
Life Experience Quotes

There are 3601 quotes

"You live long enough, you're gonna experience loss. You're gonna get kicked in the gut, and you're gonna see people you care about get kicked in the gut."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Real life isn't happening on social media. There's a whole world out there which is happening offline."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our perception of time is perhaps the most important factor in how we gauge our life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I've never felt more alive ever. It feels like my consciousness has expanded. I can experience more, and feel more, and think more."
"So imagine the day you were born to the day you pass away, that every book you've ever read, every movie you've ever seen, every everything you've literally have heard, every movie was all encoded within the AI."
"Every single night I look at these crowds and I'm like, 'Holy shit, I can't believe this is my life.'"
"Space we're in tells the story. Every space is the stage on which we play off our life."
"Roller coasters are fun because they're unpredictable. Enjoy all the ups and downs."
"Happiness is not a permanent condition; it comes in little bits."
"Life is what happens to you when you're making other plans."
"Life is completely magical and filled with one synchronicity after another."
"The greatest benefit of studying abroad is that students will have life experiences that will improve themselves as people that would have been otherwise impossible if they had only studied in their own countries."
"Empathy is an important part of the way most of us live our lives and experience pleasure and think about things."
"Nobody is more unhappy than the person who's never gone through adversity."
"When you're happy, more cool things happen in your life."
"Apply this kind of attention to every moment in your life, and you will experience life in beautifully transcendental ways you never thought were possible."
"My Epitaph is going to be: 'It was a lot more work than I'd anticipated.'"
"Everyone I know who's waited tables is better at being a human being."
"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams."
"Anger doesn't mean an absence of love. Anger is just part of the experience of life."
"Nothing can prepare you for the birth of your child... it was just the most amazing experience of my life."
"The real meditation retreat is life on this planet, for the time that we're here to actually experience it."
"This is one of the most profound days of my life."
"Life is a love simulator...that life is going to present you with fear over and over and over again so that you can learn how to love it and therefore transcend it."
"Your overall experience of life in general is influenced not only by the events that happen to you, but also, and perhaps more profoundly, by how we perceive and how we react to them."
"She just looked like she had lived a life worth dying for."
"Change is not always bad guys. Change is like actually we should be changing throughout our lives. We should be growing, learning, experiencing, changing."
"I am my own best friend, and living life with myself is amazing."
"Most people go through life without ever encountering that dimension of their being, and that's a great pity."
"Most of my clients tend to be people who are just driven to wanting to have a higher, more extraordinary experience of themselves and lives."
"Friendship lasts longer than love, though I still think experiencing love fully, with all its peaks and valleys, is so essential to human life."
"Although that was the worst experience of my life, it was also from this experience of just losing everything, because I lost everything, but, as cliche as it sounds, I gained everything, okay?"
"Time holds all the emotional states that one can experience."
"Your uniqueness gives you this opportunity to live in a way that other people can only dream of."
"It's the best year I've ever had in my life."
"Life is about growth, the experience, and the quality of life that you want."
"You don't find inspiration by not living in the grip of life; you live in the grip of life to find inspiration."
"For the first time in his life, he felt genuine peace and freedom."
"Experience your life, have fun, try not to take social media seriously because no one is advertising their failures, it's all fake."
"When you're in this fourth state, the state of flow, it's almost as if the universe has your back."
"Your life is about your experience, so what do you want to experience? What do you want to create?"
"A big motivator of mine on this earth is to experience as much of what it means to be human as possible."
"Old age is a process of seeing things come up again and again...the third time they come up you go, okay, I know what that is, and I'm not falling for it this time."
"If happiness can be defined as the ability to fully experience life, then reaching for your phone in an attempt to record that and promote that is only going to take us out of that very state."
"Being self-aware can greatly enrich our life experience."
"Before I was shot, I always thought that I was more half-there than all-there – I always suspected that I was watching TV instead of living life."
"Focus on the good stuff... When gratitude is our attitude, we raise the energy again and that energy raises our life's experience."
"When you're young, you think, 'I don't want to be 30 or 40 or 50,' and you have this arbitrary number that seems so old...but what you realize as you get to this age is not only do you have this wealth of experience, but you're actually in a position to enjoy life in a different way."
"All our life has changed; we are not the same as before, everything is different."
