
Financial Success Quotes

There are 2889 quotes

"Besides the fact that you helped me make a lot more money, you helped me save my marriage."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If these people can make 50,000 a day, 50,000 a week, whatever it is, so can I."
"In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, I am now building total financial success and abundance for the highest good of all concerned."
"Money comes from relationships, so the more relationships you have, the more money you will likely make. And with more money, you can afford better health, which in turn, can bring you even more relationships."
"Living a purposeful life means focusing on what's important to you, regardless of financial success."
"You have to be wealthy in your mind before you can actually be wealthy and be visibly wealthy."
"The key to succeeding with any of these [investment options] is really just consistently investing your money month after month."
"Do not chase money; let your passion lead, and the financial rewards will follow."
"The more people you serve, the more money you make. It's about service, not just talent."
"I went from $8.70 to over a million dollars in one year before I was 23 years old."
"When you multiply the skills of sales and marketing of influence of copywriting with the traits of consistency, focus, and discipline, you now have the ability to print money."
"Making money is not enough; you'll have to do something that has meaning."
"In my videos, we've consistently been able to find good projects that have helped millions of people from all around the world make tremendous amounts of money."
"The more value you create for more people, the more money you will have."
"Blizzard delivered their highest operating income ever for a year with no major game releases."
"When I started out, I was making two or three thousand dollars a month from ad revenue, and then I heard someone making 30,000 for one brand deal, and that completely blew my mind."
"I've had the opportunity to do deals that are in the six figures, like hundreds of thousands of dollars."
"Ten years ago, we could barely afford rent. Now we're thinking about buying a boat."
"If you follow your passion, the money will follow, but you have to take that leap of faith."
"The secret to unlocking incredible growth and financial abundance is going all in on your fear until the fear disappears."
"You will be very prosperous, not even a question."
"You have to love the game of trading, not just winning and making a lot of money."
"80% of financial success is psychological, 20% is mechanical."
"Most people who get really wealthy really quick are really lucky."
"If you want to make money, you need to do the opposite of what the average Joe is doing."
"Credit is a foundational element for financial success."
"Education and capital can take you very far."
"I'm a full-time content creator doing exactly what I want, making way more money than I used to, working smarter, better."
"There's something here that you love doing with all of your heart, it's going to be very successful and bring a lot of money."
"In order for you to have a million dollars in your pocket, you first gotta have a million dollars in your mind."
"Building wealth was his aim, not his dream, and so Adonis leveled up the skills required to become rich."
"The more financially successful men become, the harder it is to find an authentic relationship."
"You make more money when you give the audience a good experience and make what they want. The more you entertain the audience, the more money they're gonna give you. This isn't hard, folks."
"He walked home three million dollars richer. His name is Kyle 'Bugha' Giersdorf and at 16 years old, he won the solo Fortnite finale, turning him into an instant millionaire and an overnight celebrity."
"After 15 years of investing... you've invested $87,000 and are eventually going to see it grow to three-quarters of a million, that's $750,000."
"You are wealthy in your mind before you're wealthy in your bank account."
"Learning the basics of personal finance and money management will likely lead to you being financially successful."
"The salary is extremely good; you can easily get to six figures."
"Disney's theme parks continue to bring in big bucks."
"Michael Burry made billions not once, not twice, but three times."
"The money is a byproduct of knowledge, chase knowledge."
"You can't get rich or stay wealthy without great habits."
"People just see like I'm talented and I'm focused and I work hard, and I could make them a lot of money."
"Listening to this advice from Charlie Munger helped me grow my own investment portfolio to nearly half a million dollars at 24 years old."
"Our books are paying out pretty good... 'Horsing Around' was our first book we did a week ago, and it's still making $350. About a week ago, we got good."
"You're about to come into quite a bit of money or some sort of business success."
"Here comes the money. If you have your own business, all of your hard work is about to pay off."
"In this video, there will be no car, no houses, no fancy stuff. I'm going to explain how I made three million dollars before the age of 24 and what is my exact journey I went through."
"One of the first steps to building long-lasting wealth is to know that you're worthy of it."
