
Negotiation Quotes

There are 6930 quotes

"One of the great secrets to negotiation is learning how to exhaust the other side."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate." - John F. Kennedy
"Your people's soul in exchange for gold. How about it?"
"It's all about living a rich life, whether that is traveling or finding your dream job or negotiating your salary."
"The secret to gaining the upper hand in negotiation is giving the other side the illusion of control."
"Empathy is seeing from another person's perspective; sympathy is feeling sorry for them. In negotiations, empathy is a strength, while sympathy can be a weakness."
"Never deny a negative directly; observation without denial can change the dynamic of a negotiation."
"Always be the first one to say, 'How can I support you?'"
"If you go in and ask for a raise, you're not devaluing yourself; you're actually increasing your value."
"Negotiation is the only way to address the existing differences among the key actors regarding regional security issues."
"They are skilled staff of negotiators; they know how to get debt out of your life permanently without bankruptcy and without a loan."
"It is better to negotiate for a hundred years than to wage war for a single day."
"The door is always open for dialogue... those have to be rooted in what's reasonable, what's affordable, what's responsible for the country."
"You don't get what you want out of life, you get what you negotiate."
"The negotiation should be that you both get something better than either of you would have had if you were separate."
"The real art of negotiation lies in the ability to listen more and talk less."
"The secondary issue is, if you do what they want, are they going to let them go?"
"I've made a fortune by using debt, and if things don't work out, I renegotiate the debt. That's a smart thing, not a stupid thing."
"Negotiating with other people to reach agreements is different than negotiating with your own principles."
"There has to be some reasonable off-ramp where we're not going to fight forever."
"Yara is surprisingly skilled with these sort of negotiations."
"When there's an opportunity to negotiate, when peace can be achieved, seize it."
"The only process that allows for negotiation in the absence of capitulation or conflict is speech."
"I offer my knowledge and skill to you now, in exchange for your consideration to my people in the future."
"If I have to choose between getting help right now to Americans who are hurting so badly and getting bogged down in a lengthy negotiation or compromising on a bill that's up to the crisis, that's an easy choice. I'm going to help the American people who are hurting now."
"Most of the work is done before you ever walk in that room: making sure that you're a top performer, asking your boss what it would take to get a compensation adjustment, and actually exceeding those goals."
"Once you understand what somebody else is experiencing, you can create a win-win for them."
"You're getting this offer; it's not going to get better."
"Whenever a deal gets made, this is the essence of deals: everyone is unhappy. If a deal happens where one side is very happy and the other side is very unhappy, well then you know who won the deal."
"In life, you don't get what you deserve; you get what you negotiate."
"You don't trust him because he comes in prepared and he's negotiating what he's willing to respond to, working through all the details of it."
"Never split the difference because I think negotiation in life is huge."
"Even as engineers, even if you feel like ultimately we've got to deal with the people on the floor and we've got to do this weird voting thing to go back and forth, it also grants you as a laborer the ability to haggle back and forth with management up the chain from you."
"It's very hard to negotiate in a public agreement... We should agree on areas where we can agree and move forward for the benefit of the American people. That's what we're all here for."
"Negotiation requires confidence... life itself is a great negotiation game."
"You are not paid what you're worth; you're paid what you ask for."
"The purpose of indirect negotiation is to create a platform of mutual empathy between two people with opposing interests."
"It has been a process of negotiating and sitting at a table in good faith. But ultimately, I have decided that we're going to go our own course and take an independent path."
"Both of you get what you want, and only when both of you feel like you're getting more than what you gave, then a deal is made."
"No is not the end of a conversation; it's the beginning of a conversation."
"The secret to gaining the upper hand in negotiations is giving the other side the illusion of control."
"I'm going to try to give you some timeless, proven techniques so that you can become a better negotiator."
"If you make the other side feel free that they can say no at any time, then it respects their autonomy."
"Compromise is the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes they have the biggest piece."
"The key to negotiation is not only understanding one's own needs but also those of the other side."
"Negotiation is a constant thing... you might as well be good at it."
"Negotiation is really about collaboration. It's not about your way or my way but finding a third way where we both get added benefit."
"The greatest negotiators in the world really maximize that because it's an invisible skill, but it's a skill you can change, it's learnable, and learnable. You can teach it, you can learn it, you can practice it."
