
Reality Quotes

There are 49816 quotes

"There's so much beauty to life as well, but that's the reality."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Real life isn't happening on social media. There's a whole world out there which is happening offline."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There are dimensions, or at least aspects, to reality and Consciousness itself that we don't fully appreciate."
"More to our perceptions of reality than our usual brain chemistry allows us to experience."
"Our everyday lives and our everyday experiences are but one special type of consciousness, parted by the flimsiest screen from forms of consciousness entirely different."
"Toxic positivity is like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound."
"I discovered that beliefs make the world in a very real way, that beliefs are the world in a more than metaphysical sense."
"Belief and perception may be more powerful than the truth."
"The brain is encased in total darkness and silence... creating a virtual reality for you."
"If you want to create a new personal reality, a new life, you're going to have to change your personality."
"You don't have to be defined by that feeling even though that feeling is strong; it's just a feeling, it's not truth."
"There's an underlying biological reality, and in almost all cases, there is."
"People's internal experience and external presentation don't always match up."
"Each one of us is the deepest reality, the deepest truth, and the deepest love that is possible. Most of us are spending our lives completely ignorant of who we really are."
"Anything that you can say is perhaps ultimately trivial compared to the reality that you are."
"Our perception of the world is not a direct representation of objective reality but rather our brains construct reality as a user interface."
"Am I high? Because it must be the weed. It must be."
"Reality as we experience it is not the true nature of reality. Color does not exist; color is something that our perceptual apparatus has somewhat arbitrarily assigned to different wavelengths of light."
"Reality is a sensory phenomenon, and the reality that we experience is real in so far as it is adaptive."
"When we think of hallucinations, we shouldn't think about them as a deviation from reality so much as a deviation from an adaptive version of reality that we have evolved to perceive."
"Psychedelics are psychedelic because they disrupt our world-building model."
"Our experience of reality is obviously determined by the senses."
"The senses are the tools by which we determine reality."
"The dream that we dream together is reality."
"The probability that we see reality as it is, is zero."
"Evolution has shaped us with a user interface that hides reality on purpose."
"Reality is a vast social network of interacting conscious agents."
"Physicalism is a simple mistake; we've mistaken a limit of our interface as an insight into objective reality."
"It's about time and work. It's nothing about, I don't know, this is not Matrix like plug something in my head and I'm gonna get it."
"It's not that the agency changes the way that you view the world; it's that the agency exposes you to the real world."
"Your personality creates your personal reality, and if you want to create a new personal reality, a new life, it means you're going to have to change your personality."
"A dream written down becomes a goal. A goal broken down becomes a plan. A plan backed by action becomes reality."
"Reality exists as a probability, and it's the act of observation that causes a probability to collapse into a reality."
"Your thoughts create your reality. Yet you still live a life that you dread."
"Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society, and welcome fucking reality."
"If consciousness is so deeply structured into reality that it selected us, then it's real."
"Reality, of course, is non-dual. That's why all dualities are untenable."
"This entire journey of self-actualization...will introduce you to new facets of reality that you had no idea existed before."
"The internet is becoming real life. It is real life now."
"Action is everything. Action is the bridge between your dreams and reality."
"The truth is a stubborn thing; it doesn't go away."
"Our perception of reality is merely a veil over our own ideals and hunger to understand this world."
"Reality is truly unnameable, but we don't make that statement until we have really discovered that. We reserve making that statement until we have really reduced experience back and back and back into its origin."
"We live in completely different worlds more today than we ever have... our factual understanding of the world has diverged so much."
"Your perception of the event is what counts and that's actually not the event at all."
"If you start to bust those illusions, see things for what they really are, your happiness equation is going to be solved correctly."
"Nothing real can be threatened, and nothing unreal exists."
"I believe much of what we call reality, and certainly what we deem impossible, are nothing but illusions."
"An illusion can only exist in the presence of assumptions. No assumptions, no illusion."
"What's more important, the perception of how we see a thing or what that thing really is?"
"True spirituality is actually getting you to realize the distinction between reality or actuality and your concepts, ideas, and beliefs about it."
"Every single group of human beings argues and debates endlessly... Why is that? That's not just a little byproduct; that is a core feature of reality."
"First dates from dating apps are kind of like buying one of those SpongeBob popsicles from an ice cream truck. You know it's not going to look the same as the advertisement."
"They say truth hurts, but reality is much worse."
