
Personal Belief Quotes

There are 2979 quotes

"Spirituality is an important component of health, whatever your spirituality is."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
"Anybody can be successful in America, in my opinion."
"The kingdom of heaven is not outside of you; the kingdom of heaven is within you."
"Trust the process and know that it happened for a reason, for your highest and best good."
"Nothing that I say here should be taken on faith or blindly believed by you."
"Every single one of us has a philosophy, an irreducible force that drives our thinking and actions, dictating our outcomes and our sense of life."
"Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and was given to you by God. You do not belong to yourself."
"Money is not going to make me not agree with it."
"God is real, and God lives inside of me and inside of all of us, and it doesn't matter where I am, I know that, and I feel it."
"Instead of focusing on people created by God, focus on the Creator."
"No one has the right to tell you or give you value. You already have value. It's a value that you believe you have that is your power."
"We are what we believe ourselves to be, and the world rewards us in proportion to that belief."
"You ought to have the courage to answer the question which one is regularly asked, 'Are you an atheist or not?' Yes, I will say, I am."
"All things are possible to God because God is man's imagination."
"I can't tell you exactly when I decided God was real, but one day I just absolutely knew he was."
"The social things, and the cultural things, and the religious things that are valuable to each one of us should come from inside our household."
"Don't just take somebody else's word for it because this is your entire life. And if you're going to do something, do it because you truly believe in it."
"I still 100% believe in the institution of marriage, and I would love for nothing better than for you to have what I have had for the last 25 years."
"Confidence for me is this belief in oneself, knowing your value, your worth."
"It's nothing personal; it's just that I think I'm better than you in every way, that's all."
"We're getting out of life right now what we believe we're worth."
"Your dreams are woven into your DNA. They are preset. There is a life that is meant for you."
"I have never been an Atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God."
"We are greater than we think, we're more powerful than we know."
"Yes, people can share their criticism or what they think, but that doesn't make it correct; it's just their observation."
"I'm not religious but I am spiritual. This is actually one of my... it's a serious concern."
"If I live the rest of my life without harming another person...then I feel like I have a connection to God."
"Our worth and our belonging are not negotiated with other people. We carry those inside of our hearts."
"I believe in life after death like I believe in the wind and I believe in the sun."
"Your opinion of yourself is the only one that matters."
"You are not made and meant to live in poverty in this lifetime."
"If you truly love yourself, what other people think of you will never matter."
"I am perfectly capable of loving myself unconditionally."
"If the subconscious has the same program as the conscious wishes, then whether you're thinking or not thinking, you're still manifesting Heaven on Earth."
"What you really want in life is to have a very strong conviction about the future but for that future to be disputed by everyone else."
"There's like good humans at the bottom of everyone for the most part."
"I'm a firm believer in quality over quantity."
"Realizing that your value isn't determined by others' perceptions, but by what you know to be true about yourself."
"I am a genuine believer of competition breeds excellence."
"I have a profound reverence for life and a deep respect for choice."
"You are wealthy in your mind before you're wealthy in your bank account."
"I don't believe in abortion, but I do not also think that I have the right to tell a woman what to do with her body."
"There's no wrong way to worship if it's coming from your heart."
"Never allow knowledge, especially what's written in books, to stand in the way of truth. Truth is what you know in your heart."
"I love the Eucharist. I want to be close to the Eucharist. This is a way for me to do that."
"My father once asking me if I was frightened of dying and I said you bet. He said that's because you have lost your faith."
"Marriage is really from soul to soul, heart to heart. You don't need somebody to say, okay you're married."
"Private interpretation is never a license to distort the Bible."
"Freedom is very important to many people at all. I think people like the idea of freedom."
"God shows up in different ways for different people."
"I'm trying to be positive because I really do think that eventually everything works out in my favor."
"The idea that you deserve to be happy should be like a fundamental position you hold no matter what."
"I feel like the universe is really taking care of me."
"It's real spirituality that it's really about your religion and it's not just about this or that, whatever would be considered a lesser motivation for participating in Christianity."
