
Mirroring Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Mirroring is a one of the simplest, easiest, and most effective of the skill set."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You guys mirror each other in this special connection."
"Mirrored souls, mutual feelings, fate: you mirror each other in this special connection."
"Both of you are so mirrored that if you're wondering if this person's thinking about you, the answer is yes."
"Understand that you are mirroring one another at the moment."
"If people mirror you, that means that they're letting their defenses down and they're interested in you."
"Mirror souls... you guys mirror each other."
"Continue to mirror people's energy."
"When we see people who are laughing and smiling, we tend to recreate those same facial expressions and emotions."
"Responding to the emotions of others in kind."
"I think in a lot of ways, Powder also mirrors Silco. Silco felt betrayed by essentially his brother and carried that with him as his own trauma, and he felt betrayed by the world around him, like he couldn't trust people."
"Mirroring is huge right here. And I like to match their tone. So if she seems like she's quiet and she's slower at speaking, I like to mirror people as well."
"Mirroring encompasses how two people complement each other. They might be opposites, but it's part of the reason why they work extremely well together."
"Mirror your partner's image, mirror what they're doing, mirror how they treat you."
"We mirror each other as a fast track to learning."
"There could be some mirroring going on. The reason that these messages are coming across this way is just you need some validation for where you're at."
"not only that but this finale mirrored the very beginning of the series."
"Be their mirror. Always one level below. Do what your enemies do, following their actions as best you can, and they cannot see what you are up to. They are blinded by your mirror."
"synchronization or mirroring options are not backups."
"You need to mirror what you want. Realize that your actions are going to affect how another person views you."
"The fluid circulating in a living creature is a small world that mirrors the great world."
"The relationships in your life are just a mirror that reflect back to you your own relationship with yourself."
"There's nothing I see in you that is not in me."
"Mirroring... means repeating or reflecting someone else's body language."
"The twin flame couple are a powerful mirror to each other."
"The opponent should be some form of a double to the hero."
"The viewer's one-sided exchange mirrors a real-life relationship."
"Match the person's language. So if they're using two-word phrases to communicate, also use two-word phrases."
"Organizations who design systems are going to produce designs that copy their communication structures."
"Your dog is great at mirroring us."
"Verbal mirroring is when we take words, sounds that other people are using, and we use those same words and sounds."
"This connection is an embodiment of divine masculine and feminine energy; you mirror the sacred within each other."
"Essentially, it mirrors the contents of one PC onto the display of another PC."
"73 is the 21st prime number, its mirror, 37, is the 12th, and its mirror, 21, is the product of multiplying 7 and 3."
"A lot of what we're doing is creating a simulation of the real world and then taking events in the real world and feeding notifications with those events into the simulation so the simulation mirrors the real world."
"Subtly mirroring your negotiating partner is one of the best ways to get more out of the deal."
"If you mirror someone's tone of voice, they will feel connected to you and not even know why."
"The face that we show the water is the face that the water shows back to us."
"When she mirrors your body language, it indicates that she's attuned to your behavior and wants to establish a connection on a non-verbal level."
"Interactional synchrony is when people interact with each other and mirror each other's behavior."
"You can start to repeat those words back in conversation so that will help you help them feel that you're on the same wavelength as they are."
"Matching and mirroring in NLP is also known as pacing."
"We do exactly what they do, and it's not simply doing what they're doing, it is also enjoying as we're doing it with them."
"Anything you create on one side of the centerline will automatically be mirrored to the other."
"We mirror the body language and energy of those around us."
"You and this other person are manifesting, you mirror each other, you both want the same thing, you adore each other."
"I gave it all I had in the lead position, he was right there with me, and while chasing, I just tried to mirror every move he made."
"This is also somebody that tends to mirror you, like you both tend to be the same person in different bodies."
"You'll often mirror each other's feelings as well."
"You and somebody are mirroring each other here."
"Mirroring each other, self-reflection, introspection."
"When two people have similar energies and think the same things, you get the mirroring, very much the same, very compatible."