"Life is like a roller coaster, there are literally ups and downs involved in it."
"Surviving hardship can give you experiences you couldn't otherwise get."
"I think it's important for people to see history and see things that are soulful and that have had like this life."
"We're here to experience this place, to touch it and smell it, watch sunsets and feel loved, and eat wonderful food."
"The most valid science on this planet, quantum physics, says consciousness is creating our life experiences."
"Happiness is something you feel when things are going well, but the thing about having children is they make you more alive. You are both happier and sadder, more afraid, and more hopeful."
"Real life is just real life. You've been living in real life your whole life."
"We're here for all of that. So, you create the experience, and then when it gets predictable or it gets boring, let's change it up, let's create another one. And then, how far can you go with that? It just goes on."
"What you think you're worth and what you're going to tolerate is absolutely what you're going to bring into your life."
"Education is what you could do; it's a brilliant way to validate life experiences."
"I want to see what a life looks like when you share it with somebody. Yes, and that, the good, the bad, the ups and downs, but that idea really speaks to me."
"You're already worthy of experiencing all that life has to offer."
"We are here to experience good and bad to shape our soul."
"There are many beliefs that imprison us, and stop us experiencing the fullness of life."
"You are special. Every single day, you experience life, take life in, and put energy back into the world."
"Every interaction you have, every person you meet, every opportunity... is part of your life journey."
"We are merited and blessed to be part of that journey."
"Live life more vulnerably, and you can co-create the experience you have."
"A lot of my life decisions have been very spontaneous decisions that just kind of randomly happen, unplanned, and they're some of the best decisions that I ever made in my life."
"The Law of Attraction suggests that you will always encounter in your life those things which you think about on a regular basis."
"I think everyone should do that if you have the opportunity. It'll completely reset your gratefulness meter."
"Everything that happened to you led you to here, so it's worth it."
"It's a roller coaster. It's been the craziest, weirdest, most enlightening, horrible but also good time of my life."
"A state is an attitude of mind, a state of experience with a body of beliefs which you live by."
"When you've gone so far in, if you're 41, you've lived 41 years of your life in something, it's like, 'Well, I've gotten this far.' It would take a lot to say to yourself, 'Maybe I've wasted a lot of time.'"
"Remember, life is not happening to you; it is happening through you. When you become the change you seek to experience, you're gonna experience that change everywhere you go."
"You're creating your reality in every single moment based on the value and the meaning that you assign to the things that are going on around you."
"I'm not asking for God to sort of hold my hand through this life experience. I'm asking for just enough to form a belief that He exists."
"Life is a totality. Part of the experience of life is pain."
"You're growing, you're experiencing more of life, and you're coming to accept more and more of it until you realize what you really are is you are infinity itself."
"This is still the greatest thing to ever happen in my life, having you guys as my family."
"The world has always been a difficult place where there's been terrible things happening and beautiful things happening at the same time."
"It's not until you see what life is like without any pain at all that you can kind of start to appreciate the benefit of pain in your life."
"It's one of the things I'm most looking forward to if I get to live long enough."
"If you really want value out of your life experience, stop looking for hacks and shortcuts."
"The ultimate spiritual experience is not fearing death."
"You've only got one life, so you've got to experience it. Stop waiting around and expecting something to change; you've got to change it."
"If you don't let yourself fall for someone, then yeah, you're not going to get hurt, but then you also miss out on like one of the greatest parts of life."
"Just seeing what a home can be changes my perspective on what I've perceived it to be my whole life."
"Every experience of your life can be as intense as that, living life with intensity."
"Fear can prevent us from fully living, fully experiencing the fullness of what we are intended to experience here while we have time on Earth."
"They're becoming aware that their thoughts correlate with what they experience. If they change their thoughts, they change their life."
"A person of knowledge has no honor, no dignity, no family, no name, no country, but only life to be lived."
"I have never felt more alive, I've never felt more in danger, I love it."
"Life becomes easy because your life is filled with synchronicities, with coincidences, good things happen to you, good people are drawn to you."
"I'm sharing this with you not to brag or to gloat but because this is an experience that you can have. This is the quintessential experience of life."
"It was a life-changing experience, absolutely."
"The point is, what if you were immortal? You wouldn't need to worry about not having enough time, but if you knew your life would go on forever, would those high points still feel as meaningful or unique?"