"The more that I serve this person, the more that I help people, the more that I add value, then the money will follow from that."
"Charisma is a really cool thing because it will make you more influential, help you make a bigger impact, and absolutely is going to help you make some more money."
"This has catapulted Tottenham from sitting outside of the top 10 of the Deloitte Football Money League to ranking eighth last season, above Chelsea, Arsenal, Inter Milan, and Juventus."
"Education will open your mind up and the money will drop right in. Trust me, people are looking for deals, not looking for money as much."
"If you're actually good at something, money is inevitable to come."
"Finally, we've made enough money that we can spend the whole day being productive and we still have some left over, basically the American dream."
"How about we share with you guys how you can start a cleaning business and make two million dollars in three years."
"At a relatively young age, I was able to achieve financial freedom. By age 24, I officially became a millionaire, and by age 25, a multi-millionaire."
"We've officially made over one quintillion dollars, otherwise known as one Cutie."
"Being a high value man, it's not just about making money, it's about making a difference."
"If in life your goal is to be a billionaire, what kind of life is that? I think your goal in life should be successful at something, and if that happens to bring a lot of money, then that's great."
"The statistical average of a millionaire in America today is 52. On average, it took them 17 years to get there from the time they got their crap together and started working on it."
"I needed to first believe that I could do something different, that wherever my mindset was, my bank account was gonna follow."
"Don't be afraid to put your unique gifts out there because there's people waiting, money is waiting to come into your bank account."
"The more of wisdom we know, the more we may earn. The man who seeks to learn more of his craft shall be richly rewarded."
"You have a very pure ambition that actually doesn't depend on money, though hopefully it will bring money in."
"What's gonna get you rich is the beliefs that you hold about money and the belief that you have within yourself to be able to create the opportunities to bring more money in."
"Money-wise, career-wise, it's an awesome read."
"I have a fat-ass bank account; that's where my fat's going to be."
"The further away I get from my core, the more money I lose, and the closer I am to the core of what I'm good at, the more money I make."
"Experience is what you need to make money in this business."
"Becoming a billionaire requires luck...there's no business plan where you can just start it and say, 'Yeah, I'm definitely going to be a billionaire.' You can, if I had to start all over, could I start a company that made me a millionaire? Yeah. 'Cause I know how to sell, and I know technology."
"When you believe in yourself, really have that self-worth, it's going to be net worth."
"Two million global content creators are now making six figures."
"If you're going to be a successful investor, it makes a lot of sense to start early."
"You're talking about a network that's pushing through billions and billions of dollars, succeeding in what has become an Amazon-dominated world."
"Remember, there's 'influencers' that make more money than all of us combined by being a nuisance."
"Those people who keep hustling, those people who have a mindset of receiving mistakes as blessings...those are the ones who are going to make lots of money."
"You will never win with money if you do not budget."
"Paid off my very first property in 20 months. Debt-free, mortgage-free."
"You're finally finding that style that's looking really good on you... you're starting to find your personal expression."
"What was more important was how much money those copies had generated, marking a significant success for Square."
"It's not about how much money you can make; it's about finding your purpose. Then, the money will come."
"The company that gets the metaverse right will likely make trillions."
"Everyone has at least four ideas per year, any one of which would make them a millionaire."
"Just imagine never having any money ever, and then just imagine, like, now I am."
"We realized we had already made more money from internet stuff than we would make working the rest of our lives for the government."
"In 2016, my husband and I were over $70,000 in debt... we paid off almost all of our debt in just one year."
"Turn your passion into a business. That's what's going to get you to that money flow you want to be at."
"Famously, I read on Twitter that you turned three thousand dollars into 1.6 million in less than two years."
"You will be successful. You have nothing to worry about financially."
"The number one reason for Warren Buffett's financial success, according to him, is that he lives his life according to what he calls an 'inner scorecard.'"
"Some of you making a lot of money. Monies. But how's that gonna happen?"
"If you are somebody making money moves, that's going to take off for you."
"Be a boss. Male or female, be a boss. Keep pursuing what you want. Don't give up because look at your money raking in."
"Money and career-wise, lots of money, step up in money. Some of you have a great new opportunity, a great new job on the horizon, or just a promotion or a big advance in money."
