
Communication Skills Quotes

There are 999 quotes

"Mirroring is a one of the simplest, easiest, and most effective of the skill set."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Empathy, at its base level and the Shu level, I learned it on the suicide hotline, is saying like, 'You sound angry.'"
"Being able to resolve conflict in a healthy way is crucial to a successful and satisfying relationship."
"The job taught me how to be charismatic, how to calm down screaming old ladies who are threatening to call the police on me, and how to talk with such finesse."
"It is your job as communicators to defend your ideas in the open battlefield of ideas and become a better communicator."
"We don't teach leaders how to have uncomfortable conversations. We don't teach students how to have uncomfortable conversations. You tell me which is going to be more valuable for the rest of your life: how to have a difficult conversation or trigonometry?"
"Effective communication is not just expressing yourself, it's learning how to listen, learning how to process and receive what they're saying."
"If you want to perform in a programming team... you need to learn how to be a good communicator."
"Communication is a skill that transcends any industry... people who perform well in a particular field tend to be good communicators."
"Validation is a communication skill that's really important. It helps people to feel heard, understood, and appreciated."
"Communication skills are something that you want to work on because this is something that's going to last for your whole life."
"The most important aspect of charisma is communication skills."
"Knowing how to communicate, knowing how to public speak, knowing how to convince people of stuff is generally a useful thing that will help you in almost any career."
"The art of communication is to make friends, to make people feel warm."
"Master your English introduction. It's so simple."
"Practice things like speaking in complete sentences, breaking down messages thoroughly, and storytelling techniques."
"Nobody is born with and there's no shame in that thing, but they became an excellent communicator."
"Try recording yourself speaking and play it back to hear nuances you might not notice while speaking."
"The most common reason that you didn't get the job is you weren't able to articulate why you were the best person for the job."
"Develop your communication skills because once you open your mouth, you tell the world who you are."
"Communication and interpersonal skills are crucial for a business analyst to ensure clear understanding and conveyance of requirements."
"Being able to communicate... there isn't anything that serves you better than your ability to communicate."
"You're going to do better in any type of job if your communication skills are better."
"Practice talking literally every single day, just a little bit. Oh my gosh, the way you pronounce [__], the way like your brain works in the flow, the way you can pull some jokes out, it just gets easier."
"The best entrepreneurs I've ever met are all good communicators."
"All relationships' problems stem from poor communication skills."
"I'm more interested in dialogues because I think that where my skill set lies is more in building bridges."
"If you're going to be a great communicator, you have to be a ready listener."
"Writing is difficult; it's a skill. You're communicating some story and image that is clear in your head, and you're trying to teleport that image into the heads of maybe thousands of strangers."
"The greatest skill an individual can develop before getting into a relationship and during a relationship to ensure they have a thriving, happy, healthy relationship is effective communication."
"The most important skill... is your ability to persuade."
"Simplifying complex topics will be the greatest skill of the next century."
"This person is a great speaker... they're very well educated."
"One of the most valuable skills that I can have is to express my thoughts well, to articulate them well, to be a well-liked person honestly, and to be good at socializing."
"Communication skills are essential for good and productive interaction. They are important for our professional and personal relationships."
"I have strong communication skills with a good command over HR policies and training fields for employees."
"This video is going to be awesome. If I can communicate half the excitement that I myself have about this project, I'll have done my job today."
"A person who wins a debate is often the person who is more charismatic or is a better communicator, not necessarily the one with the right answers."
"They can see spending their life with you because you are excellent at working things out and in talking things out."
"Linguistic intelligence includes the wordsmiths of the world, verbally fluid people, people who are excellent communicators, great writers."
"If you can storytell very well, you will be increasing your chances of getting an offer because humans like to listen to stories."
"Effective communication: You need to be able to initiate the conversation, maintain the conversation, listen to and respond to the patient, ask open questions, respond to anything unexpected, and organize the consultation into clear stages."
"Parents are supposed to help their child learn how to express themselves in a way that works, that gets heard, that's clear, that's polite, that's assertive when it needs to be."
"Being able to convey the thoughts out of your head is a skill, so it can be practiced."
