
Readiness Quotes

There are 19910 quotes

"Self-care is about being more ready to do better for the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You've worked hard for this moment, receive it when it comes in and say 'Yes, I'm ready, I'm willing, I deserve this.'"
"Are you ready to receive? That's the big thing here for being the magnet."
"You don't find your dharma; your dharma finds you."
"You don't find dharma; it just dumps itself in your lap when you are ready."
"The one thing all fools have in common is that they're always getting ready to start."
"You're ready for this new stage and the bravery message here is really just letting you know that you're ready, you can handle it."
"If you're not willing to sacrifice, you're not ready for self-improvement."
"It's okay to not be ready to quit today, as long as you keep moving towards readiness."
"We are up in the air and we're ready to begin moving in the direction we desire."
"Somebody may like all of a sudden be ready for this situation."
"Suffering often means there is a greater readiness for spiritual awakening."
"When the student is ready, the teacher appears."
"When you are ready and when you feel confident, select your group and join me in your reading."
"Life comes at you fast; ban comes at you faster."
"You're ready to tackle the world, your new Modern Age."
"All right, everybody ready? Yeah, let's do it!"
"If you stay ready, you ain't gotta get ready."
"I am willing, ready, and able to receive money."
"People will speak, I think, when they're ready to speak and what we can do if we're close to someone is let them know that we're here and we will support them when they are ready to talk about what happened."
"An adventurer can never let their guard down."
"The best thing you can do is just prepare yourself."
"You build muscle during the times that you're failing, and then you're ready to go and execute the next time around."
"Forgiveness is a process, and no one should be rushed into forgiving anyone until they feel that they're ready."
"You have all the tools, the wisdom, the knowledge, the passion. What you're ready for is yours."
"You have all the tools that you need at your disposal."
"Follow your passion. You are ready for any challenge. Opportunities and excitement and adventure."
"Your soulmate is there, and it's everything that you have ever wanted, but you have to heal from you have to heal your inner child because right now if your soulmate came into your life, you would scare them off."
"You're not too old, you're not too young, you're more than ready to take the action now."
"You have been attracted to these pages because you are ready to benefit from them."
"When a student is ready, the teacher appears."
"After just getting that sort of rant out of my system, I'm ready."
"Take stock a little bit and think, 'Alright, I'm ready now to really take a right turn or to try something brand new.'"
"I am love, I am light, and I am ready for all of the abundance that 2020 wants to bring to me."
"Living our lives in anticipation of Christ's return requires us to lead a life of holiness and constant readiness."
"Your answer to this question is your personal statement of who you are and why you are ready for this position."
"Are you in the right headspace to receive information that could possibly hurt you?"
"These stories just kind of float out there and they find you when maybe you're ready to find them."
"You're never going to feel ready, you just have to go for it."
"I hope you never have to rely solely on your preps, and if you do, you will be ready."
"You're ready for these big happy changes, and it's time for you to choose a new direction."
"The key to success is to start before you're ready."
"Anything for you, anything. What do you need?"
"Mindset is everything. Until you're mentally prepared, you're never physically ready."
"I genuinely feel so much stronger and just ready to take on this year because of what I went through and what I overcame."
"As soon as you are ready, or the universe feels that you are ready, you're gonna be aligned with the right people, places, things."
"Sometimes you're never really ready to do something, you just gotta like get to the point where you have more faith and you're excited more than you have fear, and then you just go for it."
"The key to success is to start before you are ready."
"God's timing throws everything off. You might swear you're ready, but there might be a few more things God wants you to set up."
"I'm ready for awesome whenever you are, universe. You hear me? Awesome."
"Ready or not, world, I'm coming to save you."
"Emergency prep is now; it is now to get going because you don't want to be caught in a situation and you're not prepared."
"He came into my life when I was ready to be loved."
"Go before you're ready. Just do it. You're never going to be ready."
"You're never really ready. You just gotta go for it. You gotta do it to become ready."
"Feeling ready to take on the world, the Disney World that is."
"Feel yourself starting to sweat. Remember, you're ready for this."
"The forge stands ready to make weapons of war."
"Don't move for the sake of moving, move because you're ready, move because you want it."
"If you stay ready, you don't have to get ready."
"I'm ready to start traveling again. I'm ready to go on a road trip."
"You're ready. Listen to your inner guidance."
"The first thing you need to know when it comes to investing in the stock market is whether you are in a position, whether you are ready to invest."
"You're never going to feel ready, and that's why it's important to show up because by showing up you start to gain that knowledge and experience that you need in order to bridge that gap from where you were to where you're going."
"Yeah, bring it on, whatever you guys need to, I'm always ready."