"It's not reality that has to change; it's your perception of reality that has to change. That's an act of love."
"To be resilient, you have got to be able to accept what is. You've got to be able to accept reality."
"One of the greatest lessons I learned was to accept reality exactly as it is."
"The difference between responsibility and blame is that blame determines who's at fault... responsibility determines who's committed to the current reality and the future reality."
"Let's not move away from reality because it makes us feel good in the moment, let's lean into it so we can work within the realms of what's real."
"Not knowing the true nature of reality is the first cause of human suffering."
"Happiness equals reality minus expectations."
"That which dispels pain is more real than pain because to dispel something you have to be more powerful than that thing."
"Life has a 100% mortality rate, and that's not for other people."
"To say 'I love you', one must know first how to say the 'I'."
"Empathy is identifying how you feel. Sympathy is like, 'Wow, I feel bad for you.'"
"In the moment a lie happens, it's the fakest world; like, we are so strange how fake we're willing to be."
"Twitter is not real life, but it's also not real life. And it's important to remind yourself of the ways in which it's not true."
"True spirituality is not about believing stuff, having faith, or following rituals; it's about direct contact with reality."
"The greater the gap between our expectations and what our lives actually are, the greater the distress."
"Not everything in the world is going to be sunshine and rainbows."
"Maybe there is no ultimate limit and that maybe this infinite regress is not really a problem but is actually a feature of reality."
"Everything is weird. The only question is how complacent have you become about it."
"Reality is so total and then what's left for science to do is to explore all the content."
"Your self-image is made up of your judgments; it's not the real you."
"Psychedelics could actually give us frontiers into reality that we're otherwise not able to perceive, much like a telescope."
"Relationships aren't how they are on TV, they're not all perfect."
"Your goals are the targets you're after... Your goals are really just the stepping stones that allow you to turn your vision into a reality."
"Turn desires into reality by activating the power of manifestation."
"What mindfulness is about is putting you back in touch with what's really literally there, not what you're imagining, not what you're judging, not what you're afraid of."
"Right view is giving up all views, giving up any view of reality that is based on belief, that is based on conjecture, that is based on logical reasoning, in favor of direct and experiential understanding of reality."
"Reality is deeply perspectival. Reality is made out of different perspectives, and to understand reality, you need to be flexible enough with your mind to be able to look at it from different perspectives."
"To really understand a reality, you need to look at it from every possible angle, every possible perspective."
"If you want the full richness of reality, it's imperative that you start to appreciate all the different perspectives that can be taken on every object and every subject."
"You're literally missing out on infinity by choosing to look at reality from one particular partial angle."
"We see the world the way we are, not the way it is."
"I would rather taste the bitter truth than feast on sweet lies."
"Your dream is soon to become reality. Trust your heart and continue to follow its guidance."
"Self-care isn't always running a bath. If you're running a bath and you're about to miss three deadlines, and that's your paycheck for the week, self-care is not running a bath. I refuse to believe that self-care is running a bath."
"Probably what's been slightly missold is this idea that you're going to have a big passion, something you love, it's going to be monetizable, and you're never going to hate it or burn out."
"Getting stronger isn't this linear, intuitive, idealistic, rose-tinted path to glory we imagine it to be as children. That's superficial; that's a fantasy."
"The aim of all meditation is...that you wanna merge with reality, to me that's the essence of meditation, it's merging into reality."
"What is reality? Wow, that's one hell of a question. That's the deepest question you're ever gonna ask in life."
"The conclusion I'm surprised people haven't reached from this...is that if consciousness creates reality, that means there must be a perceiver to the universe...this is the argument the ancients used to justify the existence of God."
"If my senses aren't showing me the structure of reality, then my perceptual structure of space in 3D, of objects with colors and shapes, and motions of neurons and brains, those are video game symbols, but they're not the truth."
"Space-time isn't the fundamental reality; it's just our headset, and the reality is this infinite network of conscious agents."
"Reality is a network of interacting conscious agents."
"Advaita Vedanta claims that consciousness is the fundamental reality of the universe, everything in the universe is a manifestation of consciousness, and we are that consciousness."
"Consciousness isn't an illusion. Clearly there is an awareness of the world."
"Either our non-material sense of consciousness is an illusion, or consciousness is a glimpse of non-physical reality."
"What we perceive as reality now depends on our decision of what to measure."
"It's not about how it might affect us; we should try to be on the side of truth."