"Communication includes grammar and vocab but also content and delivery."
"Being able to listen actively is a skill we all need to acquire."
"The ability to communicate effectively, tell stories, and inspire others is arguably the most important skill in the world."
"We teach reading and writing in schools; we don't teach speaking, which is absolutely nuts."
"The way we become effective communicators is by actually communicating."
"Clarity, pronunciation, enunciation, and intonation are more important because, regardless of your accent, if you're not clear and you don't pronounce words, people won't understand you."
"I think this conversation is a good example of you putting yourself out there, feeling awkward, and then really like, I think you did a fantastic job."
"If you have the ability to connect with people, if you can communicate and connect, not just communicate, it takes you and literally gives you a decided edge over others."
"Communication skill and dating, just in every part of life, is one of the most important skills to work on."
"Top three qualities that I look for when I hire someone: you keep your word, you're competitive, and you're able to communicate with people."
"Speaking is a superpower in itself. You need to become a fantastic communicator to project your ideas effectively and make an impact."
"A good vocabulary allows you to make any job application or award package sound impressive."
"The more you strengthen your communication skills and work towards having a relationship with full transparency and trust, then jealousy can be a normal issue that comes up, gets dealt with, and over time diminishes to the point of not existing."
"Learn about active listening...you've got to listen to people."
"Let's try to understand what the heck you want here. And a few questions in, the reason why I suspect many of you are getting that kind of pushback that you're talking about, Conor, is perhaps your tone, your delivery, your mannerism, and the way that you're phrasing the question is annoying the hell out of the client."
"His economy of communication is because he listens and he considers the best possible answer, and I think that's what smart people do."
"Communicate with the desire to understand rather than immediately condemn. You have to remember that you guys are on the same team."
"A real effective apology has three parts: 1) Acknowledge, 2) Say you're sorry, 3) Describe what you're going to do to make it right."
"The ninth Golden Rule of a small talk is being an active listener."
"Arguing to convince is different than arguing to win."
"Communication, recognition, absolutely vital."
"It's the person choosing to do something and knowing they could talk their way out of it."
"Summarizing text means stating the main point of a story, focusing on the main idea, key points, and the conclusion."
"It's going to be a full plate of ICT goodness through 2023."
"Dr. K is very, very good at talking... He can speak to somebody and get to things very quickly."
"Be a better communicator and you may go in a different version, but it gets you in the door."
"Having a broad range of vocabulary is essential in achieving truly advanced English."
"Her articulate and persuasive skills were already evident."
"Teaching tricks is a fabulous way to build a bond with your dog and to build communication with them."
"His superpower ... is to be able to talk about all of these things without making you either go to sleep or want to jump into a volcano."
"Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Communication is the most important skill in life."
"I hate to cut you off because... This, no, that's... That's totally okay, that's... That's awesome. This is awesome. You've got great energy, I love your passion, that's great."
"Top-notch interview, you understand me? So you put stripes on my resume to be able to hold a conversation with somebody as great as you that's been doing it for a long time."
"My greatest asset, I feel, is IPC skills, which is interpersonal communication skills."
"As a male presenting mental health worker, I get so many comments like 'you're so easy to talk to for a guy'."
"That's part of what's actually made a lot of my conversations really good and effective."
"You gotta communicate with people and meet them where they are."
"The first thing you have to do in order to change anyone's opinion is have rapport."
"You have such a gift to speak to so many people."
"The most important thing is just to force yourself to start the conversation. That's it. Just A, ask more questions, and B, just have the conversation. Force yourself to do it."
"The more things you experience, the more you can actually understand when people are talking to you."
"What's unique about this interrogator is how he immediately adopts a no-nonsense approach yet manages to build rapport and remain sympathetic at the same time."
"Having that kind of nodding, genuine smile, open posture and maintaining eye contact, that is a great way to have excellent conversations."
"Focus on making women feel attracted to you as you talk to them."
"You gotta have some level of ability to manage the conversation."
"Tell an interesting story or get an interesting personality."
"Expand your vocabulary... makes you sound more elegant and eloquent immediately."