"I see you headed toward a lot of business success and money success."
"Rockstar makes $75 million per month and it shows with their unique attention to detail."
"Consistency compounding your effort will make you money."
"You're gonna become a millionaire because you did this."
"You've completely changed your freaking life, man. You are gonna be a Baby Steps millionaire. You're on your way."
"Anil was finally listed on Forbes 2008 list of billionaires as the sixth richest man in the world, an astonishing $42 billion to his name."
"It's not about how much money you make, it's about the hands you shake."
"Some hostesses make close to six figures, or even more, per month."
"I was blessed to play this game to make the money I made, the accomplishments I made in eight years is like, I'm complete."
"Manchester United have smashed the record for social media interaction... The Glazers will be having a bloody party off that because it's money."
"Making the right money moves... Anything you touch turns to gold."
"Let's get that money, baby. It's the American Dream."
"How you gonna get millions and then turn gangster? I thought the objective was finding a way out."
"Don't underestimate the power of Etsy because my friend Hanna has grossed a hundred thousand dollars per month with this store using Etsy."
"Financially, very rewarding time... time of abundance."
"Do what you love and you'll make a good living at it."
"The whole idea behind making money is the more value that you can provide to the marketplace, the more money you're gonna make."
"That's what it's all about it's all about helping each other secure the bag."
"Because I gotta help you guys secure the bag."
"I make enough money... personal brand has been just like invaluable."
"You just made six million dollars in 10 minutes!"
"Copywriting is the best way to make 10K a month, not just a reliable way, not just a repeatable way, but the best way."
"NBA Top Shot had $80 million in revenue in the first three months. That's proven product market fit, that's not speculative."
"You're going to make a lot more money, be a lot more happy, Be Your Own Boss."
"I think what's going to make you the most money the fastest is the thing that you're willing to consistently do."
"It broke several pandemic box office records and grossed $470 million worldwide against a production budget between $155 to 200 million and a break-even point of $330 million."
"Chase the vision, not the money, and the money will end up following you."
"You're supposed to get up, work hard, dedicate yourself, get strong, get rich."
"I preach to young men to become as financially successful as possible."
"From copywriting to sales and affiliates, I was making money. I've never seen so much money in my life."
"You're destined to have money success, and I feel like this person is going to motivate you to that potential."
"Cryptocurrencies can ultimately be successful only if they're successful currencies."
"Some of you are going to be able to make 10 to 100 million dollars over these next 10, 15 years."
"A few things in life that can make a bigger impact on your long-term financial success than starting investing early."
"I made like $5,000 which back then was the most amount of money I had ever made in a single day."
"Profitable once again, showing that almost anything Bezos touched would turn to gold."
"Everything I've done, it's usually done well. But I've never gone into anything I've done for the money. It's always been... I do something because I really enjoy it and it happens to make money."
"His career didn't die, it just achieved its purpose: wealth. And like, that's not a bad thing."
"You'll gain wealth, fulfill desires, and enjoy good fortune. Achievement and prosperity await you."
"It really felt like I was making no money, and then suddenly I was making more money than I needed."
"Selling puts is the secret way that Warren Buffett actually became rich with his Geico company."
"Thank you Bonnie, 6 million is a really, really good deal."
"We actually made $80,000 in revenue this year. That's a lot of money."
"God wants us to prosper financially to fulfill the destiny he has laid out for us."
"To make money in the world today, you need to prove brutal competence."
"It's highs... it's mid to highest five figures per month."
"From middle class kid to millionaire in only four years."
"You know like Andrew Sullivan has talked openly about the fact that he's making more money now after being on Substance for I think three or four months."
"We've managed to gain a stupid amount of money."
"I wanted to quickly show you guys the crazy amount of money that we are now making."
"TikTok's most viral videos have turned some lucky folks into overnight millionaires."
"If an investor gave Buffet $100,000 five and a half decades ago it would be worth seven billion dollars today."
"You can absolutely pick up a trade, get a job, and make that hundred thousand dollars a year."
"You have to be rich in your head before you become rich in the world."