"The most important thing is always to be prepared in a negotiation."
"You're negotiating in your life all the time... you're always negotiating."
"It's so important to learn the art of negotiation."
"We like to start with the nine negotiation skills; there are two that everybody likes."
"Never split the difference, which has sold more than two million copies worldwide."
"It's relevant to more than just FBI negotiations...it's relevant to all the interactions I have with all humans."
"Negotiation is just a conversation. It's just an exchange."
"Being trusted. If you really want to be an effective negotiator, be trusted."
"Separate the people from the problem, and focus on interests, not positions."
"Every interaction you have is more or less a negotiation for a desired outcome."
"You don't get what you want in life, you get what you're willing to negotiate."
"When negotiating with people you care about, reputation trumps an ultimate win."
"Never let emotions block you from getting what you need."
"At the heart of negotiation is the attempt to achieve better understandings and better agreements."
"Never let your offer speak for itself... tell the story that goes with it."
"You need to write their victory speech for them... think about how will this person possibly say yes to what I'm proposing and still be able to go back and declare victory."
"You should never tell a car dealer that you are paying cash, especially during the sales process and especially during the negotiation process."
"A good negotiator never ignores the emotions of the person they’re talking to, and they certainly don’t ignore their own."
"Respect is even more important in your day-to-day life because chances are you will need to talk to whoever you are negotiating with again at some point."
"My name is Jack Manville, and I am a direct descendant of Benedict Arnold, and if the price is right, I can give you everything you need to know."
"The sustainability of modern politics derives not from an uncompromising absolutism but rather through the painstaking marking out of a common ground."
"It's definitely a buyer's market in the sense that if you see an asking price, more often than not, you can bring that down."
"Everything is negotiable now that the market is slowing down. Don't be afraid to negotiate."
"It's not what you're worth, it's what you negotiate."
"The strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it."
"Instead, we need to learn how to negotiate with these fears. Don't just shut them out; it won't last."
"What you want is to negotiate your way to a sustainable peace."
"Business is an art form, and so is the art of the deal."
"It is increasingly clear to this reporter that the only rational way out will be to negotiate, not as victors, but as honorable people who lived up to their pledge to defend democracy, and did the best they could."
"Both sides have to show a willingness to come up with a deal."
"I wasn't writing about not making as much as my male co-stars... it was more of how did my mentality get in my own way of fighting just as hard as the men to get a better deal."
"We brought all the parties to the table—insurers, manufacturers, and other key players—and reached an agreement to deliver insulin at stable and drastically lower out-of-pocket costs for our seniors."
"Democracy is about people having a conversation, the great conversation of society, in which we negotiate with one another about how we go forward, how we organize ourselves in society."
"The board are practical people, 47. A blank check is hard to turn down."
"There needs to be a realistic peace negotiation, and the sooner the better."
"To date, 112 live hostages have been freed through a combination of strong military pressure and tough negotiations."
"My experience in my marriage has been, with mutual goodwill and the commitment to radical honesty, negotiation succeeds."
"My read on that transcript is that Zelenski, the president of Ukraine, clearly was attempting to broker some sort of deal to restore military aid."
"Ask for your worth. The money is there. I promise you will not lose the job."
"Dak and his new agent jerked the rug out from under Jerry Jones in a negotiation, and you do not do that to Gerald Wayne Jones Jr."
"Dealing with the White House is like dealing with a bowl of Jell-O."
"We think that would be really good for our country. We support it. We're ready to negotiate."
"The best way to get yourself a good deal on a car is to simply just be nice to these people."
"Be as nice as possible and value the dealer's time."
"Politics is about negotiating power, resolving differences, and solving problems; it's not war."
"The worst thing to do during a negotiation is humiliate the other party."
"Steve actually agreed to meet Ray all the way at a hotel in Zurich, Switzerland."
"Instead of just changing their team name like anybody else would, they decided to approach me as an admin with an offer: 'If we trade somebody's life for a cocoa bean, we will sacrifice somebody.'"
"The entire point of the Teamsters is to negotiate better pay and benefits for tons of different workers."
"One of the preconditions for peace agreements is that both sides actually want peace."
"Wars only end really by mutual consent. You continue ratcheting up the pain until the pain is greater than your opponent's will can bear."
