
Personal Improvement Quotes

There are 1593 quotes

"Besides the fact that you helped me make a lot more money, you helped me save my marriage."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When we feel better in ourselves, we get more out of our life."
"You've been very sensitive to any perceived criticism but have found your way through that and recognized the need for that radical self-reflection and honesty."
"So figure out what does make you happy and try to do more of that."
"I don't really look into me having a ceiling for real. I just try to... get better every day, on and off the court."
"Now, I've become a complete self-care junkie and I'm feeling so much better on a daily basis."
"The only thing I can control is me. Instead of worrying about who else is causing you problems, worry about what you can do to yourself to improve your station."
"If you are not happy with where you are financially, it starts with financial education."
"I believe a thousand percent that if you were to name the four or five things that would make your life amazing, you already know what they are."
"Are you better off today than you were four years ago?"
"Put in your reps to get better at the thing."
"You've got to go into that hell hole of life that you have f***** up and fix it."
"I stopped wasting time. That helped a lot. I stopped drinking. I stopped going to bars."
"I think people got to be a little bit easier on themselves."
"Every single one of you has gotten better at the thing that was holding you back before today. Every single one of you has improved as a player and as a person."
"Energy is everything. I think and I would argue that if there's one thing we want to improve more than anything else, it's energy."
"Just understand that you will get better. Don't be discouraged."
"If your life is not the way you want it to be, it's possible that your goal is not what it should be."
"Enabling people to do better reduces the chance they'll rely on other government spending while also increasing their earnings and therefore their taxes."
"If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed."
"The rewards of becoming a better person are vastly better than the pride of being happy with my issues."
"Change one, just one aspect of your health and if you do it, I can practically guarantee your health and life will change."
"Instead of trying to threaten away bad videos of you that won't go away, try being less bad. Just a thought."
"Focus is a muscle, and you've got to put in the time and energy to get better at focusing."
"My work life balance, from a friends and family perspective, is much better."
"Instead of just kicking it off with a bunch of studies that link improved testosterone levels in men with everything from increasing muscle mass, improving their mood and motivation, and even in some studies earning more money, none of this will actually help you if we don't also discuss how you might personally be able to increase your testosterone levels and actually see these positive changes for yourself."
"The whole thing is momentum, the whole thing is doing is everybody that has ever had a good day, you have a good day where you really get your shit together, you start feeling good about yourself."
"If you take the good wherever you find it, religion, non-religious, philosophical thing, take those things, keep them, get rid of the baggage, how could we not be better off?"
"I am trying to be better. Please do not make me let you down."
"Now, me being an adult, I just know how much better my life is now."
"Reading... can actually enhance your vocabulary and the way that you speak."
"Every single person who gets their act together a little bit has the capacity to spread that around them. It's a chain reaction."
"Psychedelics can give you insights into how to be a better person. It won't make you a better person. And if you're a bad person, you may still be a bad person."
"Increasing your joy, it will increase everything else good that the Lord has put in your life."
"I am interested in certain parts of Islam... I think that's very sick. You know, me being sober for months now, I just feel fantastic."
"It's all about the instinct, you know, I'm gonna try my best to make this look good though."
"If you confront the world forthrightly, if you speak the truth and you expose yourself courageously to those things that you're afraid of, your life will improve, and so will the life of people around you."
"Some of the things that I'm going to talk about today are going to make people's quality of life quite simply better."
"By replacing results-oriented thinking with goal-oriented thinking or objective-based thinking, you will without a doubt see some improvement."
"With a new understanding of our own hidden mental processes that Mlodinow provides in SUBLIMINAL, we are able to recognize and avoid some common pitfalls in our lives, work, and relationships."
"My quality of life has just skyrocketed since then."
"My life is so wonderful compared to what it was in this place. I can't even believe I actually get to be where I am now."
"I've been saying that like part of trying to get in shape for me is like no distractions."
"I'm doing it because I just individually personally want to do better and know better and be better."
"You were doing good, Kim; you just got to be confident."
"Every night I ask myself, what could I have done better today?"
"I can tell you that within a week, I feel more focused than I have in a very long time."
"Your luck will start to be very good; your finances will improve, your life prospects will improve."
"If you play tennis and it gets too easy, it's no fun anymore, so you start playing with a saucepan and with one hand behind your back. Then it's more rewarding."
"If you're struggling, it's important to believe you're going to get better, but you've got to do something about it."
"People start decluttering and... they find peace."
"I come from nothing. I had to educate myself to better myself."
"When you start getting healthy, you just become a better person."
"I'm much happier now. I actually have energy to spare, and my health is so much better."
"You just don't have to live like this...the sun can be a little bit brighter, you can be a little bit happier, you can just enjoy things more."
"Comparing yourself to others... there's almost always going to be somebody out there that is better at something than you... ideally you compare yourself to what you were yesterday."
"I promise I will keep doing my bestest bestest bestest for you."
"All of you sitting in this audience today have an obligation to change your behavior towards your family to be better than you were yesterday."
"It's not about being happy, it's about being happier."
"That was probably the best version I've seen of you."
"Let's be better than we were before we went into it. It may take some time, it may take a second, but ultimately we will get there."