"Its success was most accredited at the box office."
"An academic education does not equal financial success. A financial education does equal success."
"You make a million dollars by doing the right thing every day."
"I saved nearly 100k within the space of like two to three years, probably not even that long."
"I just want to help the artist, you know? It's just... I've made lots of money and, you know, I want to give back a little bit here."
"Warren Buffett buys cashflow producing cup every company's ever invested in they all produce cashflow and he takes major positions."
"Since I've started teaching people how to do this, I've helped create more than 21 millionaires."
"Within the space of a few weeks, I've made more money than I would have made in a whole year."
"Hope comes from believing... we're going to live in abundance."
"Winning with money... you just have to devote yourself to basic Common Sense money habits."
"If you want to make money, do what you like instead."
"I'm a guy who was wrong 34% of the time last year and I still made $200,000 that certainly wouldn't be true of your pharmacist."
"Oh my gosh, we just flipped it, hundred thousand dollar profit over double what we paid for the last one."
"To become a millionaire, you need radical self-growth."
"Making money is really different than making money."
"Ben and Angela from the state of Washington they did it house and everything 437,000 paid off in six years and one month making 140 to 300. count it down let's hear a debt free scream."
"The probability of me making money when trading with the trends are much higher."
"I'll push some fresh hot jellies through my little blue sphincter soon enough."
"If I was crazy, how I make $100 million already? That's not really crazy."
"I'm working way more than I ever have but I'm also making way more than I ever even dreamed about making."
"Scream 6 is projected to make $37 million, making it the biggest opening of the franchise."
"Let's find something that you like to do that you're good at, you know, and hopefully you make money doing that, and that is the ultimate goal."
"I sat in the car and I cried and I smiled and I cried because this is more money than anybody in my family history has ever made."
"His immense wealth is the culmination of entrepreneurial endeavors."
"Michael Jordan: The world's first athlete billionaire."
"There is a way for you to marry your passion with your income."
"You're going to be a pricing expert and by being a pricing expert you will make more money than 99% of your competition."
"This image was the most I'd ever been paid for a personal project that had been then used in a commercial sense."
"100k for that artist like that's pretty wild."
"I have made more money when I have been lonely. I have made more money in sectors that people are either bored of or hate or are afraid of because I've been able to buy absolute values."
"By the end of the bull run, we've two or three X our net worth. That is insanely good."
"This video is probably going to make more millionaires than any video I've ever made."
"You look good for a seven-figure fighter, an eight-figure fighter. I'm a nine-figure fighter."
"Money does matter; the most successful teams in pro cycling are those with the biggest budgets."
"If you believe it and you're savvy, big picture, this is what you can achieve in boxing or in MMA. Yeah, you have to show the full package, right? Floyd Mayweather the boxer with all of the milestones and the records and the money, obviously."
"Microsoft's IPO will go on to create three billionaires and approximately 12,000 millionaires."
"Tesla not only tried, they’ve succeeded. They’re now producing over a billion dollars of free cashflow every year selling NOTHING but electric vehicles, solar and battery storage."
"Known for his audacious bets and crazy returns, Plotkin was a superstar trader."
"80% of America's millionaires are first generation rich... Contrary to popular belief."
"The thing that holds so many people back from ever achieving more financial success is not how hard you work, but your mindset and limiting beliefs."
"Kim became known for her butt in the early 2000s and though it was initially seen as an oddity it later helped to acquire more fame and more money."
"Your ability to win other people's attention will be a direct reflection of your ability to earn significantly more money."
"To date, Spider-Man is the most profitable superhero ever"
"You're excited about the money, excited about the fame, yeah, you're excited about the subscribers."
"We cashed in, we made big profit, bronze pack method has always proven to make good profit."
"Kevin Hart's career went through the roof. He became the highest-paid comedian ever, raking in cash like no one else."
"The belief that I had in myself and God was all I had... I'm on my way to making my first six figures this year."
"We're now starting to already see a big turn of profit."
"Millions are possible, financial freedom is possible, I'm living proof."
"If you just have a long time Horizon you're going to be a winner."
"I hope you guys make a bunch of money. I love you guys, that's all I got."