"It's dark right now, but morning is on the way. It's our job, Georgia, to put our shoes on and get ready."
"Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near."
"When should we know that we are healed enough? When you can embrace being fully vulnerable with somebody."
"Are you ready to transform your life as you know it?"
"Persistent prayer doesn't change God; it gets you ready and causes you to be processed and able to receive God's will in the earth."
"If you want to fight, Simple's gonna give it."
"Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you for the reason for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and respect. - 1 Peter 3:15"
"I got a lot of questions about why I came out when I did. It was for the simple reason that I was finally ready."
"The perfect right time is whatever time you decide to do something because honestly, you're never really ready for anything."
"Everything in your past was getting you ready for what you're about to do in your life."
"You've got to be willing to go into action. Don't wait around for things to be just right."
"I've been watching this. I've been studying film sessions. I know what he likes to do. I know what he doesn't like to do. Just know I'm ready."
"You are ready to become what you are already."
"The greatest sign of spiritual maturity is how I deal with the revelation that I'm not ready to move into yet."
"I am ready. I am all for this. Whoo! Let's go!"
"At some point, we all bought into this lie that you've got to feel ready in order to change. We bought into this complete falsehood that at some point you're going to have the courage, at some point you're going to have the confidence, and it's total bullshit."
"Real love is no easy path. Readiness is everything."
"Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching."
"I live for the last few minutes of my life, so that I can say, 'I am ready to go; what a good life I've had.'"
"Seeing yourself as already good enough to embark on these transformations will make you feel prepared and willing to be open."
"When you're ready, move forward from a position of strength."
"You are ready to share your life with your soulmate."
"Unless you are awake, you are not able to see it coming."
"Change is upon this world, but unfortunately, it seems that the masses will not be ready for it until it affects them directly."
"Lord, may we practice in such a way that when you call upon us, we are ready to step into purpose."
"The worst thing that could happen is that you get there and you're not prepared, and then you have no plan."
"You both felt it, but I feel this is a case of when you first met, neither of you were fully ready to be together."
"You will have to be available for your soul mate's arrival."
"Never again will we be unprepared. We're going to be ready."
"Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope."
"People in today's society keep saying like I don't want to take on responsibility until I'm ready for it. The answer is take on responsibility now, and then you become ready for it."
"You are only moved into your position of promise when you are ready. Everything you have gone through helps with the principles you need to prosper."
"I let my father die because I trusted him, because he was convinced that I had to wait, that the world was not ready."
"Be prepared, so overprepared that no one can catch you ever off guard."
"When the student is ready, the teaching appears."
"You don't have to be ready for where you're going; you just have to be ready for what's next, and the universe will meet you halfway."
"The Divine will provide you with love when you are ready."
"Prepare yourself for the love that is coming your way, knowing that you deserve to be and have all that your heart truly desires."
"You're just ready to let go and move forward."
"There's always someone ready to solve the problem, whatever the problem may be."
"Brandish your swords and take up your shields, for the mighty battle is about to begin."
"If you're still trying to keep your options open in a relationship, you're not with the right person."
"Good news is, Calvin Ridley has shown he's more than ready for the spotlight."
"If the universe is saying you're ready, you're ready."
"I'm ready. I am ready to win a championship."
"You will never feel ready to do things that scare you."
"If you're not ready to face opposition for your obedience to God, you're not ready to be used by God."
"You're ready to face whatever is going to confront you."
"You are ready to receive what wants to come your way."
"The launch vehicle, payload, ground systems, and Eastern Range are go for launch."
"If you feel like you're ready to be in a relationship, then that's what matters most."
"The Bible says therefore you also be ready for the son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect."
"Hope you're excited. Hope you're ready. Wands up, everybody, time to go."
"All parties are reported go for launch countdown."
"It's better to be lucky, but I would rather be exact. That way, when luck comes, you're ready."
"You're never going to feel ready to make these changes; you're never going to feel like doing them. But you can always make a decision. That's always in your control."
"You don't have to get ready if you stay ready."
"I love you, you're my brother, but I don't know if you're ready."
"We can't wait until the crisis to fix these things."
"Everybody wants it, but statistics prove that most of us are not ready for it."
"I just want to get in there, bro. But since we last saw action..."
"Just ship things before you're ready." - Elizabeth
"It's not a problem, I'll prepare something else."
"There's never a wrong time to protect your home."
"Winning will require keeping our Assets in the fight rearming our warships vertical launch tubes at Sea."
"I just know that it's different, and the fool, I'm open towards it."
"Okay, I'm ready to go. Are you ready? Here we go!"