"I got to work harder than I what I did before. You got two, three, four more don't trying to block you. It's like you gotta keep yourself at a higher level to be able to produce."
"Now I talk about things, you know, I listen and act different. There's no violence left in it."
"Build a connection with men... It makes everything about my world better. I'm more on point with my work, my relationship improved, I'm in better health, I'm happier."
"Being able to get healthy is everything I've always wanted, and I feel like I'm ready for it. This time I'm not going to waste this chance to make sure I have the life and the future I've always wanted."
"Fixing your lifestyle does have side effects, and they're awesome."
"To be perfect, I'm a Christian, you know. We know that perfection, the only one person was perfect, right? It's not me. But we do want to say to men, listen, you can still and should strive to be good, strive to be better, strive to be a role model for your kids, strive to leave a legacy."
"It's all about trial and error, learning from mistakes, and improving each time."
"Force yourself into patterns that improve your life."
"You have to be Chick-fil-A in your life, give great customer service."
"The better you score on this little questionnaire, the more likely your exercise selection or your exercise technique is not the problem."
"He won't just make you better. He will make you new."
"But the beauty of speedrunning is that feeling of self-improvement."
"Yo, the progress we've made in Four Seasons as a player it's crazy."
"If you hit those two off the checkbox of most people's lists you're already doing better than most people."
"I think this is the fastest way to improve and it's especially good for people who are analytical."
"Fellas, it's no secret that quitting a bad habit is hard, but it doesn't have to be."
"Bro, anything is better than that Vegeta [__] I had going on."
"Once you're number one, you chase yourself. Try to beat yourself."
"You inspire me to be better and it's the best thing ever, you inspire me."
"If you want to make your life better, do it. And it's not gonna happen overnight."
"I'm not addicted anymore which is great amazing."
"The best thing I can do to improve my prayer life is to take the time."
"Men love structure, blueprints, guidelines; we love to have a roadmap of what it is that you want across all levels."
"If you want to get better at something, you need a coach to help you get there."
"If you really have given it your 100% and you've improved... there is no way that I can't work out."
"Resolved, To be continually endeavoring to find out some new contrivance and invention to promote the aforementioned things."
"It's about making sure you guys get better, and we're only working with truth here."
"You want to be a little bit better in some way tomorrow than you are today."
"He spent the summer adding muscles to his lanky frame and claimed he was making a thousand practice shots a day to avoid ever missing another one."
"Separation from distractions is the best thing God can do for you."
"When I'm out meeting people, saying hi, it makes me my best self."
"Look to those little tiny things to improve the scales just a little bit."
"I'm really glad that you're actually in treatment."
"There's a miracle life, guys. I feel so much better now."
"I feel like you've inspired them to be determined to do a lot better in their life."
"Take small steps toward improving your life."
"Last year I struggled a bit and didn't quite get to grips with myself and did many mistakes during the season but well I'm I'm very happy to be back on the top step."
"A glow up for you, more engaged in your own happiness."
"It's not enough just to be a bit stronger, I need to be faster, more agile, more focused."
"The whole idea of wanting to be better than somebody is a sick idea."
"You want to associate with people that are better than you are."
"You want to pick a spouse that's better than you are."
"There's genuinely only one way to get better at something, and that's to suck at it first."
"He completely turned things around... I mean that's what we all dreamed of doing."
"They're starting to have a sense of hope that they can have a good life."
"It sounds like you've taken advantage of those services and done some really good things in your life."
"Could your life be better if you stopped wanking to porn? Yeah, well, maybe stop wanking to porn or at least do it less."
"They've grown stronger in being at their absolute best."
"My brain just got different. I slept better, thought better. I was way better at everything. This is it."
"If you want to know something about yourself, sit on your bed one night and say what's one thing I'm doing wrong that I know I'm doing wrong that I could fix that I would fix. You meditate on that; you'll get an answer."
"Fasting does not make you better than others, it makes you better than you."
"You don't replace one bad thing in your life with another. That's not how you fix things."
"Stop hiding from the truth and create a plan to turn your finances around."
"Every aspect of my life got exponentially better."
"You need a few small wins and then people realize, like, 'Wow, I do feel better.'"
"Stop giving a damn so many of you guys have done the work and you still struggling with women because you care too much."
"Raise your standards starting with yourself."
"It could make you better at whatever it is that you're doing... dispel some of these myths."
"December 2022 can actually be one of the first months for a lot of people where they see what it's like to have truly precise productivity."
"Psychedelics in general are making people better people."
"I honestly think the quarantine is actually making me a better man."
"If you do for yourself, you'll find that you will refine your craft significantly."
"I never thought about the numbers. I just tried to get better. Period."
"He's probably the most improved out of all of us in the time span."
"Override my natural tendencies... I just start working out... and I'll go out of my way to listen to positive messages on YouTube."
"Accept defeat like it's a man thing. You always feed yourself 'I don't have low confidence, I'll get over it.' But you need to actually work on it."
"I mean like I actually do have clarity in my life today and that's a good thing."
"This is one of the best transformations that I've ever seen."