"Life experience is the raw material for your scripts."
"The difference between being smart and being wise is that wisdom is tested through time and experience."
"Life is not meant to be happy 24/7. If it was, you would not know what happy is."
"Humans are funny in that we tend to learn by experiencing first what we don't want before we say no more, rather than choosing to live and honoring all life and all beliefs in a universal sense."
"You have to recognize we put on this human suit to play and to experience."
"The key really to life is experience. You need experience to be good at something in life."
"To achieve a great life what you really need is you need massive experience with life."
"If you haven't made a paper airplane, you haven't lived."
"Finding meaning in life comes from actually living it, making mistakes, and navigating the challenges that life presents."
"There's nothing that my race doesn't affect in my life, whether it's a positive effect or a negative effect."
"Being poor, especially when I was living on my own, being poor is very expensive."
"There's such confidence and peace of mind in just being true to who you are. I wouldn't go back to my 20s even if you paid me a million bucks."
"This life is one characterized primarily by female empowerment."
"It was the best day of my entire life, by a lot. Subscribe now before you miss it, just saying."
"This weekend honestly was one of the best, if not the best weekend's of my life. The amount of support and just awesome energy I got from you guys... has been insane."
"The act of learning by life experience has sufficient value that to just have someone tell you what you should or shouldn't do is not what makes you who and what you are."
"May your bad days prove that God is good. May your whole life prove that God is good."
"At a certain point, you need to go and live some life, get some new insights and experiences, then you can come back and share some of that."
"As you get older, time passes by more and more quickly."
"To say that this has been the honor and privilege of my lifetime is an understatement."
"That's what you do. See, this is what I look at: Like, you're born on a block because that's where your parents are born. That's the life that you're given in that moment, but that's not the only life I'm gonna experience."
"If there is something that's guaranteed and there is something inevitable in your life, and you don't know everything there is to know about it, you will never get a chance to honestly and sincerely live this life."
"It's actually to break the box and to be free to experience life the way how you want."
"Gratitude is the single greatest treasure I will take with me from this experience."
"It doesn't change the fact that you're literally taller than you would have been otherwise or other kind of advantages that you're going to have and retain for your entire life."
"You can never truly look back into the past without some form of rose color because the truth is, we often prefer to remember the great parts about our time on Earth."
"I've been rich now I know that's boring; loads of people now I know that's boring; took loads of drugs now I know that's boring. So all that's left is spiritual enlightenment."
"This life is full of reminders and doorways and pathways into depth and darkness but also back out into light. They are both for the same purpose."
"The ability to change one's belief changes your experience of life."
"Wisdom is innocence recovered at the far end of experience."
"Everything changed right, you know it was so exciting, we couldn't imagine what life was like before that."
"Without discomfort, there's no growth, and without growth, you're just going to keep living the same day every day."
"I feel as if I am living, have lived, and want to continue to live. Best I can."
"Time is a very interesting subject we're all fascinated by and very hard to truly wrap your mind around."
"Gaining these skills and experiences and just improving yourself, becoming the best version of yourself, is never going to be a waste of your time, especially if you enjoy yourself along the way."
"As we get older, we should be even more trusting because we have more evidence, more things to point to say, 'Oh, I thought that was going to be a disaster, but it worked out fine.'"
"It's been probably the best experience of my entire life."
"Life has been kind of a rollercoaster, but it's been on the up and up."
"Every single person chooses their life experience. Every single one."
"I now realize that every one of those experiences was laying the fundamental foundation for my life's mission."
"I began to see incredible transformation take place in my life, and as a result of that transformation, it really made everything that I faced before then begin to make sense."
"It's a staple in everyone's life at some point."
"Mary's really living like a great tragedy in a way."
"Your mind's job is to construct reality... so that you can be alive and partake in all the features of life."
"That no matter what else, in this, we are created equal; that we have an equal right to our experience of life."
"If we can let go of this need for certainty, and if we can get comfortable with living in ambiguity, and living in this state of not needing to know, not needing to control, not needing things to be a certain way, we'll actually realize that we can experience a lot more gifts and a lot more synchronicities."
"When you don't have a mentor, like life is your teacher."
"We have to be willing to feel the fear of death in order to actually live."
"Bliss is a state in which we allow ourselves to experience the world. To really live the world."