"I don't think y'all ready. I don't think I'm ready. Who's ready?"
"The master in heaven is always ready to listen."
"So if somebody throw that ball up and say, okay, these guys, they sitting out tonight, here you go. Then you know, you gotta step up. You gotta be ready to go."
"For many militaries, the challenge of getting enough of the right people into uniform poses threats to readiness and strategy."
"There's nothing more important in all of the world than living ready to meet the Lord."
"The importance is she wants to be ready when she meets her groom."
"The doors to your destiny are already unlocked."
"France, Europe's best military power, ready for high-intensity combat."
"The most important lesson of the evening: You need to live ready to meet the Lord every single day."
"Expect the unexpected, even the switch moments."
"Never going to say 'I wish I had my camera around.'"
"Jesus is coming soon and I want you to be ready."
"Every revolution needs people that are willing and ready to fight."
"The vaccine is coming and we're ready to administer it."
"We're ready to go, the vaccine will be distributed immediately."
"Ready to greet the intruder to protect anything."
"The secret was to start before you're ready and to just trust the process."
"Be decisive, clear, concise, on point, ready, train to go, demon time."
"Games are made by humans with their own views, and just like any other art form, those views will somehow or another make it into their game."
"You're ready to take on whatever 2022 has got coming for you."
"I'm not getting in the ring unless I know I'm gonna win."
"There's nothing in Islam that says you can't."
"It's never done... I think it is done, and you know, the next thing, I'm always ready to make new [stuff]."
"You're not in control of your death. It could happen any time and you need to be ready."
"A ready-made press corner prospect as you can possibly find."
"I'm excited, I'm really excited, ready to go have an adventure, let's do it."
"Get it together because anything could happen."
"It's made me ready and for this. It's crazy the life I have now."
"You gotta start checking those blocks. You know, food, water, fire, energy, then address your medical needs and your security needs."
"Laurie is totally in a spot to take the killers down."
"Given the time and training Leon is good to go as a killer killer."
"I feel like I'm so ready for Christmas now, if it came tomorrow I would still be ready."
"It's almost like everything is aligning all at once in October, so get ready, you're about to receive."
"A man will only chase you when he's in a good place, has his act together, and knows what he wants."
"When the student is ready, the teacher appears, and brothers and sisters, class is now in session."
"Whatever you want to create, it will happen now because you're truly ready."
"I am ready now, I am grateful for the experiences, I'm grateful for the challenges and the blocks because they have given me context, they've given me perspective."
"There's nothing holding me back, I am ready now."
"You're entering into a new phase... tell the universe you're ready for your upgrade."
"It's always about how to deal with what's in front of us, possibilities, right? So I'm always excited to see what the possibilities are for you."
"My heart is pure, my hands are steady, my taste buds have been preparing their entire lives for this moment."
"Change is overdue. Listen to your inner calling, be open to change."
"It's hard to fill a cup which is already full."
"This is you forming this new version of yourself, this new iteration is coming out of the chrysalis period and you are so ready to emerge."
"What you have to do is step back and say, when you are ready, when you want to, I'm ready to change this."
"Opportunities are going to show up, and if you ain't prepared, yeah, preparation."
"We're good, we're on board, we're excited to get started."
"I'm completely ready for the next adventure."
"Are you ready to face persecution and are you ready to face things that aren't perhaps the kind of extreme persecution Jesus talked about they're just life being uncomfortable because you're a Christian?"
"If you're ready for it, it will come into your life."
"Start before you're ready; you'll never feel ready."
"A key to success is to start before you're ready."
"They called me and said, 'Sir, we're ready to go.'"
"Don't rush anything. Once it's ready, you're gonna know it's ready."
"The future is now, and you'd better be ready."
"Nitro comes out ahead, sword and shield at the ready."
"Ventilated disc brakes, all-terrain tires: ready for off-road action."
"He's got nothing to lose so he goes bring it on."
"The kayak comes fully equipped for fishing needs."
"I think they understand that we have to come together. I think they're ready to unite."
"I love the challenge. This is my toughest fight yet, and I'm prepared."
"Our response to it is to preach the word, be instant in season and out of season, be ready to convince, rebuke, and instruct."
"Ready for a shift, but authenticity is a must."
"You are ready for a transformative, deep love."
"Since then, we've completed thorough inspections and replaced the components that could have been degraded by exposure to this vapor and we've been working hand in hand with NASA throughout the process and now we're ready to launch."
"You're already changing, and it's just a matter of when you're ready to truly emerge and show what's in your heart."
"Now it's time. That's what this is all about."
"If you're attacking somebody and they have a weapon, you should be ready to die."