"It's not about religion, it's about spirituality."
"It doesn't actually affect my faith. I keep that relationship with God and my religion very personal."
"If the Lord will command angels for my protection, it tells me that He cares."
"I don't think soulmates exist. I definitely think that someone can become your soulmate."
"Let's clarify them... A lost loved one watches over you."
"If your view is that you can go through the holy book that serves as the foundation for your religion and on your own pick out the things that you think are right and wrong, you are your own God, you are your own religion, and that book is irrelevant."
"Humans should experience well-being; not everyone believes that, but I do."
"If I thought that the Christian faith was contradictory, I would sleep in tomorrow morning, and I wouldn't give it another five minutes of my devotion or consideration."
"Democracy, if it exists at all, exists inside us."
"Trust in spirit can really take you a long way."
"I don't look for the approval of people. I want God's approval."
"Most of us now living have a chance for personal, physical immortality."
"Magical things start to happen. And I have no rational basis for this mystical belief, except that I watch it happen."
"I'm a big on rehabilitation. I am huge on rehabilitation."
"I believe in God and I do believe that he's always making things work out the way they should for me."
"This idea that you should or that you could change the world... is not an expectation that I had for you."
"As days go by, I see myself more and more as the cause, with unwavering faith that I influence my reality."
"God has a reputation with me. I know him as faithful."
"I see religion as a relationship between me and God."
"What's gonna get you rich is the beliefs that you hold about money and the belief that you have within yourself to be able to create the opportunities to bring more money in."
"God, spirit, however you see the divine, the universe, hands you a gift just for you."
"I don't believe in falling in love... I believe in rising in love."
"At a key moment if I really want to get to know you I have to say, yeah, based on a lot of things and hunches and intuitions and experience and knowledge and what I've gathered about this person, I'm willing to say yes, I believe that truth about you."
"I believe in science...I use scientific the results of scientific studies every day of my life. I believe in evolution, I believe in the Big Bang, I believe in quantum theory. I just have had a rare window or a rare opportunity to study these things a little more rigorously than most doctors would have."
"He was absolutely convinced he wasn't going to die, which was one of the reasons maybe that he was so reckless."
"We have to develop our own personal relationship with the universe."
"Religion generally can be disempowering in the sense of 'Well, you need me to tell you how to relate to God, and you don't have that ability yourself,' which I think is nonsense. But again, if it's a technique, a tool, a path that works for you to allow you to know more who you are, to be a more positive, creative person, go with it all day long."
"Awakening, ultimately, I think The Matrix is really about leaving the comfort and security that comes with simply accepting all the claims and values that are provided to you as a child and developing your own beliefs as you experience more of the real world."
"I don't know if you could put your finger on what is truth. I can, as a Christian, say I found absolute truth. Jesus said, 'I am the truth.'"
"There's more honesty in the amount of doubt that people have than in their sort of faith in any religion out there."
"He did things his way, not always right, not always wrong, but he always followed what he believed in."
"I'm a strong proponent of separation of church and state."
"Newton never lost sight of grace. When he wrote 'that saved a wretch like me,' he meant those words with all of his heart."
"I'm in favor of both birth control and abortion. I just happen to be in favor of the truth as well."
"I've realized that I need to be crystal clear about what I believe so there's no room for ambiguity."
"I don't think it's until you've got that good person in your life that you realise that. I'm a really strong believer in that when you're with the person that's right, you totally get that."
"I think everyone at their core is like, everyone maybe not everyone but most people want to do good."
"Make sure you believe it because you believe it, not because everybody else does."
"I love Jesus, He helps me, He helps us; that's all I got for you."
"I perform for an audience of one, and that's God."
"I am completely, 100% pro-choice, and that is not going to change."
"The way I formed my opinion around these topics doesn't come from religion or politics or societal pressures but from my understanding of science."
"It's a political message that I've agreed with for quite some time now, and I feel like more people should get on board with."
