting impact on pop culture."
"It's bringing with it the possibility to build something tangible, durable, long-lasting, and concrete in our lives."
"Despite this, his legacy remains strong as a contributor to the film industry."
"Only special players can do that. That greatness that he actually did there was why he did what he did for the next 10 years."
"Words on paper. Images on film. But when you're lucky, really lucky, something more remains."
"There are some who bring a light so bright to the world that even after they have gone, the light remains."
"When the champagne stops popping, legendary status."
"The atrocities that John Christie committed in the House of Horrors will never ever be forgotten."
"It was a great time that I will never forget as long as I live."
"Animated may be gone, but it is far from forgotten."
"PT is brilliantly made and I still think about it now four and a half years on after playing it, you will not be the same again."
"Once those who are open to transformation goes through the intense process they can never unsee what they now see for the rest of their lives."
"This special moment will stay with her forever."
"People won't remember the words you said but they'll remember the way you make them feel."
"We've lost a legend. But his influence and legacy will live on forever in the hearts of music lovers in Canada and around the world. RIP Neil Peart."
"The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it."
"Spaces that will truly transform the way that Rachel and James live in this home for many years to come."
"Aquatic Ambience is one of the most revered songs in video game history."
"His legacy is a reminder of the power of dedicated public service and the lasting impact one individual can have on a community."
"You do live on in the people that you touch."
"The number one strategy that outlives all strategies."
"These Spice Girls are the most iconic pop group of our lifetime."
"Every word uttered, every action taken echoes in eternity."
"One thing is for certain though and it's that this event that they had just seen is likely going to have a lasting impact."
"The lighting in this game is so gorgeous that it is still stunning today."
"Everyone always talks about the physical pain, but it's the emotional pain that sticks with you."
"We will remember her dedication to serving those in need, her passion for music, and pure desire to make others happy."
"Let this be a reminder to you, it'll never fall off."
"Max Payne is an amazing gameplay experience both in the context of its own era and today."