"If we care about truth and what is actually true about reality, then we look for those things."
"You are the only reality. This is the ultimate truth."
"I don't believe in miracles, but I do believe in our ability to make the best of our circumstances."
"You are God consciousness, and in this moment you realize what reality really is, what life is. You realize that it's nothing other than a trick that you're playing on yourself."
"At this level of consciousness, there is no objective world, there is no such thing as consensus reality, there is no such thing as other people who will take your money or deny your money, or care about your money. You are completely sovereign as God."
"Saying you are going to build a hypersonic plane is easy, actually doing it is a completely different story."
"Everything you focus on in your life, your mind can make a reality."
"The square root of negative one... that tips you into some whole other kind of reality."
"How many realities are there in this universe? If it is one without a second, then you have Advaita. Well, it literally means non-dual, not two."
"That which you are experiencing as Samsara is actually an appearance; it's not an absolute reality. What is reality lies right there."
"Reality is often much stranger than fiction."
"You can get it on Amazon or Apple and so forth, 'The Case Against Reality'."
"To seek ultimate reality is to follow explanations until explanations end. And when explanations end, what remains? I'm looking for what remains."
"We have one window on reality, and consciousness is it."
"If no, ask is consciousness the only non-reducible thing? If yes, then consciousness is ultimate reality."
"The physicists are talking about when they thought that space and time are fundamental, they were thinking that this was the fundamental ground of all possible realities."
"The waking the dream state gives us a clue to how consciousness can be everything."
"I think it's really easy for people to become characters...but in reality, we are real people."
"Ordinary life is fraught with problems, it's fraught with difficulties."
"Space and time themselves do not exist, independent of us. So most of us think that space-time is fundamental reality, and all the objects inside space-time are part, are on the stage, this preexisting stage of space-time. And I'm saying that, that whole idea is wrong, that space-time is something that you create in this moment. You're the author of space-time, you're not a bit player, that's shown up 14 billion years later, after the stage was set. So we are the authors of space and time, and all the objects that we see. We're not bit players in space-time."
"Consciousness is the only reality... Chin matram, consciousness only."
"Magic is acting out of common sense... it is a mental operation that explodes the truth of reality."
"Turbulence is the price you pay for flying high."
"Direct experience is king. You right now are experiencing reality. Experience, notice, is all that you have of reality."
"Understanding reality, truly understanding reality, not as an ideology, not as a belief system, not as some cultural artifact - really independently investigate and understand reality for what it is, is so fucking incredible. It's so beautiful, you won't regret it."
"Your potential is not determined by the contents of your current reality. You are an infinite being."
"The false self is like a street or like a movie, like a piece of fiction, confronted with harsh reality."
"Consciousness is what engenders reality itself, and that we partake in that."
"You need to acknowledge reality but you need to avoid despair."
"The aesthetic of reality, or at least authenticity, is powerful in fiction. We often measure value by what feels real, what's called verisimilitude, even if we know it's not."
"God is synonymous with reality, existence, and truth."
"Now is the only thing that is real, not the past, not the future, now."
"If we are in a simulation right now, what happens when we die might just be like taking off a VR headset and saying, 'Wow, that was so real.'"
"Reality is consciousness, and there is nothing but consciousness."
"You matter. You actually matter and wouldn't that be cool if that was the truth that you could actually affect the nature of reality if you actually started doing the right thing."
"The reality is gold, not the bracelet or necklace. They are names, forms, and uses, but the material, the reality of all of them, is gold."
"Douglas Hofstadter's concept of the strange loop... is fundamental to the very structure of reality itself."
"You cannot capture reality and encapsulate it into a formal system because reality is infinite."
"Life is not fair, and that's okay. Until we accept that reality, we'll always be shocked when something doesn't go our way."
"Reality as we observe it is a flawed reflection of a higher truth."
"The entire place is like a dancing set of little particle pixels, just dancing vibrations which make up the fabric of what we call the material world or reality itself."
"We are asleep. Our life is a dream, but once in a while, we wake up enough to know that we are dreaming."
"The whole thing is a dream, and you are part of the dream as a body-mind; you're part of the dream."
"Everything in your life right now was impossible or a dream or things that you did not imagine were possible for you, but they still happened."
"The faster that you can stop believing that it's not real and just realize that something that you're doing all the time then you can use it to your advantage."
"Assumptions harden into fact when it becomes consistent in your life."