"The same Lord that brought about the Rocky Mountains is the same Lord that can bring about a productive, successful, and impactful Christian life."
"Fear none but Allah. If you have that, you don't worry about these things."
"If the government did not want individuals such as myself to hold these ideas and to defend the Constitution against these kinds of violations, they would not make us swear an oath to the Constitution."
"I believe that everything happens for my greater good."
"Meritocracy as a way to get ahead in America—that's deeply personal to me."
"You cannot be moral without being religious—oh, please, strongly disagree."
"No one can feel naturally homosexual—I strongly disagree with that."
"You've created a god to suit your sins... it's called idolatry."
"If you are a homosexual person, I do not hate you for that."
"Churches have a lot of money. It's like tithing, and you have to pay like whatever. I just don't believe in that. I think you can have your own relationship with God."
"It is no longer I that live, but Christ who is living in me."
"God keeps me sober. My only job today is to stay connected to God."
"God is the highest place within each and every one of us; it's our divine self."
"Don't wait another moment, call to Him now and ask Him to come rule in your heart."
"There is no such thing as somebody that's destined to be with you. It's a choice."
"Whenever I need money, it comes into my life."
"Spirituality is a matter that should lay directly and solely between a person and God, as is every person's inherent natural rights, with no middlemen and especially no government of middlemen."
"I just hate Communists. Yeah, you know communism is a very bad ideology."
"I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and that in some way, this was meant to push us in a better direction."
"The current path of our country is embarrassing to me. And, by the way, I need to tell you, from a political perspective, I don't sit on either side."
"We need not visit the holy land to feel Him close to us. We need not walk by the shores of Galilee or among the Judean Hills to walk where Jesus walked. In a very real sense, all can walk where Jesus walked when, with His words on our lips, His spirit in our hearts, and His teachings in our lives, we journey through mortality."
"You're never going to get 100% of anyone. There is scientific consensus on a global Earth."
"I don't care what people say, money makes life easier."
"I am made in the image of God, therefore I am who He says I am, I can do what He says I can do, and I will have all that He has for me."
"Some will love thee, some will hate thee, some will praise thee, some will slight. Cease from man and look above thee, trust in God, and do what's right."
"Philosophically, I'm still a classical liberal. My opinion hasn't changed."
"I am still a deep believer in God. I pray every evening to God, but my God is different than the God when I was a Christian boy."
"God himself is creative, and if God himself is creative, then He can make me creative too."
"God does not play about me. I'm definitely favored."
"Once I had the courage to question my religion, it went downhill for my religiosity and uphill for me."
"I gathered myself and my courage and said, 'I don't believe in Allah, I don't believe in Islam, I'm not a Muslim.'"
"Religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God."
"Well, I'm personally, I'm pro-choice of it. I personally would never have an abortion; but I can't tell anyone else."
"Religious liberty is incredibly important to me. I am a person of faith. My family is one of deep and abiding faith."
"Quietly confident, believe in yourself enough."
"I have to make a decision whether I'm going to read the Bible through the eyes of the people that God prompted produced the thing, their worldview."
"Give Jesus a 30-day challenge. Say, 'If You're real, show me who You are.'"
"I'm a big advocate for mental health now, and I truly believe in what therapy can offer."
"It represents how big Christ is in my life. And I think a 62 foot tall sculpture of Christ reflects how big God is."
"I really do believe that this is interesting and it's a net positive to civil discourse."
"Believe in this person, believe in this connection; you're getting a sign."
"I'm a big believer in the American dream. I'm living it, you're living it, a lot of people are living it, and it's real."
"A lot of us think that age is inevitable and that we are going to lose the ability to move and to do all the things we love, but I personally don't believe that to be the case."
"I honestly wouldn't ban religion...I'd march on letting them believe in their God. It's your right to believe in whatever."
"Expect any day good news is gonna come your way and that sets the universe up to like today could be the day I'm ready for it."
"I don't have a lot of the the weights and the barriers of things are not possible because of color your skin or where you lived it so I always knew everything was possible."