"It's a speaking test about how you would speak to a normal person in a normal situation."
"Answer the specific question that they're asking you."
"Effective communication requires active listening."
"Your questions should be honest, and if you ask people questions and really listen, they will untangle themselves."
"Your words have power. Make eye contact, express yourself."
"If you can think, speak, and write, you are absolutely deadly. Nothing can get in your way."
"Learn to be articulate because that's the most dangerous thing you can possibly be."
"Be a better conversation this now what I was talking about earlier with the not giving a [__] not giving a damn aside from that just talking to women being able to carry a conversation that's it guys."
"He's a fantastic communicator. He keeps it very simple. He doesn't put on any airs. All his stuff is fact-based, and the most important thing is that Steve is genuine."
"The key takeaway from this conversation: to be a more effective salesperson, ask more questions. Sell through curiosity. Seek first to understand."
"Listening is not just paying attention to what you're saying, it's empathy."
"Sadie, you're an expert communicator and a gem of a human."
"Use hand gestures to enhance your communication, but keep them within a natural range."
"Part of her success was the fact that she was bilingual, being able to speak both English and Japanese fluently."
"Boost your vocabulary and range of expression."
"So many skills are involved with this kind of work: listening, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, memory. All you need to do is just make sure you don't stop. Make it a habit."
"Listening. That's a good one. People skills, communicating, listening. Did I say listening? - You did."
"The confidence it takes in a person to both like recognize the value and being able to be articulate and then like to actually speak up and ask something like that."
"People who are good at speaking get so much further in life."
"Listening is a skill. To be able to really take in what someone's saying and to realize that you don't even necessarily have to have a response."
"Learn silence the way you learn how to speak, wow."
"Define your aspirations, determine your unique value proposition, effectively communicate your brand."
"Cicero also displayed the ability to show empathy, build relationships, and speak knowledgeably about the game."
"We have to know how to sit down and talk with one another when we don't necessarily agree."
"How do you go through life without being able to explain what you think?"
"Graciousness in communication: Their communication is filled with grace and kindness."
"It takes skill to condense information into the smallest possible packet. Rambling is easy, focusing is hard."
"This is a perfect example of Rapport building."
"Enough. Mitch is gonna home. He'll give it a whirl but he has to learn to be a better communicator and work together as a team or else we're not gonna make it."
"The slower you speak, the more people will cling on to each word and anticipate the next..."
"Understanding what other people are saying is the key to having great friendships and communications in English."
"When we start talking about other games, especially to people who have only played D&D, the folks trying to tell you, 'Hey, you should try this other game,' often do not do a good job of explaining why they're recommending it."
"If you want to say I'm a bad communicator once again, that's your prerogative, but I would disagree. I think I'm very good at communicating. That's the reason I'm even [ __ ] here."
"25% of your speaking score depends on your pronunciation, not your accent."
"Sharing vulnerabilities, having facts, framing conversations, listening—those are all the ingredients to healthy relationships."
"Listening is such a vital skill; it's important that you practice this."
"The point is to solve what they ask you to solve and be able to communicate in areas they want you to communicate."
"The best art of communication is listening. It's the best tool you can have."
"Preparing to listen: familiarize yourself with the question."
"The slower you talk, the quicker someone swipes off the video. It's true, it's true."
"The more you improve your communication and the more you're assured in your voice and your communication, the more money you're gonna make."
"Cheating is the end of a long story of relationship problems because neither either her or her husband didn't have the skills to communicate that stuff."
"What a raconteur, man! Like, the dude was a wonderful storyteller."
"The idea here is not to have a huge vocabulary, it's just to be able to express yourself well."
"He's great at expressing himself and that's something he knows he can explain just about anything very very clearly."
"Clarity is overwhelmingly necessary to good communication."
"Jupiter will allow you to be more gracious in your communication style."
"Good pronunciation will make you understood."
"Listening is more a part of communication than talking."
"If you can learn the rules for to understand the 85 percent of English you are going to be understood the majority time."
"Improving your pronunciation will help people to understand you."
"He's a very good communicator... he's got charm."
"You will be told your whole life that you need to learn to listen. I would say that you need to learn to be the last to speak."