"We will sit down with Russia. There will be a negotiated peace."
"My job is to negotiate on your behalf, but you're not giving me much to work with here."
"It's an asymmetric negotiation, hidden movement, real-time train war game. Do you want it? Of course, you do."
"A week ago, the primary gang leader...basically said okay, the fuel terminal is open."
"A multipolar world is one in which people have to negotiate rather than reaching for their rockets."
"How about instead of you eating me, I help you with your zoo?"
"If you walk into a dealership and you know what you're talking about, you're better able to say, 'This is what I want, this is how much I want to pay,' and get a good deal."
"Silence is good. Sit there in silence with the hostage taker. Why? Because you don't sit in silence with people you don't know."
"When I take your perspective, and I think about what you really want, you're more likely to give me what I really want."
"You convince your opponent that if he does something you don't like he's going to end up in a worse position if he does it."
"In this kind of situation, some kind of negotiation with the Russians is an absolutely mandatory requirement."
"Be willing to negotiate everything except for your values."
"That's business 101. When presented with a deal, if you don't like the offer, counteroffer."
"Business 101: When presenting a deal, if you don't like the offer, counteroffer."
"Don't try to tyrannize yourself, negotiate with yourself and use some reward."
"I know he's going to be amazing, so 18 million straight up. Okay, let's negotiate."
"I couldn't accept that low offer because if I did, I couldn't sleep at night because I am the most, and I say this humbly, I am the most decorated comedian alive."
"Elon needs to get to the next next phase where he goes to prominent high profile individuals and says how much do you want for your show to be an exclusive X show."
"I know my worth... When they brought the offer, I was like, 'This is peanuts. I can't eat this.'" - Ivan Orji
"If you have a situation, it's like, 'Yo, make this shoe design and then give it to me and I'll give you back two million dollars on Tuesday.' Right? Boom."
"It's better than a kamikaze clean break Brexit."
"He might yet be able to make a deal of some kind."
"Chamberlain is not afraid of anyone he says why have you brought me here if that was what you wanted."
"Prigozhin and Wagner took up arms against the state openly and in public and they managed to cut themselves a deal as a result."
"Fugger wielded a great deal of power and influence, and that can be the most valuable currency of all."
"Every haggle might come with some natural give and take, but a careful negotiation could have a very far-reaching outcome, indeed."
"The opening salvo is to establish your target and open the door for further conflict."
"The EU wasn't perfect, but it could have been reformed by negotiation."
"Trump is not the great negotiator he claims to be."
"Learning to connect with them is about learning what not to say and what to say to help get them to say yes to you."
"Congress is a place where you cut deals, and that is the reality of the situation."
"Forcing Biden to the table after he said he wouldn't go to the table is a thing."
"Compromise is where everybody comes to the table and everybody gets up with winning or getting something."
"Worst case scenario: Sancho doesn't come and United have wasted weeks on a deal they knew all the problems about."
"I still haven't lost faith on the Sancho deal being completed. Smack the doubt out of my home."
"Fair enough, any reason to block is good enough."
"Successful negotiation, successful negotiation, successful negotiation that is absolutely going to be mind-blowing and life-changing."
"We propose unlimited extensions and if... maybe end up on two or three or maybe one. But that is by far those two trips if you gotta insist on those two perfect I love that it's great."
"If Donald Trump struck a deal with the prosecutor, he could have avoided what's about to happen to him."
"You cannot negotiate, you cannot placate an enemy who is absolutely bent on your destruction."
"The only way she can settle this case would be to enter into a stipulation."
"You don't swoop in and take our staff and players for cheap; you pay the top price or you don't get them."
"Say what you mean, negotiate, and offer solutions."
"Martin escaped death twice, all because he wanted a better deal and saved some money. Lucky, lucky man."
"Union workers generally enjoy better wages than non-union workers because unions can negotiate these wages."
"Being more reasonable without being right, that's the thing you don't want to advertise weakness but there is strength in simply being able to say no..."
"An off-ramp would look like a negotiated peace."
"Lorna appears deeply impressed by the Frost sisters during the negotiation."
"They knew about societies that we created. Hell, some of the Chiefs and Kings they negotiated with were more intelligent than the slave catcher."
"Rommel tried to point out to Hitler that the war was lost and negotiation with the Allies was necessary."