"If you believe things when you hear them, you're in a very dangerous place."
"It's a bigger issue than that boils down to you and what you believe in."
"You've got to internalize it and you've got to live with it you've got to know you've already got it intellectually and emotionally and it's only a period of time till it manifests in form."
"Accepting Islam is like saying my trainers are excellent, it's about accepting reality."
"I think there is no secret... I think the secret is... he was just a divine intervention of the force."
"I am not a deeply religious person man I am not a theistic in the sense of like you know any one particular religion I'll tell you I do believe in God."
"But for Tom Harper, that faith has been challenged. Is it possible then to remain a Christian?"
"I genuinely do believe that perspective really, really matters."
"I've had doubts about religion in general since I was 19."
"Jesus is his king and if that's where this album stopped then I really couldn't say much against it outside of subjectivity."
"Truth must be internalized; it's not just an external factor."
"I really feel like you are destined to be with this person."
"Talent has always been the most important right."
"Instinct over intellect always. Instinct just because you can rationalize it doesn't mean it's right if you feel it then it's right that's what I really strongly believe so I would have told my 21-year-old that."
"If you believe that you're a good person and the game and your enjoyment of this game has nothing to do with anything negative, continue to play the game."
"There's nothing wrong with me, I'm not a sinner, God doesn't hate me."
"I do believe you're going to make it."
"You can love the man, you can love what he's doing, you can love all these things, but you gotta acknowledge the man's sins if you're a religious person."
"I support freedom of speech even when it offends people."
"Well, I said the Lord would heal him. She said, 'I know it, I know it.'"
"When I began to believe that the Bible was simply a book written by people as flawed and imperfect as I am, that was when my belief in God truly began to unravel."
"I have such certainty and confidence around it."
"It also manifests itself in a belief in me... everything you do has to be for something great."
"I come to this view as a trained professional."
"José believed that he was actually in touch with Angelic beings."
"I'm always going to lean conservative, I'm always going to lean towards the side that respects life, that honors life."
"If it's meant to be for you, it's gonna be for you."
"Humans lead with belief... once you decide to believe that you can learn anything, your life will change forever."
"I'm under the grace of the resurrected savior."
"You can live by faith, you can live by the spirit."
"You have to understand the first premise: you are a spiritual being."
"Evolution is not a science, never has and never will be." - Josh Feuerstein
"The inherent subjectivity of that experience is all the more reason why it should not ever be considered in lawmaking."
"I think it's the only thing in some ways that really makes sense."
"As a Muslim, I have to respect that you have a different religion."
"The claim 'I know what I am' is the claim of the divine in form."
"You will never prosper until you believe it's God's will for you to prosper."
"He said he believed her but at the same time he uh he didn't try to brow beat thomas enough."
"It's like you want it to be true so you're like, I will do anything to let this become a reality for me. You know, I'm just waiting for my owl to drop off my invitation to Hogwarts."
"Now's the time to trust Christ before it's too late."
"It's all about I don't feel that my church represents the God I know so I'm ditching it."
"I feel as though the fact that I'm taking the walk with God that he wants me to take with him it's the reason why I be in place regardless if I want a man or a woman."
"Do you believe you can be born in the wrong time?"
"It's happening for you, it's already in route."
"But the reason I feel like she is telling the truth is because that was the root of it."
"I strongly believe 'Mortal Man' is the greatest track that Kendrick Lamar has ever written."
"Believe in yourself; others will believe in you too. Be authentic, no facades."
"She believes that she somehow woke up in another universe."
"You get what you want completely, and that's what I truly believe."
"You can manifest your dream body, you can manifest physical changes, I've seen other people do it, I've done it on myself so I definitely know it's possible."
"Everything that happens is a combination of two things. I have to put in my effort and Allah will make the task easy."
"This is better than the whole prophesying thing."
"never ever doubt yourself on your ability and what you can do"
"I believe we can have affordable health care but most of all I believe in you."
"Somebody's opinion of you does not have to become your reality."
"Assume it is done, that what you have planted will appear."