"Consciousness is the underlying principle of the reality."
"To become enlightened, you need to become reality itself, right now in the present moment."
"Reality is happening right now in the present moment. Reality is not back in sixth grade science class."
"Our reality is the only one of these simulations that Sora is able to compute. It's possible that some parts of the physical world doesn't exist until you look at it."
"Just because something is the norm doesn't mean it's normal."
"Dreams make good stories, but everything important happens when we're awake."
"You cannot be satirical unless you are willing to acknowledge reality. Your comedy will not be funny if you ignore facts."
"The reality of marriage sometimes is that it's not this exciting, exhilarating thing 24/7; it has its ups and downs."
"You are the painter of your masterpiece. You are the creator of your reality."
"The reality is just it's tough out there, and sometimes you might be a victim of a scam and you don't even realize it."
"I had to literally drop everything and have this glimpse of another reality, another state of being, another paradigm not based on scarcity but based on abundance."
"Reality always wins; it may take a long time and it may drive you nuts because they're gaslighting you."
"When you shift your identity, you shift your reality."
"One of the beauties of life is the simple fact that no matter how stupid things get, reality always wins."
"Reality is going to win, so when it comes to bad political ideas, they can emerge victorious in the short or even the midterm, but eventually, those policies will fail dramatically."
"The truth is, most of reality is created via the subconscious mind, via the identity."
"If you don't set the example for what you think the world should be, it will not exist in reality."
"Reality remains reality, no matter how hard you try to ignore it."
"If everything is Maya, then what about evolution? If the real world is unreal, just a projection of Maya in our mind and consciousness, then how come we all experience the same world?"
"If we are like waves in the ocean of consciousness, why do we singularly as well as collectively see the same patterns in the world?"
"You are a creator and you're creating your reality every day by what you put your point of attention on."
"Meditation...is timeless. It will continue to be something that we can all use to understand this reality better than anything else."
"Who would have believed that a cartoon could flawlessly predict future realities?"
"Potential is not a real thing... The only thing that exists is what is, right now."
"99% of our worry will not come true; we have a lot of worries, but only a few will actually happen."
"A real relationship is based off of honesty and based off of reality."
"What if we only live in the reality where the world doesn't end?"
"It just proves that happy endings are not just in fairy tales; they're real."
"If you slow it down, it almost looks like the person materializes out of thin air."
"Closure is a made up thing by Steven Spielberg to sell movie tickets. Like true love and the Munich Olympics doesn’t exist in the real world. The only thing to do now is just to keep living forward."
"Sight... far from objective truth or external reality, it's this personal virtual reality we create for ourselves."
"Few people have the imagination for reality."
"We decided to talk about... let's really tell them what it's like being influencers."
"War is the rule, and peace is the exception."
"You have to shoulder responsibility because that is what reality demands."
"Prepare yourself for the side of Undertale that is magical, literally magical. It makes you question reality and makes you laugh and makes you whoa."
"Our world is inherently as interesting as any fantasy world you could invent. There's really no logical reason to not view the world that way."
"God must become the great reality, not simply as the principle of life, but more as the great Mind which knows, and which at all times understands and responds."
"Wisdom is being so in touch with reality that you know what is the right thing to do in the vast majority of situations that the moral rules don't apply to."
"The most important thing to remember when it comes to friendships is just that they might not look exactly the way that you think they're going to look based off of the expectations that you hold."
"Perhaps we can never touch, smell, see, hear, or interact with it in any way...but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist."
"If you want to make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs."
"Most of the disappointment in life comes from the mismatch between expectation and reality."
"The emotions of human beings would be the only generator of energy capable of creating impressions on the observed reality."
"When you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig."
"Your emotions don't tell you anything about reality; they are just reactions to reality that you experience based on your perception of what reality is."
"When we think, we send out vibrations of a fine ethereal substance, which are as real as the vibrations manifesting light, heat, electricity, magnetism."
"We collectively come up with a picture of reality that might transcend what any of us individually could think up on our own."
"Manifestation is about the ability to create; by create, we mean being, doing, and/or having something different from your current reality."
"In life, you receive according to what your focus is on, not according to what you want."
"This is not a game for us. This is not about YouTube content; this is our life which is in danger."
"You can make some of the people happy some of the time, but never all of the people happy all of the time."
"This isn't a fairy tale; there are not happy endings, and there is no justice."