"Just keep talking until the examiner stops you."
"Fluency is not about speaking quickly, it is about speaking smoothly."
"When we're presenting, people start to complain or tell you about the problems they're having... until you use an empathy phrase."
"There's a big difference there grammar is how you put thoughts together it's not the vocabulary it's not what you say."
"Bring something to the conversation rather than simply being gnarly, grumpy, attack-oriented."
"It's okay to sound like an intermediate person; at least the other person would understand you."
"There's something very eloquent and wise about the way you communicate which just moves them every time."
"You know, it's amazing how rapidly you can get people to communicate with you if you really listen to them first."
"I am incredibly good at breaking down complicated topics in ways that everybody can understand it is literally my number one strength."
"Listen to the other side and make sure they feel hurt... Those are the magic words 'that's right' according to him that really began to kick off conversations."
"Teach people to be articulate because that's the most dangerous thing you can possibly be."
"There's nothing more powerful than someone who is articulate and who can think and speak."
"You understand what I'm saying, you break it down, you're making it easy and fun at the same time."
"Adjust your tone for the scenario, address the patient's concerns, and that is that."
"Your communication is something that you are going to be able to master by the middle to the end of the month."
"Active listening involves emotional intelligence and reading between the lines."
"Good leaders are able to give plans of action that are clear, concise, and given in a way that other people can hear it."
"Speak your mind, speak with your heart and make sure that you are assertive enough."
"Pitching is less about talking and more about listening."
"Public speaking is extremely useful to be able to tell a story about a problem in layman's terms."
"She had this innate ability to come up with the rightful words and to be in the right place at the right time."
"Conversation mastery is about listening well and knowing when to speak."
"If the conversation is about an experience you end the conversation smoothly like a native English speaker by following these three steps."
"You might be someone who is skilled at many different languages."
"Teaching is definitely a major market for you. You're just someone that's good at talking, speaking, connecting people together."
"The single most valuable skill you can develop is active listening."
"The problem is not your vocabulary, the problem is your attitude, your idea of what good vocabulary looks like."
"If you've got any class or any style, you have to give bad news well."
"I am fluent in over six million forms of communication."
"Practice telling your accomplishments and good stories."
"The key thing is to be simple, direct, clear, and confident. That's great speaking."
"Learn to ask open-ended and follow-up questions... it's what they know the most about."
"Know how and when to end a conversation... people tend to remember how things end more than how they started."
"We need good communicators who are passionate and intriguing to listen to."
"There's a huge difference between knowing something and being able to articulate it."
"You have to work on your mind... develop your communication skills... because once you open your mouth, you tell the world who you are." - Les Brown
"If you can't communicate in the easiest discernible common denominators you're not intelligent you're a fool."
"If you can simplify your understanding of the data, follow this structure, report the data accurately, and use the correct grammar and vocabulary, then you have a very, very good chance of dramatically improving your score."
"If you're going to speak effectively you have to know way more than you're talking about."
"Use your voice and knowing that there's a transformative quality to your communication."
"Learn how to communicate up front to ensure that you know your client's expectations and they know yours."
"Eye contact easily serves as one of the most important ways to read someone."
"We should be able to provide people with everything they need to know to have a conversation about anything."
"I don't like it whenever people are arguing and they just try to say, 'I mean, I guess that's part of the argument, trying to discredit your opponent.'"
"Adding some fluff, adding some substance to the conversation."
"False fold control allows for a wider variety of self-expression."
"The ability to connect and communicate is the number one criteria for success."
"It's like what do I want more of in my life, what worked, what is, what are things I want to move towards based on my lived experience?"
"You need to get good at explaining your game in a way that people with no context will understand."
"You don't need a perfect native accent, but you just need a clear and understandable pronunciation."
"Constructive criticism includes telling somebody what it is that they're doing well."
"Active listening requires full attention, focus, and engagement."
"Telepathic feat: good, with fun roleplay applications and versatility in character creation."
"Learn to be more comfortable having conversations with people that you disagree with."
"Having lots of skills and tools to navigate a conversation."
"I am really good at concisely making things known."