"Your life is meant to be rich and beautiful. The hard times serve you, building your character and adding texture to your life."
"I've just lived and breathed creativity my entire life."
"Growing up abused, because to this day, sometimes I'll remember something that happened, and I'll think that's not how other people experience life."
"You shouldn't be limited to your assigned gender at birth; you should be able to experience life with freedom."
"It's been a journey and it's going to continue to be a journey."
"People want to socialize. It's what they do. It's part of life, growing up."
"Fiction follows a script, real life doesn't."
"Life isn't a binary experience; it's chaotic and messy. It can be serendipitous or misfortunate. It can be terrifying and exciting, and it makes it all worth living."
"These past few years have been probably the best years of my life."
"Having lived the life I've lived and seeing the other side, not being afraid to attack what was in front of me has made me happy."
"Without going through that, you will never understand what it is like to have no hope, to have no feeling that things are ever going to get better in this life for you."
"The pain I feel now is the happiness I had before. That's the deal."
"There's a benefit to kind of living a full life."
"I don't have any complaint about it. I just feel grateful for being here."
"Reader, surely this is enough. But if you want more, then you yourself go and you be the book and you be the life."
"He makes me laugh and cry, yell and scream, but most of all, he makes me feel alive."
"The love you feel for your child, the moment they're born, the moment they're put on your chest, the first time you hold them, is something that is better than anything else."
"For the first 15 years of my life, I lived among members of a doomsday cult that believed with all their hearts that the world would soon be ending."
"Your journey is just going to go up and down, you know, different avenues, different ways...it takes different time for everybody."
"Time seems to be passing by when you're standing on the border of the stream, but when you are in the flow, there is no time."
"Have some courage even if it's not financially rewarding. I think you'll find it one of the most emotional rewarding experiences in your entire life."
"Dissatisfaction is an innate part of our psychology. There's no amount of money or success or love that you're ever gonna achieve where you're like, 'Cool, I'm done. I got it.'"
"We all want to be loved, so being numb is not the best place to live in. Trust me, you may not feel hurt, but you won't feel love either."
"Miracles happen all the time. Open your mind to miracles, and you will start experiencing miraculous coincidences in your life."
"These boots had seen everything, but it's just one more rest away."
"It doesn't have to be a scary, fearful, painful experience. Death is a natural part of life."
"Still the greatest adventure I could ever go on."
"I've become addicted to my ability to grow into anything and keep experiencing life in a richer way because I keep becoming a better version of myself."
"Our experience of life is through our mind. We only know what we see from our perspective."
"Bridget does not begrudge the life he has lived and, rather than be shackled by his traditions, he expresses himself proudly."
"The only way to really understand the meaning of life is to gain experience, to go out there and experience things, and then kind of figure it out for yourself."
"At the end of your life, oh my god that was so hard it was worth it."
"Every image of what it's like is foolish... this world was a surprise so why shouldn't the next world be a surprise."
"This really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a lot of people."
"When I die, I'll know I'll go to heaven 'cause I served my time in hell."
"Thank god all of those things were true. Thank god I had that life experience."
"You are not two people, you are not one person. You are an experience. Make sure you're a good experience."
"I wish that I could have experienced like the love with my partner that I currently have when I was younger."
"You will go through this life by yourself with yourself experiencing the world from your unique perspective."
"You see you're 27. when you the only difference between you and me is 48 years of life."
"Life is to live; however, not all beings rise to higher and higher States."
"I want to live my life and I want to try new things."
"Just be present with it instead of dreaming about the perfect end, which is where all the magic is."
"Destiny is in the way we are experiencing life right now. How profound and fantastic is my experience this moment is the important thing."
"When your life flashes in front of you your brain takes a snapshot every microsecond."
"Everything in life just seems to pour in and it's in your favor."
"You are spiritual beings having a human experience."
"I like reality, I like living in reality and I like experiencing it totally sober."
"Every single day moving forward is a new thing that we're all experiencing together."
"Each of us is profoundly shaped by the short run we inhabit."
"I think we should try to make as many friends as we can and really live that chunk of life."
"I was not the same man that walked into the hut as the one that walked out."
"The present moment is very important because you're not living your life if you're not in the present."
"The story that you tell yourself in some regard very much is what's happening, right? You know the framing that you place around the present moment largely determines your experience of it."