"I was like a tenth of a point away from being diabetic he said you do exactly what I tell you to do for 10 weeks and I guarantee you I'll change your life."
"Take the log out of your own eye before you can remove the speck of dust from your neighbor's."
"Build up all your other skills, work on your anatomy, work on your form."
"Men accept the reality of who they are and they work around it to make themselves better."
"It's a chance to do better, it's a chance to rise up, it's a chance to kind of like pick yourself up, try again."
"If you suck at shooting and fighting today, you're gonna suck at shooting and fighting when you go home on Monday morning, just a little less."
"My correction is motivated by my love for you."
"I think the genuine pursuit of improvement is better than the pursuit of improvement to hit a goal."
"Guilt is a useless emotion. It detracts and makes you wallow. What motivates you is a principled understanding that you could be doing better."
"I mean, being under less stress, you know, since getting out from underneath that depression and stuff, like, I've definitely cut back."
"You're not that great of an editor these videos you're editing are not that intensive in terms of the actual work that you're doing."
"Last year I put together a Nas that... became the single biggest upgrade to how I handled my entire digital existence."
"In playing a monk, you get to embrace all this really great philosophy, this striving to better yourself body and mind."
"Separate from what our expectations were, he's getting better."
"It makes you a better fighter, your mechanics improve."
"It's really about how we can all be better people." - Elevation
"Encourage people with a public platform to be better, own up to mistakes."
"I quit smoking and started going to the gym, eating better because of you."
"Type the number one in chat right now if you are a member of True Trading Group and you are making money and becoming a better trader."
"My thing is I just try to make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today and I don't I don't trip off what everybody else is tripping off of."
"Learn to fold your clothes, put it in minimal order, and then man, you could get spectacular."
"Matt Fraser surely learned his lesson last year he didn't take any water out of the field with him."
"Improvement overall from everybody is almost unbelievable it's insane."
"You don't have to be a freeloader your whole life. The good news is that you can support this show and the fight by buying some really cool clothes."
"This has been a very successful glow-up video."
"The best thing we can do for ourselves is to focus on what we can control."
"Things look a lot better. It's really important that by the time April has begun, Venus has escaped the besieged moment."
"I believe focusing on quality over quantity has helped the last little bit."
"Don't ever forget this and let it motivate you to be even better."
"You're headed right towards something better."
"Once you wake up, that's enough. That's when things start getting better."
"One of the things that has been so important to me in my marriage has been that idea of trying to be better for someone."
"Taking on more responsibilities is the best way to do so."
"You can do this. What I've purposed for you, you can. And you will be better for it."
"You don't live your life so you can be in great shape. You get into great shape so you can improve your life."
"I was training. I was becoming a ninja. I failed because I made a mistake or I didn't spot a guard quick enough or I got cocky and when I succeed it's because I improved and I love this."
"If you want to acquire new skills or improve the ones you already have, then you're going to love this."
"The less amount of stress surrounded around getting better, the more fun it'll be in general."
"I thought he would be a little better this time."
"The better you make your opponent, the better chance you have to become."
"When you get it, you're going to be able to use it to improve your life tomorrow, right? No waiting for anything."
"Honestly, for me, it was trial and error and just making the mistakes a few times and then realizing like this isn't right or someone would point out something and then I would look it up and try and make it better for next time."
"Oh my gosh, you're getting better about this."
"I'm just going to try to be the best version of me that I can."
"Being a doctor is all about helping people and being better today when compared to yesterday."
"I just want better for y'all man that's all."
"Keep writing, keep improving, and never give up on your stories."
"You're gonna get a lot more organized with work."
"I admire the fact that T.I. was like I'm gonna bomb through this, like I'm gonna stay here, I'm gonna work on it and I'm gonna keep doing it."
"Hazard became increasingly tenacious, especially under Antonio Conte."
"If you want to make the world a better place, start with yourself."
"He's been a great advert for what you can do coming from problems in your past and better in your life and using boxing to do so."
"To improve for 2023, you need to understand exactly what you've got wrong for 2022."
"I feel like things will improve in this ten of cups."
"Using that behavior for the best is a good thing."
"Step up your game and get the woman you want."
"Deliberately choosing to set a good example for those around you will further motivate you to consistently improve."
"You better get your speed up, you better work harder, you better work smarter."
"People can always do better, even if the odds are stacked against you."
"Deep realization about your communication style."
"Change behavior is the best apology, all right, or change behavior is the best apology."
"You feel a lot of determination to do better."
"All you have to do is work harder and be smarter."
"I'm hearing someone who wants to be a force of good and positivity."
"Increase my muscle mass by 100 percent, increase my muscle mass."
"Making a to-do list might not seem particularly life-changing, but it turns out this simple practice could do the world of good."
"Massively improved, really working on stuff."
"Progression towards optimization: you're going up the stairs not down when you come and see us."
"It's possible. If I could get out of bad habits... you genuinely can too."
"Criticism is not mean. It's not mean to say, 'Hey, I think you could be better if you did this.'"
"Listen to a little bit of science, learn three or four important things, and you may be able to achieve your weight goals, your blood work goals, fitness goals, and maybe even reverse the disease."