"Fine, but it'll be $2000 continental money for me and my brother. Deal?"
"We do not approach these negotiations expecting failure but anticipating success."
"I'm open to anything and everything to be blunt if I do sign with any organization it's gonna be on terms that I would exactly want sort of thing."
"If you give them an inch, you're gonna take a mile."
"You can make demands all you want but the demand doesn't mean anything if you have no leverage."
"Let's give Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices. Health care should be a right, not a privilege in America."
"Time is of the essence... we pass this bill next week or we stay in session the recess week after until we can pass a bill to begin the negotiation with the president."
"It's somebody who negotiates the differences between two people in a particular way with a particular generosity and sometimes humor."
"Let me be your manager, dude. Let me be your manager, but David Management, from prostitutes to comedians, and this is what I'm—you let me negotiate first."
"There's got to be a little bit of a back and forth."
"It's a constant negotiation and it is a contentious negotiation which is good because these things are complicated."
"He said he did the deal with Dave and Dave's like okay what do you want to get paid?"
"As soon as you started negotiating you were going to get a bad deal."
"Please don't judge me, and I won't judge you" is kind of like saying, "If you don't kill me, I won't kill you."
"Never interview with just one company because you're not going to have any leverage to get another offer."
"Even if it's hiring, their initial offer is more likely to not be their best offer."
"They were the first cast to negotiate together so that they all had the same salary."
"So I said six thousand dollars and he was like, 'Done.'"
"I don't think our leverage has ever been greater than this." - Nancy Pelosi
"It's important to create meaningful relationships... if you go in there and just slashing prices... typically you'll get chewed up and spit out."
"He's looking at the best way to make sure he gets the best deal possible for American workers."
"Once you change the conversation, you change the compensation."
"President wanted to go to zero, I knew the number was 800."
"Enough with the counter punching, enough with the invalidation of the other side."
"People who have goodwill need to sit down, develop whatever deal they can, and get it passed."
"EPL can absolutely call their bluff... I'll make my own league."
"They'll make an offer based on the profit they think the owner should be making... regardless of what the asking price is."
"No pressure at all. It was a frank and candid conversation."
"Release me now, and when I reshape this world in my image, you’ll get a seat at the table."
"My target ultimately for a Bitcoin is a four hundred thousand dollar price." - Max Keiser
"An important negotiation...remarkable, remarkable, remarkable indeed."
"The truth of the engagement will probably be somewhere in the middle."
"Joe Biden took advantage of the Republicans' very rational fear of defaulting on the debt."
"Charlie worked hard to persuade JP Morgan to see Frank like she did."
"Them offering a whopping 53,000, which was less than wholesale for a Z06 Corvette, allowed me to swoop in and buy it for a pretty good deal at 60,000."
"I'm like please just don't shoot because we're going to get this figured out."
"I believe that the strongest are those who see the situation, think about the people, and have the courage to raise the white flag and negotiate."
"I asked Secretary Pompeo whether a face-to-face conversation between Trump and Zelenski would help to break the logjam."
"It's like the mafia, negotiating a deal with the other guy."
"We need to get back into the Iran nuclear agreement and negotiate how we can improve it."
"If we walk away from this deal when Anthony's done a public interview saying that he wants to come, it will damage our reputation irreparably with future signings and other football clubs."
"Have you considered making an agreement with other channels... like a collective bargaining?"
"It's far more satisfying when you elicit compliance from the suspect through planning and execution instead of killing them."
"A negotiation game unlike anything else on the market, wheels within wheels within wheel wheels, so many layered systems to bribe with, extort with, shark with, everything being tradable all of the time presents a sandbox that is just so fluid."
"The only elected officials I hear talking about de-escalation, it's a handful of Republicans in the house and the Senate, and then the only world leader is Donald Trump that's saying that, hey, negotiations are what we need to be doing."
"To force the ukrainians to start negotiation process... the Russians need to have a stable back."
"I don't need to ride this bike to make this deal but I'm going to because I can."
"She's a tough negotiator, she doesn't suffer fools, she's incredibly effective at her job."
"It's not a threat, but we are willing to take all this ransom money and add it to the pot for those who can bring us to you, whoever you are."
"You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate."
"What's irresponsible is giving away all of your leverage for absolutely nothing concrete."